BREAKING NEWS Classified Clinton E-mail Sitting On Google Mail Servers

Apparently you are allowed to make utterly baseless assumptions while denying the facts about how emails actually work..

Doesn't do a lot for your credibility when you can't provide a single instance of an email for which there is "no record whatsoever" that has any bearing on anything that Hillary did while SoS.
Yo moron for brains, how would a person produce an e-mail for which there is no record of whatsoever? Please explain in detail for the group how to do this.

Then take your pills.

The post natal head injury that you suffered is your problem.

Any email that is sent has a copy on both the sending and receiving servers. That rule applies irrespective as to who owns the servers.

Ask an adult to explain it to you.

If the e-mail went from Hillary's private server to one in the Kremlin, the FBI does not have access to that server. This is true of any server anywhere in the world, except for the .0001 percent that are part of the state dept. You are making the assumption that all of Hillary's e-mails went to and from the State Dept, which is just an irrational and frankly dumb idea. And bye the way, there are already 15 e-mails turned over by Sidney Blumenthal that were not on Hillary's server, so they were not turned over.

Please try to keep up.

There was nothing official in the Blumenthal emails since he was not working for the government in any capacity whatsoever.

True, but that is not the point. The point is that Hillary swore that she turned over all of her e-mails. Thus the e-mails to and from Sidney (Jew Hater Blumenthal) should have been there. Seems Blumenthal is not so quick to break the law as Hillary is.


She said she turned over all of the official emails. Which part of the term official do you need an adult to explain to you?
Yo moron for brains, how would a person produce an e-mail for which there is no record of whatsoever? Please explain in detail for the group how to do this.

Then take your pills.

The post natal head injury that you suffered is your problem.

Any email that is sent has a copy on both the sending and receiving servers. That rule applies irrespective as to who owns the servers.

Ask an adult to explain it to you.

If the e-mail went from Hillary's private server to one in the Kremlin, the FBI does not have access to that server. This is true of any server anywhere in the world, except for the .0001 percent that are part of the state dept. You are making the assumption that all of Hillary's e-mails went to and from the State Dept, which is just an irrational and frankly dumb idea. And bye the way, there are already 15 e-mails turned over by Sidney Blumenthal that were not on Hillary's server, so they were not turned over.

Please try to keep up.

There was nothing official in the Blumenthal emails since he was not working for the government in any capacity whatsoever.

True, but that is not the point. The point is that Hillary swore that she turned over all of her e-mails. Thus the e-mails to and from Sidney (Jew Hater Blumenthal) should have been there. Seems Blumenthal is not so quick to break the law as Hillary is.


She said she turned over all of the official emails. Which part of the term official do you need an adult to explain to you?

She said she turned over all e-mails, and she was forced to turn over the server as well. You are living in la la land Hillary Clinton failed to hand over 15 email exchanges

Now please resume your bong hits
She said she turned over all e-mails

Go and check your facts. She said she deleted her personal emails and handed over the official emails.
Look numbskull, you are not arguing this with me, but with the NY Times.

WASHINGTON — The State Department said on Thursday that 15 emails sent or received by Hillary Rodham Clinton were missing from records that she has turned over, raising new questions about whether she deleted work-related emails from the private account she used exclusively while in office.

The disclosure appeared to open the door for Republicans on Capitol Hill to get more deeply involved in the issue. Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who is running for president, said he planned to send a series of questions to the State Department about the missing emails and about why it allowed her to use the personal account.

Have fun telling the NY Times what to write.
She said she turned over all e-mails

Go and check your facts. She said she deleted her personal emails and handed over the official emails.
Look numbskull, you are not arguing this with me, but with the NY Times.

WASHINGTON — The State Department said on Thursday that 15 emails sent or received by Hillary Rodham Clinton were missing from records that she has turned over, raising new questions about whether she deleted work-related emails from the private account she used exclusively while in office.

The disclosure appeared to open the door for Republicans on Capitol Hill to get more deeply involved in the issue. Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who is running for president, said he planned to send a series of questions to the State Department about the missing emails and about why it allowed her to use the personal account.

Have fun telling the NY Times what to write.

Ask an adult to explain to you what I actually posted about the emails turned over by Hillary instead of what your stuck-on-stupid-synapse believes.
She said she turned over all e-mails

Go and check your facts. She said she deleted her personal emails and handed over the official emails.
Look numbskull, you are not arguing this with me, but with the NY Times.

