BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

Another Felony Committed by Another Treasonous Democrat with no Honor.

And all to get Trump and all because America rejected their agenda.

And what will you find?


So once again we have Liberal mole committing felonies and falling flat on their face.

They'll keep taking risks, and keep embarrassing themselves and putting themselves at risk for long prison sentences.

Look Lefty, Hillary didn't need The Russians to lose. She would have lost a 100 elections in a row. Middle America hates Liberals and Hates Clinton.

But I love your hysterical antics, and I have to applaud you Lefty for making me laugh more in the last 18 months than I have in my entire life.

Not illegal.
Another Felony Committed by Another Treasonous Democrat with no Honor.

And all to get Trump and all because America rejected their agenda.

And what will you find?


So once again we have Liberal mole committing felonies and falling flat on their face.

They'll keep taking risks, and keep embarrassing themselves and putting themselves at risk for long prison sentences.

Look Lefty, Hillary didn't need The Russians to lose. She would have lost a 100 elections in a row. Middle America hates Liberals and Hates Clinton.

But I love your hysterical antics, and I have to applaud you Lefty for making me laugh more in the last 18 months than I have in my entire life.

I love watching all you Trumpbots spout off at the mouth about something you don't know or understand! :lmao:

The only person that broke the law is the person that mailed the 2 pages to the reporter. Maddow, NBC, and the guy that received them are not breaking any laws. Period. Get educated!
Time's up! You fail.

Moron that doesn't know the difference between cattle and Ph. D. says wat?
So the rich paying high amounts of taxes is a good example of patriotism?

So who are the patriots? The guy who pays his taxes, or those who legislated the tax rates?
Yeah, he paid 24% tax rate.

Well that certainly proves the Russians colluded with him to steal the election

So you want your cake and eat it too? If someone showed you records that Trump just started dealing big time with the Russians in 2014 you'd say it was no big deal because Trump didn't have deep enough connections for them to want him as President. Then if you show he has connections with Russians going back several years you say it is no big deal because why didn't they get him to run for President way back then?

You've just got excuses for all occasions right?

Till you have some evidence to believe otherwise, why should we accept this conspiracy nonsense?

It doesn't matter if there is 5 railroad cars full of evidence, Trumpbots will never turn on him.

But does it matter to you Socialist Cocksuckers that there is no evidence of anything?

"No" evidence? You are really going to go there? :uhoh3:

Trump can't even get his shit straight on when he's met Putin and talked to him. One interview he says he knows him very well and talked to him, then in a debate he says he's NEVER talked to him...

Poor Trumpbots, it's so sad to watch him lead you around like little puppies ignorant of the world around you.
The Russians shouldn't scare anyone as much The Democrat Party.

Tax rates for top presidential candidates.

Sanders 13%
Clinton 17 %
Obama 19%
Trump 25%

America is laughing at you Lefty.

And they are more concerned about your felonies and your criminal and unethical behavior than they are Putin.

You guys keep digging a hole that you may never extricate yourself from.

The Public trusts the President more than they trust Madcow. That's got to make you feel good, right?

Makes me laugh.

More Deep State Treason & Criminal Behavior.
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The illlegally obtained returns did not show anything derogatory about DJT

They did show that DJT is a patriot who paid over $38 MMMMMMillion in Taxes

Her show was a scam to increase her ratings.


The Rachel Maddow Show : MSNBCW : March 13, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT : Free Streaming : Internet Archive

This may change the mind of even the most willfully ignorant, if they watch the show. It is one comprehensive link of Trump's connection to Plutocrats around the globe. Those who claim globalism is a danger will go away scared to death with Trump and his adminsitration's connection to Russian and Chinese Oligarchs.
He said that they didn't give any thing but you stupid dumbass liberals just have to turn over every little pebble to try to harass him, but you shielded the worst most dangerous pieces of shit to draw a breath like they were newborn babies, OH EXCUSE me, you kill babies, so I need to say like ghetto thugs don't I.
You best pray someone protects her form possession of stolen property charges.

Unfortunately you aren't talking actual property. A photocopy of a dollar bill is not a dollar bill. The press also has protections in disclosure of information they obtain.

Anyone who gives raunchy madcow any credibility are damn fools.
It is actually not her business, and it is NOT any part of the publics right to know. It is illegal to have, or release anyones financial information to anyone they do not give permission to release to. There ARE privacy laws, and they apply to everyone, So go ahead stupid bitch, you will be removed and the network will be on tap for a few billion I would say after each one of the Trump entities sue independently and win their cases.

Actually there are very few laws prohibiting disclosure of information, whether it's classified or personal. The IRS is prohibited from disclosing tax returns, but there are other legal sources, such as banks and bankruptcies
The Russians shouldn't scare anyone as much The Democrat Party.

Tax rates for top presidential candidates.

Sanders 13%
Clinton 17 %
Obama 19%
Trump 25%

America is laughing at you Lefty.

And they are more concerned about your felonies and your criminal and unethical behavior than they are Putin.

You guys keep digging a hole that you may never extricate yourself from.

The Public trusts the President more than they trust Madcow. That's got to make you feel good, right?

Makes me laugh.


Percentage is based on tax brackets. Sanders makes by FAR the lowest amount than any other person on that list. Good thing you left that part out eh?

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