BREAKING: MLB Moves This Summer's All-Star Game From Atlanta to One of the Whitest Cities in America

Blacks in Atlanta getting the economic shaft.

Pj Media

BREAKING: MLB Moves This Summer's All-Star Game From Atlanta to One of the Whitest Cities in America


Major League Baseball has announced that it is playing the 2021 All-Star Game in Denver, Colo. instead of Atlanta, Georgia.

The Colorado Rockies will host the 2021 MLB All-Star Game after the decision to move the event from Atlanta over Georgia’s restrictive voting law, according to multiple reports.
ESPN and Altitude TV reported the game was going to be moved to Coors Field in Denver on July 13. Neither the Rockies nor MLB immediately responded to Fox News’ request for comment.



MLB playing politics, something they should have avoided doing for obvious reasons.

Now they just lost me, never again will I watch baseball or support it in anyway at all!

The MLB isn’t going to lose money. Neither is the NFL or the NBA. These leagues will continue to grow exponentially. You know why? Legalized gambling. The NFL TV deals are estimated to be worth 100 billion dollars. NBA 75 Billion dollars. The salary caps in these leagues are set to explode. Meaning these insufferable athletes (most of them) are going to get much richer along with the douchebag owners.

I’m not telling you this because I think it’s great. I’m just telling you about this because it’s what is set to happen.
the black players said they won't play in the game.
Who needs them?

In the 1950’s blacks were begging to play in the big leagues

But now they are too full of themselves
Yeah, and...?
It shouldn’t have been moved... Punishing the people of Atlanta for what the State Government did is kind of stupid and laws could be changed down the road but now MLB has left a bitter taste in some fans mouth.

Now for me I will be honest I truly don’t care where it is played and it is MLB decision but some fans ( very few ) disagree...

Now you will think I am actually siding with the OP but I am thinking about the economic loss to the City of Atlanta and nothing more...
Why don't some of you actually read the bill now law instead of just going by whatever your preferred partisan cable news talking head tells you.

Here is the full text of the law they never read:

Georgia voting law: Read full text
That's only helpful if there is a side by side comparison with the old laws.

The changes from the old law was posted several times in the forum, democrats IGNORED it.

Then YOU admit you haven't read the new law yet.

Thank you.
Don't be snotty. You're always saying 'it's posted around here somewhere' but the last time you told me that I went hunting for it, read every damned link you'd put up and none of them addressed the point at all. It just wasn't worth arguing about it any farther, since you obviously had no answer.

So fuck you.

I've read what is in the bill, but since I am not from Georgia and am not some kind of voting law nerd, how am I supposed to know if it restricts voting opportunities that were in place before?

So fine, I'll just continue to trust the very large group of politicos, officials, media and corporations who all say it does restrict voting access, particularly to black communities.

if you're too lazy to back up your indignant claims, why should I believe you?
the old law said polls would be open during normal working hours. in other words no real set time and left to local polls to decide. the old law outlawed drop boxes. they added 2 saturdays and 2 sundays to in person early voting. I believe the shortened from 6 months to 3 months when you can ask for absentee ballot.
I was interested in the alleged threat of black players to boycott the all-star game if it remained in Atlanta
Taking 90 mil of business from a city that is predominantly black, is the argument going up around here. Even Stacy Abrams acknowledged it.

Are you saying that's not the case? Please explain.
So how come its only Republicans, a 90 percent white party, nationwide mind you, are the ones complaining about what's happening here in Atlanta?
You are once again a valuable player here, eyes and ears on the ground, as you were during the Atlanta riots. If you say the people of Atlanta are cool with the MLB's decision, I believe you.
Because of Georgia laws requiring voter id. Gave voters 17 days to vote early.
um, they forgot to check Colorado voter laws before doing so or they are hypocrites. Colorado also requires id and only gives like 11 days to vote early.

Not to mention the MLB asks for ID to buy tickets, damn hypocrites. FK the MLB, they will never be getting any of my money again.
Taking 90 mil of business from a city that is predominantly black, is the argument going up around here. Even Stacy Abrams acknowledged it.

Are you saying that's not the case? Please explain.
So how come its only Republicans, a 90 percent white party, nationwide mind you, are the ones complaining about what's happening here in Atlanta?
You are once again a valuable player here, eyes and ears on the ground, as you were during the Atlanta riots. If you say the people of Atlanta are cool with the MLB's decision, I believe you.
LOL did you even read the law if so explain in your own words the bad parts. then explain what part is similar to Jim Crow laws.
So how come its only Republicans, a 90 percent white party, nationwide mind you, are the ones complaining about what's happening here in Atlanta?
Their altruism never ends. I thought you knew that.
and YOU have nothing to say about the blacks in Atlanta losing out from a lot of money the All Star game would have brought into the city.

Government actions have consequences.

Let that idiot governor deal w/them.

I'll be totally fine.
Political parties that engage in widespread voter fraud tend to cause repercussions as well. These kinds of restrictions won't end in GA. It's just one of the most blatant examples of theft. BTW, no one gives a damn about your rhetoric. Try to steal another one with HR1 and this country is apt to come apart at the seams.
The law does nothing to suppress anyone's right to vote.
Just like literacy tests made sure only informed people voted. Does no one actually bother with silent dog whistles any more?
There nothing like that in this bill. :ahole-1:

Perhaps one of these people claiming thus is a bad law can explain EXACTLY what part is the problem, then explain how any part of he bill is similar to Jim Crow laws as has been claimed.

My guess is the ID law and not allowing people to hand food or drink out...

Now with that written the State did add that those without proper ID can obtain one for free and Democrats should do all they can to make sure those people get one for the next election.

As for the food and drink, well the State should make sure the lines are not that long on Election Day so water and food is not needed...
The law does nothing to suppress anyone's right to vote.
Just like literacy tests made sure only informed people voted. Does no one actually bother with silent dog whistles any more?
There nothing like that in this bill. :ahole-1:


You do know how you get around the ID law?

Make sure everyone has one and remind them why they had to get one and then vote in someone that will repeal the law...

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