Breaking News: 300 Former Obama Staffers Urge Faux Squaw Elizabeth Warren To Run For President

She's the female Obama: a sociopath, a pathological liar with a shady past, a hatred of American free enterprise and a true believer in government forced redistribution

Just the kind Libs like to worship. they don't just admire their politicians, They're in LOVE WITH them..that's what we up against in this country. Any NOBODY can swoop in and take them over
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this is the kind of UGLY people you libs support from your PARTY
and just excuse how they TREAT Black people in this country who doesn't see things like they do. this is DISGUSTING. Ben Carson hasn't even declared to run for anything yet


House Dem: These ignorant Ben Carson supporters certainly do remind me of a lynch mob
posted at 4:01 pm on December 12, 2014 by Guy Benson
I’m a few days late to this story, but wanted to highlight it anyway, for two reasons. First, it represents just the latest example of the uniquely shrill and vitriolic abuse the Left heaps upon conservatives of color and their supporters:

Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia says supporters of former surgeon and potential Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson are ignorant people who “have been whipped into a frenzy, like a lynch mob.”

The congressman, who is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, was speaking on The Michael Smerconish Show on Friday when he made the comments.

“Yeah, I think Barack Obama has been one of the greatest presidents that we have had in the history of this nation,” said Johnson. “It’s unfortunate that — since he raised his hand and took the oath in his first inauguration — that [Obama's] been met with nothing but opposition, and confrontation, and actual, personal dehumanization.” “And so what we’re seeing with — so I support the president, I believe he’s done as much as is humanly possible to advance the cause of justice and prosperity and freedom for all people, not just blacks, and not just here in America, but across the world. I think he has changed the paradigm of American foreign policy.” Johnson singled out Dr. Ben Carson as an example of what he called “African Americans trying to tap into that vein of ignorance,” against the president.

Ah yes, the tried and true “unprecedented opposition” canard. Click through for my destruction of that groundless, racially-motivated talking point.
Congressman Johnson’s lynch mob comparison is beneath contempt, so Jim Antle appropriately unleashes the snark:

All of it here:
House Dem These ignorant Ben Carson supporters certainly do remind me of a lynch mob Hot Air
this is the kind of UGLY people you libs support from your PARTY
and just excuse how they TREAT Black people in this country who doesn't see things like they do. this is DISGUSTING. Ben Carson hasn't even declared to run for anything yet


House Dem: These ignorant Ben Carson supporters certainly do remind me of a lynch mob
posted at 4:01 pm on December 12, 2014 by Guy Benson
I’m a few days late to this story, but wanted to highlight it anyway, for two reasons. First, it represents just the latest example of the uniquely shrill and vitriolic abuse the Left heaps upon conservatives of color and their supporters:

Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia says supporters of former surgeon and potential Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson are ignorant people who “have been whipped into a frenzy, like a lynch mob.”

The congressman, who is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, was speaking on The Michael Smerconish Show on Friday when he made the comments.

“Yeah, I think Barack Obama has been one of the greatest presidents that we have had in the history of this nation,” said Johnson. “It’s unfortunate that — since he raised his hand and took the oath in his first inauguration — that [Obama's] been met with nothing but opposition, and confrontation, and actual, personal dehumanization.” “And so what we’re seeing with — so I support the president, I believe he’s done as much as is humanly possible to advance the cause of justice and prosperity and freedom for all people, not just blacks, and not just here in America, but across the world. I think he has changed the paradigm of American foreign policy.” Johnson singled out Dr. Ben Carson as an example of what he called “African Americans trying to tap into that vein of ignorance,” against the president.

Ah yes, the tried and true “unprecedented opposition” canard. Click through for my destruction of that groundless, racially-motivated talking point.
Congressman Johnson’s lynch mob comparison is beneath contempt, so Jim Antle appropriately unleashes the snark:

All of it here:
House Dem These ignorant Ben Carson supporters certainly do remind me of a lynch mob Hot Air

This thread is about Elizabeth Warren
Yep. I've been commenting on the moves Warren has been making for some time. She is behaving exactly as someone who is pondering a run for the presidency would behave.

Here's the key effect: A Warren challenge will force Hillary to move further to the left during the primaries.

That may be all Warren wants to achieve, or she may actually want the Big Prize for herself.

As she pushes Hillary to the left, Hillary makes these stupid statements like "we left the White House broke", and "Don't let anyone tell you corporations create jobs".

Warren will let Hillary's own mouth doom her.

In case anyone hasn't noticed, Hillary ain't as bright as she has been portrayed.

I don't think she gets it yet, that half the country hates her ass.

I'm telling ya, be careful what you wish for.

The electorate is not gonna care about the "Native American" PC bullshit, and her communication skills are elite.

I will agree she is an elitist.

But Barack Obama appears eloquent compared to foot in the mouth "we left the White House broke" Hillary.

No doubt the media will hound Obama for an endorsement of either Hillary or Liz if they're both running.

That would be fascinating to watch.

Three hundred STAFFERS? I read something interesting the other day about not allowing government employees vote. And it was just for this reason here. They are getting so big that they will vote for anyone who wants to EXPAND government jobs so they also hold ONTO theirs.

No doubt the media will hound Obama for an endorsement of either Hillary or Liz if they're both running.

That would be fascinating to watch.


I can hardly wait. Two Nasty old hags out wailing each other:rolleyes-41:
Warren wouldn't stand a chance against Sarah Palin in a presidential run. She doesnt have a oustanding governing record like Palin.
Warren harps on the same three priorities everywhere she goes, which is a brilliant tactic. Reagan did the same thing. Keep the list short, and bang away at it over and over.

Warren's issue list:

1. Wall Street "reform".

2. Student loan reductions.

3. Taxing the rich more.

Yes, we can't miss how much Liz hates America and free enterprise

If Citigroup gets their way you can kiss free anything and everything goodbye, because they, JP Morgan Chase, B of A, Goldman Sachs, et al. will just take what they want from the taxpayers with complete impunity.

Yes, thanks to FDR, Democrats and Dodd-Frank we have institutionalized public losses and private gains.

I'm telling ya, be careful what you wish for.

The electorate is not gonna care about the "Native American" PC bullshit, and her communication skills are elite.


I just do not think I can stand Republicans attacking her non-stop, over the stupid Native American, thing.

Id rather have my eyeballs ripped out and my sockets filled with turpentine.

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