BREAKING NEWS Classified Clinton E-mail Sitting On Google Mail Servers

And the FBI is not investigating your denial of Hillary's wrongdoing, they are investigating national security crimes committed by Clinton.

BZZZT Wrong again!

The FBI is investigating whether the server was hacked. There is no criminal investigation against Hillary, except in your wet dreams.
The FBI is investigating everything that might have criminal implications as to these e-mails, including whether Hillary deleted work related e-mails, which would be against the law, as these e-mails are official U.S. property.

PS. We already know that her server was hacked, because an Eastern European hacker had Hilary's e-mails up for sale, but then backed down when he knew that they contained classified info, and he gave these e-mails to the FBI on the advise of his lawyer. Hacker Removes Hillary's UNRELEASED Emails From Sale, Turns Over to FBI | Restoring Liberty

You are in psychological denial, as we already know that Hillary's server was hacked, and that she aided the enemy with her ignorance. What the FBI is really doing, is trying to find out how much she gave away


Your disinformation blogs are destroying your credibility.

Hillary's e-mails are destroying her future, big time. Cuffs are coming.
And the FBI is not investigating your denial of Hillary's wrongdoing, they are investigating national security crimes committed by Clinton.

BZZZT Wrong again!

The FBI is investigating whether the server was hacked. There is no criminal investigation against Hillary, except in your wet dreams.
The FBI is investigating everything that might have criminal implications as to these e-mails, including whether Hillary deleted work related e-mails, which would be against the law, as these e-mails are official U.S. property.

PS. We already know that her server was hacked, because an Eastern European hacker had Hilary's e-mails up for sale, but then backed down when he knew that they contained classified info, and he gave these e-mails to the FBI on the advise of his lawyer. Hacker Removes Hillary's UNRELEASED Emails From Sale, Turns Over to FBI | Restoring Liberty

You are in psychological denial, as we already know that Hillary's server was hacked, and that she aided the enemy with her ignorance. What the FBI is really doing, is trying to find out how much she gave away


Your disinformation blogs are destroying your credibility.

Hillary's e-mails are destroying her future, big time. Cuffs are coming.


We now return to our regularly scheduled OP topic.
And the FBI is not investigating your denial of Hillary's wrongdoing, they are investigating national security crimes committed by Clinton.

BZZZT Wrong again!

The FBI is investigating whether the server was hacked. There is no criminal investigation against Hillary, except in your wet dreams.
The FBI is investigating everything that might have criminal implications as to these e-mails, including whether Hillary deleted work related e-mails, which would be against the law, as these e-mails are official U.S. property.

PS. We already know that her server was hacked, because an Eastern European hacker had Hilary's e-mails up for sale, but then backed down when he knew that they contained classified info, and he gave these e-mails to the FBI on the advise of his lawyer. Hacker Removes Hillary's UNRELEASED Emails From Sale, Turns Over to FBI | Restoring Liberty

You are in psychological denial, as we already know that Hillary's server was hacked, and that she aided the enemy with her ignorance. What the FBI is really doing, is trying to find out how much she gave away


Your disinformation blogs are destroying your credibility.

Hillary's e-mails are destroying her future, big time. Cuffs are coming.

View attachment 50368

We now return to our regularly scheduled OP topic.

Yes the FBI is doing that right now.............................
Such shows that there was (and likely IS) a severe problem with the state's email culture.

If this type of information came to Clinton from a non secure source, Clinton was required by law to report the sender. Just as you are required to report this type of information if it comes to you. The FBI or NSA will take your call.
Personally, I find this irrelevant.

The problem with private email servers is NOT the security of classified documents. 99.9% of classified documents are garbage anyway that really does not need to be classified. What bothers me is that all her business was conducted there and she deleted tens of thousands of emails when it came time to turn the server over. IOW, that server was for one single purpose and one purpose only - cover corruption up.

It allows the government (and her specifically) top operate without accountability. Nothing will be found in those emails that have been turned over or on the server because it has served its purpose - to eliminate anything that she does not want to be seen or known by the public. What is sickening is that no one seems to give a damn that the government operates in this manner.
What is silly is that the republicans have been handed a real sticking point (the covering up and burring of governmental information) and managed to fuck it up once again by focusing on the fact that there might have been a document that was classified transmitted on lines that were not up to the classification. This is not really something that is unusual.

The gvt has her server, for a while now....

It was never wiped clean as the right wing media speculated and hounded on, everything, including her personal emails that she deleted are there on the server the gvt has in their possession....
Perhaps you could back that claim up?
All she did was delete her personal emails, she did NOT wipe her server clean as the Right Wing Liars have said.

The Denver-based IT company Hillary Clinton hired to manage her private email system says that the former secretary of state’s email server was never “wiped” clean, meaning that emails from the device could still be retrievable.

Andy Boian, the spokesman for the IT company, Platte River Networks, also confirmed to The Washington Post that Clinton’s emails were transferred to a second server sometime last year. The existence of a second server has been speculated but never verified. (RELATED: Report: ‘Highly Likely’ That There’s A Full Backup Of Hillary’s Email Server)

“Platte River has no knowledge of the server being wiped,” Boian told The Post. “All the information we have is that the server wasn’t wiped.”
Hillary’s IT Company Says Email Server Was Not ‘Wiped’ Clean

Thank you C4A, I missed that one!
I think you might want to take a closer read of that article, I don't think it says what you think it does.
Here is exactly what it says little one. It says Classified documents were sent over G FRICKIN MAIL, this is treason if true.

