Breaking: Muslim Beheads Coworker In Oklahoma

I'm nearly speechless. We have to start getting in the mosques all across this country, and either get these mother fuckers out of our country, or monitor all of them 24/7.

Liberals don't mind if the radical ones slice heads off as long as we continue to call it "workplace violence".
I hope they are Liberal heads......... it is clear that their families will be able to handle that sort of thing easier from the response here of "nothing to see"... "just some disgruntled worker".
Is he doing it for a religious or political cause???

Most likely not.

He is just a nutjob criminal, like you.

Workplace violence. Nothing to see here, certainly no need for 24/7 news coverage. Eric Holder resigned. Snooki had a new baby. Some Duck Dynasty kid is on Dancing With the Stars.


Yep, you watch, spineless Obama wont dare call it terrorism.

Sure, we can call him a terrorist if you like. How about this there some reason we shouldn't call him a terrorist as well?

Pennsylvania Offers Reward To Find Suspect In Trooper Shooting FOX CT

Oh I see, I had no idea terrorist activity was defined as religious or political.......or did you just pull that definition from your ass like all your best ideas?

Because we all know Islam is only a real threat in its Political incarnation.

In fact, there are some who believe we'd be okay if we just allowed religious islam and banned political Islam.
Is he doing it for a religious or political cause???

Most likely not.

He is just a nutjob criminal, like you.

Workplace violence. Nothing to see here, certainly no need for 24/7 news coverage. Eric Holder resigned. Snooki had a new baby. Some Duck Dynasty kid is on Dancing With the Stars.


Yep, you watch, spineless Obama wont dare call it terrorism.

Sure, we can call him a terrorist if you like. How about this there some reason we shouldn't call him a terrorist as well?

Pennsylvania Offers Reward To Find Suspect In Trooper Shooting FOX CT

Oh I see, I had no idea terrorist activity was defined as religious or political.......or did you just pull that definition from your ass like all your best ideas?

Because we all know Islam is only a real threat in its Political incarnation.

In fact, there are some who believe we'd be okay if we just allowed religious islam and banned political Islam.

But a survivalist nut job on a crusade to kill police officers isn't a that right?
This is a completely ignorant assertion. There is nothing in Islam that calls for beheadings.

Are any of you aware that during the French Revolution, those Christians beheaded 20,000 to 40,000 people and that beheading (the guillotine) was the State's method of execution until the mid-1970s? These Christian people showed no hesitation to behead people, as recently as the 70s.

“When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.”

From Quaran 8:12
And the Bible has just as terrible things to say, yet people don't follow them anymore, except nuts, which is what these Muslims are who do beheadings. The vast, vast majority of the one and a half billion Muslims on the planet are not beheading anyone. So to assum that this nut case represents them is ludicrous. A sweeping generalization, as I have pointed out.

And in the US no one is using the bible as a reason for the validity of doing things like this.

And I refuted your statement, your Tu Quo Que retort confirms you were wrong.
How idiotic is this? Anyone can say anything. I can go out and kill someone and say I'm doing in on behalf of Christ. It only means I am saying that's why I'm doing it; saying it very obviously suggests, to any true Christian, that I am a nutcase. But you all want so deeply and desperately to believe all Muslims are in favor of beheadings and terrorism, that you put logic and reason aside. There are more than 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. Only a tiny minority is beheading anyone. And AGAIN, up until the 1970s, the French government used beheading as their state method of execution. It isn't a Muslim thing.

You really are trying to justify their behavior aren't you. The key here is a pattern. Muslim extremists use the Quaran as justification for their action, be it beheading, blowing things up, or treating their women like shit/property.

I just can't fathom the progressive disconnect going on in your mind. You get all upset when we equate this shit with issue in the Islamic Religion, yet the thing you bring up spousal abuse, is another HUGE problem in islam. From honor killings, at one end to relegating women to being in the house all the time or covered from head to toe when out of it, Islam is the WORST when it comes to female rights and needs.

