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BREAKING: Mass school shooting multiple victims

Let me ask you.

Are you going to admit that you're a bigoted piece of shit if it turns out that the shooter was not a "Muzzie Beast"?

I'm going to guess no.

If it turns out not to be a Muzzie Beast, how would that make me a "bigoted piece of shit?"

If it turns out not to be a Christian, or a white person, will that make you a "bigoted piece of shit?"

I notice that you leftists don't wait for the facts before doubling down on your war on civil rights.

The fact that you use the term "Muzzie Beast" makes you a bigoted piece of shit.

But you knew that already. You're proud of it.
Get it now? Laws do not prevent crime, crimes are punished and that is what keeps society relatively safe.

Yes... and we 'got it' even before you set up free-slaughter zones. Meaning that Gun-free Zones are designed to promote mass-murder and they're intentionally designed for just that.

You set them up, so that the product of socialism can slaughter the innocent with little fear of being stopped from doing so. This allows you to then blame 'the tool' that YOU used to slaughter the innocent, so as to justify "BANNING THE TOOL".

It's called "Cultural Marxism" and it's a lie... same as any other facet of Left-think.

But hey... Such is the Nature of Evil.
What did I suggest outlawing?

Again, any person can print a fully automatic rifle on a 3D printer, so the ONLY thing you can to is to infringe the rights of the law abiding.
Youre a dumbass. Not many people can afford a 500k printer.

Walmart's selling them for $400.00 right now, JS

TwoUp 3D Printer Kit - Walmart.com
I'm tallking about one that can make a gun.

*cough* Oh you mean like the one they're selling at Walmart for $400?

2014 - "The next gun model to spark innovation in the 3d printed gun world was designed by a 27 year old man in Japan named Yoshitomo Imura. Crafted from a $500 dollar 3d printer from Japan, this model is known as the Zig Zag Revolver, named after the German Mauser Zig Zag handgun, and can fire six more shots than the Liberator without reloading. Although Imura was eventually taken into custody by authorities for illegally possessing firearms, his 3d printed gun innovation proves once again the power of low cost 3d printed gun manufacturing as well as the inability of law enforcement to track and cease production of them." ~ The Accelerated Evolution of 3D Printed Gun Technology - Paxon Plastic

You are confusing rhetoric with reality.

Actually, you are. Anyone who thinks "Gun Free Zones" will deter a mass shooting because of the possible punishment, is deluding themselves.

Come on.

I don't believe that I've said anything close to "Gun Free Zones will deter mass shootings".

Why can't you simply respond to my posts, rather than building strawmen to knock down?
Get it now? Laws do not prevent crime, crimes are punished and that is what keeps society relatively safe.

Yes... and we 'got it' even before you set up free-slaughter zones. Meaning that Gun-free Zones are designed to promote mass-murder and they're intentionally designed for just that.

You set them up, so that the product of socialism can slaughter the innocent with little fear of being stopped from doing so. This allows you to then blame 'the tool' that YOU used to slaughter the innocent, so as to justify "BANNING THE TOOL".

It's called "Cultural Marxism" and it's a lie... same as any other facet of Left-think.

But hey... Such is the Nature of Evil.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory...well at least the first part. I didnt bother reading anything after your claim that gun free zones were really slaughter zones. :laugh:
Laws don't exist to prevent crime, they exist to punish it.
Deep but I bet this went over most peoples heads.

Wow...now you anti gunners embrace the concept that laws can't prevent crime.....you just need to understand that that also means they can't prevent gun crime....try to get that through your heads and we may finally get you to see the truth...
They cant prevent crime. I can get a gun with no problem and no paperwork all cash. I am not anti gun. Obviously you dont get that the prescence of such laws have an effect on people that wish to avoid jail time. Those laws will never prevent crime because some people are going to commit them regardless. The aim is to get most people not to be criminals.

Using a gun to commit crime and then going to jail for it is enough for normal people....there is no need to license law abiding gun owners or register guns. Criminals caught using a gun in a crime can already be arrested without them, and felons can be arrested without them for mere possession of a gun.

