Breaking — McCloskeys charged with felony by Kim Gardner…

I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
So I guess all Traditional Americans you disagree with should get lawyers , you’re just going to charge them with frivolous crimes.. because you hate America lol

That's been the argument on here and other places forever. What happened to it? Why does it only apply to some but not others? The color of their skin?
Can you answer my question? Thanks

Questions have (?) after them. You made a statement, you did not ask a question.
It required a response to the POINT I made. How does traditional American have a skin color?

I don't believe they do. People like yourself who have different standards for people and the protections of their rights believe there is a standard skin color.
Where did I bring up skin color!? Lol

In the vast majority of your beliefs.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
So I guess all Traditional Americans you disagree with should get lawyers , you’re just going to charge them with frivolous crimes.. because you hate America lol

That's been the argument on here and other places forever. What happened to it? Why does it only apply to some but not others? The color of their skin?
Can you answer my question? Thanks

Questions have (?) after them. You made a statement, you did not ask a question.
It required a response to the POINT I made. How does traditional American have a skin color?

I don't believe they do. People like yourself who have different standards for people and the protections of their rights believe there is a standard skin color.
Where did I bring up skin color!? Lol

In the vast majority of your beliefs.
I talk about people of color as they talk about white Americans.. If you don’t wanna treat people equally then you are the racist
Only in your Communist wet dreams is what they did illegal.
And of course, in the Legal Statute of the Law....
which legal statute? i suppose now the state is wrong for getting the case dismissed?

prove your point for one in your overall useless life.

what laws did they break. look them up and tell me specifically why they were broken. don't just scream they were, don't cite the bitch who went after them.

remove all and do your own legwork and explain to me with links which MO laws this couple broke.

bet ya $10 you can't do it.

565.056. 1. A person commits the offense of assault in the fourth degree if:​
(3) The person purposely places another person in apprehension of immediate physical injury;​
Dumb shit. The party may not instigate the “apprehension of injury” but if another party is threatening you then your response is perfectly fine if that party is “apprehensive” in fact it’s designed that way as an attempt to dissuade the trespasser or aggressor.
Typical liberal snowflake bullshit that if someone feels “apprehensive” then the responsibility for that lies elsewhere

Dumbfuck, Mark McClownskey says he wasn't threatened when he pulled his weapon on the protesters. Don't you pay attention to the news??

No Moon Bat. He never said that. You are lying. The guy was on Fox last night saying he was threatened.

Pull your head out of your ass.

You think you can keep this thread going by posting lies and then doing denial when confronted?
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
So I guess all Traditional Americans you disagree with should get lawyers , you’re just going to charge them with frivolous crimes.. because you hate America lol

That's been the argument on here and other places forever. What happened to it? Why does it only apply to some but not others? The color of their skin?
Can you answer my question? Thanks

Questions have (?) after them. You made a statement, you did not ask a question.
It required a response to the POINT I made. How does traditional American have a skin color?

I don't believe they do. People like yourself who have different standards for people and the protections of their rights believe there is a standard skin color.

What you just posted was stereo-typing which is exactly what you accuse others of doing.

It's not stereo-typing. It's throwing arguments back into their face.

I do n't give a flying fuck what the tint of someone's skin is, if they pose a threat to me and mine? I am going to take every precaution and be prepared for it and if it means standing out in my yard armed to the hilt as an angry mob approaches? They will be faced with either moving along or calling my bluff that I pick them off one by one with no hesitation. Cowardly mobs only thrive when they believe that their potential victim is helpless because leftards are gutless wonders that play the "victim card" even when they are the ones that started the confrontation to begin with. It is a tactic straight out of Sal Alinsky's book.

You and your ilk better wise up and crawl back under the rocks you came out of. Sane people have grown tired of the squatting and shitting that you commie fucks unashamedly do and then fling it with the smug look of self-righteousness for the cause. You are going to end up being sacrificed by the same elite class you claim to be fighting and I shan't give a fuck.

