BREAKING: Marine GENERAL- Military Coup Against Obama

You won't be watching anyone hang. Your kind will be exterminated before that ever transpires.
Not a chance. It's my country, my kind founded it, not yours...

And what kind would that be? Your kind is destined to be thrown into a mass grave while your progeny complain to the UN about war crimes.
My kind are Liberals. who found countries, like this one, and throw revolutions. Your kind throw coups, and create Dark Ages...
I came into the military during Clinton's era and retired when Obama was fucking things up. He has no clue people like me have been there and done that when his ass was outside the White House and we also know everything he knows while he is lying to the US public about terrorism, Iraq, Russia, etc. He has less experience than most people in the military....he is a "visitor" to our world to most people in the DoD and they know he will be forced to leave in 2 years.

I do believe if the US was being attacked by Russia or China and Obama just sat there not caring and not giving any directions to defend ourselves like planned, I think he would be arrested by the military and the VPOTUS given his chance to defend the US. The DoD will never stand by and let some 4/8 year "visitor" to the White House destroy the US.

THIS. And they ARE DUTY BOUND per the Constitution when they know their CiNC is CORRUPT as Obama.
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Bring it! I'd enjoy hanging your kind, on national TV...

You won't be watching anyone hang. Your kind will be exterminated before that ever transpires.

Apparently PaintMyHouse thinks that a group of disarmed homosexuals are going to have the collective testosterone to overpower us with their bare hands.

You brought a gun to a drone fight. Good luck with that. Say a big hello to Jesus for me...
Amos is another dirty FOX Top talking head:

The last piece of a 16-month investigation against the Marine Corps’ top officer, Commandant Gen. James F. Amos, has come to close with the general cleared of wrongdoing.

The Defense Department Inspector General did not substantiate allegations that Amos inserted himself illegally into the military justice system to ensure tough punishments against Marine scout snipers who were depicted in a video urinating on dead Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, a Pentagon official told The Washington Post on Monday. The news was first reported by Marine Corps Times over the weekend, citing an anonymous Defense Department official. The investigation is said to have ended July 24.

The case began when Maj. James Weirick, a Marine attorney then serving at Quantico, Va., filed a complaint with the Pentagon IG in March 2013 alleging that the cases for against the snipers was tainted because Amos and other members of his staff had inappropriately got involved.

Amos has NOT been cleared yet, like traitor North, wants to capitalize on his infamy.
ALL SOLDIERS...ALL Office holders are BOUND by their OATHES to Do what is suggested. To ignore, to do LESS is Cowardice...and an extreme disservice to the PEOPLE that the Constitution is designed to protect. You Statists on here? YOU have NO HONOR. YOU will never understand it. The Founders already KNEW you'd be there defending DESPOTISM...TYRANNY.
Not a chance. It's my country, my kind founded it, not yours...

And what kind would that be? Your kind is destined to be thrown into a mass grave while your progeny complain to the UN about war crimes.
My kind are Liberals. who found countries, like this one, and throw revolutions. Your kind throw coups, and create Dark Ages...

So that would make you a strict Constitutionalist...since it was liberals who had the bright idea in the first place.

You won't be watching anyone hang. Your kind will be exterminated before that ever transpires.

Apparently PaintMyHouse thinks that a group of disarmed homosexuals are going to have the collective testosterone to overpower us with their bare hands.

You brought a gun to a drone fight. Good luck with that. Say a big hello to Jesus for me...

The Afgans brought guns to drone fights and they won.

Watch some LIVE battle footage from Iraq and Afghanistan, you'll see how overrated technology is.
If there were a military coup and there should be no one would mention it. obuma would wake up to find his vacation home surrounded. He would be quietly taken into custody along with Biden. An interim president would have been chosen to fill out obuma' s term until next election.

It's what should happen.
And what kind would that be? Your kind is destined to be thrown into a mass grave while your progeny complain to the UN about war crimes.
My kind are Liberals. who found countries, like this one, and throw revolutions. Your kind throw coups, and create Dark Ages...

So that would make you a strict Constitutionalist...since it was liberals who had the bright idea in the first place.
Strict? No, unlike reactionaries we evolve, as does Liberalism...
Time to file new charges against traitor North and add Amos, IF the OP is honest, they are threatening armed insurrection. I think it more likely traitor North is out for a few fast bucks; his skimming money from taxpayers ended 30 years ago.
The radical left wing and democrat politicians have always hated the Marines. MacArthur never forgave the Marines for exposing his lack of initiative in a crucial offensive during WW1. Truman tried to reduce the Marines to a inconsequential force after they sacrificed so much in the Pacific during WW2 and ironically the Marines saved his ass in Korea. Now it's typical propaganda sponsored by Obama and fueled by left wing blog sites.
Time to file new charges against traitor North and add Amos, IF the OP is honest, they are threatening armed insurrection. I think it more likely traitor North is out for a few fast bucks; his skimming money from taxpayers ended 30 years ago.

NORTH isn't the ISSUE...Focus you fucking IDIOT.
Traitor North, maybe he is selling weapons to ISIS, he took US taxpayer money & funded Islamic terror in the past. Of course he kept a percentage.

Ollie North is a convicted criminal and no hero of America

He was directly involved the clandestine sale of weapons to Iran, North diverted proceeds from the arms sales to support the Contra rebel groups in Nicaragua (which had been specifically prohibited under the Boland Amendment)

He has NO respect for the law or the powers that constitutionally made the laws.

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