Yet you can't criticize them, you defend them, and you go after the people who recognize this issue and attack THEM instead.

You are the perfect example of a progressive loon.

I agree. sadly, the first thought that comes to the so many left/lib/commie/progressive minds is: "this is not representative of Islam." They're brainwashed by political correctness. They are always defending the indefensible....and failing to see the obvious.
guess I
Really? Care to compair the violence in both religions?
Sure. Whatcha got?

For starters:

37 Muslim nations persecuting Christians

yeah the crusades, war for gold, power in the name of Christianity but not always so simple, Muslims conquered North Africa by and it was not so peaceful.Muslims tried to overtake Europe as well. But the thing is, Christians throughout history stood up and tried to reform what was wrong. there are historical figures throughout history who have done this. In Islam, If you make very strong condemnations, criticisims you run the risk of a fatwa against you whether you be muslim or non muslim.

Isis publicly executes leading lawyer and human rights activist in Iraq - Middle East - World - The Independent

Papal Bull by the Roman Catholic Church to go forth and enslave everyone and take their lands.

Right, and the catholic church deserves criticism for that. We all know how they used the peoples of the Americas, and we can condemn them for that. You can keep condemning them for that right now but how will that be relevant for today? Islam needs to be criticized the same way, its easy to pick on christians, you can paint a picture of jesus Christ in any derogatory way you want and they will call that art. Try doing that with a likeness of Muhammad and you will have a hit put on you.

Islam cant take criticizm without first mentioning Christianity and the things they did 300 plus years ago, ever. How is Islam supposed to have a reformation if they cant even admit there is a problem?
guess I

yeah the crusades, war for gold, power in the name of Christianity but not always so simple, Muslims conquered North Africa by and it was not so peaceful.Muslims tried to overtake Europe as well. But the thing is, Christians throughout history stood up and tried to reform what was wrong. there are historical figures throughout history who have done this. In Islam, If you make very strong condemnations, criticisims you run the risk of a fatwa against you whether you be muslim or non muslim.

Isis publicly executes leading lawyer and human rights activist in Iraq - Middle East - World - The Independent

Papal Bull by the Roman Catholic Church to go forth and enslave everyone and take their lands.

Right, and the catholic church deserves criticism for that. We all know how they used the peoples of the Americas, and we can condemn them for that. You can keep condemning them for that right now but how will that be relevant for today? Islam needs to be criticized the same way, its easy to pick on christians, you can paint a picture of jesus Christ in any derogatory way you want and they will call that art. Try doing that with a likeness of Muhammad and you will have a hit put on you.

Islam cant take criticizm without first mentioning Christianity and the things they did 300 plus years ago, ever. How is Islam supposed to have a reformation if they cant even admit there is a problem?

Its relevant because it supports my point. People use religion to do evil things. There is nothing evil about a religion. It is the interpretation of the human that uses it to do evil deeds. There is no need for a reformation. Just like people who practiced christianity did bad things in the name of christianity the same goes for islam. Personally both religions are a crock of shit (if you ask my personal opinion) due to the falsehoods and hypocrisy but people can practice what they want and I try to stay non-judgmental on it.
Shitbag....uh a black muslim cutting off heads is a hate crime.

If muslims target non-muslims...that is a fucking hate crime.

Too bad he didn't get his hands on you.

Obama and Holder don't give a shit.

I'm guessing the victims were white liberals don't give a shit.

Now, if a skinhead cut the head off a black person....well hell there would be riots, marches, political shakedowns and Holder would charge him with hate crimes.
Thats because we would know it was a hate crime since he was skin head dummy.
Who told you a Black Muslim cutting off heads is a hate crime? Can you link to it because you are too stupid for me to trust your opinion?

I doubt he cut off her head due to LOVE, bub.

I think he cut it off because he flipped out from getting fired.

Let's assume for arguments sake that you are right. That he did it over frustration over being fired.

Let's even go farther than that.

