BREAKING: Marine GENERAL- Military Coup Against Obama


And one does not need to be a lawyer to know that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land while the Declaration of Independence is a.....declaration....not a law. Just like Washington's Farewell Speech and the Federalist Papers.....not law but very valuable historical documents.

If the Declaration of Independence carries no legal weight, then the original 13 Colonies are still under the Crown.

Try to think before you speak, and you won't be a LOLiberal stuck in LOLiberaLand.

Hey, it's just a document, don't ya know? You know, kinda like a 10th grade term paper. Nothin' special.

Just when I think our education system can't be worse, a batch of liberals come along and shock me some more.

Would we have been independent if there had been no Jefferson Declaration of Independence, written and adopted on July 4th.?
If the Declaration of Independence carries no legal weight, then the original 13 Colonies are still under the Crown.

Try to think before you speak, and you won't be a LOLiberal stuck in LOLiberaLand.

Hey, it's just a document, don't ya know? You know, kinda like a 10th grade term paper. Nothin' special.

Just when I think our education system can't be worse, a batch of liberals come along and shock me some more.

Now you got it. It doesn't mean shit in a court of law.

You do understand that laws stop mattering if the overall system is determined to have lost all legitimacy, don't you.......

Again, big picture. You don't have it.
Organic law. :lol: How does one enforce such an "organic law"? Where has the Supreme Court ever made a decision based on what the Dec of Ind says?

And if you want to count it as law...what about this part of the Dec of Ind?

Have you forgotten that part?

Thank you for proving the far left does not understand the Constitution or the legal documents contained with in it.

More proof that to the far left these documents are just GD pieces of paper.

You seem to be confusing the Declaration of Independence with the U.S. Constitution, idiot.

The only one confused here is you. Well not just you.

I have a recommendation for you libs that are devoid of any real historical training.

If your schooling did such a poor job of teaching you....which is clearly did.....I recommend taking a trip to Philly and going to the Constitution Museum. It's a really neat museum and every American child should get a chance to go.

Every thing you'd ever want to know about the Constitution as well as our other founding documents are thoroughly examined there.
Hey, it's just a document, don't ya know? You know, kinda like a 10th grade term paper. Nothin' special.

Just when I think our education system can't be worse, a batch of liberals come along and shock me some more.

Now you got it. It doesn't mean shit in a court of law.

You do understand that laws stop mattering if the overall system is determined to have lost all legitimacy, don't you.......

Again, big picture. You don't have it.

There are Constitutional Law Professors. Did you ever hear of Declaration of Independence Law Professors?
If the Declaration of Independence carries no legal weight, then the original 13 Colonies are still under the Crown.

Try to think before you speak, and you won't be a LOLiberal stuck in LOLiberaLand.

Hey, it's just a document, don't ya know? You know, kinda like a 10th grade term paper. Nothin' special.

Just when I think our education system can't be worse, a batch of liberals come along and shock me some more.

Now you got it. It doesn't mean shit in a court of law.

Neither does the SOFA you people keep hiding behind.
Now you got it. It doesn't mean shit in a court of law.

You do understand that laws stop mattering if the overall system is determined to have lost all legitimacy, don't you.......

Again, big picture. You don't have it.

There are Constitutional Law Professors. Did you ever hear of Declaration of Independence Law Professors?

You do realize that dif Con Law Professors interpret it differently, right? You ever hear of Jonathon Turley who is a liberal Con Law Prof at GWU??

He has testified that Obama is throwing us into a Constitutional crisis.

And HE is a highly respected Con Law Prof.
You do understand that laws stop mattering if the overall system is determined to have lost all legitimacy, don't you.......

Again, big picture. You don't have it.

There are Constitutional Law Professors. Did you ever hear of Declaration of Independence Law Professors?

You do realize that dif Con Law Professors interpret it differently, right? You ever hear of Jonathon Turley who is a liberal Con Law Prof at GWU??

He has testified that Obama is throwing us into a Constitutional crisis.

And HE is a highly respected Con Law Prof.

I like Turley, but sometimes he gets a little ahead of himself. He also likes a little media attention once in a while. But he ain't a DoI law professor.
I am in the process of writing to the Texas School of Law, demanding a refund, because they never taught me that I could get a judgment rendered in court by citing the D. of I.! I feel cheated!
The war without a written Declaration could still be won and we'd still be independent....a written Declaration without the war to enforce it upon the British would have been....a piece of paper only.

A war fought with no legal embodiment of its success would have been a war only, with no purpose. Everyone from every part of the 13 colonies would have all claimed different reasons for why they fought the revolution, and chaos and war among the 13 states would have ensued.

Law is order, lawlessness is Chaos. The DoI prevented chaos. What if certain parts of New York still wanted to be part of Great Britain for economic reasons? Oh wait, they signed a contract pledging allegiance to the other 12 Colonies and the other parts of New York.

Those who forsake the Law praise the wicked, and those who keep it resist them - Proverbs 28:4

I'm shocked that we've reached a point in US history where certain Americans are actually denying the authority of the DoI.

