BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

Does it matter?

Again your party's Felonies and Seditious acts and violations of privacy are accomplishing nothing.

And a 10 year old tax return? You committed a Felony to get your hands on that?

He paid $38 Million in taxes... And exactly how stupid does that make you look now?

Since Trump was elected The Deep State Obama Clinton Moles have Committed 15 Felonies and accomplished nothing.

Not 1 crime committed by the president or his staff. Nothing...

Is it worth it when they start sending your Seditious Felon Heros to prison?
Eventually they will find them.

And when they start singing some people in high places are going to take some big falls.

The Russians shouldn't scare anyone as much The Democrat Party.

Tax rates for top presidential candidates.

Sanders 13%
Clinton 17 %
Obama 19%
Trump 25%

America is laughing at you Lefty.

And they are more concerned about your felonies and your criminal and unethical behavior than they are Putin.

You guys keep digging a hole that you may never extricate yourself from.

The Public trusts the President more than they trust Madcow. That's got to make you feel good, right?

Makes me laugh.


Percentage is based on tax brackets. Sanders makes by FAR the lowest amount than any other person on that list. Good thing you left that part out eh?

You can keep repeating false information over and over but it isn't going to change the fact you are wrong. :laugh:
I wonder what reaction Maddow would have if her taxes are leaked. I wonder what loopholes she exploited and how much she earned as a two bit communist reporter.

Who knows what might be leaked int he coming months....

Maddow is embarrassing. NBC is garbage.

Another thing that blew up in the loon's faces.

Simply hilarious, for the last year they claimed Trump paid no taxes...then find out he paid 38 mil. HAHAHAHA.....priceless
I would bet money it was Soros that disclosed it.
His hedge fund was one of several funding sources involved in the Chicago Trump Tower deal.
I wonder what reaction Maddow would have if her taxes are leaked. I wonder what loopholes she exploited and how much she earned as a two bit communist reporter.

Who knows what might be leaked int he coming months....

Maddow is embarrassing. NBC is garbage.

Another thing that blew up in the loon's faces.

Simply hilarious, for the last year they claimed Trump paid no taxes...then find out he paid 38 mil. HAHAHAHA.....priceless
Maddow has one saving grace...
You can't lose any credibility when you have none.
Someone in the IRS must have leaked them specifically to her. Probably a fan of hers that wants to see her get the credit. Hopefully Trump gets his lawyers going on this right away.
what are his lawyers going to do? Don't you really want to see just what his relation with Russia is?
Wow, you really drink the kool-aid, don't you?

The left has made up this fiction about how the tax returns are the smoking gun that Trump has a relationship with Russia. Do you realize that such a statement is a political charge without merit or proof?

If the courts allow this to be release, I intend to rub it in every one's nose if it turns out to be just a normal business tax return.

He did have business with Russia...he did the pageant over it will be another left wing fail....

The illlegally obtained returns did not show anything derogatory about DJT

They did show that DJT is a patriot who paid over $38 MMMMMMillion in Taxes

Her show was a scam to increase her ratings.


The Rachel Maddow Show : MSNBCW : March 13, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT : Free Streaming : Internet Archive

This may change the mind of even the most willfully ignorant, if they watch the show. It is one comprehensive link of Trump's connection to Plutocrats around the globe. Those who claim globalism is a danger will go away scared to death with Trump and his adminsitration's connection to Russian and Chinese Oligarchs.

As a astute businessman he has the right to conduct business with whoever provided him the most profit regardless of his nationality.
You mean keep
Committing felonies Comrades, right?

Why worry about The Russians and our elections and wild and unsupported accusations when we Have The Democrat Party Trying to Subvert Democracy and The Rule of Law.

So wait... You ASSHOLES committed a Felony to get your hands on a 10 year old tax return and Found NOTHING?

So you pivot to "Trump leaked his own Tax Returns?"


Do you listen to yourselves?


Phucking Hysterical!

What's next Lefty? Leaking Stealth Fighter Secrets?

The word is out that these were probably leaked by Trump to distract from the healthcare bullshit they are trying to pass..we shall see...
Stay focused democrats
I wonder what reaction Maddow would have if her taxes are leaked. I wonder what loopholes she exploited and how much she earned as a two bit communist reporter.

Who knows what might be leaked int he coming months....

Maddow is embarrassing. NBC is garbage.

Another thing that blew up in the loon's faces.

Simply hilarious, for the last year they claimed Trump paid no taxes...then find out he paid 38 mil. HAHAHAHA.....priceless
Maddow has one saving grace...
You can't lose any credibility when you have none.

She thought she had a winner....and finally got that long sought after weiner
Anyone who gives raunchy madcow any credibility are damn fools.

Anybody who gives Rachel Maddow a copy of Trumps tax return, if they worked for the IRS broke the law, but Maddow has no criminal liability.

Unless she asked for it. But modern printers and copiers leave a micro signature, the FBI can trace where the copies came from.

Then you have folks like this one.

NYT Kristof Solicits Felony: Asks IRS to Leak Trump's Tax Records

NYT Kristof Solicits Felony: Asks IRS to Leak Trump's Tax Records
I wonder what reaction Maddow would have if her taxes are leaked. I wonder what loopholes she exploited and how much she earned as a two bit communist reporter.

Who knows what might be leaked int he coming months....

Maddow is embarrassing. NBC is garbage.

Another thing that blew up in the loon's faces.

Simply hilarious, for the last year they claimed Trump paid no taxes...then find out he paid 38 mil. HAHAHAHA.....priceless
Maddow has one saving grace...
You can't lose any credibility when you have none.

She thought she had a winner....and finally got that long sought after weiner
Now that she has her Capone's cave she and Giraldo should get together.
You mean keep
Committing felonies Comrades, right?

Why worry about The Russians and our elections and wild and unsupported accusations when we Have The Democrat Party Trying to Subvert Democracy and The Rule of Law.

So wait... You ASSHOLES committed a Felony to get your hands on a 10 year old tax return and Found NOTHING?

So you pivot to "Trump leaked his own Tax Returns?"


Do you listen to yourselves?


Phucking Hysterical!

What's next Lefty? Leaking Stealth Fighter Secrets?

The word is out that these were probably leaked by Trump to distract from the healthcare bullshit they are trying to pass..we shall see...
Stay focused democrats

You keep fucking blaming Democrats... when it could have just as well been one of the Republicans that hate Trump, like Paul Ryan. Fact is you don't have a fucking clue who leaked it.

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