You can't win this. You aren't winning. Every day now we read about another police officer getting arrested for excessive force or for killing someone. We are going to weed them out and demand change in how they do their jobs.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
So I guess all Traditional Americans you disagree with should get lawyers , you’re just going to charge them with frivolous crimes.. because you hate America lol

That's been the argument on here and other places forever. What happened to it? Why does it only apply to some but not others? The color of their skin?
Can you answer my question? Thanks

Questions have (?) after them. You made a statement, you did not ask a question.
It required a response to the POINT I made. How does traditional American have a skin color?

I don't believe they do. People like yourself who have different standards for people and the protections of their rights believe there is a standard skin color.
Where did I bring up skin color!? Lol

In the vast majority of your beliefs.
I talk about people of color as they talk about white Americans.. If you don’t wanna treat people equally then you are the racist

You hold a different standard for this couple and for some poor guy picked up off the streets in an inner city.

I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
So I guess all Traditional Americans you disagree with should get lawyers , you’re just going to charge them with frivolous crimes.. because you hate America lol

That's been the argument on here and other places forever. What happened to it? Why does it only apply to some but not others? The color of their skin?
Can you answer my question? Thanks

Questions have (?) after them. You made a statement, you did not ask a question.
It required a response to the POINT I made. How does traditional American have a skin color?

I don't believe they do. People like yourself who have different standards for people and the protections of their rights believe there is a standard skin color.
Where did I bring up skin color!? Lol

In the vast majority of your beliefs.
I talk about people of color as they talk about white Americans.. If you don’t wanna treat people equally then you are the racist

You hold a different standard for this couple and for some poor guy picked up off the streets in an inner city.

Actually I don’t want to release all black kids from Boston jails who have been arrested for gun charges for possession
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
So I guess all Traditional Americans you disagree with should get lawyers , you’re just going to charge them with frivolous crimes.. because you hate America lol

That's been the argument on here and other places forever. What happened to it? Why does it only apply to some but not others? The color of their skin?
Can you answer my question? Thanks

Questions have (?) after them. You made a statement, you did not ask a question.
It required a response to the POINT I made. How does traditional American have a skin color?

I don't believe they do. People like yourself who have different standards for people and the protections of their rights believe there is a standard skin color.
Where did I bring up skin color!? Lol

In the vast majority of your beliefs.
I talk about people of color as they talk about white Americans.. If you don’t wanna treat people equally then you are the racist

You hold a different standard for this couple and for some poor guy picked up off the streets in an inner city.

Actually I don’t want to release all black kids from Boston jails who have been arrested for gun charges for possession

Cranberry sauce.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
according to the laws, no. they're supposed to be able to defend their property.

your key assertion is that they were simply walking by. minding their own business.

but you are leaving out:
- broken gate to get onto...
- private property. this was NOT a public sidewalk it was their front yard.
- entire night had mobs on TV for the last several nights of people/groups RIOTING, not protesting
- MO's laws make what they did 100% legal, the activities in St Louis the entire week made this 100% understandable.

at this point - ANY MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLE defending the rioters is simply placing themselves on the side of violence to get what you want as being ok.

no one gives a shit about what you're trying to sell. peaceful protesters don't do what they did. EVEN IF they made a mistake somehow in going on their property - PEACEFUL PEOPLE even when a gun is pulled on them will apologize and state their PEACEFUL intent.

since that did not happen you're choosing to use the couples defense as an excuse for the rioters activities vs. place the responsibilities on the assholes out tearing shit up.

and what i find funny (aka, fucking stupid as shit but always expected from a dumbass) is that you fail at every measure to even acknowledge there are violent rioters out there destroying whatever they feel like.

so keep on. you are just telling people you are on the Marxist side these days.
Other than the McCloskys how many more democrats are now Republicans?

I wouldn't know. All I see are groups like the Lincoln Project who are Republicans now supporting Biden and a return to sanity.

Ken and Karen McShooty have a long history of using their guns to terrorize their neighbors. Taking their guns before they hurt someone is actually prudent.
and i see terrance williams, candace owens and a litany of black people saying BLM is full of shit.

wheee - go be a dumbass again dude.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
So I guess all Traditional Americans you disagree with should get lawyers , you’re just going to charge them with frivolous crimes.. because you hate America lol

That's been the argument on here and other places forever. What happened to it? Why does it only apply to some but not others? The color of their skin?
Can you answer my question? Thanks

Questions have (?) after them. You made a statement, you did not ask a question.
It required a response to the POINT I made. How does traditional American have a skin color?

