Breaking News Census Bureau Severing All Ties With ACORN

More proof that if the other media outlets did their job Obama would have never won.

Sadly, they did do their jobs. Obama was their guy. Amazingly, it wasn't too difficult for them to dupe the mindless voters.

The voters weren't mindless, they were disgusted. And as I always tell my children...putting a lie over on someone is nothing to brag about. People don't expect ppl in a position of trust to lie to them.

Now nobody believes anything any of the press feeds them. Which is probably okay for the time being, and as a result the press is starting to step up to the plate.

I really can't believe I just read this. How are they stepping up to the plate? Have you seen one mention of the ACORN story about the child slavery / prostitution ring?
The only place I've seen it is on Fox.
Well, one less things for Republicans to bitch about. ACORN is no longer involved, now what the fuck will some people on this board do? I suppose be "Unemployed" since others on this board have the "Death Panels!" and "Socialism" jobs covered. :lol:

How is it "bitching". The evidence shows some disturbing footage about an organization that gets millions in tax dollars. Pointing out corruption regardless of the party affiliation is "bitching". I am concerned when millions in tax dollars are paying for corruption period! Let's not call it something that it is not just because they are on the liberal side of things. We need to end all corruption but the division based on a party hurts that effort. It's your tax dollars too. Rather that marginalizing this by calling it "bitching", outrage would be a more sensical response.
Just because Acorn is no longer involved does not change the fact that they have corrupt employees helping waste tax dollars. Logic would dictate that they be more thoroughly investigated as they have proven with their actions to be dishonest.

One less tool for Obama and libs to use to steal another election.

Yes, ACORN somehow registered 6 million fake people and got them to all vote for Obama. Thank you, concept, you've now taken idiot of the year award.
Such a corrupt and partisan organization should not have been involved in something like the census to begin with.

I have to laugh at the hyper partisans who again blow it off, 'so what, they were advising people on how to make childslaves into hookers and beat the law.'

Sorry for sounding so cynical but ACORN has a shit load of subsidiary's that will take the ACORN name place.

I agree. As to the way Government operates? I too share the pulpit of cynicism with you.

I do NOT TRUST this government.

I agree and the more I see of this adminstration, their policies and the connections, the more concerned I become.

Did anyone hear the rumor that Hillary was going to resign so she could run for the governor of NY. I have never been a Hillary fan, but I gotta tell ya, I would prefer her any day of the week to the person we have in there now. He is an absolute RADICAL with an absolute RADICAL view of how he wants to change this country. It's down right scary.
Hillary would be worse.

And I doubt she wants a governor's job, they are on an island when things go wrong, a senator is just another rat in the pack.
Such a corrupt and partisan organization should not have been involved in something like the census to begin with.

I have to laugh at the hyper partisans who again blow it off, 'so what, they were advising people on how to make childslaves into hookers and beat the law.'

I don't recall anyone saying that.

Your partisanship is once again on display.

Also, while I understand why the Census doesn't need the negative publicity since so many are terrified of the Census to begin with, ACORN was never involved in the actually Census taking, only in promoting it.
Such a corrupt and partisan organization should not have been involved in something like the census to begin with.

I have to laugh at the hyper partisans who again blow it off, 'so what, they were advising people on how to make childslaves into hookers and beat the law.'

I don't recall anyone saying that.

Your partisanship is once again on display.

Also, while I understand why the Census doesn't need the negative publicity since so many are terrified of the Census to begin with, ACORN was never involved in the actually Census taking, only in promoting it.

And Hiring recomendations.
Such a corrupt and partisan organization should not have been involved in something like the census to begin with.

I have to laugh at the hyper partisans who again blow it off, 'so what, they were advising people on how to make childslaves into hookers and beat the law.'

I don't recall anyone saying that.
You actually haven't said anything about it.

So Ravi, are you disgusted? We now have four ACORN housing employees, in two separate cities, telling this hooker and her pimp the exact same things. Without batting an eye.
  • How to defraud the IRS
  • How to launder money
  • How to hide underage illegal girls from S. America who will be working as hookers
  • How to get the child tax credit by claiming the illegal underage girls as dependents
  • Working really hard to help them get OUR money for a house to be used as a brothel
  • How to "scrub" and conceal, cover up all of this so the pimp can run for public office, and use the ill-gotten funds to finance the campaign
  • Criminal tips and tricks
  • All the while assuring the couple, "This won't come back on us because we don't know about it."
So please, opine on that you think of all of this. It looked like just another day in the office for these employees, like they have been trained to do this and reading from the same script.

Do you agree this needs to be thoroughly investigated?

They should give those two kids medals for what they have done.
to this day the family is evasive on what my Grandfather did. I've heard he was a renowned bridge builder and I do know he was well respected in his town until the day he died. He was always a guest at any town event. Old Town outside of Nuremberg called Lauf, I've seen pictures in his German uniform and saw medals but I couldn't read German and only got a brief look at it.

