BREAKING: Marine GENERAL- Military Coup Against Obama

Traitor North admitted it, admitted he chose to help Islamic terrorists:

Oliver North, a military aide to the United States National Security Council (NSC), proposed a new plan for selling arms to Iran, which included two major adjustments: instead of selling arms through Israel, the sale was to be direct, and a portion of the proceeds would go to Contras, or Nicaraguan paramilitary fighters waging guerrilla warfare against the democratically-elected Sandinista government, at a markup. North proposed a $15 million markup, while contracted arms broker Ghorbanifar added a 41% markup of his own.[37] Other members of the NSC were in favor of North's plan; with large support, Poindexter authorized it without notifying President Reagan, and it went into effect.[38]

He also confessed to keeping $60,000.00 for "home improvements, including security", the prosecution believed the amount was higher though. He sold arms to those who were holding US citizens hostage, thus he is NOT retired, he is an ex Marine, and a convict whose conviction was overturned on a technicality.

If selling arms to the enemy is traitorous, what is?

Why aren't you angry at Obama for giving ISIS United States tanks and artillery in Syria?

Yes Ollie North is also a traitor, but he's not the topic here. However if you also consider him a traitor, then Obama is 50x the traitor he is.

Bullshit... Ollie North is no fucking traitor and it was in our interest to keep Iran and Iraq fighting at that time. there is also nothing wrong with working to get American citizens out of the hands of the IslamoNazis
Lunatics tend to attract each other. You may not be a lib lunatic, but you are a lunatic none he less:cuckoo:

I am a former United States Marine combat, infantry, veteran. You have just espoused the typical narcissistic, ungrateful attitude of liberals toward the military. We are all "programmed apes". No we stand for something higher than you, something you do not, or never will understand. And we will take our nation back, without any threat from castrated liberals like you.

Thanks for your service. Now, go see a psychiatrist.

No, if its all fine with you crybaby , I will continue to fight for my country, something I thought I gave up long ago...but Obama has messed with that peace. So you really do not thank me or any other vet for their service because you are a condescending asshole of a Democrat. Typical.
Amos may be cleared, North will never disgrace the US military again. On to actual news, the US military is superb, the right decision was made:

.......F/A-18 fighter jets dropping laser-guided bombs.....

Todays mission by genuine US military elite forces again hit targets exactly as planned; true military work, at its finest. The rejects & has beens babbling on TV are competing for jobs as talking heads on FOX. No "coup", our military planned, and executed, to PERFECTION.

:eusa_hand: The fighter jets are flying 800miles!! To take out a piece of artillery? Really? there is an airbase in Kurd territory. We should be there, and dropping bombs on the islamonzis, not some artillery piece. It doesn't take much to satisfy the Obama lovers... wow
I am a former United States Marine combat, infantry, veteran. You have just espoused the typical narcissistic, ungrateful attitude of liberals toward the military. We are all "programmed apes". No we stand for something higher than you, something you do not, or never will understand. And we will take our nation back, without any threat from castrated liberals like you.

Thanks for your service. Now, go see a psychiatrist.

No, if its all fine with you crybaby , I will continue to fight for my country, something I thought I gave up long ago...but Obama has messed with that peace. So you really do not thank me or any other vet for their service because you are a condescending asshole of a Democrat. Typical.

I'm a veteran. Go see a psychiatrist.

Legitimacy just flew out the window.

Remember, while we do have a constitution, Obama is merely a puppet compared to Senate and the House. Also, don't forget international laws, the UN, NATO, and Diplomacy.
Amos may be cleared, North will never disgrace the US military again. On to actual news, the US military is superb, the right decision was made:

.......F/A-18 fighter jets dropping laser-guided bombs.....

Todays mission by genuine US military elite forces again hit targets exactly as planned; true military work, at its finest. The rejects & has beens babbling on TV are competing for jobs as talking heads on FOX. No "coup", our military planned, and executed, to PERFECTION.

:eusa_hand: The fighter jets are flying 800miles!! To take out a piece of artillery? Really? there is an airbase in Kurd territory. We should be there, and dropping bombs on the islamonzis, not some artillery piece. It doesn't take much to satisfy the Obama lovers... wow
AMEN BROTHER...NOW if we had shown as much ZEAL (in an election YEAR), to HELP ISRAEL defend themselves from HAMAS?

These idiots just have ZERO concept of EVIL. Obama would rather pay lip service and APPEASE. (And the LEFT in general).ONLY to DEAL with the problems from their choices on Another day as they hold their heads in the fucking sand.

Thanks for your service. Now, go see a psychiatrist.

No, if its all fine with you crybaby , I will continue to fight for my country, something I thought I gave up long ago...but Obama has messed with that peace. So you really do not thank me or any other vet for their service because you are a condescending asshole of a Democrat. Typical.

I'm a veteran. Go see a psychiatrist.

Then condemn Obama for his illegal actions in Iraq.
Thanks for your service. Now, go see a psychiatrist.