I don't believe they do. People like yourself who have different standards for people and the protections of their rights believe there is a standard skin color.
Where did I bring up skin color!? Lol

In the vast majority of your beliefs.
I talk about people of color as they talk about white Americans.. If you don’t wanna treat people equally then you are the racist

You hold a different standard for this couple and for some poor guy picked up off the streets in an inner city.

Actually I don’t want to release all black kids from Boston jails who have been arrested for gun charges for possession

Cranberry sauce.
Sorry miss spelling. I WANT TO release all blacks in jail for gun possession
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
according to the laws, no. they're supposed to be able to defend their property.

I haven't disagreed have I?

your key assertion is that they were simply walking by. minding their own business.

but you are leaving out:
- broken gate to get onto...
- private property. this was NOT a public sidewalk it was their front yard.
- entire night had mobs on TV for the last several nights of people/groups RIOTING, not protesting
- MO's laws make what they did 100% legal, the activities in St Louis the entire week made this 100% understandable.

at this point - ANY MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLE defending the rioters is simply placing themselves on the side of violence to get what you want as being ok.

no one gives a shit about what you're trying to sell. peaceful protesters don't do what they did. EVEN IF they made a mistake somehow in going on their property - PEACEFUL PEOPLE even when a gun is pulled on them will apologize and state their PEACEFUL intent.

since that did not happen you're choosing to use the couples defense as an excuse for the rioters activities vs. place the responsibilities on the assholes out tearing shit up.

and what i find funny (aka, fucking stupid as shit but always expected from a dumbass) is that you fail at every measure to even acknowledge there are violent rioters out there destroying whatever they feel like.

so keep on. you are just telling people you are on the Marxist side these days.

No, my point is that the argument in the past is you shut up and fight things like this out in court. Why doesn't it apply here also?
Only in your Communist wet dreams is what they did illegal.
And of course, in the Legal Statute of the Law....
which legal statute? i suppose now the state is wrong for getting the case dismissed?

prove your point for one in your overall useless life.

what laws did they break. look them up and tell me specifically why they were broken. don't just scream they were, don't cite the bitch who went after them.

remove all and do your own legwork and explain to me with links which MO laws this couple broke.

bet ya $10 you can't do it.

565.056. 1. A person commits the offense of assault in the fourth degree if:​
(3) The person purposely places another person in apprehension of immediate physical injury;​
Dumb shit. The party may not instigate the “apprehension of injury” but if another party is threatening you then your response is perfectly fine if that party is “apprehensive” in fact it’s designed that way as an attempt to dissuade the trespasser or aggressor.
Typical liberal snowflake bullshit that if someone feels “apprehensive” then the responsibility for that lies elsewhere

Dumbfuck, Mark McClownskey says he wasn't threatened when he pulled his weapon on the protesters. Don't you pay attention to the news??

No Moon Bat. He never said that. You are lying. The guy was on Fox last night saying he was threatened.

Pull your head out of your ass.

You think you can keep this thread going by posting lies and then doing denial when confronted?
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
So I guess all Traditional Americans you disagree with should get lawyers , you’re just going to charge them with frivolous crimes.. because you hate America lol

That's been the argument on here and other places forever. What happened to it? Why does it only apply to some but not others? The color of their skin?
Can you answer my question? Thanks

Questions have (?) after them. You made a statement, you did not ask a question.
It required a response to the POINT I made. How does traditional American have a skin color?

I don't believe they do. People like yourself who have different standards for people and the protections of their rights believe there is a standard skin color.

What you just posted was stereo-typing which is exactly what you accuse others of doing.

It's not stereo-typing. It's throwing arguments back into their face.

I do n't give a flying fuck what the tint of someone's skin is, if they pose a threat to me and mine? I am going to take every precaution and be prepared for it and if it means standing out in my yard armed to the hilt as an angry mob approaches? They will be faced with either moving along or calling my bluff that I pick them off one by one with no hesitation. Cowardly mobs only thrive when they believe that their potential victim is helpless because leftards are gutless wonders that play the "victim card" even when they are the ones that started the confrontation to begin with. It is a tactic straight out of Sal Alinsky's book.