What you fail to realize is that the anti gunners want licensing, registration and universal background checks because they can turn normal people, who own guns, into felons if they make paper work mistakes in those processes.....and that will scare peole from owning or carrying guns.

I think thats the entire point. We dont need more guns. We need less. Think of it in terms of nuclear weapons. Do you want an ongoing arms race or do you want people to get rid of weapons which are capable of snuffing out mankind?

No...sorry, you are wrong. We need the right people to have and carry guns...that actually deters mass shootings..we have it from actual mass shooters who left notes....more than one changed their target because they knew their would be armed security at the location...and then they chose gun free zones....

Law abiding gun owners who carry guns for protection are more law abiding than the average American and more law abiding than sworn police officers. Having them carry guns does not increase gun crime...

In fact...12.8 million Americans now carry concealed or open weapons for self defense...and the gun murder rate has gone down from 8,454 in 2013....to 8,145 in 2014...it has been going down steadily since the 90s...and more Americans than ever now own and carry guns...

guns are not the problem....locking up violent criminals is....most gun criminals serve less than 3 years....the police commissioner in Chicago has been talking about light jail sentences for gun offenders for the last two days here in chicago..

It isn't guns...it is simply that we don't lock up gun criminals...
Get it now? Laws do not prevent crime, crimes are punished and that is what keeps society relatively safe.

Yes... and we 'got it' even before you set up free-slaughter zones. Meaning that Gun-free Zones are designed to promote mass-murder and they're intentionally designed for just that.

You set them up, so that the product of socialism can slaughter the innocent with little fear of being stopped from doing so. This allows you to then blame 'the tool' that YOU used to slaughter the innocent, so as to justify "BANNING THE TOOL".

It's called "Cultural Marxism" and it's a lie... same as any other facet of Left-think.

But hey... Such is the Nature of Evil.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory...well at least the first part. I didnt bother reading anything after your claim that gun free zones were really slaughter zones. :laugh:

actually they are....where armed civilians can carry their guns, there are fewer victims in mass shootings.
The fact that you use the term "Muzzie Beast" makes you a bigoted piece of shit.

But you knew that already. You're proud of it.

Well Obama forbid that I should offend your terrorist allies...

Again, you are engaged in full assault on civil liberties, dancing on the bodies of the dead in hopes that you can use this to revoke civil rights. IF this turns out to be terrorism, will you and the other leftists apologize and admit that you were just using a tragedy to attack the rights of others?
I assume the shooter was a muslim because no one wants to report his identity. Media would be salivating to report his identity if they thought he was a tea party member.
Whenever something like this happens, we always go through the usual "Oh my, why did he do it, what caused him to do it, what could we have done to prevent this" litany. Every time. I suppose it's only natural to think those things after some horrible tragedy like this.

But wondering what we could have done to prevent it, doesn't mean there WAS anything we could have done.

Hearing recent news reports, was the first I've heard of this event, and I know nothing about it except what's in those.

But I can probably predict how things will go - since they have gone this way for every other mass murder like this.

The shooter's motives will be analyzed... and it will be found that he didn't really have any "normal" motives. He didn't hate the thirty or forty people he shot. He didn't even know most of them, perhaps didn't know any of them at all.

It will be found that he was a loner who was unhappy and a little weird, but not obviously homicidal. And/or his girlfriend jilted him last week. Or that he got a reprimand on his job. Or got a speeding ticket in his car. Or that he just got back from Iraq where he was greatly stressed. Or that his parents he was living with (if he was) suggested that he get off his duff and get a job. Or he got up two mornings ago, saw a green tree with a red bird in it, and decided from that to go and kill a bunch of people. Or some other thing happened that people can point to as the "trigger" that set him off.

And nobody, but nobody, will point out the fact that the thing that "set him off", is something that happens to various people every day, by the thousands or millions across this country... and none of THEM got a gun and started blasting away at everyone in sight. Not even the loners who were unhappy and a little weird... of which there are lots, in this country of 300 million people.

Why did he do it? Because there was something broken inside his head.

