BREAKING: Marine GENERAL- Military Coup Against Obama

My kind are Liberals. who found countries, like this one, and throw revolutions. Your kind throw coups, and create Dark Ages...

So that would make you a strict Constitutionalist...since it was liberals who had the bright idea in the first place.
Strict? No, unlike reactionaries we evolve, as does Liberalism...

Well, then let's be proactive. We need to set up a system of governance so that everyone is treated fairly. Not the details, but a description of how the system should operate.

Let's start with the Constitution. How could we improve it?

Per Google, a coup is a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

Criticizing the president isn't a coup. People should criticize leaders to keep them in fear of the people.
Won't be the first time the jackwagons tried it, and they were put down fast!

The Attempted Coup Against FDR

The Coup
During this same period, retired Marine Corps General Smedley Darlington Butler was approached by two members of the American Legion: Bill Doyle, and Gerald C. MacGuire (who was also a bonds salesman for a Morgan concern). The American Legion, ostensibly a veterans’ benevolent society, was founded by wealthy industrialists who used the Legionnaires as strike busters.7 The men invited Butler to address an upcoming Legion convention. They were dissatisfied with how the organization was being run, and hoped Butler’s influence would help them oust the present leadership. Butler politely listened, but refused, saying he did not wish to get involved in Legion politics. A short time thereafter the two men called upon Butler again. They seemingly disregarded Butler’s former refusal to attend the convention. They had a new plan. Butler would now bring a few hundred Legionnaires with him to the convention and scatter them throughout the audience. MacGuire assured Butler that the Legionnaires’ expenses would be covered as he showed him a bank book with deposits totaling over $100,000. When Butler appeared in the spectator gallery, the Legionnaires were to leap to their feet demanding he speak. MacGuire then produced the prepared speech he wanted Butler to give. The speech urged the convention to adopt a resolution calling for Roosevelt to return to the Gold Standard.

Up until that time the dollar was backed by gold, meaning the US Treasury could only print as much money as there was gold reserve backing that money in Fort Knox. Going off the Gold standard allowed for more money to printed and pumped into the economy, partially to fund the proposed relief programs. Those who had a lot of money were opposed to going off the Gold standard for fear their money would have less value. So Butler was to convince the veterans, who were due a second bonus payment, that if they were not paid in money backed by gold, their bonuses would be compromised. Butler became suspicious. Who was trying to use him in this way? Where did MacGuire get all this money and for whom was he really working? And wasn’t the Gold Standard argument merely a means to alienate the veterans from Roosevelt by convincing them his policies would render their money worthless?8 Feigning interest in order to learn more about the purpose of the intrigue, and who was behind it, Butler said he might be interested, but he needed to know the plan was foolproof. Butler also said he wanted to talk to the top man, and not intermediaries. After some hesitation MacGuire revealed that Singer Sewing Machine heir Robert Sterling Clark was instrumental, as was Grayson M.P. Murphy. Murphy ran a Wall Street brokerage house, was a director of Guaranty Trust, a Morgan Bank, and also had interests in Anaconda Copper, Bethlehem Steel and Goodyear Tire.9

Other meetings followed. At one point MacGuire took out his wallet and threw down 18 $1000 bills saying he wanted to pay Butler for his help. Robert Sterling Clark himself paid Butler a visit, and hinted at such things as Butler’s mortgage payments. Finally MacGuire revealed their real plans: he wanted Butler to lead an insurrection army to march on the White House, "force" Roosevelt to resign, and install a Secretary of General Affairs to take Roosevelt’s place and reinstate the Gold Standard.

Why would the plotters choose Butler? Butler, a two-time congressional medal of honor winner was one of the few well-loved military men. Only Butler could induce veterans, who would ordinarily have nothing to do with insurrection to follow him. The plotters felt they could seduce Butler with money and power. They misjudged him.

Probe V6N3: The Attempted Coup Against FDR
Traitor North, maybe he is selling weapons to ISIS, he took US taxpayer money & funded Islamic terror in the past. Of course he kept a percentage.


Traitor North admitted it, admitted he chose to help Islamic terrorists:

Oliver North, a military aide to the United States National Security Council (NSC), proposed a new plan for selling arms to Iran, which included two major adjustments: instead of selling arms through Israel, the sale was to be direct, and a portion of the proceeds would go to Contras, or Nicaraguan paramilitary fighters waging guerrilla warfare against the democratically-elected Sandinista government, at a markup. North proposed a $15 million markup, while contracted arms broker Ghorbanifar added a 41% markup of his own.[37] Other members of the NSC were in favor of North's plan; with large support, Poindexter authorized it without notifying President Reagan, and it went into effect.[38]

He also confessed to keeping $60,000.00 for "home improvements, including security", the prosecution believed the amount was higher though. He sold arms to those who were holding US citizens hostage, thus he is NOT retired, he is an ex Marine, and a convict whose conviction was overturned on a technicality.

If selling arms to the enemy is traitorous, what is?
Defend the Constitution as ALL Soldiers have taken the vow to do...

Soldiers are NOT there to defend the Government...or it's ASSHOLE "LEADERS".

Priority ONE...the Constitution and the Rule of LAW that Obama and the Democrat STATISTS circumvent.