WASHINGTON — The State Department said on Thursday that 15 emails sent or received by Hillary Rodham Clinton were missing from records that she has turned over, raising new questions about whether she deleted work-related emails from the private account she used exclusively while in office.

The disclosure appeared to open the door for Republicans on Capitol Hill to get more deeply involved in the issue. Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who is running for president, said he planned to send a series of questions to the State Department about the missing emails and about why it allowed her to use the personal account.

Have fun telling the NY Times what to write.

Ask an adult to explain to you what I actually posted about the emails turned over by Hillary instead of what your stuck-on-stupid-synapse believes.

Are you still blabbering that e-mails about Libya are not government business?


State Dept. Gets Libya Emails That Hillary Clinton Didn’t Hand Over

Again, have the NY Times explain to you why what their writer wrote is wrong, and give them your credentials.

Have fun arguing with the Liberal NY Times that will not lie for Hillary.
She said she turned over all e-mails

Go and check your facts. She said she deleted her personal emails and handed over the official emails.
Look numbskull, you are not arguing this with me, but with the NY Times.

WASHINGTON — The State Department said on Thursday that 15 emails sent or received by Hillary Rodham Clinton were missing from records that she has turned over, raising new questions about whether she deleted work-related emails from the private account she used exclusively while in office.

The disclosure appeared to open the door for Republicans on Capitol Hill to get more deeply involved in the issue. Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who is running for president, said he planned to send a series of questions to the State Department about the missing emails and about why it allowed her to use the personal account.

Have fun telling the NY Times what to write.

Ask an adult to explain to you what I actually posted about the emails turned over by Hillary instead of what your stuck-on-stupid-synapse believes.

Are you still blabbering that e-mails about Libya are not government business?


State Dept. Gets Libya Emails That Hillary Clinton Didn’t Hand Over

Again, have the NY Times explain to you why what their writer wrote is wrong, and give them your credentials.

Have fun arguing with the Liberal NY Times that will not lie for Hillary.

Your incessant use of strawman deflections is becoming boring.

Try sticking to substance when it comes to the OP topic instead.
She said she turned over all e-mails

Go and check your facts. She said she deleted her personal emails and handed over the official emails.
Look numbskull, you are not arguing this with me, but with the NY Times.

WASHINGTON — The State Department said on Thursday that 15 emails sent or received by Hillary Rodham Clinton were missing from records that she has turned over, raising new questions about whether she deleted work-related emails from the private account she used exclusively while in office.

The disclosure appeared to open the door for Republicans on Capitol Hill to get more deeply involved in the issue. Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who is running for president, said he planned to send a series of questions to the State Department about the missing emails and about why it allowed her to use the personal account.

Have fun telling the NY Times what to write.

Ask an adult to explain to you what I actually posted about the emails turned over by Hillary instead of what your stuck-on-stupid-synapse believes.

Are you still blabbering that e-mails about Libya are not government business?


State Dept. Gets Libya Emails That Hillary Clinton Didn’t Hand Over

Again, have the NY Times explain to you why what their writer wrote is wrong, and give them your credentials.

Have fun arguing with the Liberal NY Times that will not lie for Hillary.

Your incessant use of strawman deflections is becoming boring.

Try sticking to substance when it comes to the OP topic instead.

So in your opinion the NY Times is a strawman newspaper that has no facts?

Deal with it doofy, Hillary is about to be cuffed.

WASHINGTON — The State Department said on Thursday that 15 emails sent or received by Hillary Rodham Clinton were missing from records that she has turned over, raising new questions about whether she deleted work-related emails from the private account she used exclusively while in office.

The disclosure appeared to open the door for Republicans on Capitol Hill to get more deeply involved in the issue. Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who is running for president, said he planned to send a series of questions to the State Department about the missing emails and about why it allowed her to use the personal account.

Republicans said that the State Department’s statement was likely to increase pressure on the House speaker, John A. Boehner of Ohio, to subpoena the server in Mrs. Clinton’s home that housed the account.

Continue reading the main story
Related Coverage
Mrs. Clinton has said that she gave the State Department about 50,000 pages of emails that she deemed to be related to her work as secretary of state and deleted roughly the same number. She said the messages she deleted were personal, relating to topics like yoga, family vacations and her mother’s funeral.

Her longtime confidant and adviser Sidney Blumenthal, responding two weeks ago to a subpoena from the House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, gave it dozens of emails he had exchanged with Mrs. Clinton when she was in office. Mr. Blumenthal did not work at the State Department at the time, but he routinely provided her with intelligence memos about Libya, some with dubious information, which Mrs. Clinton circulated to her deputies.