Even though we know he was a Muslim convert and had been trying to convert his co-workers at some point, let's pretend for a moment that he didn't do this.

Let's pretend he was just some stupid impressionable Black man who thought that because everyone is paying attention to the beheadings in the desert I will be a copycat and behead someone, too.

Just as an expression of rage over being fired.

He chose an awful way of venting.

And what will be the result from his hypothetically secular act of violent stupidity?

Muslims from within and without will interpret this as the fight they have wanted to wage in America's streets for years.

Let the blood shed in Amreeka.

He will have single handedly set off a potential powder keg and if that results in Islamist clashes with Americans or LEOs in the streets of this country he will be praised and exalted by Muslims and Jihadi and terrorists the world over.
He will be theirs forever.

And then your silly argument will maybe come to an end.

Nolen may be shown to have been acting out as a copycat terrorist without really being a religious terrorist. (I doubt it, but whatever.)

But the bottom line is that his act will be known as an act of Islamic Jihad.

So, in the end it boils down to the Muslim world reacting to this beheqading as though IT WAS an act of Islamist Jihad.

And that is what we care about.

Jihad may have begun here in earnest because of this beheading.

And all we can do is wait and see if there is any more violence to come on the heels of this.

You'd better hope not.
Shitbag....uh a black muslim cutting off heads is a hate crime.

If muslims target non-muslims...that is a fucking hate crime.

Too bad he didn't get his hands on you.

Thats because we would know it was a hate crime since he was skin head dummy.
Who told you a Black Muslim cutting off heads is a hate crime? Can you link to it because you are too stupid for me to trust your opinion?

I doubt he cut off her head due to LOVE, bub.

I think he cut it off because he flipped out from getting fired.

Let's assume for arguments sake that you are right. That he did it over frustration over being fired.

Let's even go farther than that.

Even though we know he was a Muslim convert and had been trying to convert his co-workers at some point, let's pretend for a moment that he didn't do this.

Let's pretend he was just some stupid impressionable Black man who thought that because everyone is paying attention to the beheadings in the desert I will be a copycat and behead someone, too.

Just as an expression of rage over being fired.

He chose an awful way of venting.

And what will be the result from his hypothetically secular act of violent stupidity?

Muslims from within and without will interpret this as the fight they have wanted to wage in America's streets for years.

Let the blood shed in Amreeka.

He will have single handedly set off a potential powder keg and if that results in Islamist clashes with Americans or LEOs in the streets of this country he will be praised and exalted by Muslims and Jihadi and terrorists the world over.
He will be theirs forever.

And then your silly argument will maybe come to an end.

Nolen may be shown to have been acting out as a copycat terrorist without really being a religious terrorist. (I doubt it, but whatever.)

But the bottom line is that his act will be known as an act of Islamic Jihad.

So, in the end it boils down to the Muslim world reacting to this beheqading as though IT WAS an act of Islamist Jihad.

And that is what we care about.

Jihad may have begun here in earnest because of this beheading.

And all we can do is wait and see if there is any more violence to come on the heels of this.

You'd better hope not.

Leave it to the FOX News fans to take an unfortunate isolated incident and turn it into the end of the world.
Shitbag....uh a black muslim cutting off heads is a hate crime.

If muslims target non-muslims...that is a fucking hate crime.

Too bad he didn't get his hands on you.
Who told you a Black Muslim cutting off heads is a hate crime? Can you link to it because you are too stupid for me to trust your opinion?

I doubt he cut off her head due to LOVE, bub.

I think he cut it off because he flipped out from getting fired.

Let's assume for arguments sake that you are right. That he did it over frustration over being fired.

Let's even go farther than that.

Even though we know he was a Muslim convert and had been trying to convert his co-workers at some point, let's pretend for a moment that he didn't do this.

Let's pretend he was just some stupid impressionable Black man who thought that because everyone is paying attention to the beheadings in the desert I will be a copycat and behead someone, too.