You and your ilk better wise up and crawl back under the rocks you came out of. Sane people have grown tired of the squatting and shitting that you commie fucks unashamedly do and then fling it with the smug look of self-righteousness for the cause. You are going to end up being sacrificed by the same elite class you claim to be fighting and I shan't give a fuck.

You can't win this. You aren't winning. Every day now we read about another police officer getting arrested for excessive force or for killing someone. We are going to weed them out and demand change in how they do their jobs.

And how many cops are faced with human garbage that spit on them, attempt to hit them but yet the cops practice restraint on a daily bases? We only hear about the bad officers because that is what helps to divide us. I watched video of BLM and antifa activists smash windows in full view of the cops. Don't you find it a tad ironic that these "rough and tough" activists take out their anger on store owners that don't have a fucking thing to do with the acrimonious relationship SJWs have with cops but pick the defenseless to take their angst out on? I would be somewhat impressed if these snowflakes took their anger to the source of their alleged grievances instead of venting on those that had nothing to do with the treatment of blacks but have their businesses destroyed....or taking out their anger on motorists that come across one of their blockades.

Allow me to be blunt, if I were to come across a blockade and my car gets approached with angry SJWs carrying signs that proclaim "Love Trumps Hate" and starts hitting my car and trying to nopen my car door? I am going full throttle, pedal to the metal and if my front tires are caught on the bodies of SJWs? I am going to back up, get some traction and run them over again...rinse, repeat as necessary. Commie lives don't mean diddly squat in my world and there isn't a more noble cause then sending them to hell.

Are we clear on this or am I being too subtle? Too many multi-syllable words? Do I need to "dumb it down" so you get the message? Let me know how I can help because I am a "giver".
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
according to the laws, no. they're supposed to be able to defend their property.

I haven't disagreed have I?

your key assertion is that they were simply walking by. minding their own business.

but you are leaving out:
- broken gate to get onto...
- private property. this was NOT a public sidewalk it was their front yard.
- entire night had mobs on TV for the last several nights of people/groups RIOTING, not protesting
- MO's laws make what they did 100% legal, the activities in St Louis the entire week made this 100% understandable.

at this point - ANY MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLE defending the rioters is simply placing themselves on the side of violence to get what you want as being ok.

no one gives a shit about what you're trying to sell. peaceful protesters don't do what they did. EVEN IF they made a mistake somehow in going on their property - PEACEFUL PEOPLE even when a gun is pulled on them will apologize and state their PEACEFUL intent.

since that did not happen you're choosing to use the couples defense as an excuse for the rioters activities vs. place the responsibilities on the assholes out tearing shit up.

and what i find funny (aka, fucking stupid as shit but always expected from a dumbass) is that you fail at every measure to even acknowledge there are violent rioters out there destroying whatever they feel like.

so keep on. you are just telling people you are on the Marxist side these days.

No, my point is that the argument in the past is you shut up and fight things like this out in court. Why doesn't it apply here also?
Not every American that uses the their God-given right can afford a lawyer to fight frivolous charges.. are you trying to bankrupt people you disagree with?
Only in your Communist wet dreams is what they did illegal.
And of course, in the Legal Statute of the Law....
which legal statute? i suppose now the state is wrong for getting the case dismissed?

prove your point for one in your overall useless life.

what laws did they break. look them up and tell me specifically why they were broken. don't just scream they were, don't cite the bitch who went after them.

remove all and do your own legwork and explain to me with links which MO laws this couple broke.

bet ya $10 you can't do it.

565.056. 1. A person commits the offense of assault in the fourth degree if:​
(3) The person purposely places another person in apprehension of immediate physical injury;​
Dumb shit. The party may not instigate the “apprehension of injury” but if another party is threatening you then your response is perfectly fine if that party is “apprehensive” in fact it’s designed that way as an attempt to dissuade the trespasser or aggressor.
Typical liberal snowflake bullshit that if someone feels “apprehensive” then the responsibility for that lies elsewhere

Dumbfuck, Mark McClownskey says he wasn't threatened when he pulled his weapon on the protesters. Don't you pay attention to the news??

