Breaking! Marjorie Taylor Greene Swatted Again This Morning (8-25-2022)

It's always those who accuse others of false flag hoaxes who are guilty of the crime they believe others are doing.
You must mean like:
  • The fake russia collision scam.
  • The fake Trump is delirious scam.
  • The fake Trump brought Covid scam.
  • The false Trump as dictator ruse.
  • The untrue Trump Crime Family gambit.
  • The heinous Trump Supporters attacking DC lie.
  • The bogus Trump tried to overthrow the Capitol bullshit.
  • The insidious lie that the 2020 election was on the up and up.
  • And the ridiculous claim that Repubs hate women ruse.
Tards are always going on how smart they are. Now we know what they are good at.

Emergency services will have to stop accepting calls from untraceable virtual networks, maybe then Tards will be happy when someone finally dies as a result.
I believe she may have called it an assassination attempt. And certainly a few of our good posters called it an assassination attempt.
The story and her tweet did not say anything about an assassination attempt. What conclusion other posters want to believe is irrelevant to the facts. So far Greene has not mentioned any assassination attempt, so facts tell us otherwise.
MTG used an untraceable VPN to hoax swat herself. - (there I fixed it for you)

It's always those who accuse others of false flag hoaxes (like MTG usually does), who are guilty of the crime they believe others are doing.
Show us the link and the proof, so far you are just like the stolen election accusers, you have nothing, absolutely nothing.
MTG used an untraceable VPN to hoax swat herself. - (there I fixed it for you)

It's always those who accuse others of false flag hoaxes (like MTG usually does), who are guilty of the crime they believe others are doing.
Again, proof?
2 calls for the same incident don't constitute being SWATted twice. One call was made to say that there had been a shooting at MTG's home, and another call was made a bit later to say that the reason the first had happened was because of MTG's views on transgender youth. No, she wasn't SWATted twice, just the one time. I even went to Google to see if a second incident had happened, and it hasn't. But, I guess that doesn't stop the conservatives from crying out that they are being attacked and this was an assassination attempt on MTG. And, while the police may have went out on the call, when they realized it was her home upon arrival, they didn't go into full standoff mode, they simply knocked on the door and asked if everything was allright. MUCH different from other SWATting calls that ended tragically that have made it to the news.
Oh thank God... they only swatted her once . Nevermind then it's OK. Dems don't follow rules.
What's the purpose of swatting someone?

It damn sure isn't a form of assassination as you are trying to portray it. Swatting is used to provoke a police response to annoy and hassle the person being swatted. But calling it an assassination attempt? Nope, too inefficient, as the police will respond and investigate (usually) to a 911 call prior to opening fire. Like I said, calling it an assassination attempt is hyperbolic bullshit. And trying to SWAT a well known politician? Even stupider, as the police are going to handle them with a bit more regard than they will the average citizen. It even said in the report that when the police got to MTG's home, they recognized it as hers, and instead of going immediately into armed standoff mode, they knocked on her door and asked if everything was allright. Average citizens aren't that lucky, as police will assume armed perpetrators first and ask questions later. In the case of well known politicians, it's ask first, because they don't want it splashed all over the news that they took out a politician without checking.
The story and her tweet did not say anything about an assassination attempt. What conclusion other posters want to believe is irrelevant to the facts. So far Greene has not mentioned any assassination attempt, so facts tell us otherwise.

I said I think, not I know. I had the boob tube on yesterday and she was spouting on either her or someone else's podcast and that term was thrown out there. Not sure if it was her or the other nutter saying it.
Can you show me an example of the Right swatting a Left politician?
Is there even ONE example?

Let me guess......the Left's propaganda machine will create 100 "authenticated" examples in the next 5 minutes)
Liberal, not left.

There are no sitting leftist politicians that I'm aware of.
Who does it benefit? Connect the dots!
That there is someone that doesn’t like MTG and is willing to pull stupid pranks. That is what the evidence shows. Now if this was Smollett, there is a history of faking This type of thing. Now, if she is involved in this, then she need to be censored and remove her from her position. No evidence points to Greene.
That there is someone that doesn’t like MTG and is willing to pull stupid pranks. That is what the evidence shows. Now if this was Smollett, there is a history of faking This type of thing. Now, if she is involved in this, then she need to be censored and remove her from her position. No evidence points to Greene.
Maybe not MTG personally, but one of her minions.
MTG needs to stop calling 911 & crying wolf. They know the calls are originating from inside her home. She is baiting them so she can scream illegal raid like her idol Trump.
You're a liar

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