Just as an expression of rage over being fired.

He chose an awful way of venting.

And what will be the result from his hypothetically secular act of violent stupidity?

Muslims from within and without will interpret this as the fight they have wanted to wage in America's streets for years.

Let the blood shed in Amreeka.

He will have single handedly set off a potential powder keg and if that results in Islamist clashes with Americans or LEOs in the streets of this country he will be praised and exalted by Muslims and Jihadi and terrorists the world over.
He will be theirs forever.

And then your silly argument will maybe come to an end.

Nolen may be shown to have been acting out as a copycat terrorist without really being a religious terrorist. (I doubt it, but whatever.)

But the bottom line is that his act will be known as an act of Islamic Jihad.

So, in the end it boils down to the Muslim world reacting to this beheqading as though IT WAS an act of Islamist Jihad.

And that is what we care about.

Jihad may have begun here in earnest because of this beheading.

And all we can do is wait and see if there is any more violence to come on the heels of this.

You'd better hope not.

Leave it to the FOX News fans to take an unfortunate isolated incident and turn it into the end of the world.

The Moonbats are so confused.

Ferguson is an isolated incidence.

Muslims beheading people is not.
Shitbag....uh a black muslim cutting off heads is a hate crime.

If muslims target non-muslims...that is a fucking hate crime.

Too bad he didn't get his hands on you.
Who told you a Black Muslim cutting off heads is a hate crime? Can you link to it because you are too stupid for me to trust your opinion?

I doubt he cut off her head due to LOVE, bub.

I think he cut it off because he flipped out from getting fired.

Let's assume for arguments sake that you are right. That he did it over frustration over being fired.

Let's even go farther than that.

Even though we know he was a Muslim convert and had been trying to convert his co-workers at some point, let's pretend for a moment that he didn't do this.

Let's pretend he was just some stupid impressionable Black man who thought that because everyone is paying attention to the beheadings in the desert I will be a copycat and behead someone, too.

Just as an expression of rage over being fired.

He chose an awful way of venting.

And what will be the result from his hypothetically secular act of violent stupidity?

Muslims from within and without will interpret this as the fight they have wanted to wage in America's streets for years.

Let the blood shed in Amreeka.

He will have single handedly set off a potential powder keg and if that results in Islamist clashes with Americans or LEOs in the streets of this country he will be praised and exalted by Muslims and Jihadi and terrorists the world over.
He will be theirs forever.

And then your silly argument will maybe come to an end.

Nolen may be shown to have been acting out as a copycat terrorist without really being a religious terrorist. (I doubt it, but whatever.)

But the bottom line is that his act will be known as an act of Islamic Jihad.

So, in the end it boils down to the Muslim world reacting to this beheqading as though IT WAS an act of Islamist Jihad.

And that is what we care about.

Jihad may have begun here in earnest because of this beheading.

And all we can do is wait and see if there is any more violence to come on the heels of this.

You'd better hope not.

Leave it to the FOX News fans to take an unfortunate isolated incident and turn it into the end of the world.

Leave it to you to fail to connect the dots.
Shitbag....uh a black muslim cutting off heads is a hate crime.

If muslims target non-muslims...that is a fucking hate crime.

Too bad he didn't get his hands on you.
Who told you a Black Muslim cutting off heads is a hate crime? Can you link to it because you are too stupid for me to trust your opinion?

I doubt he cut off her head due to LOVE, bub.

I think he cut it off because he flipped out from getting fired.

Let's assume for arguments sake that you are right. That he did it over frustration over being fired.

Let's even go farther than that.

Even though we know he was a Muslim convert and had been trying to convert his co-workers at some point, let's pretend for a moment that he didn't do this.

Let's pretend he was just some stupid impressionable Black man who thought that because everyone is paying attention to the beheadings in the desert I will be a copycat and behead someone, too.

Just as an expression of rage over being fired.

He chose an awful way of venting.

And what will be the result from his hypothetically secular act of violent stupidity?

