BREAKING NEWS: Alaska Legislature

Look, I have to say that's a complete misrepresentation of what the report recommends. It says citizens who file a complaint should get more feedback. That's tidying up a flew in the system, it's not giving the governor more power.

Politically this is a disaster for Palin and McCain.

Palin has been found to have abused her public office for personal gain. That's unethical. Palin acted unethically. She has also shown a propensity to using public office to bully individuals. She is not of sound character to occupy the second highest public office in the US.

That is a political disaster.

Actually, Dive Con was only tricking us. What he meant to do was fool us into thinking that the legislature recommended to expand the governor's powers when in actuality they recommended everyone's powers be expanded by giving them feedback whenever they file a police report. :wink: :wink:

Gotta watch out for that tricky DiveCon, he's such an evil genius. :badgrin:

Riiiight, the "ol' it was a trap all along" defense. Ummm, sure son, like that's ever worked on the internets before. :rofl:

Let's rehash (because this is so hilarious). You stated the panel RECOMMENDED TO EXPAND HER POWERS, in more than one thread, mind you. Then got called out on it.

The FACTS: The legislature NEVER recommended to EXPAND THE GOVERNOR'S POWERS.

Face it son, you got ass raped and the only comeback you had was LOL, ROFLMAO, and Neg Rep. You lose!!!! :rofl:

keep denying it
it might make you feel better
i figured it would be chris that would fall in the trap
Actually, Dive Con was only tricking us. What he meant to do was fool us into thinking that the legislature recommended to expand the governor's powers when in actuality they recommended everyone's powers be expanded by giving them feedback whenever they file a police report. :wink: :wink:

Gotta watch out for that tricky DiveCon, he's such an evil genius. :badgrin:

i PWN3D you
jreeves - I must be missing something here:

Quote:Originally Posted by DavidS
Alaska legislature has voted 12-0 to release the investigator's report if Sarah Palin has abused her powers as governer of Alaska. | Alaska Politics Blog : Troopergate hearing (Updated: It's starting)


Tell me again what powers Branchflower has?

Now, can you tell me what the link between your question and David's post and the report is?
jreeves - I must be missing something here:

Now, can you tell me what the link between your question and David's post and the report is?

It's time to impeach her.-----David S

What on a flawed legal basis and a man who has no power what-so-ever?Lmao
It's time to impeach her.-----David S

What on a flawed legal basis and a man who has no power what-so-ever?Lmao

Okay, I don't know what the impeachment process is in Alaska or what the process is for - what's that word meaning you want to get the governor back so they can be booted out?

Anyway - the prosecutor was tasked with getting evidence of facts. He was working like a criminal investigator. You know the weird thing? Most criminal investigation work doesn't require legislative powers. My old detective colleagues would jump up and down at me for that but it's true. Uniformed cops need more powers than a detective. When you're a detective you go around and talk to people and get statements and then you work out what sort of evidence you have an if it's admissible in a criminal court.

This bloke was doing much the same thing. But he didn't have to worry about admissibility of evidence. But he did have to worry about relevance because anything that isn't relevant is prima facie inadmissible because it's worthless. He looked for and found relevant evidence. He then had to come to a set of findings or conclusions which have to be drawn from the evidence.

He did that and he reported on it. The panel, reading his report, agreed.

The evidence is there. Palin abused her office as governor.
Okay, I don't know what the impeachment process is in Alaska or what the process is for - what's that word meaning you want to get the governor back so they can be booted out?

Anyway - the prosecutor was tasked with getting evidence of facts. He was working like a criminal investigator. You know the weird thing? Most criminal investigation work doesn't require legislative powers. My old detective colleagues would jump up and down at me for that but it's true. Uniformed cops need more powers than a detective. When you're a detective you go around and talk to people and get statements and then you work out what sort of evidence you have an if it's admissible in a criminal court.

This bloke was doing much the same thing. But he didn't have to worry about admissibility of evidence. But he did have to worry about relevance because anything that isn't relevant is prima facie inadmissible because it's worthless. He looked for and found relevant evidence. He then had to come to a set of findings or conclusions which have to be drawn from the evidence.

He did that and he reported on it. The panel, reading his report, agreed.

The evidence is there. Palin abused her office as governor.
yet no charges were recomended, why is that?
Okay, I don't know what the impeachment process is in Alaska or what the process is for - what's that word meaning you want to get the governor back so they can be booted out?

Anyway - the prosecutor was tasked with getting evidence of facts. He was working like a criminal investigator. You know the weird thing? Most criminal investigation work doesn't require legislative powers. My old detective colleagues would jump up and down at me for that but it's true. Uniformed cops need more powers than a detective. When you're a detective you go around and talk to people and get statements and then you work out what sort of evidence you have an if it's admissible in a criminal court.

This bloke was doing much the same thing. But he didn't have to worry about admissibility of evidence. But he did have to worry about relevance because anything that isn't relevant is prima facie inadmissible because it's worthless. He looked for and found relevant evidence. He then had to come to a set of findings or conclusions which have to be drawn from the evidence.

He did that and he reported on it. The panel, reading his report, agreed.

The evidence is there. Palin abused her office as governor.

Note: Monegan served at the pleasure of the Governor. But, increasingly, the "serves at the pleasure of" phrase only applies to Democrats — not Republican leaders.

Although Monegan had previously stated: "For the record, no one ever said fire Wooten [Palin brother-in-law]. Not the Governor. Not Todd [Palin's husband]. Not anyone of the staff ...," Monegan joined with his friend and Obama operative Hollis French and — at the apparent urging of French — decided to fight his firing and charge Palin's staff with misconduct. Another apparent friend of French's — Special Prosecutor Steven Branchflower — allowed the state senator to interfere with the witness subpoena list. Of course, this is illegal. But, bear in mind these are Democrats — who appear to be immune from any and all laws they don't like. The facts are that this is a bogus and partisan "investigation" into nothing. But, the Obama adherents are apparently allowed to do and say anything they like. Stalin is alive and well in Alaska.

These are the facts, folks. If nothing else, this one incident proves Governor Palin truly DID fight against the Alaska good ol' boy network and they don't like it. They don't like it one bit! So far, everything the left-wing has thrown at her has been proven false. But, that doesn't stop them from continuing to attempt to manufacture scandals where none exist. The more ethical people are, the harder the unscrupulous and dishonorable entities attempt to destroy them. Alaska Governor and VP candidate Sarah Palin must surely be as principled as anyone who ever lived.
Obama operative fires off another bogus scandal against Palin

Wink, Wink....he has no power but to defame....

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