However, I am glad that you've finally realized that the Constitution would be a piece of paper only if the Second Amendment didn't exist to back it up with force.

America declared its independence on July 2, 1776 by Congressional vote. A day John Adams believed would be our day of independence. On July 4th Jefferson's declaration of Independence was adopted, but it was two days after the Congress had already voted independence. Jefferson's document was changed 86 times and 480 words removed. The Declaration of Independence was then voted on and signed by most delegates.
Jefferson used the Declaration to express the latest philosophy from the Age of Enlightenment and the Declaration had a purpose: the purpose was to persuade those colonists not committed to join the cause. To that end Jefferson may have used George III as the villain rather than Parliament. Much easier to blame one person than a group. Two thirds of the colonists never joined the cause. The Declaration may also have been written to persuade France to stand by with a helping hand. It has no legal force and in many respects was propaganda.

Surely you're not even a real American citizen. The kind of unbelievable bullshit in this thread....

We have GOT to institute poll tests.....

I mean you're free to be as stupid as you want in this country... you just shouldn't be allowed to vote.
There are Constitutional Law Professors. Did you ever hear of Declaration of Independence Law Professors?

You do realize that dif Con Law Professors interpret it differently, right? You ever hear of Jonathon Turley who is a liberal Con Law Prof at GWU??

He has testified that Obama is throwing us into a Constitutional crisis.

And HE is a highly respected Con Law Prof.

I like Turley, but sometimes he gets a little ahead of himself. He also likes a little media attention once in a while. But he ain't a DoI law professor.

Wow, you skipped right over the part that he thinks Obama is a fucking nut.

And Turley is a liberal expert on the Constitution. But by all means, tell me how much more you know about the Constitution....or any of our founding history.

Look, I get it.....we've got a thread full of victims that are still pissed at those fat white guys that wrote all those founding've got an ax to grind.

I hate to tell you this, but the country is tired of your bullshit. You can keep spouting it, but it's falling on less and less ears.
I am in the process of writing to the Texas School of Law, demanding a refund, because they never taught me that I could get a judgment rendered in court by citing the D. of I.! I feel cheated!

Damn right you were cheated. Just ask any rightwing teabagger nut with a GED.
"Against ALL enemies foreign AND domestic."

I find it amusing and disturbing at the same time that so many of you assume that someone else is the enemy and that it is not you who might be the enemy, just because you have a different perspective of things. I'm so sick of fucking assholes who believe only people who have their strict belief system are patriotic and love America. Anyone who is stupid enough to believe that their fringe movement would overcome the majority of Americans need to get a clue.
Like my father an three uncles who fought the nazis now put down the bottle goyim boy

and by the way it was the Red army who liberated the first camps and beat the nazis at Stalingrad and the eastern front , without them Europe would have been lost

With them, Eastern Europe was lost. However, that had more to do with dumbass American politicians than the Red army.

If the Soviet Union had quit the war, it would have taken longer, and caused a lot more US casualties, but the Allies would have won the war.

There are many people in the world who really don't understand, or say they don't, what is the great issue between the free world and the Communist world.
Let them come to Berlin.
There are some who say -- There are some who say that communism is the wave of the future.
Let them come to Berlin.
And there are some who say, in Europe and elsewhere, we can work with the Communists.
Let them come to Berlin.
And there are even a few who say that it is true that communism is an evil system, but it permits us to make economic progress.
Lass' sie nach Berlin kommen.
Let them come to Berlin.
-John F. Kennedy June '63

How things change ... sounds just like a Republican. What does that make today's Democrats?

That was during the Cold War, hater dupe. Giving people the finger is hate speech, btw, brainwashed functional moron.
This country needs a modern Augusto Pinochet to purge our nation of the parasitic and despotic statist sociopaths that currently control the government.

If something drastic isn't done soon, I believe the terror unleashed by the Bolsheviks on the Russian people will pale in comparison to the nightmarish Orwellian hell hole the leftist oligarchy is desperate to achieve.


I would rather die on my belly in a pile of empty brass as a free man, than starve to death making brass for tyrants as a slave. Eventually there will only be those two choices I'm afraid. God help us if we can't do it in the ballot box.

One honest fascist, only in this you're not alone.

If you knew what a fascist was, you would have swallowed a bottle of aspirin and taken a swim in a waste water treatment facility.

A retroactive abortion is still on the table.

Tell that to Jefferson Davis.

Wow! Even more proof that the far left has no clue on any of these documents.

Hey, if you want to come out of your parrot cage and make the argument that armed rebellion against the US is legal under the Constitution,

by all means, entertain us.

If and when the situation arises, the decision as to whether it was legal or not shall be made by the victor. Had the American Revolution Failed George Washington, JOhn ADams, Thomas Jefferson and so on would have swung from the ends of ropes as traitors to the crown.
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This country needs a modern Augusto Pinochet to purge our nation of the parasitic and despotic statist sociopaths that currently control the government.

