Breaking News Census Bureau Severing All Ties With ACORN

Sorry for sounding so cynical but ACORN has a shit load of subsidiary's that will take the ACORN name place.

I agree. As to the way Government operates? I too share the pulpit of cynicism with you.

I do NOT TRUST this government.

I agree and the more I see of this adminstration, their policies and the connections, the more concerned I become.

Did anyone hear the rumor that Hillary was going to resign so she could run for the governor of NY. I have never been a Hillary fan, but I gotta tell ya, I would prefer her any day of the week to the person we have in there now. He is an absolute RADICAL with an absolute RADICAL view of how he wants to change this country. It's down right scary.
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Sadly, I don't think it's safe, or wise, to trust either side anymore.
I just don't want them getting tax payer money and I want the 2 billion in the no stimulus stimulus bill back. That's our money!!!!!
Sorry for sounding so cynical but ACORN has a shit load of subsidiary's that will take the ACORN name place.

I agree. As to the way Government operates? I too share the pulpit of cynicism with you.

I do NOT TRUST this government.
I don't think I would trust anyone in government again! That is the sad part. Unless they are strict Constitutionalists. I think in order for this Country to get back to the correct alignment (center) is to vote into office a shit load of Constitutionalists and I don't see that happening in my life time.
I don't think I would trust anyone in government again! That is the sad part. Unless they are strict Constitutionalists. I think in order for this Country to get back to the correct alignment (center) is to vote into office a shit load of Constitutionalists and I don't see that happening in my life time.

Did you not listen to the founding fathers? Political parties are bad. Don't bullshit and expect there to be politicians that are willing to be actually center moderate. "Constitutionalists" like Ron Paul prove that point well. Trying to justify taking away Abortion as some sort of Libertarian ideal when in reality it goes against the principles of being a Libertarian.
Try not to be so bitter. The news of ACORN having no influence in the census reporting can only be viewed as positive.

I'm not being bitter you hack, the only ones who have been bitter about the whole ACORN issue were people who didn't like Obama. Though that's not the only issue those same people are bitter on.

I'd rather not see ACORN part of the 2010 census if for the pure fact that Republicans have one less thing to bitch about, one less distraction among other things.

What all people should be mad about is that your tax dollars are funding this organization, I don't give a rat's ass if you are a democrat, a republican or an independent. Obama was a lawyer for this group. Boy oh boy does he have the connections, Chicago style politics run amoke, now in Washington. That's the concern.

I was so angry and frustrated for a long time since the election but I am now seeing the positive side. I'll tell you that side: Having these extremist in control really woke up the average I don't care voter. I think this had to happen in order for the corrections this country needs to take place. The best way to say it is "When you're sick you have to know what is causing it before you can treat it and feel better"
I don't think I would trust anyone in government again! That is the sad part. Unless they are strict Constitutionalists. I think in order for this Country to get back to the correct alignment (center) is to vote into office a shit load of Constitutionalists and I don't see that happening in my life time.

Did you not listen to the founding fathers? Political parties are bad. Don't bullshit and expect there to be politicians that are willing to be actually center moderate. "Constitutionalists" like Ron Paul prove that point well. Trying to justify taking away Abortion as some sort of Libertarian ideal when in reality it goes against the principles of being a Libertarian.

there are some libertarians who are pro choice and some who are not. Ron paul is one that is not.
I don't think I would trust anyone in government again! That is the sad part. Unless they are strict Constitutionalists. I think in order for this Country to get back to the correct alignment (center) is to vote into office a shit load of Constitutionalists and I don't see that happening in my life time.

Did you not listen to the founding fathers? Political parties are bad. Don't bullshit and expect there to be politicians that are willing to be actually center moderate. "Constitutionalists" like Ron Paul prove that point well. Trying to justify taking away Abortion as some sort of Libertarian ideal when in reality it goes against the principles of being a Libertarian.
Last I looked Ron Paul had an "R" after his name.
"Breaking News Census Bureau Severing All Ties With ACORN "

Breaking News: ACORN will be running the Death Panels
I don't think I would trust anyone in government again! That is the sad part. Unless they are strict Constitutionalists. I think in order for this Country to get back to the correct alignment (center) is to vote into office a shit load of Constitutionalists and I don't see that happening in my life time.

