BREAKING NEWS--CA--Another Mass Shooting

I don't need to look it up; it's got nothing to do with gun violence, nor is it an epidemic social concern.

As I just said -- unrelated in any way. You could find somebody who fell into a vat of chocolate and drowned... or was he pushed? :eek:
Doesn't matter; still unrelated to the topic here.

You are ignoring the whole point. This isn't about "gun violence". This is about a young man who was mentally deranged who had a family that actually WARNED the police and the police DID NOTHING.

Take the gun completely out of the equation he murdered two poor innocents with that weapon while murdering three with a knife. That tells me that no matter what, he was going to kill. Unless the police had done their jobs.... which clearly they didn't.

Gun, knife, car, rock...doesn't matter the tool, HE was the weapon.

You can't "take the gun out of the equation". It's a story about a shooting. No gun = no shooting.

If it were a rock, it would be a story about rocking. It isn't. But if it were it would be confined to "News of the Weird" because we're just not a nation of rocking. We're a nation of shooting. And that, I submit, is the core of the issue.

If it were a rock, it would be a story about rocking.

more trivial chatter--about things that don't matter much.

Idle minds --the devil's workshop. None to blame but yourselves---not the POTUS, not CNN, not mental health or law enforcement or any of those who try to cope with utter filth --which is absolutely unnecessary.

It is systemic. In the hearts and minds, of We, the People.

What do you talk about---the sort of posts I read are not indicative of deep thinking. Maybe 20 people out of ????1,000's. Been here almost 2 years---much like being in Hell most of the time.

Racism--racism--blaming---things that indicate lack of maturity.

Games---who can use the most expletives and isn't that funny.

<Do Not Judge
&#8230;4"Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye? 5"You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. 6"Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.>

a veritable cesspool and very representative of what is going wrong. self--self -me-me-me-me.

OK---consequences aren't going to be pleasant. You knew---did it anyway. if the world ended in 5 minutes and you had to explain your last post---would you be proud? Probably so. I think about things like that. What message are your communicating--do not add to the childish 's'. just me.
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Like way too many others Rocko wants to run around putting fingers in the dyke, treating a million symptoms while ignoring a single disease.

Mentally ill people weren't just invented; they've always been with us. But regardless how stable or unstable somebody is, without a culture that's continuously yammering on and on about the idolatry of Almighty Gun, it wouldn't be what they use as a way out.

What's ironic Is gun violence and all types of violence are the symptoms, mental illness is the disease. Yes mentally I'll people have always been among us, but because of advances in psychiatry they are less dangerous to society and themselves than they were in the past. We need more research and better treatment.

Uh -- no dood, mental illness ain't the disease, as the point whooshes over yon head.
Mental illness is manifest in a thousand different ways, most of them nonviolent, most of them without firearms or even destruction. The disease is gun culture, if it really needs to be spelled out. The entire point is that the mentally ill are a constant. They were with us before firearms and they weren't mass-slaying people then.

But plug in the culture of Almighty Gun worship glorified at every turn every day, and voilà, you have an avenue of mass destruction for that mentally unstable person who's not only got access but is being encouraged to take that route in mental messages from a hundred different directions. "Guns are power", we're all told, and here's a person with personal power problems; do the math.

Now you can go ahead and try to find these mental cases before they happen. Again, rotsa ruck with that game of whack-a-mole. I just don't think throwing government mental health money at it is any more productive that throwing gun control legislation at it. Either way you're playing whack-a-mole.
What you're saying makes perfect sense but overlooks a critical contributing element -- population density. We are living in an increasingly crowded society, a circumstance which tends to exaggerate and aggravate antagonisms which otherwise would either not exist or would be ignored.

I think the factor of crowding is more relevant than the presence of guns.
When you look at this guy, there simply is no good reason that at 22 he was still a virgin, let alone that he said he'd never kissed a girl.

He's wasn't ugly, and he wasn't poor. Unless he was just a complete weirdo that always repelled girls from the time he went through puberty until this tragedy, he should not have had trouble attracting girls. Even a total klutz with the opposite sex, would eventually run across someone of the opposite sex that would have made it clear that they were ready willing and able.
No, I doubt girls were repulsed by him.

More than likely, it was the other way around. He was the one repulsed by girls.

He probably has had homosexual feelings for years, and he was fighting it. He convinced himself over time that it wasn't him staying away from girls, it was the girls who were the ones staying away.
Finally, not being able to deal with it any longer, he went on his rampage going after girls, when in reality he was going after the feelings that he was fighting.
Spot on!
Everybody is invited to my house for a beer. If you can get to Southern, AZ, I will give you the beer. But all guns must be checked at the door.

In Southern Arizona?

I was stationed at Ft Huachuca, bought a 12 gauge shotgun at a pawnshop in Sierra Vista and walked right down main street with it on my shoulder all the way to the main gate...not a single person blinked at the sight.
The repressive gun laws we have today really began after Kennedy was shot.

I can recall back in the fifties in Brooklyn, NY, one could walk into a gun store and buy a shoulder weapon with no questions. In fact it was against federal law to demand ID for a shoulder weapon purchase. Handguns called for ID only. But carry called for a permit.

After the Kenney killing the anti-gun sector went nuts.
I see all the gun grabbers have been having orgasms all day over this.

You are ignoring the whole point. This isn't about "gun violence". This is about a young man who was mentally deranged who had a family that actually WARNED the police and the police DID NOTHING.

Take the gun completely out of the equation he murdered two poor innocents with that weapon while murdering three with a knife. That tells me that no matter what, he was going to kill. Unless the police had done their jobs.... which clearly they didn't.