No Moon Bat. He never said that. You are lying. The guy was on Fox last night saying he was threatened.

Pull your head out of your ass.

You think you can keep this thread going by posting lies and then doing denial when confronted?
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
So I guess all Traditional Americans you disagree with should get lawyers , you’re just going to charge them with frivolous crimes.. because you hate America lol

That's been the argument on here and other places forever. What happened to it? Why does it only apply to some but not others? The color of their skin?
Can you answer my question? Thanks

Questions have (?) after them. You made a statement, you did not ask a question.
It required a response to the POINT I made. How does traditional American have a skin color?

I don't believe they do. People like yourself who have different standards for people and the protections of their rights believe there is a standard skin color.

What you just posted was stereo-typing which is exactly what you accuse others of doing.

It's not stereo-typing. It's throwing arguments back into their face.

I do n't give a flying fuck what the tint of someone's skin is, if they pose a threat to me and mine? I am going to take every precaution and be prepared for it and if it means standing out in my yard armed to the hilt as an angry mob approaches? They will be faced with either moving along or calling my bluff that I pick them off one by one with no hesitation. Cowardly mobs only thrive when they believe that their potential victim is helpless because leftards are gutless wonders that play the "victim card" even when they are the ones that started the confrontation to begin with. It is a tactic straight out of Sal Alinsky's book.

You and your ilk better wise up and crawl back under the rocks you came out of. Sane people have grown tired of the squatting and shitting that you commie fucks unashamedly do and then fling it with the smug look of self-righteousness for the cause. You are going to end up being sacrificed by the same elite class you claim to be fighting and I shan't give a fuck.

You can't win this. You aren't winning. Every day now we read about another police officer getting arrested for excessive force or for killing someone. We are going to weed them out and demand change in how they do their jobs.

And how many cops are faced with human garbage that spit on them, attempt to hit them but yet the cops practice restraint on a daily bases?

On a daily basis? Probably none. At times? Probably quite a few.

We only hear about the bad officers because that is what helps to divide us. I watched video of BLM and antifa activists smash windows in full view of the cops. Don't you find it a tad ironic that these "rough and tough" activists take out their anger on store owners that don't have a fucking thing to do with the acrimonious relationship SJWs have with cops but pick the defenseless to take their angst out on? I would be somewhat impressed if these snowflakes took their anger to the source of their alleged grievances instead of venting on those that had nothing to do with the treatment of blacks but have their businesses destroyed....or taking out their anger on motorists that come across one of their blockades.

Allow me to be blunt, if I were to come across a blockade and my car gets approached with angry SJWs carrying signs that proclaim "Love Trumps Hate" and starts hitting my car and trying to nopen my car door? I am going full throttle, pedal to the metal and if my front tires are caught on the bodies of SJWs? I am going to back up, get some traction and run them over again...rinse, repeat as necessary. Commie lives don't mean diddly squat in my world and there isn't a more noble cause then sending them to hell.

Are we clear on this or am I being too subtle? Too many multi-syllable words? Do I need to "dumb it down" so you get the message? Let me know how I can help because I am a "giver".

Yes we only hear about the bad because that is how it works. I'm also never impressed with internet cowboys. You aren't going to do squat.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
according to the laws, no. they're supposed to be able to defend their property.

I haven't disagreed have I?

your key assertion is that they were simply walking by. minding their own business.

but you are leaving out:
- broken gate to get onto...
- private property. this was NOT a public sidewalk it was their front yard.
- entire night had mobs on TV for the last several nights of people/groups RIOTING, not protesting
- MO's laws make what they did 100% legal, the activities in St Louis the entire week made this 100% understandable.

at this point - ANY MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLE defending the rioters is simply placing themselves on the side of violence to get what you want as being ok.

no one gives a shit about what you're trying to sell. peaceful protesters don't do what they did. EVEN IF they made a mistake somehow in going on their property - PEACEFUL PEOPLE even when a gun is pulled on them will apologize and state their PEACEFUL intent.

since that did not happen you're choosing to use the couples defense as an excuse for the rioters activities vs. place the responsibilities on the assholes out tearing shit up.

and what i find funny (aka, fucking stupid as shit but always expected from a dumbass) is that you fail at every measure to even acknowledge there are violent rioters out there destroying whatever they feel like.

so keep on. you are just telling people you are on the Marxist side these days.

