BREAKING: Marine GENERAL- Military Coup Against Obama

Declaration of Independence 7/4/1776

".....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness......"

Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript

Ahem, sparky, the Declaration of Independence is a FOUNDING document - but NOT a GOVERNING document. In other words - it ain't law.

Declaration of Independence Is Not Law

Nor is it applicable more now than it was in 1876 when you actually did have corruption that the right wing dreams exists today.

I love when these morons quote the DOI as if it's law.
Ahem, sparky, the Declaration of Independence is a FOUNDING document - but NOT a GOVERNING document. In other words - it ain't law.

Declaration of Independence Is Not Law

Nor is it applicable more now than it was in 1876 when you actually did have corruption that the right wing dreams exists today.

I love when these morons quote the DOI as if it's law.

Perhaps the sad thing, is their seeming belief that if they keep insisting the DO is, it will be.
Why don't they take the time to check it out first?
Nor is it applicable more now than it was in 1876 when you actually did have corruption that the right wing dreams exists today.

I love when these morons quote the DOI as if it's law.

Perhaps the sad thing, is their seeming belief that if they keep insisting the DO is, it will be.
Why don't they take the time to check it out first?

To steal a line from [MENTION=26616]kaz[/MENTION] - As is typical I have no idea what you are talking about. As is also typical, neither do you.
Criticism of policy by top commanders is legitimate when the policies are killing Soldiers to achieve nothing but political smoke. The problem is that the administration cannot defend incoherent foreign policy so they try to squash the criticism. It seems to me that the CIA's intentional spying on it's own government by hacking of the Senate Intelligence committee computers is a far more worrysome example of a potential coup but strangely the president defended it.

He likely defended it because he was likely behind it. He's all for spying on the American people (as well as the German people, the English people, etc.). Since the People of the USA are the government perhaps Bama is planning a coup of his own.
Criticism of policy by top commanders is legitimate when the policies are killing Soldiers to achieve nothing but political smoke. The problem is that the administration cannot defend incoherent foreign policy so they try to squash the criticism. It seems to me that the CIA's intentional spying on it's own government by hacking of the Senate Intelligence committee computers is a far more worrysome example of a potential coup but strangely the president defended it.

He likely defended it because he was likely behind it. He's all for spying on the American people (as well as the German people, the English people, etc.). Since the People of the USA are the government perhaps Bama is planning a coup of his own.

Indeed- The Marine when faced with an unlawful leadership is expected to voice concern

Indeed- The Marine when faced with an unlawful leadership is expected to voice concern -Geaux
He is just pissed off he is being forced to retire

The point that is being missed is this; If the shit hits the fan, the military will side with the people, not the corrupt lying obama administration.

We all hope it does not come to that, but make no mistake whose side our military will be on if it does.
Indeed- The Marine when faced with an unlawful leadership is expected to voice concern -Geaux
He is just pissed off he is being forced to retire

The point that is being missed is this; If the shit hits the fan, the military will side with the people, not the corrupt lying obama administration.

We all hope it does not come to that, but make no mistake whose side our military will be on if it does.
I don't think you can honestly make that assumption about all groups of the military or at all, I don't think you have enough information to make it and I certainly DO NOT IN ANY WAY think that we are even close to anything like that ever happening....and pray to God we are not....becasue you would have Military against Military.... if you think Military is ALL republican or all conservative, you are dreaming....I come from a very long line of Military achievers and not a one of them were ever Republican, but they whole- heartedly supported ALL presidents...even the ones they differed with politically....
He is just pissed off he is being forced to retire

The point that is being missed is this; If the shit hits the fan, the military will side with the people, not the corrupt lying obama administration.

We all hope it does not come to that, but make no mistake whose side our military will be on if it does.
I don't think you can honestly make that assumption about all groups of the military or at all, I don't think you have enough information to make it and I certainly DO NOT IN ANY WAY think that we are even close to anything like that ever happening....and pray to God we are not....becasue you would have Military against Military.... if you think Military is ALL republican or all conservative, you are dreaming....I come from a very long line of Military achievers and not a one of them were ever Republican, but they whole- heartedly supported ALL presidents...even the ones they differed with politically....

Perhaps the enlisted pukes tend to be Democrats and then they become more conservative as you go up the pay grades. I remember well one time in the military when we thought we might get a chance to vote and we discussed politics. We were all Democrats and one said there was in K company a Republican. Most of us had never seen a Republican so we walked over to K company and we didn't see any Republicans, just GI's like ourselves.
OP- More evidence that military careerists and Republicans should not be allowed to govern lol...
Indeed- The Marine when faced with an unlawful leadership is expected to voice concern -Geaux
He is just pissed off he is being forced to retire

The point that is being missed is this; If the shit hits the fan, the military will side with the people, not the corrupt lying obama administration.

We all hope it does not come to that, but make no mistake whose side our military will be on if it does.

Like they did the Bonus Army in the Hoovervilles.
He is just pissed off he is being forced to retire

The point that is being missed is this; If the shit hits the fan, the military will side with the people, not the corrupt lying obama administration.

We all hope it does not come to that, but make no mistake whose side our military will be on if it does.

Like they did the Bonus Army in the Hoovervilles.

Fans of McArthur, Eisenhower and Patton never think to bring up their part in that little dust up.
Criticism of policy by top commanders is legitimate when the policies are killing Soldiers to achieve nothing but political smoke. The problem is that the administration cannot defend incoherent foreign policy so they try to squash the criticism. It seems to me that the CIA's intentional spying on it's own government by hacking of the Senate Intelligence committee computers is a far more worrysome example of a potential coup but strangely the president defended it.

He likely defended it because he was likely behind it. He's all for spying on the American people (as well as the German people, the English people, etc.). Since the People of the USA are the government perhaps Bama is planning a coup of his own.

Indeed- The Marine when faced with an unlawful leadership is expected to voice concern.

That would be those leading a coup. Marines take an oath to protect the legally constituted government from those who would overthrow it by force. Their's is not to decide what's constitutional. That's the job of the USSC.

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