Breaking! Manhattan Judge will impose a GAG order on Monday that will BAN Trump from talking publicly about his Tuesday arrest in NYC

Bragg has committed no crimes so that is meaningless.
Read your post #116--you made the holier than thou comment. I didn't mention Bragg--comprehension isn't very high on your agenda--maybe, like now, you should have paid more attention when you were in school.
I don't really like Trump but this clown show is already ridiculous
The problem is, it's NOT ridiculous.

It's very fucking dangerous, is what it is.

Leftards think they can steamroll over individual rights AND the Constitution which is the rule book.

If the Republicans - and yes I do mean the PARTY that calls itself Republican - doesn't fight this tooth and nail then they have no one to blame but themselves when we really do get a totalitarian leftard government.

Where are these lazy fucking Republicans? WHERE? That asshole Graham is sponsoring a surveillance bill that will give the leftards everything they need to censor public speech and control information flow.

Republicans may be wolves in sheep's clothing at this point. OR, they've been neutered by the Deep State.
Couldn't happen to a nicer modern-day Benedict Arnold.

Any scumbag who would summon, incite and aim an Insurrection against the Congress of the United States deserves whatever the legal system can dispense.
Oh look, another snowflake leftard.
All they're doing is making more MAGAs.
They're generating hatred, is what they're doing.

I'm their worst nightmare - a non-MAGA they can't manipulate, who sees right through their bullshit and hates their Stalinist guts.
Other than this thread, I've heard nothing about a gag order. It's a Trump cult fantasy. Believing the fantasy allows them to feel like a victim, which gets them off even more than kicking puppies. It also allows them to justify more brownshirt violence, which is something else that gets them off.

Now, it is conceivable that a gag order could eventually be ordered, but that would only happen if Trump repeatedly threatens the court and the jury pool when he publicly runs his mouth off about the case, over and over. Trump has the right to remain silent, but he doesn't have the ability, so it is a possibility.

Needless to say, every Trump cultist would be giddy with joy if Trump called for violence against the court and jury pool. Brownshirt filth is like that.
These people are very predictable. So there very likely will be a gag order.

Which will amount to blatant, strategic election meddling. Again...predictably...
Watching the CRAP that they put on TV every night trying to pass it off as news. "Trump is facing two dozen counts--some felonies" Tell me how they know this. Trump doesn't even know what the charges are as he has not been arraigned and the indictment is still under seal. These charlatans that are parading as journalists in the msm are truly pieces of shit.
Other than this thread, I've heard nothing about a gag order. It's a Trump cult fantasy. Believing the fantasy allows them to feel like a victim, which gets them off even more than kicking puppies. It also allows them to justify more brownshirt violence, which is something else that gets them off.

Now, it is conceivable that a gag order could eventually be ordered, but that would only happen if Trump repeatedly threatens the court and the jury pool when he publicly runs his mouth off about the case, over and over. Trump has the right to remain silent, but he doesn't have the ability, so it is a possibility.

Needless to say, every Trump cultist would be giddy with joy if Trump called for violence against the court and jury pool. Brownshirt filth is like that.
"We got him this time!"

lmfao :p

The Russia s couldn't do it, the piss filled hookers couldn't do it, ukraine couldn't do it, even J6 couldn't do it.

But this dimwit thinks she can do it?

Yawn. Wake me when she resigns and gets disbarred.

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