Muslims from within and without will interpret this as the fight they have wanted to wage in America's streets for years.

Let the blood shed in Amreeka.

He will have single handedly set off a potential powder keg and if that results in Islamist clashes with Americans or LEOs in the streets of this country he will be praised and exalted by Muslims and Jihadi and terrorists the world over.
He will be theirs forever.

And then your silly argument will maybe come to an end.

Nolen may be shown to have been acting out as a copycat terrorist without really being a religious terrorist. (I doubt it, but whatever.)

But the bottom line is that his act will be known as an act of Islamic Jihad.

So, in the end it boils down to the Muslim world reacting to this beheqading as though IT WAS an act of Islamist Jihad.

And that is what we care about.

Jihad may have begun here in earnest because of this beheading.

And all we can do is wait and see if there is any more violence to come on the heels of this.

You'd better hope not.

Leave it to the FOX News fans to take an unfortunate isolated incident and turn it into the end of the world.

Leave it to people like you to defend Islam, and attack Christians every dang time this happens.

This is symbolic of the Ritual Killings used by Radical Islam all over the world. Not current Christian packages.....

So again bringing up Christian atrocities that are virtually non existent compared to Islamic atrocities on this earth is comparing the moon to the size of the sun.
Shitbag....uh a black muslim cutting off heads is a hate crime.

If muslims target non-muslims...that is a fucking hate crime.

Too bad he didn't get his hands on you.

Thats because we would know it was a hate crime since he was skin head dummy.
Who told you a Black Muslim cutting off heads is a hate crime? Can you link to it because you are too stupid for me to trust your opinion?

I doubt he cut off her head due to LOVE, bub.

I think he cut it off because he flipped out from getting fired.

Let's assume for arguments sake that you are right. That he did it over frustration over being fired.

Let's even go farther than that.

Even though we know he was a Muslim convert and had been trying to convert his co-workers at some point, let's pretend for a moment that he didn't do this.

Let's pretend he was just some stupid impressionable Black man who thought that because everyone is paying attention to the beheadings in the desert I will be a copycat and behead someone, too.

Just as an expression of rage over being fired.

He chose an awful way of venting.

And what will be the result from his hypothetically secular act of violent stupidity?

Muslims from within and without will interpret this as the fight they have wanted to wage in America's streets for years.

Let the blood shed in Amreeka.

He will have single handedly set off a potential powder keg and if that results in Islamist clashes with Americans or LEOs in the streets of this country he will be praised and exalted by Muslims and Jihadi and terrorists the world over.
He will be theirs forever.

And then your silly argument will maybe come to an end.

Nolen may be shown to have been acting out as a copycat terrorist without really being a religious terrorist. (I doubt it, but whatever.)

But the bottom line is that his act will be known as an act of Islamic Jihad.

So, in the end it boils down to the Muslim world reacting to this beheqading as though IT WAS an act of Islamist Jihad.

And that is what we care about.

Jihad may have begun here in earnest because of this beheading.

And all we can do is wait and see if there is any more violence to come on the heels of this.

You'd better hope not.

My point has nothing to do with the consequences of his actions. My point is that its borderline retarded to assume he did it because he was Islamic instead of being fired. I would think him trying to recruit people and failing would have made him do this earlier. To me its way more probable the firing flipped the switch. When he says I did it in the name of Allah and a thousand virgins then I will agree he was a nutcase that used religion to justify his craziness. What I wont do is turn my neighbor in because he is a Muslim.
guess I

yeah the crusades, war for gold, power in the name of Christianity but not always so simple, Muslims conquered North Africa by and it was not so peaceful.Muslims tried to overtake Europe as well. But the thing is, Christians throughout history stood up and tried to reform what was wrong. there are historical figures throughout history who have done this. In Islam, If you make very strong condemnations, criticisims you run the risk of a fatwa against you whether you be muslim or non muslim.

