BREAKING: Marine GENERAL- Military Coup Against Obama

I missed the military coup part.

Where was that again?

Nowhere but in the twisted minds of these fools. None of whom deserves the title "American".

I sure do hope this place is monitored by the Secret Service. It should be.
No coup of course, BUT, if any of the pilots want to explain to the President he should have ordered this earlier, he should sit & listen to the experts. They have earned that courtesy with their bravery & skill. And all credits goes to the military, unfettered now by a prancing President.
ALL SOLDIERS...ALL Office holders are BOUND by their OATHES to Do what is suggested. To ignore, to do LESS is Cowardice...and an extreme disservice to the PEOPLE that the Constitution is designed to protect. You Statists on here? YOU have NO HONOR. YOU will never understand it. The Founders already KNEW you'd be there defending DESPOTISM...TYRANNY.

Wow, do manly. You're my hero <3

So, when will you be leading this fight? Or are you just talk?
As a former US Marine I can only imagine the unpopularity of Obama inside the rank and file of those warriors who stand up and take the test to become "Marine." If it it came down to my government and the Corps...I can say with all honesty I would die fighting for my Commandant and Corps. I mean that...with all fucking honesty. The only true thing in this world...or should the Corps. Before my family or any other oath besides that to my God...the Corps takes precedent.
As a former US Marine I can only imagine the unpopularity of Obama inside the rank and file of those warriors who stand up and take the test to become "Marine." If it it came down to my government and the Corps...I can say with all honesty I would die fighting for my Commandant and Corps. I mean that...with all fucking honesty. The only true thing in this world...or should the Corps. Before my family or any other oath besides that to my God...the Corps takes precedent.

And people wonder why I call them canon fodder. Useful, as long as they do what they're told, and kill who we want killed. As to their own deaths, that's just the cost of doing business...
As a former US Marine I can only imagine the unpopularity of Obama inside the rank and file of those warriors who stand up and take the test to become "Marine." If it it came down to my government and the Corps...I can say with all honesty I would die fighting for my Commandant and Corps. I mean that...with all fucking honesty. The only true thing in this world...or should the Corps. Before my family or any other oath besides that to my God...the Corps takes precedent.
Especially when hundreds of THOUSANDS of troops are getting "PINK SLIPS".

This President and his SCDEF (Hagel), are making this nation VULNERABLE...and on fucking PURPOSE.

Obama needs to be reigned in and CALLED OUT for his TREASON.
ALL SOLDIERS...ALL Office holders are BOUND by their OATHES to Do what is suggested. To ignore, to do LESS is Cowardice...and an extreme disservice to the PEOPLE that the Constitution is designed to protect. You Statists on here? YOU have NO HONOR. YOU will never understand it. The Founders already KNEW you'd be there defending DESPOTISM...TYRANNY.

Wow, do manly. You're my hero <3

So, when will you be leading this fight? Or are you just talk?

We ave a nation where far too many of our citizens have never worn the uniform, carried a rifle, taken an oath, and stood fr something higher than themselves.
As a former US Marine I can only imagine the unpopularity of Obama inside the rank and file of those warriors who stand up and take the test to become "Marine." If it it came down to my government and the Corps...I can say with all honesty I would die fighting for my Commandant and Corps. I mean that...with all fucking honesty. The only true thing in this world...or should the Corps. Before my family or any other oath besides that to my God...the Corps takes precedent.
Especially when hundreds of THOUSANDS of troops are getting "PINK SLIPS".

This President and his SCDEF (Hagel), are making this nation VULNERABLE...and on fucking PURPOSE.

Obama needs to be reigned in and CALLED OUT for his TREASON.