The General is CORRECT. YOU on the left? DEAL With it...we KNOW you loathe the RULE OF LAW...In particular the Constitution. WE are BOUND to defend it...OBAMA DESERVES to be yanked out of office.
Traitor North, maybe he is selling weapons to ISIS, he took US taxpayer money & funded Islamic terror in the past. Of course he kept a percentage.


Traitor North admitted it, admitted he chose to help Islamic terrorists:

Oliver North, a military aide to the United States National Security Council (NSC), proposed a new plan for selling arms to Iran, which included two major adjustments: instead of selling arms through Israel, the sale was to be direct, and a portion of the proceeds would go to Contras, or Nicaraguan paramilitary fighters waging guerrilla warfare against the democratically-elected Sandinista government, at a markup. North proposed a $15 million markup, while contracted arms broker Ghorbanifar added a 41% markup of his own.[37] Other members of the NSC were in favor of North's plan; with large support, Poindexter authorized it without notifying President Reagan, and it went into effect.[38]

He also confessed to keeping $60,000.00 for "home improvements, including security", the prosecution believed the amount was higher though. He sold arms to those who were holding US citizens hostage, thus he is NOT retired, he is an ex Marine, and a convict whose conviction was overturned on a technicality.

If selling arms to the enemy is traitorous, what is?

Why aren't you angry at Obama for giving ISIS United States tanks and artillery in Syria?

Yes Ollie North is also a traitor, but he's not the topic here. However if you also consider him a traitor, then Obama is 50x the traitor he is.
And I will be right there to witness it...DEAL with it...
Per Google, a coup is a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

Criticizing the president isn't a coup. People should criticize leaders to keep them in fear of the people.

I would disagree with that statement. People should criticize leaders to keep them from doing stupid things.

Fear should not be an issue.


Traitor North admitted it, admitted he chose to help Islamic terrorists:

Oliver North, a military aide to the United States National Security Council (NSC), proposed a new plan for selling arms to Iran, which included two major adjustments: instead of selling arms through Israel, the sale was to be direct, and a portion of the proceeds would go to Contras, or Nicaraguan paramilitary fighters waging guerrilla warfare against the democratically-elected Sandinista government, at a markup. North proposed a $15 million markup, while contracted arms broker Ghorbanifar added a 41% markup of his own.[37] Other members of the NSC were in favor of North's plan; with large support, Poindexter authorized it without notifying President Reagan, and it went into effect.[38]

He also confessed to keeping $60,000.00 for "home improvements, including security", the prosecution believed the amount was higher though. He sold arms to those who were holding US citizens hostage, thus he is NOT retired, he is an ex Marine, and a convict whose conviction was overturned on a technicality.

If selling arms to the enemy is traitorous, what is?

Why aren't you angry at Obama for giving ISIS United States tanks and artillery in Syria?

Yes Ollie North is also a traitor, but he's not the topic here. However if you also consider him a traitor, then Obama is 50x the traitor he is.

Obama has sold a PLTEHORA of weapons to our enemies...Obama is NECK DEEP in it...and the SUBJECT of this thread.

Sounds like The T needs to tell John Boner to start impeachment proceedings immediately. We need to get started before November.
Amos may be cleared, North will never disgrace the US military again. On to actual news, the US military is superb, the right decision was made:

.......F/A-18 fighter jets dropping laser-guided bombs.....

Todays mission by genuine US military elite forces again hit targets exactly as planned; true military work, at its finest. The rejects & has beens babbling on TV are competing for jobs as talking heads on FOX. No "coup", our military planned, and executed, to PERFECTION.
how about the abandoned marine in mexico?
the criminal in mexico? Who tried to escape? We'll see him again, in ten years or so...

........... .............
Traitor? TOO MILD. THIS poster is for TYRANNY...the very thing they say they fear from know? Religious RULE...The asshole YOU address has no fucking clue what he defends....An OBVIOUS victim of Government Schools.
Iraq will forever be GWB's illegal war, and forever his failure – regardless the current administration.
So that would make you a strict Constitutionalist...since it was liberals who had the bright idea in the first place.
Strict? No, unlike reactionaries we evolve, as does Liberalism...

Well, then let's be proactive. We need to set up a system of governance so that everyone is treated fairly. Not the details, but a description of how the system should operate.

Let's start with the Constitution. How could we improve it?
We could truly believe All Men Are Created Equal, then we could believe the same of women...
Bottom line? Obama has Defied the Constitution...and become AN ENEMY OF THE CONSTITUTION. The POINT.

Cannot defend it you Statist/Leftist BASTARDS.

Obama Needs to be IMPEACHED...JAILED....but it will NOT HAPPEN.

I WILL SUPPORT the Military if they EVER decide to take him under arrest, as they are CONSTITUTIONALLY resigned to do.
Bottom line? Obama has Defied the Constitution...and become AN ENEMY OF THE CONSTITUTION. The POINT.

Cannot defend it you Statist/Leftist BASTARDS.

Obama Needs to be IMPEACHED...JAILED....but it will NOT HAPPEN.

I WILL SUPPORT the Military if they EVER decide to take him under arrest, as they are CONSTITUTIONALLY resigned to do.

Didn't you just say that Impeachment was a Democrat Idea and it was off the table? Is the booze affecting your memory that quickly? :eusa_whistle:
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