Breaking! New House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Will Target Joe Biden’s Connections to Foreign Business Partners

If you would add the cash shakedowns, he'd have plenty of foreign income. Not to mention, the income tax he evaded on that alone could probably run my county for 3 months.
OK…where is it?

Very difficult to launder tens of millions of dollars with no partnerships, businesses or foreign investments
Trump was President. Hunter Biden was not. He is a private citizen and Congress has no right to his private financial information.
Oh that one House committee can see it by law, but apparently the head of the IRS can block the release without any legal consequences........

Biden is laundering his money through the Ukraine war?
Hunter receives 2.5 million from russia. Biden the first president to go to the floor of the house and plead for them to, lift the sanctions on the pipeline. Then Biden also gives a speech right before the invasion and tells Putin we will do nothing if he invades. Now we have given Ukraine more than their own GDP for a year. The other week found out that money is being funneled back to the democrat party through crypto currency. So the answer to your question, is yes.
Is that why Putin's war stalled? Lack of funds?

Much like the XL extension of the Keystone Pipeline system, not a single unit of product was ever pumped.
Yes Trump had Putin almost bankrupt. Then came Biden and he is back in business. Wonder what happens when you give his son 2.5 million.
Yes Trump had Putin almost bankrupt. Then came Biden and he is back in business. Wonder what happens when you give his son 2.5 million.

So, is that when the pipeline paid off and funded another offensive in the Ukraine?
Hunter receives 2.5 million from russia. Biden the first president to go to the floor of the house and plead for them to, lift the sanctions on the pipeline. Then Biden also gives a speech right before the invasion and tells Putin we will do nothing if he invades. Now we have given Ukraine more than their own GDP for a year. The other week found out that money is being funneled back to the democrat party through crypto currency. So the answer to your question, is yes.
Doesn’t do a thing to show Biden accepted a cent
He was bragging without thinking...just like the time he said he was a truck driver...or the time he said he was a college professor...or the time he said he had three degrees.

He is a weak man with low self esteem that has to talk himself up to everyone because in his heart of hearts he feels unworthy.

And if you didn't know...bragging is the number one way undiscovered criminals get caught.

And you're posting without thinking.

Your description of a "weak man with low self esteem" is Donald J. Trump. The boy who was sent to "military schools" for wealthy delinquents as a kid to learn discipline and focus, but who was himself bullied and berated by his father. The fat old fuck who tries to bully and blame everyone for all of his own failures.

Biden isn't "talking himself up" to anyone. Trump is the guy who bragged that everything he did was the "greatest" the "best ever", the "biggest". Trump is the greatest conman who ever lived, I'll give him that. But nothing he accomplished is the "best ever", unless you consider the "best ever" at monetizing the Presidency for personal gain, but then Trump did say that he would run the country the same way he did his company, and that's exactly what he did.

Instead of BRIBING politicians for zoning approvals, and government contracts, Trump was the guy collecting the "pay for play". Raising "initiation fees" at his East Coast Golf Clubs, and a whole lot of donations from the "for profit prison" companies to his "Inauguration Fund" who later received untendered government contracts for the construction of Trump's concentration camps along the Southern Border.

Not surprising as their first official act, the Republican House disbanded the Congressional Ethics Committee. Half the members of the Insurrection Caucus which controls McCarthy's fate were under investigation for their participation in the January 6th Insurrection, and several have had their phones seized by the FBI.

When Democrats are investigated, it's found their so-called "crimes", are things that Republicans completely fabricated out of thin air, like Uranium One. Or Joe Biden was extorting the Ukranian prosecutor to help Burisma. Both are complete lies, which even a cursory read of the news of the times would prove to you was a lie.

Republicans knew about Hillary's private email server in 2013, because the passed a law against it after she left office. Yet it wasn't a big deal until just before the election, when they suddenly "discovered" the private server in 2016, and has the FBI Investigate, while Hillary ran for office.

Why do Republicans keep making up shit to investigate? Why don't they wait until Dempocrats commit crimes and then investigate, AFTER they find a crime has been committed. The FBI didn't start search Mar-a-lago until after Trump stole the documents and refused to give them back for over a year and a half.
And you're posting without thinking.

Your description of a "weak man with low self esteem" is Donald J. Trump. The boy who was sent to "military schools" for wealthy delinquents as a kid to learn discipline and focus, but who was himself bullied and berated by his father. The fat old fuck who tries to bully and blame everyone for all of his own failures.

Biden isn't "talking himself up" to anyone. Trump is the guy who bragged that everything he did was the "greatest" the "best ever", the "biggest". Trump is the greatest conman who ever lived, I'll give him that. But nothing he accomplished is the "best ever", unless you consider the "best ever" at monetizing the Presidency for personal gain, but then Trump did say that he would run the country the same way he did his company, and that's exactly what he did.

Instead of BRIBING politicians for zoning approvals, and government contracts, Trump was the guy collecting the "pay for play". Raising "initiation fees" at his East Coast Golf Clubs, and a whole lot of donations from the "for profit prison" companies to his "Inauguration Fund" who later received untendered government contracts for the construction of Trump's concentration camps along the Southern Border.

Not surprising as their first official act, the Republican House disbanded the Congressional Ethics Committee. Half the members of the Insurrection Caucus which controls McCarthy's fate were under investigation for their participation in the January 6th Insurrection, and several have had their phones seized by the FBI.

When Democrats are investigated, it's found their so-called "crimes", are things that Republicans completely fabricated out of thin air, like Uranium One. Or Joe Biden was extorting the Ukranian prosecutor to help Burisma. Both are complete lies, which even a cursory read of the news of the times would prove to you was a lie.

Republicans knew about Hillary's private email server in 2013, because the passed a law against it after she left office. Yet it wasn't a big deal until just before the election, when they suddenly "discovered" the private server in 2016, and has the FBI Investigate, while Hillary ran for office.

Why do Republicans keep making up shit to investigate? Why don't they wait until Dempocrats commit crimes and then investigate, AFTER they find a crime has been committed. The FBI didn't start search Mar-a-lago until after Trump stole the documents and refused to give them back for over a year and a half.
Trump didn't steal anything. That's why the case was dropped back on December 12th.
Great, then the investigations should turn nothing up. You support the investigations clearing Biden's name, right?

The investigations will turn up nothing, but they will never clear Biden's name. You'll just claim that Biden "got away with it".

More than 25 Clinton investigations - all based on Republican rumours and not real crimes, not one shred of evidence, not one witness against them, and no charges have ever been filed. But you still think Clinton "got away with it".

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