Breaking: Marjorie Taylor Greene's Daughter’s Houses Get Swatted

She should quit politics because now she's endangering her daughter.
No offense bro, but that's really none of your business.

You need to get out of the 80s and the 90s because that moral-relativism, virtue-signalling, and cancel-culturing, just because someone in the GOP likes getting it on. I don't know of hardly any of them who are Bible-Bangers like they used to be.
The Christian right is only a small part of their base these days.

But it seems like most of the Democrat's donors are card carrying communists, Satanists, and pedophiles.

So....when it comes to morals and all of that rot.....if you vote Democrat then you seem to feel that all of the above is okay while you look down your nose at people (who aren't perfect and don't claim to be) just because of their political leanings.
I know, I know, it's a trumper supported activity. If it OK for Donny, it's OK for the Trump supporting toadies and toady whores as long as cheating on their spouse isn't doing a same sex thing. After all, good Republicans have to have some standards. So, Donny cucked every wife he ever had, even raping one in a dressing room, and double dated with Epstein. Bill, cucked Hillary for years, maybe still does, for all I know. I heard Boebert, now that she too has gotten divorced from her husband after coming to office (same as MTG), was jacking some jerk in a theater and vaping THC while doing it. Of course, she's leaving the district she was elected in, figuring that is the only way to keep her seat.

You really think it is that popular and accepted in your circles? Maybe I'm just old-fashioned? How many couples, married, never divorced for 49 years do you know that participate or approve of that kind of thing? Not many, I bet. Well, I don't and don't approve of those that do. Just to conservative, I guess.
I know, I know, it's a trumper supported activity. If it OK for Donny, it's OK for the Trump supporting toadies and toady whores as long as cheating on their spouse isn't doing a same sex thing. After all, good Republicans have to have some standards. So, Donny cucked every wife he ever had, even raping one in a dressing room, and double dated with Epstein. Bill, cucked Hillary for years, maybe still does, for all I know. I heard Boebert, now that she too has gotten divorced from her husband after coming to office (same as MTG), was jacking some jerk in a theater and vaping THC while doing it. Of course, she's leaving the district she was elected in, figuring that is the only way to keep her seat.

You really think it is that popular and accepted in your circles? Maybe I'm just old-fashioned? How many couples, married, never divorced for 49 years do you know that participate or approve of that kind of thing? Not many, I bet. Well, I don't and don't approve of those that do. Just to conservative, I guess.
I really don't care about their personal lives if they do their damned jobs.

Clearly most of the Dems don't do anything other than enrich themselves.

All of the moralistic BS is just a tactic that the left uses against Republicans.....knowing full-well their life-styles are 10 times worse.
I really don't care about their personal lives if they do their damned jobs.

Clearly most of the Dems don't do anything other than enrich themselves.

All of the moralistic BS is just a tactic that the left uses against Republicans.....knowing full-well their life-styles are 10 times worse.
It is much better to plot to overthrow election, steal, hide, and refuse to give back state secret. Cat fights on the floor of Congress are very popular, but at least one of them took time out to alert us of a kiddy rape ring, run out of a Pizza parlor basement and blow the whistle on Jewish space lasers that were setting wildfires in California. Thank the God, these people are doing their job! Oops. :auiqs.jpg: Sorry. I take that back. We have established in this thread, that as good Trumpers, Christianity can be taken very lightly. Also, I wouldn't want God to send any of these virtuous people a lightning bolt and call them home. I guess that is not likely, though, as they have all achieved the Oral Roberts $8 Million Dollar minimum fundraising.
I know, I know, it's a trumper supported activity. If it OK for Donny, it's OK for the Trump supporting toadies and toady whores as long as cheating on their spouse isn't doing a same sex thing. After all, good Republicans have to have some standards. So, Donny cucked every wife he ever had, even raping one in a dressing room, and double dated with Epstein. Bill, cucked Hillary for years, maybe still does, for all I know. I heard Boebert, now that she too has gotten divorced from her husband after coming to office (same as MTG), was jacking some jerk in a theater and vaping THC while doing it. Of course, she's leaving the district she was elected in, figuring that is the only way to keep her seat.