State Department officials then crosschecked the emails from Mr. Blumenthal with the ones Mrs. Clinton had handed over and discovered that she had not provided nine of them and portions of six others.

Nick Merrill, a spokesman for Mrs. Clinton, who is running for president, said that she had given the State Department “over 55,000 pages of materials,” including “all emails in her possession from Mr. Blumenthal.”

The chairman of the House committee, Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina, said that many of the emails that Mrs. Clinton had not handed over showed that “she was soliciting and regularly corresponding with Sidney Blumenthal, who was passing unvetted intelligence information about Libya from a source with a financial interest in the country.”

“It just so happens these emails directly contradict her public statement that the messages from Blumenthal were unsolicited,” he said. Mr. Blumenthal identified the source of his information as Tyler Drumheller, a former high-ranking C.I.A. official, according to a person with knowledge of his testimony to the Benghazi panel. Mr. Drumheller was part of a group that sought to do business in Libya.

Supporters of Mrs. Clinton have argued that the committee’s mission has crept far beyond its original scope: to investigate the Benghazi attacks, which killed four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. Republican committee members have said that they are within their right to look into her email use because the resolution that created the panel directed them to examine how the administration complied with previous inquiries into the attacks. Mrs. Clinton’s emails relating to the attacks were not handed over to any of the panels conducting those inquiries.


Continue reading the main story
Other panels in Congress may consider investigating the matter. Mr. Graham, who oversees a Senate subcommittee with sway over the State Department’s budget, said that the department “seems to have a system that is not working very well” in regards to its production of documents to Congress.

“I’m going to ask them whether they think Mrs. Clinton has handed over everything she should and what they are going to do about it,” he said. “And if they give me runaround responses, we’ll drag them up on Capitol Hill and make them answer these questions in public.”

While the State Department acknowledged that it did not have several of Mrs. Clinton’s emails, it also told the Benghazi committee that it had not turned over other messages of hers. The department said that it had not done so because the contents of those messages fell outside the requests made by the committee.

“The State Department is working diligently to review and publish the 55,000 pages of emails we received from former Secretary Clinton,” it said in a statement.

That statement is unlikely to satisfy the committee, which believes it has been clear in its requests. Members of the panel have contended that the State Department has withheld documents to protect Mrs. Clinton and grind the investigation to a halt. State Department officials have said that one of the reasons it has taken so long to produce documents is that the department’s record-keeping system is cumbersome. They have also said that the committee has not been specific enough in its requests.

If u need more facts, just ask.

PS. Are you frustrating yourself yet?

Yawning aloud.....

Tonya Reiman

Chipy dippy doo
Go and check your facts. She said she deleted her personal emails and handed over the official emails.
Look numbskull, you are not arguing this with me, but with the NY Times.

WASHINGTON — The State Department said on Thursday that 15 emails sent or received by Hillary Rodham Clinton were missing from records that she has turned over, raising new questions about whether she deleted work-related emails from the private account she used exclusively while in office.

The disclosure appeared to open the door for Republicans on Capitol Hill to get more deeply involved in the issue. Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who is running for president, said he planned to send a series of questions to the State Department about the missing emails and about why it allowed her to use the personal account.

Have fun telling the NY Times what to write.

Ask an adult to explain to you what I actually posted about the emails turned over by Hillary instead of what your stuck-on-stupid-synapse believes.

Are you still blabbering that e-mails about Libya are not government business?


State Dept. Gets Libya Emails That Hillary Clinton Didn’t Hand Over

Again, have the NY Times explain to you why what their writer wrote is wrong, and give them your credentials.

Have fun arguing with the Liberal NY Times that will not lie for Hillary.

Your incessant use of strawman deflections is becoming boring.

Try sticking to substance when it comes to the OP topic instead.

So in your opinion the NY Times is a strawman newspaper that has no facts?

Deal with it doofy, Hillary is about to be cuffed.

WASHINGTON — The State Department said on Thursday that 15 emails sent or received by Hillary Rodham Clinton were missing from records that she has turned over, raising new questions about whether she deleted work-related emails from the private account she used exclusively while in office.

The disclosure appeared to open the door for Republicans on Capitol Hill to get more deeply involved in the issue. Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who is running for president, said he planned to send a series of questions to the State Department about the missing emails and about why it allowed her to use the personal account.