If you really want to find out more about your Grandfather's past, all you have to do is campaign for public office as a conservative and the DNC will help you out with that. :lol:

If you want to bury his past forever, campaign as a democrat.
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One less tool for Obama and libs to use to steal another election.

Yes, ACORN somehow registered 6 million fake people and got them to all vote for Obama. Thank you, concept, you've now taken idiot of the year award.

Wait, you don't like it when someone accuses your party of stealing an election? :clap2:

Wait till they make those baseless accusations for 8 years. :lol:
Well, one less things for Republicans to bitch about. ACORN is no longer involved, now what the fuck will some people on this board do? I suppose be "Unemployed" since others on this board have the "Death Panels!" and "Socialism" jobs covered. :lol:

ahuh ................ Obama's smoke and mirrors Election Machine!

My aren't we fortunate to have such change and hope!

Hey, if you stick your head in the sand far enough, you may strike that "black gold", oil.
The ACORN high command always denies any knowledge of wrongdoing; it's always some "rogue element" (though there seem to be a lot of rogues in ACORN). But crimes of this nature are so serious that an investigation is needed to find out who knew what about this situation.

First, there needs to be an investigation by the local prosecutor and the Maryland attorney general. Although the underage prostitutes in this situation did not exist, the video shows the housing workers appearing to be quite nonchalant, considering the information (and telling the undercover reporters that they do not "judge" them and that the nineteen-year-old who claimed to be a prostitute should feel good about making something out of herself), so much so that you have to wonder what other situations they've been involved with in the past.

Second, there needs to be a federal criminal investigation. The tape shows people who are willing to work with this undercover couple in a possible (depending on the applicable law in that jurisdiction) conspiracy to commit tax fraud, to defraud federal housing programs, and possibly violate the Mann Act in transporting minors across state lines for sexual purposes.

Finally, there should be a congressional investigation. House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers had earlier expressed an interest in holding hearings about ACORN. It would seem that the time has come to hold those hearings.

This is needed both because of the role ACORN currently plays with the federal government, and also with the future role that they are being considered for.

Right now ACORN is heavily involved in voter-registration programs, especially in inner cities. ACORN is also involved in federal programs to find housing for low-income people and receives federal taxpayer money for this public service.

(As an aside, they were also, perhaps, the foremost actors in coercing banks to make housing loans under the Community Reinvestment Act to people who could not qualify for those loans. The cascading defaults on those mortgages are what burst the housing bubble, dragging down the financial stocks and causing the stock market crash.)

Investigate ACORN, Now! -
Such a corrupt and partisan organization should not have been involved in something like the census to begin with.

I have to laugh at the hyper partisans who again blow it off, 'so what, they were advising people on how to make childslaves into hookers and beat the law.'

I don't recall anyone saying that.

Your partisanship is once again on display.

Also, while I understand why the Census doesn't need the negative publicity since so many are terrified of the Census to begin with, ACORN was never involved in the actually Census taking, only in promoting it.

March 2009:

ACORN to Play Role in 2010 Census <Link

The U.S. Census Bureau is working with several national organizations to help recruit 1.4 million workers to produce the country's 2010 census, including one with a history of voter fraud charges: ACORN.

From the Article:

"The U.S. Census is supposed to be free of politics, but one group with a history of voter fraud, ACORN, is participating in next year's count, raising concerns about the politicization of the decennial survey.

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now signed on as a national partner with the U.S. Census Bureau in February 2009 to assist with the recruitment of the 1.4 million temporary workers needed to go door-to-door to count every person in the United States -- currently believed to be more than 306 million people.

A U.S. Census "sell sheet," an advertisement used to recruit national partners, says partnerships with groups like ACORN "play an important role in making the 2010 Census successful," including by "help[ing] recruit census workers."


So were they promoting or helping recruit? It's no wonder the Bureau severed ties to them. Especially the light that has been shed on them this week, and various suits against them for voter fraud.
:eek::eek:Yeah, They were totally not involved in the Census, only getting people that would be involved hired. Totally innocent. You rascals on the Right, always creating problems where there are none.:eek::eek:

I'm shocked ..... I feel violated. :razz:
acorn needs to be eradicated!!! the non citizen muslim, son of malcolm x needs to be impeached and jailed!!!!!!
acorn needs to be eradicated!!! the non citizen muslim, son of malcolm x needs to be impeached and jailed!!!!!!

Anna at least you have the guts to say it! Good for you!

However, I believe he is a citizen (unfortunately) and I doubt he is a Muslim or in fact that he is spiritual in any fashion other than self satisfaction and personal ego!

acorn needs to be eradicated!!! the non citizen muslim, son of malcolm x needs to be impeached and jailed!!!!!!

Anna at least you have the guts to say it! Good for you!

However, I believe he is a citizen (unfortunately) and I doubt he is a Muslim or in fact that he is spiritual in any fashion other than self satisfaction and personal ego!


I believe He is a Naturalized Citizen.
Isn't is so nice to know that ACORN got 20 BILLION dollars of OUR money out of the 787 So-called economic stimulus bill that really wasn't?

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