Breaking: Madrid Hospital Staff Quit For Fear Of Ebola (Look For The Same To Happen In The U.S. Too)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Any sane person would do this. This is my number one fear of Ebola coming to America. When Doctors and Nurses are getting it with all the precautions how do they expect those workers to come to work?

If this thing goes past a couple people getting it I think the staff will refuse to put themselves and their families in danger and I don't blame them. President Obola should have closed the bordersand screened passengers coming in from these infected countries. It will be his fault not theirs. Never the less when all this happens, the virus will be out of control and the health care system will collapse. Once Ebola spreads, the police will then stay at home too and then the negro looters will take over.


Madrid hospital staff quit over Ebola fears World news The Guardian
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Good riddance. Medical professionals who quit for fear of getting an infection are not medical professionals.
Our Bioterrorist President Ebola said you can ride on a bus when you're infected. CAN....

wonder if he would be so brave as to "ride a bus" with someone who was infected?
Our Bioterrorist President Ebola said you can ride on a bus when you're infected.

Obama You Can t Get Ebola Sitting Next to Someone on a Bus CDC Avoid Public Transportation CNS News

He has his agenda.
He's worked it for the past 6 years. No one should be surprised now.

Ebola is why I've been keeping my ass out the gym ever since Houston played Dallas. Just in case, I ain't about to risk exposing myself to some infected person's sweat.

Even if the chance its reached is extremely small. Why risk Ebola?

Good thing I have enough exercise equipment at home to keep doing my thing, and know plenty of body weight and or cardio exercises.


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