Gun, knife, car, rock...doesn't matter the tool, HE was the weapon.

You can't "take the gun out of the equation". It's a story about a shooting. No gun = no shooting.

If it were a rock, it would be a story about rocking. It isn't. But if it were it would be confined to "News of the Weird" because we're just not a nation of rocking. We're a nation of shooting. And that, I submit, is the core of the issue.

I hate to break it to you but he murdered more people with a sharp pointy object than with a gun, so clearly it's a story about a stabbing if we're going to go based on number of victims. Once again, the point sails right over your head.

They love to leave things like facts out. You know. There was a knife. That he told everyone he was going to do it and neither Youtube or anyone else reported it. That the cops screwed up. Oh and the biggie of biggies. Half the people he shot were in a gun free zone.
I'm going to stick my neck out here, but I believe this is the right way for America, and other countries, to go.

Ban all public ownership of handguns, only allowing hunting weapons, single shot at that (Except double barreled shotguns).
Anyone found with anything other than the few types of legal gun should face the death penalty, regardless of if they were committing other crime at the time or not.
This shooter - an obvious Liberal pole-smoker. Typical Democrat male - can't get laid. Whines about what other's have - he can't get. RIP asshole.
Hey Warrior, if someone on this board spouts hatred at feminists and minorities, and proudly refers to themselves as an alpha male, what's normally their political affiliation?

If the kid had been posting here, Warrior and a few others here would have embraced him as one of their own.
Hey Warrior, if someone on this board spouts hatred at feminists and minorities, and proudly refers to themselves as an alpha male, what's normally their political affiliation?

If the kid had been posting here, Warrior and a few others here would have embraced him as one of their own.

the kid was a leftist

hi favorite youtube channel was the young turks
Sunday morning. Nice day in the ATL--some humidity,cloudy. that's good.


and how heartwarming---vigorous debate---continues. Our system of government in action. 'Lead yourselves'---and I am thrilled to see the system working.


some don't need to be told--others might---humor with a tinge of sarcasm.

cannot stand 'how things are'---would vote for a return to the Victorian era--if asked today.


realistic--somehow these problems are going to be addressed. some people might be angry--it is going to have to be 'for the common good'

2 party system----checks and balances--checks and balances.

some experience with this--Methodist--included The Clintons and the Bushes--just imagine--2 sides----and common ground can be found. when you loose--you deal with that --and go do it again and again and again. C. S. Lewis---explains some of this.
The issue isn't guns and mental illness. It's mental illness. Had he got adequate treatment this all could have been avoided.

How do we get them treatment?

Like way too many others Rocko wants to run around putting fingers in the dyke, treating a million symptoms while ignoring a single disease.

Mentally ill people weren't just invented; they've always been with us. And still will be tomorrow, from directions we can't anticipate. But regardless how stable or unstable somebody is, without a culture that's continuously yammering on and on about the idolatry of Almighty Gun, it wouldn't be what they use as a way out.

But yeah, good luck with that game of whack-a-mole...

And you are completely missing the point with that completely misinformed or misleading descriptor. It's never been about your so called "Almighty Gun" it always been about the Almighty Constitution, In this case one aspect of the 2nd Amendment.
The real rub with restrictions upon each aspect of the freedoms guaranteed is what is considered reasonable and the fact that all Amendment restrictions should (by intent of the founding fathers) be treated equally, this is obviously not the case when it comes to the 2nd. The real problem here isn't firearms or any other weapon, the real problem is identifying and dealing with mental illness in a constitutionally legal manner. The other path is to repeal the 2nd and ya just might succeed in 50 to a hundred years, who knows.
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BBC News - California drive-by gunman kills six in Santa Barbara

Just one more pointless idiot, made dangerous because he had a gun.
He wasn't made dangerous because he had a gun. He was made dangerous by some severe and exotic psychopathology. The gun came later.

Guns are as much a part of American culture as hamburgers. There are somewhere between 200 and 300 million of them in the hands of Americans (no one knows for sure how many). Nothing short of aggressive un-Constitutional police state methods could eliminate a substantial percentage of them -- and those that remain after such an invasive purge would be in the hands of the worst criminals and the most dangerous crazies.

Focusing on guns as a means of eliminating violent crime and psychopathic homicides has about as much potential as the War On Drugs. After three decades of intensively aggressive law enforcement activities any type of illegal drug is readily available to anyone willing to pay the price. The same prohibitive circumstance would apply to guns -- or anything else

Guns are not the problem. Psychopathology is. America is a sick society and is getting sicker. Shooting events like this one are symptoms of the sickness.

Precisely, thank you.

In one sense it is a mental health issue, considering the collective mentality. This American philosophy of dealing with any situation by blowing it up, destroying it, eradicating it, eliminating it from view -- we clear land with it, we eat it, we watch it on TV, we live it. It's as if at base we despise life and nature.
I hate to break it to you but he murdered more people with a sharp pointy object than with a gun, so clearly it's a story about a stabbing if we're going to go based on number of victims. Once again, the point sails right over your head.

I hate to break it to you but what's over all our heads is this:
BREAKING NEWS--CA--Another Mass Shooting

Desperation deflection noted. Shields up.

The desperation is on your side. The mass media wants gun control because their rich owners want gun control. Can't turn the peasants into slaves till they're disarmed don't you know. Gun control is the ultimate class warfare. You had best be afraid when only the rich get to have guns.

What does anything I've posted have to do with "gun control"? :dunno:

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