Did you not listen to the founding fathers? Political parties are bad. Don't bullshit and expect there to be politicians that are willing to be actually center moderate. "Constitutionalists" like Ron Paul prove that point well. Trying to justify taking away Abortion as some sort of Libertarian ideal when in reality it goes against the principles of being a Libertarian.
Last I looked Ron Paul had an "R" after his name.

that's only because if he had "libertarian" behind it, he couldn't get elected.
Beck did two shows - one yesterday, one today - on the ACORN/prostitution rings. Today, ACORN pulls out of the census. Hmmmm . . . .

Palin sheds light on 'death panels' = questionable 'end-of-life counseling' pulled from HC bill
Beck sheds light on Van Jones = Jones resigns
Beck sheds light on ACORN scam = ACORN pulls out of the census

If people want change, speak up and let your voice be heard because it works.
There should be a congressional investigation of ACORN.

Fuck Congress, they're so deep into it they're useless. There should be a criminal investigation of Acorn and all those who have helped to establish it. Including the ATTORNEYS who worked to make it appear legal by representing them in a court of law when they knew they were breaking the law.
Did you not listen to the founding fathers? Political parties are bad. Don't bullshit and expect there to be politicians that are willing to be actually center moderate. "Constitutionalists" like Ron Paul prove that point well. Trying to justify taking away Abortion as some sort of Libertarian ideal when in reality it goes against the principles of being a Libertarian.
Last I looked Ron Paul had an "R" after his name.

that's only because if he had "libertarian" behind it, he couldn't get elected.
Maybe so Elvis but I take issue with that also. This is what the Commies/liberalism/progressives do. They run under the R, The D because they know running under anything else won't get them elected.

Times are changing for sure, and if an elected person cannot be up front with his own Ideology then he isn't worth a vote no matter how much I agree with that person.
Beck did two shows - one yesterday, one today - on the ACORN/prostitution rings. Today, ACORN pulls out of the census. Hmmmm . . . .

Palin sheds light on 'death panels' = questionable 'end-of-life counseling' pulled from HC bill
Beck sheds light on Van Jones = Jones resigns
Beck sheds light on ACORN scam = ACORN pulls out of the census

If people want change, speak up and let your voice be heard because it works.
More proof that if the other media outlets did their job Obama would have never won.
There should be a congressional investigation of ACORN.

Fuck Congress, they're so deep into it they're useless. There should be a criminal investigation of Acorn and all those who have helped to establish it. Including the ATTORNEYS who worked to make it appear legal by representing them in a court of law when they knew they were breaking the law.
Just who will investigate? The FBI? You don't think there isn't supporters of this radical in the FBI and CIA? Come on, think about it...they've been working for years to "Change" this country and throw out our Constitution. They know they had to have people inside each area, Military, FBI, and CIA, etc.

Valarie Plame, the CIA could have put that to rest in a heart beat, Pelosi saying the CIA lies, they kept quiet. In the old days the CIA would have leaked shit to harm Pelosi and company but not a scratch.

You see...there is nobody to watch the hen house.
Beck did two shows - one yesterday, one today - on the ACORN/prostitution rings. Today, ACORN pulls out of the census. Hmmmm . . . .

Palin sheds light on 'death panels' = questionable 'end-of-life counseling' pulled from HC bill
Beck sheds light on Van Jones = Jones resigns
Beck sheds light on ACORN scam = ACORN pulls out of the census

If people want change, speak up and let your voice be heard because it works.
More proof that if the other media outlets did their job Obama would have never won.

Sadly, they did do their jobs. Obama was their guy. Amazingly, it wasn't too difficult for them to dupe the mindless voters.
Well, one less things for Republicans to bitch about. ACORN is no longer involved, now what the fuck will some people on this board do? I suppose be "Unemployed" since others on this board have the "Death Panels!" and "Socialism" jobs covered. :lol:

Are we going to withdraw the money pledged to this organization through the Stimulus bill? Or have you already forgotten about that?
Well, one less things for Republicans to bitch about. ACORN is no longer involved, now what the fuck will some people on this board do? I suppose be "Unemployed" since others on this board have the "Death Panels!" and "Socialism" jobs covered. :lol:

Are we going to withdraw the money pledged to this organization through the Stimulus bill? Or have you already forgotten about that?
Ahhh maybe that's the reason for the announcement. :lol:

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