Classified emails passed through commercial email services like Google and AOL on their path to or from a private server maintained by Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state, but so far, the government appears to have done little to retrieve or secure the messages.

A POLITICO review of Clinton emails made public by the State Department shows that at least 55 messages now deemed to include classified information appear to have been sent to or from private accounts other than Clinton’s. That number is certain to grow substantially as State processes all Clinton emails and sorts through emails turned over to the department by several of her top aides.

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Actually it was Colin Powell who used a Gmail type service for his Office Email....

Why are you not looking for Powell head, why are you calling treason on him?

And there is no proof of Clinton using Gmail...
Such shows that there was (and likely IS) a severe problem with the state's email culture.

If this type of information came to Clinton from a non secure source, Clinton was required by law to report the sender. Just as you are required to report this type of information if it comes to you. The FBI or NSA will take your call.
Personally, I find this irrelevant.

The problem with private email servers is NOT the security of classified documents. 99.9% of classified documents are garbage anyway that really does not need to be classified. What bothers me is that all her business was conducted there and she deleted tens of thousands of emails when it came time to turn the server over. IOW, that server was for one single purpose and one purpose only - cover corruption up.

It allows the government (and her specifically) top operate without accountability. Nothing will be found in those emails that have been turned over or on the server because it has served its purpose - to eliminate anything that she does not want to be seen or known by the public. What is sickening is that no one seems to give a damn that the government operates in this manner.
What is silly is that the republicans have been handed a real sticking point (the covering up and burring of governmental information) and managed to fuck it up once again by focusing on the fact that there might have been a document that was classified transmitted on lines that were not up to the classification. This is not really something that is unusual.

The gvt has her server, for a while now....

It was never wiped clean as the right wing media speculated and hounded on, everything, including her personal emails that she deleted are there on the server the gvt has in their possession....
Perhaps you could back that claim up?
All she did was delete her personal emails, she did NOT wipe her server clean as the Right Wing Liars have said.

The Denver-based IT company Hillary Clinton hired to manage her private email system says that the former secretary of state’s email server was never “wiped” clean, meaning that emails from the device could still be retrievable.

Andy Boian, the spokesman for the IT company, Platte River Networks, also confirmed to The Washington Post that Clinton’s emails were transferred to a second server sometime last year. The existence of a second server has been speculated but never verified. (RELATED: Report: ‘Highly Likely’ That There’s A Full Backup Of Hillary’s Email Server)

“Platte River has no knowledge of the server being wiped,” Boian told The Post. “All the information we have is that the server wasn’t wiped.”
Hillary’s IT Company Says Email Server Was Not ‘Wiped’ Clean
I don't know anyone that claims she wiped her server clean of ALL emails. The controversy was never that she wiped it clean of everything - it has been that she selectively went in and removed content she did not want to hand over. Just because Hillary states that something is personal does not mean anything. Acts like that are very suspicious.

If the FBI came to my house and demanded records but told them to hole on, I have to remove some of them first because I don't think they apply I would be in prison.
BZZZT Wrong again!

The FBI is investigating whether the server was hacked. There is no criminal investigation against Hillary, except in your wet dreams.
The FBI is investigating everything that might have criminal implications as to these e-mails, including whether Hillary deleted work related e-mails, which would be against the law, as these e-mails are official U.S. property.

PS. We already know that her server was hacked, because an Eastern European hacker had Hilary's e-mails up for sale, but then backed down when he knew that they contained classified info, and he gave these e-mails to the FBI on the advise of his lawyer. Hacker Removes Hillary's UNRELEASED Emails From Sale, Turns Over to FBI | Restoring Liberty

You are in psychological denial, as we already know that Hillary's server was hacked, and that she aided the enemy with her ignorance. What the FBI is really doing, is trying to find out how much she gave away


Your disinformation blogs are destroying your credibility.

Hillary's e-mails are destroying her future, big time. Cuffs are coming.

View attachment 50368

We now return to our regularly scheduled OP topic.

Yes the FBI is doing that right now.............................
Not really. They are investigating security leaks. They will complete their investigation and some changes will be made in department policy. More than likely I will be taking another InfoSec training after they change it a bit. Nothing is going to happen to Clinton.
I think you might want to take a closer read of that article, I don't think it says what you think it does.
Here is exactly what it says little one. It says Classified documents were sent over G FRICKIN MAIL, this is treason if true.

Classified emails passed through commercial email services like Google and AOL on their path to or from a private server maintained by Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state, but so far, the government appears to have done little to retrieve or secure the messages.

A POLITICO review of Clinton emails made public by the State Department shows that at least 55 messages now deemed to include classified information appear to have been sent to or from private accounts other than Clinton’s. That number is certain to grow substantially as State processes all Clinton emails and sorts through emails turned over to the department by several of her top aides.

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Actually it was Colin Powell who used a Gmail type service for his Office Email....

Why are you not looking for Powell head, why are you calling treason on him?

And there is no proof of Clinton using Gmail...
Powell isn't running for President.
Hillary lied.
If the FBI managed to retrieve them, how many other people could have hacked her computer?

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