No, my point is that the argument in the past is you shut up and fight things like this out in court. Why doesn't it apply here also?
Not every American that uses the their God-given right can afford a lawyer to fight frivolous charges.. are you trying to bankrupt people you disagree with?

Now you are simply trolling to try and increase post counts.

Allow me to be blunt, if I were to come across a blockade and my car gets approached with angry SJWs carrying signs that proclaim "Love Trumps Hate" and starts hitting my car and trying to nopen my car door? I am going full throttle, pedal to the metal and if my front tires are caught on the bodies of SJWs? I am going to back up, get some traction and run them over again...rinse, repeat as necessary. Commie lives don't mean diddly squat in my world and there isn't a more noble cause then sending them to hell.
Allow me to be blunt: That is a lot of empty hot air. You never have, never would, and never will do any such thing. You are just another big mouth nobody trying to talk shit online. You should give some thought to growing the hell up, clown.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
according to the laws, no. they're supposed to be able to defend their property.

I haven't disagreed have I?

your key assertion is that they were simply walking by. minding their own business.

but you are leaving out:
- broken gate to get onto...
- private property. this was NOT a public sidewalk it was their front yard.
- entire night had mobs on TV for the last several nights of people/groups RIOTING, not protesting
- MO's laws make what they did 100% legal, the activities in St Louis the entire week made this 100% understandable.

at this point - ANY MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLE defending the rioters is simply placing themselves on the side of violence to get what you want as being ok.

no one gives a shit about what you're trying to sell. peaceful protesters don't do what they did. EVEN IF they made a mistake somehow in going on their property - PEACEFUL PEOPLE even when a gun is pulled on them will apologize and state their PEACEFUL intent.

since that did not happen you're choosing to use the couples defense as an excuse for the rioters activities vs. place the responsibilities on the assholes out tearing shit up.

and what i find funny (aka, fucking stupid as shit but always expected from a dumbass) is that you fail at every measure to even acknowledge there are violent rioters out there destroying whatever they feel like.

so keep on. you are just telling people you are on the Marxist side these days.

No, my point is that the argument in the past is you shut up and fight things like this out in court. Why doesn't it apply here also?
Not every American that uses the their God-given right can afford a lawyer to fight frivolous charges.. are you trying to bankrupt people you disagree with?

Now you are simply trolling to try and increase post counts.
Got him haha
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.

You idiot. They don't have a stand your ground defense. Stand your ground means you don't have to retreat when you feel threatened with death or serious physical harm. Mark McCloskey brandished his firearm before he felt threatened; thereby removing a required key element to stand your ground.
It’s his property why can’t he carry is weapon?

He can, he can sit on his porch chewing on a cigar cleaning his gun

Gardner won't win this
Yes, he can do that. Regrettably for him, that's not what he was doing. What he can't do is threaten someone with his gun who has not threatened him while committed a felony or was in the commission of committing a felony.

Listen up "Faun" get your law degree and then comment, you look as fucking stupid as Gardner

The couple have every goddamn right to defend life and property under Constitutional law and Missouri law.

That's just a fact, Twinkie

Now stop looking the fool you are, Gapped Ass
It's not my problem you're too rightarded to comprehend their guns were drawn before they were threatened.
Actually the rioters were on private property having illegally entered by breaking open a gate and threatening the security guard stationed there. Their being there itself posed a clear and present threat to which the occupants had every right and duty to respond.
They didn't break the gate to get in and there was no security guard stationed there. What the fuck is wrong with you rightatds? You all get your news from the same trough?
We’re you there?