Republicans said that the State Department’s statement was likely to increase pressure on the House speaker, John A. Boehner of Ohio, to subpoena the server in Mrs. Clinton’s home that housed the account.

Continue reading the main story
Related Coverage
Mrs. Clinton has said that she gave the State Department about 50,000 pages of emails that she deemed to be related to her work as secretary of state and deleted roughly the same number. She said the messages she deleted were personal, relating to topics like yoga, family vacations and her mother’s funeral.

Her longtime confidant and adviser Sidney Blumenthal, responding two weeks ago to a subpoena from the House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, gave it dozens of emails he had exchanged with Mrs. Clinton when she was in office. Mr. Blumenthal did not work at the State Department at the time, but he routinely provided her with intelligence memos about Libya, some with dubious information, which Mrs. Clinton circulated to her deputies.

State Department officials then crosschecked the emails from Mr. Blumenthal with the ones Mrs. Clinton had handed over and discovered that she had not provided nine of them and portions of six others.

Nick Merrill, a spokesman for Mrs. Clinton, who is running for president, said that she had given the State Department “over 55,000 pages of materials,” including “all emails in her possession from Mr. Blumenthal.”

The chairman of the House committee, Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina, said that many of the emails that Mrs. Clinton had not handed over showed that “she was soliciting and regularly corresponding with Sidney Blumenthal, who was passing unvetted intelligence information about Libya from a source with a financial interest in the country.”

“It just so happens these emails directly contradict her public statement that the messages from Blumenthal were unsolicited,” he said. Mr. Blumenthal identified the source of his information as Tyler Drumheller, a former high-ranking C.I.A. official, according to a person with knowledge of his testimony to the Benghazi panel. Mr. Drumheller was part of a group that sought to do business in Libya.

Supporters of Mrs. Clinton have argued that the committee’s mission has crept far beyond its original scope: to investigate the Benghazi attacks, which killed four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. Republican committee members have said that they are within their right to look into her email use because the resolution that created the panel directed them to examine how the administration complied with previous inquiries into the attacks. Mrs. Clinton’s emails relating to the attacks were not handed over to any of the panels conducting those inquiries.


Continue reading the main story
Other panels in Congress may consider investigating the matter. Mr. Graham, who oversees a Senate subcommittee with sway over the State Department’s budget, said that the department “seems to have a system that is not working very well” in regards to its production of documents to Congress.

“I’m going to ask them whether they think Mrs. Clinton has handed over everything she should and what they are going to do about it,” he said. “And if they give me runaround responses, we’ll drag them up on Capitol Hill and make them answer these questions in public.”

While the State Department acknowledged that it did not have several of Mrs. Clinton’s emails, it also told the Benghazi committee that it had not turned over other messages of hers. The department said that it had not done so because the contents of those messages fell outside the requests made by the committee.

“The State Department is working diligently to review and publish the 55,000 pages of emails we received from former Secretary Clinton,” it said in a statement.

That statement is unlikely to satisfy the committee, which believes it has been clear in its requests. Members of the panel have contended that the State Department has withheld documents to protect Mrs. Clinton and grind the investigation to a halt. State Department officials have said that one of the reasons it has taken so long to produce documents is that the department’s record-keeping system is cumbersome. They have also said that the committee has not been specific enough in its requests.

If u need more facts, just ask.

PS. Are you frustrating yourself yet?

Yawning aloud.....

Tonya Reiman

Chipy dippy doo

Your mental masturbation regarding Hillary's email is going nowhere.

Grow up, sign up for adult remedial education at your local community college and maybe you can land a real job where you will earn more than minimum wage flipping burgers.
You stated that the emails were to and from people in the state department.

That is, indeed, an assumption. It is unlikely that all her emails were sent through the state department. this is particularly true as we are learning that there were multiple instances of personal servers used.

This means that it is very likely that there are many emails that have no record whatsoever.

Apparently you are allowed to make utterly baseless assumptions while denying the facts about how emails actually work..

Doesn't do a lot for your credibility when you can't provide a single instance of an email for which there is "no record whatsoever" that has any bearing on anything that Hillary did while SoS.
Yo moron for brains, how would a person produce an e-mail for which there is no record of whatsoever? Please explain in detail for the group how to do this.

Then take your pills.

The post natal head injury that you suffered is your problem.

Any email that is sent has a copy on both the sending and receiving servers. That rule applies irrespective as to who owns the servers.

Ask an adult to explain it to you.