Please tell us exactly what treasonous acts he has committed.
And Hagel is too much of a fucking COAWARD to call OBAMA out for what he is doing decimating the military.
As a former US Marine I can only imagine the unpopularity of Obama inside the rank and file of those warriors who stand up and take the test to become "Marine." If it it came down to my government and the Corps...I can say with all honesty I would die fighting for my Commandant and Corps. I mean that...with all fucking honesty. The only true thing in this world...or should the Corps. Before my family or any other oath besides that to my God...the Corps takes precedent.
Especially when hundreds of THOUSANDS of troops are getting "PINK SLIPS".

This President and his SCDEF (Hagel), are making this nation VULNERABLE...and on fucking PURPOSE.

Obama needs to be reigned in and CALLED OUT for his TREASON.
Havel is a spineless turd. Time for vets and active duty to draw together. This shit has gone too far.
Strict? No, unlike reactionaries we evolve, as does Liberalism...

Well, then let's be proactive. We need to set up a system of governance so that everyone is treated fairly. Not the details, but a description of how the system should operate.

Let's start with the Constitution. How could we improve it?
We could truly believe All Men Are Created Equal, then we could believe the same of women...

Not all, you seem to have bit of work to do in that regard. All that can do the same job yes, you just because it's you not so much. You're yet to show what you think makes you so special to anyone. Created equal doesn't mean equal results. Based on your decisions and willingness to work you may have been born equal but are no longer even considered as anything but a bottom feeder. Created equal men or women quickly changes after birth. Created equal ends the moment you start making your own decisions.
As a former US Marine I can only imagine the unpopularity of Obama inside the rank and file of those warriors who stand up and take the test to become "Marine." If it it came down to my government and the Corps...I can say with all honesty I would die fighting for my Commandant and Corps. I mean that...with all fucking honesty. The only true thing in this world...or should the Corps. Before my family or any other oath besides that to my God...the Corps takes precedent.

And people wonder why I call them canon fodder. Useful, as long as they do what they're told, and kill who we want killed. As to their own deaths, that's just the cost of doing business...

That is the same mindset of liberal politicians. That canon fodder keeps your ungrateful punk ass safe every night so you can get up and post your mindless fucking drivel on free speech boards such as this. We also reserve the right to correct the direction of the ship of state, despite all the worthless and weak people on board who refuse to help the crew...but instead get a welfare check.
As a former US Marine I can only imagine the unpopularity of Obama inside the rank and file of those warriors who stand up and take the test to become "Marine." If it it came down to my government and the Corps...I can say with all honesty I would die fighting for my Commandant and Corps. I mean that...with all fucking honesty. The only true thing in this world...or should the Corps. Before my family or any other oath besides that to my God...the Corps takes precedent.

And people wonder why I call them canon fodder. Useful, as long as they do what they're told, and kill who we want killed. As to their own deaths, that's just the cost of doing business...

That is the same mindset of liberal politicians. That canon fodder keeps your ungrateful punk ass safe every night so you can get up and post your mindless fucking drivel on free speech boards such as this. We also reserve the right to correct the direction of the ship of state, despite all the worthless and weak people on board who refuse to help the crew...but instead get a welfare check.
You work, and fight, and die, at our discretion, and on our nickel. Godspeed...
North should be in prison (or worse) along with Reagan's corpse.

I can't believe I agree with you, but yes.

Lunatics tend to attract each other. You may not be a lib lunatic, but you are a lunatic none he less:cuckoo:

I am a former United States Marine combat, infantry, veteran. You have just espoused the typical narcissistic, ungrateful attitude of liberals toward the military. We are all "programmed apes". No we stand for something higher than you, something you do not, or never will understand. And we will take our nation back, without any threat from castrated liberals like you.
I can't believe I agree with you, but yes.

Lunatics tend to attract each other. You may not be a lib lunatic, but you are a lunatic none he less:cuckoo:

I am a former United States Marine combat, infantry, veteran. You have just espoused the typical narcissistic, ungrateful attitude of liberals toward the military. We are all "programmed apes". No we stand for something higher than you, something you do not, or never will understand. And we will take our nation back, without any threat from castrated liberals like you.

Thanks for your service. Now, go see a psychiatrist.

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