Not something that caused him to lurch around, drooling and babbling and slapping himself. But something that remained pretty much hidden, until a "stimulus" that hundreds of thousands of people get every day, happened to him this time. And the broken thing inside his head caused him to react very differently from the way everyone else has reacted over the eons.

What could have we done to prevent it? Not a damned thing. Because we don't have a "broken thing detector". Nothing else could have foretold that he would do this.

Even if we did have a "broken thing detector", it would probably register on 10% of the population, or more... the vast majority of whom will still never shoot anybody. What we don't know about the inner workings of the brain, would fill books, volumes, encyclopedia sets... if we knew enough about it to write them, which we don't. The "psychologists" we will see on TV for the next several weeks, are completely ignorant of what was wrong with this guy... and the honest ones will tell you that straight out. But those aren't the ones who will be on TV.

Well, that's what will happen over the next weeks. And a few people will say that if we make some laws about certain things, we will have "done something about it"... with no particular reason to think they will have any actual effect on the next guy with a broken thing inside his head.

Here we go again. As we did last time, and the time before that, and the time before that.

Useful result: ZERO. Just like last time, etc.

Screw "Why?"

Punish behavior and don't let broken Monkeys have dangerous tools or toys.
Be specific how would you stop them? It is already illegal for anyone adjudged mentally incompetent to own possess or buy a firearm.

Operative word is adjudged. There are a number of gun owners (presumed) who have posted above and have not been adjudged mentally incompetent (presumed). The comments of some of them are suggestive of (at least) a paranoid personality.
  • Student Shooter at Umpqua Community College Dead, Sheriff Says
    ABC News ^ | October 1, 2015 | Meghan Keneally
    A male student killed multiple people at a shooting today at a community college in Roseburg, Oregon, authorities said. The shooter is now dead, police said. The shooter's identity has not been publicly released, though Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced that he was 20 years old. Gov. Brown’s spokeswoman Kristen Grainger confirmed that the shooter was a student at the school. Grainger also said that the number of fatalities and injuries totaled 20 people, but would not specify how many were dead and how many were injured. Neither the sheriff's office nor the governor's office or the state police would...
If true that 10 are dead, this would be one of the worst school shootings.

Things that make Americans look stupid from space, number 2:

Living in a society where every Monkey needs to pass both a written and a practical skills test and provide proof of liability coverage before being granted the privilege of driving a car, which is a VERY practical, albeit dangerous, tool, but any idiot with $600 can get a mighty fine shootin' iron, a tool designed only to maim and kill.

:smoke: It's no wonder we get so few visitors.....​
So you want a test to exercise a Constitutional right? Remind me what the Supreme Court said about that in regards voting?

5/9ths of the Court if we are to be honest.

5/9ths... a majority of the Supreme Legislature.
The fact that you use the term "Muzzie Beast" makes you a bigoted piece of shit.

But you knew that already. You're proud of it.

Well Obama forbid that I should offend your terrorist allies...

Again, you are engaged in full assault on civil liberties, dancing on the bodies of the dead in hopes that you can use this to revoke civil rights. IF this turns out to be terrorism, will you and the other leftists apologize and admit that you were just using a tragedy to attack the rights of others?


How have I "assaulted" any civil liberties, clown?
The fact that crimes still happen does not mean that no crimes have ever been stopped.

I'm curious... just where did I say that? Of course, some crimes are stopped, a majority of them aren't.

Laws are designed to make examples out of people who are caught breaking them. But then again, even when that happens, the next criminal who gets away with it will not care, he'll still commit the crime.

Right here:

But the punishment never deters the crime, hence the shooting in Oregon today, the shooting in Charleston and Columbine and Sandy Hook or Aurora...and so on. Like you said, Laws exist to punish crime, however they don't prevent crime, and it matters not one iota if someone is punished under them. The crime still happens.

You are misconstruing my statements. You can punish someone under the law as much as you want, pass as many laws as you want, but crime will exist regardless. Like you said, laws only exist to punish crime. Yet as I can see they don't serve as a very effective deterrent to any possible crime which may occur, whether the person is stopped or not.
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