BREAKING: Marine GENERAL- Military Coup Against Obama

And the far left can not admit that they voted for worse than Bush twice.

Of course these racist, bigoted far left posters are running on their masters far left programming.

Programmed?!?! Look who's talking. You repeat the same lies over and over like a computer caught in an infinite loop. :eusa_boohoo:

Kosh became a nobody before he was ever a somebody here.
They're actually advocating for a military coup for no other reason than the president winning reelection in 2012.

Such is the contempt for the rule of law exhibited by the partisan right.

Truly bizarre and pathetic.

Declaration of Independence 7/4/1776

".....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness......"

Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript

Ahem, sparky, the Declaration of Independence is a FOUNDING document - but NOT a GOVERNING document. In other words - it ain't law.

Declaration of Independence Is Not Law

Nor is it applicable more now than it was in 1876 when you actually did have corruption that the right wing dreams exists today.
And the far left can not admit that they voted for worse than Bush twice.

Of course these racist, bigoted far left posters are running on their masters far left programming.

Programmed?!?! Look who's talking. You repeat the same lies over and over like a computer caught in an infinite loop. :eusa_boohoo:

Kosh became a nobody before he was ever a somebody here.

My fav broken record is Kosh....
And the far left can not admit that they voted for worse than Bush twice.

Of course these racist, bigoted far left posters are running on their masters far left programming.

Programmed?!?! Look who's talking. You repeat the same lies over and over like a computer caught in an infinite loop. :eusa_boohoo:

Kosh became a nobody before he was ever a somebody here.

The irony of those comments form the far left that post the same far left lies over and over and over and over, then can not even understand when they are being mocked.
Declaration of Independence 7/4/1776

".....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness......"

Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript

Ahem, sparky, the Declaration of Independence is a FOUNDING document - but NOT a GOVERNING document. In other words - it ain't law.

Declaration of Independence Is Not Law

Nor is it applicable more now than it was in 1876 when you actually did have corruption that the right wing dreams exists today.

More proof that the far left does not understand the documents in question.

Just goes to show that the far left detests the US and wants to abolish all these documents, simply because they can not comprehend them.

Typical far left!
My oh my the far left who posts the same lies over and over and over claiming such things. The irony of these far left comments.

Are we really that far left or are you so far right that even mainstream Republicans look like lefties to you? I think your perspective is all screwed up and it's that attitude more than anything else that's a drag on the country moving forward.
America declared its independence on July 2, 1776 by Congressional vote. A day John Adams believed would be our day of independence. On July 4th Jefferson's declaration of Independence was adopted, but it was two days after the Congress had already voted independence. Jefferson's document was changed 86 times and 480 words removed. The Declaration of Independence was then voted on and signed by most delegates.
Jefferson used the Declaration to express the latest philosophy from the Age of Enlightenment and the Declaration had a purpose: the purpose was to persuade those colonists not committed to join the cause. To that end Jefferson may have used George III as the villain rather than Parliament. Much easier to blame one person than a group. Two thirds of the colonists never joined the cause. The Declaration may also have been written to persuade France to stand by with a helping hand. It has no legal force and in many respects was propaganda.

Surely you're not even a real American citizen. The kind of unbelievable bullshit in this thread....

We have GOT to institute poll tests.....

I mean you're free to be as stupid as you want in this country... you just shouldn't be allowed to vote.

You DO know those are unConstitutional, right?

The Constitution means little to the right wing.
This thread is hereby dedicated to the Tough Guy and Gal Thread of The Week!!

I do love how the country is going down the tubes (supposedly) and they cannot muster enough gumption to get out from behind their computers and do something about it.
You won't be watching anyone hang. Your kind will be exterminated before that ever transpires.

Apparently PaintMyHouse thinks that a group of disarmed homosexuals are going to have the collective testosterone to overpower us with their bare hands.

You brought a gun to a drone fight. Good luck with that. Say a big hello to Jesus for me...

So the Marines are helpless?
You're hilarious,the military comes out and says obama is a total fuck up and you somehow think they'll be on your side?:lol:

Holy shit your stupid!!!
I missed the military coup part.

Where was that again?

You have to understand there are people here who hear voices in their heads, and they start topics based on what those voices are saying to them. Then the collective retardation kicks in, and the topic actually grows legs!

An amazing phenomenon.
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Apparently PaintMyHouse thinks that a group of disarmed homosexuals are going to have the collective testosterone to overpower us with their bare hands.

You brought a gun to a drone fight. Good luck with that. Say a big hello to Jesus for me...

So the Marines are helpless?
You're hilarious,the military comes out and says obama is a total fuck up and you somehow think they'll be on your side?:lol:

Holy shit your stupid!!!

So much irony in so few words.
You brought a gun to a drone fight. Good luck with that. Say a big hello to Jesus for me...

So the Marines are helpless?
You're hilarious,the military comes out and says obama is a total fuck up and you somehow think they'll be on your side?:lol:

Holy shit your stupid!!!

So much irony in so few words.

Oh good God..."You're" is that better word Nazi?
Calling out shit like that when it's obviously a simple mistake....the last gasp effort of the wrong.

And apparently you're just as stupid as he is if you somehow come to the conclusion that the military is on your side when they're the one's bitching.

So tell me,how did you make that jump in logic? Seriously,I really want to know.
My oh my the far left who posts the same lies over and over and over claiming such things. The irony of these far left comments.

Are we really that far left or are you so far right that even mainstream Republicans look like lefties to you? I think your perspective is all screwed up and it's that attitude more than anything else that's a drag on the country moving forward.

Once again the far left denies reality to support their baseless propaganda.
Surely you're not even a real American citizen. The kind of unbelievable bullshit in this thread....

We have GOT to institute poll tests.....

I mean you're free to be as stupid as you want in this country... you just shouldn't be allowed to vote.

You DO know those are unConstitutional, right?

The Constitution means little to the right wing.

Says the far left Obama drone that supports his illegal wars.
So the Marines are helpless?
You're hilarious,the military comes out and says obama is a total fuck up and you somehow think they'll be on your side?:lol:

Holy shit your stupid!!!

So much irony in so few words.

Oh good God..."You're" is that better word Nazi?
Calling out shit like that when it's obviously a simple mistake....the last gasp effort of the wrong.

And apparently you're just as stupid as he is if you somehow come to the conclusion that the military is on your side when they're the one's bitching.

So tell me,how did you make that jump in logic? Seriously,I really want to know.

If you are calling someone stupid, you should at least make sure your grammar is correct, just sayin'.

I don't care what side the military is on. This entire thread is a right-wing wet dream, I can't believe it has made it this long on the Politics board.

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