You really think it is that popular and accepted in your circles? Maybe I'm just old-fashioned? How many couples, married, never divorced for 49 years do you know that participate or approve of that kind of thing? Not many, I bet. Well, I don't and don't approve of those that do. Just to conservative, I guess.
STFU you worthless, misogynist troll. You looking down on anybody is laughable. Considering you support a party full of pedophiles who can’t identify what a woman is. So crawl back under your rock with the rest of the scum.
No offense bro, but that's really none of your business.

You need to get out of the 80s and the 90s because that moral-relativism, virtue-signalling, and cancel-culturing, just because someone in the GOP likes getting it on. I don't know of hardly any of them who are Bible-Bangers like they used to be.
The Christian right is only a small part of their base these days.

But it seems like most of the Democrat's donors are card carrying communists, Satanists, and pedophiles.

So....when it comes to morals and all of that rot.....if you vote Democrat then you seem to feel that all of the above is okay while you look down your nose at people (who aren't perfect and don't claim to be) just because of their political leanings.
Back in the day, when queers came out of the bedroom, we were all supposed to be tolerant of those fudge packers, but when the queer Republican Congressman stuck his foot under the bathroom stall, the Marxists went bonkers and demanded that he resign.

I know, I know, it's a trumper supported activity. If it OK for Donny, it's OK for the Trump supporting toadies and toady whores as long as cheating on their spouse isn't doing a same sex thing. After all, good Republicans have to have some standards. So, Donny cucked every wife he ever had, even raping one in a dressing room, and double dated with Epstein. Bill, cucked Hillary for years, maybe still does, for all I know. I heard Boebert, now that she too has gotten divorced from her husband after coming to office (same as MTG), was jacking some jerk in a theater and vaping THC while doing it. Of course, she's leaving the district she was elected in, figuring that is the only way to keep her seat.

You really think it is that popular and accepted in your circles? Maybe I'm just old-fashioned? How many couples, married, never divorced for 49 years do you know that participate or approve of that kind of thing? Not many, I bet. Well, I don't and don't approve of those that do. Just to conservative, I guess.
You just dont get it do you. Someone does a sin, and asked for forgiveness, we on the right can give that forgiveness. But you nasty fucks, i guess because you were treated like shit when you were young, always attack those who do something wrong even condoning the attempt to have that person murdered. Then when called out, you start calling everyone names..

Maybe you are just a dick, no worse a pussy, which is always getting fucked by dicks.

Hopefully you will get swatted, and see how it can be.
As long as they do not shoot the German Shepherd guarding in the hall or living room, everything will be fine. Send them on. I serve good coffee to police and fire.
As long as they do not shoot the German Shepherd guarding in the hall or living room, everything will be fine. Send them on. I serve good coffee to police and fire.
If you respect cops, then using them like this would piss you off.

If I was a cop, I wouldn't want food or coffee from a democrat.
STFU you worthless, misogynist troll. You looking down on anybody is laughable. Considering you support a party full of pedophiles who can’t identify what a woman is. So crawl back under your rock with the rest of the scum.
So, you could not beat the subject on merits or fact (because you got nothing) so you change to some other slander, directed at me? :auiqs.jpg: What a joke! Hey, Trump, Marjory Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert are the moral degenerates you support, as you agree with their moral outlook of anything goes if a good party supporter. Lantern, you got a pretty dim light, there, ma'am. Been cucked and had to go along with it before or kicked to the curb for your lack of control?
You just dont get it do you. Someone does a sin, and asked for forgiveness, we on the right can give that forgiveness. But you nasty fucks, i guess because you were treated like shit when you were young, always attack those who do something wrong even condoning the attempt to have that person murdered. Then when called out, you start calling everyone names..

Maybe you are just a dick, no worse a pussy, which is always getting fucked by dicks.

Did Donny ever ask for forgiveness? How about MTG? If so, it wasn't public. Nobody condoning anything, certainly not me. Not calling names just applying labels correctly from the dictionary. They don't mind and I am sure they have heard it before. Don't be such a whining, child, just because you cannot win on what you support and cannot deny the actions referred to. Not everybody is of your low morals. Let me know when your heroes start publicly confessing and asking forgiveness. And, if they keep doing the same, let me know when you realize you might be a schmuck for believing.

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