No, if its all fine with you crybaby , I will continue to fight for my country, something I thought I gave up long ago...but Obama has messed with that peace. So you really do not thank me or any other vet for their service because you are a condescending asshole of a Democrat. Typical.

I'm a veteran. Go see a psychiatrist.

As a former US Marine I can only imagine the unpopularity of Obama inside the rank and file of those warriors who stand up and take the test to become "Marine." If it it came down to my government and the Corps...I can say with all honesty I would die fighting for my Commandant and Corps. I mean that...with all fucking honesty. The only true thing in this world...or should the Corps. Before my family or any other oath besides that to my God...the Corps takes precedent.
Especially when hundreds of THOUSANDS of troops are getting "PINK SLIPS".

This President and his SCDEF (Hagel), are making this nation VULNERABLE...and on fucking PURPOSE.

Obama needs to be reigned in and CALLED OUT for his TREASON.
Havel is a spineless turd. Time for vets and active duty to draw together. This shit has gone too far.

This vet is not a cry baby sore loser. I stand by our President.
Amos is another dirty FOX Top talking head:

The last piece of a 16-month investigation against the Marine Corps’ top officer, Commandant Gen. James F. Amos, has come to close with the general cleared of wrongdoing.

The Defense Department Inspector General did not substantiate allegations that Amos inserted himself illegally into the military justice system to ensure tough punishments against Marine scout snipers who were depicted in a video urinating on dead Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, a Pentagon official told The Washington Post on Monday. The news was first reported by Marine Corps Times over the weekend, citing an anonymous Defense Department official. The investigation is said to have ended July 24.

The case began when Maj. James Weirick, a Marine attorney then serving at Quantico, Va., filed a complaint with the Pentagon IG in March 2013 alleging that the cases for against the snipers was tainted because Amos and other members of his staff had inappropriately got involved.

Amos has NOT been cleared yet, like traitor North, wants to capitalize on his infamy.

:eusa_hand:Ollie North is a patriot. i hate when people talk out of both sides of there mouth

Not when he broke the law and pocketed profits by selling arms to those very people who held our people hostage.
No, if its all fine with you crybaby , I will continue to fight for my country, something I thought I gave up long ago...but Obama has messed with that peace. So you really do not thank me or any other vet for their service because you are a condescending asshole of a Democrat. Typical.

I'm a veteran. Go see a psychiatrist.

A veteran of what? Sucking dicks in the Air Force?

Tell us more about what you did in the service.
I take care of vets for a living, loser. What do you do for them, other than run your stupid mouth on a message board?
Traitorous? How am I traitor? Go back to your cave, whack job. And when you have taken care of as many vets as I have, or watched them die forgotten by losers like you, you call me a traitor and wish I was exterminated like some fascist freak.
Your a fucking liberal that has a fed job that you sopped up because your lame pouge fucking ass served a cush job in HQ someplace in the fucking Navy or Ar Force. Fuck you zit faced motherfucker. Don't fuck with me Indian. You deal with some sht on the res, but don't run your head to me motherfucker. Vets don't need a hand out welfare bitch. If they are tough, they just o out del with it and get a job. I'm sick of welfare vet admin pouge s gaming the system as well.

Is this suppose to be drunken goober night on this board? :eusa_whistle:
Kind of like those drunken goobers (my great uncle) that liberated the Nazi death camps. Glad you appreciate it prick.
Your a fucking liberal that has a fed job that you sopped up because your lame pouge fucking ass served a cush job in HQ someplace in the fucking Navy or Ar Force. Fuck you zit faced motherfucker. Don't fuck with me Indian. You deal with some sht on the res, but don't run your head to me motherfucker. Vets don't need a hand out welfare bitch. If they are tough, they just o out del with it and get a job. I'm sick of welfare vet admin pouge s gaming the system as well.

Is this suppose to be drunken goober night on this board? :eusa_whistle:
Kind of like those drunken goobers (my great uncle) that liberated the Nazi death camps. Glad you appreciate it prick.

Like my father an three uncles who fought the nazis now put down the bottle goyim boy
Is this suppose to be drunken goober night on this board? :eusa_whistle:
Kind of like those drunken goobers (my great uncle) that liberated the Nazi death camps. Glad you appreciate it prick.

Like my father an three uncles who fought the nazis now put down the bottle goyim boy

and by the way it was the Red army who liberated the first camps and beat the nazis at Stalingrad and the eastern front , without them Europe would have been lost
The radical left wing and democrat politicians have always hated the Marines. MacArthur never forgave the Marines for exposing his lack of initiative in a crucial offensive during WW1. Truman tried to reduce the Marines to a inconsequential force after they sacrificed so much in the Pacific during WW2 and ironically the Marines saved his ass in Korea. Now it's typical propaganda sponsored by Obama and fueled by left wing blog sites.

MacArthur was a right wing republican, not a left wing democrat.

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