Isis publicly executes leading lawyer and human rights activist in Iraq - Middle East - World - The Independent

Papal Bull by the Roman Catholic Church to go forth and enslave everyone and take their lands.

Right, and the catholic church deserves criticism for that. We all know how they used the peoples of the Americas, and we can condemn them for that. You can keep condemning them for that right now but how will that be relevant for today? Islam needs to be criticized the same way, its easy to pick on christians, you can paint a picture of jesus Christ in any derogatory way you want and they will call that art. Try doing that with a likeness of Muhammad and you will have a hit put on you.

Islam cant take criticizm without first mentioning Christianity and the things they did 300 plus years ago, ever. How is Islam supposed to have a reformation if they cant even admit there is a problem?

Its relevant because it supports my point. People use religion to do evil things. There is nothing evil about a religion. It is the interpretation of the human that uses it to do evil deeds. There is no need for a reformation. Just like people who practiced christianity did bad things in the name of christianity the same goes for islam. Personally both religions are a crock of shit (if you ask my personal opinion) due to the falsehoods and hypocrisy but people can practice what they want and I try to stay non-judgmental on it.

If just for their own sake alone they need some kind of reformation or reconcilliation whatever its called because they are killing each other. Even if we choose to say there is no threat from Islam there are enough of them who will consider themselves at war with us no matter what our stance. Obviously there are a billion plus muslims who are peaceful but they are powerless. The ones with the power are the ones who pick up the weapons and join the cult of destruction, mostly now the disafected youth around the world. look at the problems in Europe. there are no Christian ghettos where its not safe for police to go but there are some muslim ones in France and England. Im not condeming all Muslims and I bet most people here dont either. Just trying to recognize whats going on around us I think.
Who told you a Black Muslim cutting off heads is a hate crime? Can you link to it because you are too stupid for me to trust your opinion?

I doubt he cut off her head due to LOVE, bub.

I think he cut it off because he flipped out from getting fired.

Let's assume for arguments sake that you are right. That he did it over frustration over being fired.

Let's even go farther than that.

Even though we know he was a Muslim convert and had been trying to convert his co-workers at some point, let's pretend for a moment that he didn't do this.

Let's pretend he was just some stupid impressionable Black man who thought that because everyone is paying attention to the beheadings in the desert I will be a copycat and behead someone, too.

Just as an expression of rage over being fired.

He chose an awful way of venting.

And what will be the result from his hypothetically secular act of violent stupidity?

Muslims from within and without will interpret this as the fight they have wanted to wage in America's streets for years.

Let the blood shed in Amreeka.

He will have single handedly set off a potential powder keg and if that results in Islamist clashes with Americans or LEOs in the streets of this country he will be praised and exalted by Muslims and Jihadi and terrorists the world over.
He will be theirs forever.

And then your silly argument will maybe come to an end.

Nolen may be shown to have been acting out as a copycat terrorist without really being a religious terrorist. (I doubt it, but whatever.)

But the bottom line is that his act will be known as an act of Islamic Jihad.

So, in the end it boils down to the Muslim world reacting to this beheqading as though IT WAS an act of Islamist Jihad.

And that is what we care about.

Jihad may have begun here in earnest because of this beheading.

And all we can do is wait and see if there is any more violence to come on the heels of this.

You'd better hope not.

Leave it to the FOX News fans to take an unfortunate isolated incident and turn it into the end of the world.

The Moonbats are so confused.

Ferguson is an isolated incidence.

Muslims beheading people is not.

Beheading is all the rage right now, a real fashion statement, it's bound to catch on here too because who could resist a popular trend like that.
So let's recap.

Nut case converts to Islam.

Goes to work telling everyone to convert to Islam.

Gets fired for being a dumb ass.

Comes back to work with a knife and performs a ritual killing by beheading a woman. Was in the middle of killing another when shot...........

This wasn't the act of a Christian convert, but a Muslim convert who carried out his new fantasy of beheading a non believer because the people at the Plant probably told him to Go to Hell.

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