It is blatantly clear that you do not care that official business was conducted of which the government/people have zero oversight of or the implications of such.

Where are your posts showing how much you cared about the Whitehouse emails that were deleted under Bush jr or the fact that SoS Powell used a private email account?

Why do you suddenly "care" now just because it is Hillary?
So, your new deflection is "BOOOOSH"

I know that you can do better than that.
Look numbskull, you are not arguing this with me, but with the NY Times.

WASHINGTON — The State Department said on Thursday that 15 emails sent or received by Hillary Rodham Clinton were missing from records that she has turned over, raising new questions about whether she deleted work-related emails from the private account she used exclusively while in office.

The disclosure appeared to open the door for Republicans on Capitol Hill to get more deeply involved in the issue. Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who is running for president, said he planned to send a series of questions to the State Department about the missing emails and about why it allowed her to use the personal account.

Have fun telling the NY Times what to write.

Ask an adult to explain to you what I actually posted about the emails turned over by Hillary instead of what your stuck-on-stupid-synapse believes.

Are you still blabbering that e-mails about Libya are not government business?


State Dept. Gets Libya Emails That Hillary Clinton Didn’t Hand Over

Again, have the NY Times explain to you why what their writer wrote is wrong, and give them your credentials.

Have fun arguing with the Liberal NY Times that will not lie for Hillary.

Your incessant use of strawman deflections is becoming boring.

Try sticking to substance when it comes to the OP topic instead.

So in your opinion the NY Times is a strawman newspaper that has no facts?

Deal with it doofy, Hillary is about to be cuffed.

WASHINGTON — The State Department said on Thursday that 15 emails sent or received by Hillary Rodham Clinton were missing from records that she has turned over, raising new questions about whether she deleted work-related emails from the private account she used exclusively while in office.

The disclosure appeared to open the door for Republicans on Capitol Hill to get more deeply involved in the issue. Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who is running for president, said he planned to send a series of questions to the State Department about the missing emails and about why it allowed her to use the personal account.

Republicans said that the State Department’s statement was likely to increase pressure on the House speaker, John A. Boehner of Ohio, to subpoena the server in Mrs. Clinton’s home that housed the account.

Continue reading the main story
Related Coverage
Mrs. Clinton has said that she gave the State Department about 50,000 pages of emails that she deemed to be related to her work as secretary of state and deleted roughly the same number. She said the messages she deleted were personal, relating to topics like yoga, family vacations and her mother’s funeral.

Her longtime confidant and adviser Sidney Blumenthal, responding two weeks ago to a subpoena from the House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, gave it dozens of emails he had exchanged with Mrs. Clinton when she was in office. Mr. Blumenthal did not work at the State Department at the time, but he routinely provided her with intelligence memos about Libya, some with dubious information, which Mrs. Clinton circulated to her deputies.

State Department officials then crosschecked the emails from Mr. Blumenthal with the ones Mrs. Clinton had handed over and discovered that she had not provided nine of them and portions of six others.

Nick Merrill, a spokesman for Mrs. Clinton, who is running for president, said that she had given the State Department “over 55,000 pages of materials,” including “all emails in her possession from Mr. Blumenthal.”

The chairman of the House committee, Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina, said that many of the emails that Mrs. Clinton had not handed over showed that “she was soliciting and regularly corresponding with Sidney Blumenthal, who was passing unvetted intelligence information about Libya from a source with a financial interest in the country.”

“It just so happens these emails directly contradict her public statement that the messages from Blumenthal were unsolicited,” he said. Mr. Blumenthal identified the source of his information as Tyler Drumheller, a former high-ranking C.I.A. official, according to a person with knowledge of his testimony to the Benghazi panel. Mr. Drumheller was part of a group that sought to do business in Libya.

Supporters of Mrs. Clinton have argued that the committee’s mission has crept far beyond its original scope: to investigate the Benghazi attacks, which killed four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. Republican committee members have said that they are within their right to look into her email use because the resolution that created the panel directed them to examine how the administration complied with previous inquiries into the attacks. Mrs. Clinton’s emails relating to the attacks were not handed over to any of the panels conducting those inquiries.


Continue reading the main story
Other panels in Congress may consider investigating the matter. Mr. Graham, who oversees a Senate subcommittee with sway over the State Department’s budget, said that the department “seems to have a system that is not working very well” in regards to its production of documents to Congress.

“I’m going to ask them whether they think Mrs. Clinton has handed over everything she should and what they are going to do about it,” he said. “And if they give me runaround responses, we’ll drag them up on Capitol Hill and make them answer these questions in public.”