If something drastic isn't done soon, I believe the terror unleashed by the Bolsheviks on the Russian people will pale in comparison to the nightmarish Orwellian hell hole the leftist oligarchy is desperate to achieve.


I would rather die on my belly in a pile of empty brass as a free man, than starve to death making brass for tyrants as a slave. Eventually there will only be those two choices I'm afraid. God help us if we can't do it in the ballot box.
They are itching to have us eliminated. PMW cheers on the idea in practically every post he makes.

That's why they're so committed to "gun control".

They want the guns and the control.

They're too stupid to understand that their fat will fuel the fires of the crematoriums.

A war fought with no legal embodiment of its success would have been a war only, with no purpose. Everyone from every part of the 13 colonies would have all claimed different reasons for why they fought the revolution, and chaos and war among the 13 states would have ensued.

Law is order, lawlessness is Chaos. The DoI prevented chaos. What if certain parts of New York still wanted to be part of Great Britain for economic reasons? Oh wait, they signed a contract pledging allegiance to the other 12 Colonies and the other parts of New York.

I'm shocked that we've reached a point in US history where certain Americans are actually denying the authority of the DoI.

However, I am glad that you've finally realized that the Constitution would be a piece of paper only if the Second Amendment didn't exist to back it up with force.

America declared its independence on July 2, 1776 by Congressional vote. A day John Adams believed would be our day of independence. On July 4th Jefferson's declaration of Independence was adopted, but it was two days after the Congress had already voted independence. Jefferson's document was changed 86 times and 480 words removed. The Declaration of Independence was then voted on and signed by most delegates.
Jefferson used the Declaration to express the latest philosophy from the Age of Enlightenment and the Declaration had a purpose: the purpose was to persuade those colonists not committed to join the cause. To that end Jefferson may have used George III as the villain rather than Parliament. Much easier to blame one person than a group. Two thirds of the colonists never joined the cause. The Declaration may also have been written to persuade France to stand by with a helping hand. It has no legal force and in many respects was propaganda.

Surely you're not even a real American citizen. The kind of unbelievable bullshit in this thread....

We have GOT to institute poll tests.....

I mean you're free to be as stupid as you want in this country... you just shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Have you read any history of that period, if If not, do so. Go beyond that high school social studies class. Perhaps the word propaganda bothered you, just look up the definition. More interesting is to read the parts of the Declaration the committee and the whole Congress removed and try to figure out was for the sake of brevity or was their a bigger reason?
In any case, I encourage you to read more on the subject. If needed I can suggest some books.
A war fought with no legal embodiment of its success would have been a war only, with no purpose. Everyone from every part of the 13 colonies would have all claimed different reasons for why they fought the revolution, and chaos and war among the 13 states would have ensued.

Law is order, lawlessness is Chaos. The DoI prevented chaos. What if certain parts of New York still wanted to be part of Great Britain for economic reasons? Oh wait, they signed a contract pledging allegiance to the other 12 Colonies and the other parts of New York.

I'm shocked that we've reached a point in US history where certain Americans are actually denying the authority of the DoI.

However, I am glad that you've finally realized that the Constitution would be a piece of paper only if the Second Amendment didn't exist to back it up with force.

America declared its independence on July 2, 1776 by Congressional vote. A day John Adams believed would be our day of independence. On July 4th Jefferson's declaration of Independence was adopted, but it was two days after the Congress had already voted independence. Jefferson's document was changed 86 times and 480 words removed. The Declaration of Independence was then voted on and signed by most delegates.
Jefferson used the Declaration to express the latest philosophy from the Age of Enlightenment and the Declaration had a purpose: the purpose was to persuade those colonists not committed to join the cause. To that end Jefferson may have used George III as the villain rather than Parliament. Much easier to blame one person than a group. Two thirds of the colonists never joined the cause. The Declaration may also have been written to persuade France to stand by with a helping hand. It has no legal force and in many respects was propaganda.

Surely you're not even a real American citizen. The kind of unbelievable bullshit in this thread....

We have GOT to institute poll tests.....

I mean you're free to be as stupid as you want in this country... you just shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Funny, but try and pass laws that you need ID to vote and these bed wetters flip out.

I would love it if there was a civics exam voters had to take, AFTER SHOWING ID, before voting.

There would be no democrook party the next election.

This country needs a modern Augusto Pinochet to purge our nation of the parasitic and despotic statist sociopaths that currently control the government.

If something drastic isn't done soon, I believe the terror unleashed by the Bolsheviks on the Russian people will pale in comparison to the nightmarish Orwellian hell hole the leftist oligarchy is desperate to achieve.


I would rather die on my belly in a pile of empty brass as a free man, than starve to death making brass for tyrants as a slave. Eventually there will only be those two choices I'm afraid. God help us if we can't do it in the ballot box.

One honest fascist, only in this you're not alone.

If you knew what a fascist was, you would have swallowed a bottle of aspirin and taken a swim in a waste water treatment facility.

A retroactive abortion is still on the table.


I really doubt that Kate Kelly carried such a sign. :lol:

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