You don't know what video is?? Don't they have videos in Russia?
So who broke thru the gate? Santa clause? Lol
In all probability, the protesters. But that occurred after the McClownskeys unlawful use of their guns.
Holding a gun on their property while a large group of ppl pass thru a private gate, Freddy to come on their property and kill their animals and kill them ? Huh

I can always tell when one is losing an argument. Like you they simply start making things up.
What did I make up? They were trespassing they previously burnt down locations in St. Louis.. hello

They threatened no one. Two legged or four.
These commie fucks were talking trash and THEN they came back after the McCloskeys had their guns illegally confiscated...unfortunately for the commie fucks, the McCloskeys hired private security while watching these temper tantrum throwing snowflakes hurl insults from their 2nd story balcony. I would have done the same thing the McCloskeys did but I would have stood there with a smile on my face and suggest to them that they move along and be quick about it because they were trespassing on PRIVATE property and I don't give a shit if these SJW snowflakes felt that they were entitled to do so.

Awe, were they upset that people came back to make fun of them? Do you suppose their feelings were hurt?

They need to shut up and spend their money on lawyers to fight this in court. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
according to the laws, no. they're supposed to be able to defend their property.

I haven't disagreed have I?

your key assertion is that they were simply walking by. minding their own business.

but you are leaving out:
- broken gate to get onto...
- private property. this was NOT a public sidewalk it was their front yard.
- entire night had mobs on TV for the last several nights of people/groups RIOTING, not protesting
- MO's laws make what they did 100% legal, the activities in St Louis the entire week made this 100% understandable.

at this point - ANY MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLE defending the rioters is simply placing themselves on the side of violence to get what you want as being ok.

no one gives a shit about what you're trying to sell. peaceful protesters don't do what they did. EVEN IF they made a mistake somehow in going on their property - PEACEFUL PEOPLE even when a gun is pulled on them will apologize and state their PEACEFUL intent.

since that did not happen you're choosing to use the couples defense as an excuse for the rioters activities vs. place the responsibilities on the assholes out tearing shit up.

and what i find funny (aka, fucking stupid as shit but always expected from a dumbass) is that you fail at every measure to even acknowledge there are violent rioters out there destroying whatever they feel like.

so keep on. you are just telling people you are on the Marxist side these days.

No, my point is that the argument in the past is you shut up and fight things like this out in court. Why doesn't it apply here also?
Not every American that uses the their God-given right can afford a lawyer to fight frivolous charges.. are you trying to bankrupt people you disagree with?

Now you are simply trolling to try and increase post counts.
That's the only reason the dumb shit ever posts.

Allow me to be blunt, if I were to come across a blockade and my car gets approached with angry SJWs carrying signs that proclaim "Love Trumps Hate" and starts hitting my car and trying to nopen my car door? I am going full throttle, pedal to the metal and if my front tires are caught on the bodies of SJWs? I am going to back up, get some traction and run them over again...rinse, repeat as necessary. Commie lives don't mean diddly squat in my world and there isn't a more noble cause then sending them to hell.
Allow me to be blunt: That is a lot of empty hot air. You never have, never would, and never will do any such thing. You are just another big mouth nobody trying to talk shit online. You should give some thought to growing the hell up, clown.
allow me to be blunt - you attack me and i will attack back. you hit my truck my truck will run you over. i'm not going to back over anyone and the like but it's hard to fault someone for saying that these days, whether they'd do it or not.

as for "talking shit online" - there's not much of a shortage of that either. to end your bashing of his shit talking by talking your own shit - well that's some funny shit to me.

respect others and things will work out. but put your own needs and wants above everyone elses, then follow up by using violence to force the issue, well you got violence. and to the left who THINKS they have free reign, a beat down of epic proportions is coming from people like Dale who have simply had enough.

feel free to go out and test him on that if you doubt him.
The evil bitch charges them with a felony, then says she will seek a diversionary program with no jail time. Duh, it is still a felony charge.

Missouri Governor indicates that he will pardon them. Do it now, Mr. Governor.

Defend yourself and the government shows up to take you down for it.

This is worse than the law of the jungle or barbarism.

Irresponsible gun owners deserve harsh punishment; brandishing a loaded firearm in CA is a Felony, the penalty here is one year in the County Jail or 16 mos, 2 or 3 years in St. Prison.
CA Penal Code 417 (b).

a violent mob broke into private property and threatened them. brandishing a loaded firearm in that situation is not irresponsible.

your siding with the violent mob, is you being a monster.

that the government siding with the violent mob, is the decline and fall of our civilization.

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