While the State Department acknowledged that it did not have several of Mrs. Clinton’s emails, it also told the Benghazi committee that it had not turned over other messages of hers. The department said that it had not done so because the contents of those messages fell outside the requests made by the committee.

“The State Department is working diligently to review and publish the 55,000 pages of emails we received from former Secretary Clinton,” it said in a statement.

That statement is unlikely to satisfy the committee, which believes it has been clear in its requests. Members of the panel have contended that the State Department has withheld documents to protect Mrs. Clinton and grind the investigation to a halt. State Department officials have said that one of the reasons it has taken so long to produce documents is that the department’s record-keeping system is cumbersome. They have also said that the committee has not been specific enough in its requests.

If u need more facts, just ask.

PS. Are you frustrating yourself yet?

Yawning aloud.....

Tonya Reiman

Chipy dippy doo

Your mental masturbation regarding Hillary's email is going nowhere.

Grow up, sign up for adult remedial education at your local community college and maybe you can land a real job where you will earn more than minimum wage flipping burgers.

Trust me genius, I am not the frustrated one, nor am I the democratic candidate losing in both Iowa and New Hampshire. That honor belongs to Hillary Clinton.

And the FBI is not investigating your denial of Hillary's wrongdoing, they are investigating national security crimes committed by Clinton. So get over it, and choose between Biden and Sanders, they are your choices.
And the FBI is not investigating your denial of Hillary's wrongdoing, they are investigating national security crimes committed by Clinton.

BZZZT Wrong again!

The FBI is investigating whether the server was hacked. There is no criminal investigation against Hillary, except in your wet dreams.
And the FBI is not investigating your denial of Hillary's wrongdoing, they are investigating national security crimes committed by Clinton.

BZZZT Wrong again!

The FBI is investigating whether the server was hacked. There is no criminal investigation against Hillary, except in your wet dreams.
The FBI is investigating everything that might have criminal implications as to these e-mails, including whether Hillary deleted work related e-mails, which would be against the law, as these e-mails are official U.S. property.

PS. We already know that her server was hacked, because an Eastern European hacker had Hilary's e-mails up for sale, but then backed down when he knew that they contained classified info, and he gave these e-mails to the FBI on the advise of his lawyer. Hacker Removes Hillary's UNRELEASED Emails From Sale, Turns Over to FBI | Restoring Liberty

You are in psychological denial, as we already know that Hillary's server was hacked, and that she aided the enemy with her ignorance. What the FBI is really doing, is trying to find out how much she gave away
Which part of this does the OP have a problem comprehending?

now deemed to include classified information appear to have been sent to or from private accounts other than Clinton’s.

Read more: Hillary Clinton email scandal: Experts raise questions about Gmail and other services - POLITICO
Such shows that there was (and likely IS) a severe problem with the state's email culture.

If this type of information came to Clinton from a non secure source, Clinton was required by law to report the sender. Just as you are required to report this type of information if it comes to you. The FBI or NSA will take your call.
Personally, I find this irrelevant.

The problem with private email servers is NOT the security of classified documents. 99.9% of classified documents are garbage anyway that really does not need to be classified. What bothers me is that all her business was conducted there and she deleted tens of thousands of emails when it came time to turn the server over. IOW, that server was for one single purpose and one purpose only - cover corruption up.

It allows the government (and her specifically) top operate without accountability. Nothing will be found in those emails that have been turned over or on the server because it has served its purpose - to eliminate anything that she does not want to be seen or known by the public. What is sickening is that no one seems to give a damn that the government operates in this manner.
What is silly is that the republicans have been handed a real sticking point (the covering up and burring of governmental information) and managed to fuck it up once again by focusing on the fact that there might have been a document that was classified transmitted on lines that were not up to the classification. This is not really something that is unusual.

The gvt has her server, for a while now....

It was never wiped clean as the right wing media speculated and hounded on, everything, including her personal emails that she deleted are there on the server the gvt has in their possession....
And the FBI is not investigating your denial of Hillary's wrongdoing, they are investigating national security crimes committed by Clinton.

BZZZT Wrong again!

The FBI is investigating whether the server was hacked. There is no criminal investigation against Hillary, except in your wet dreams.
The FBI is investigating everything that might have criminal implications as to these e-mails, including whether Hillary deleted work related e-mails, which would be against the law, as these e-mails are official U.S. property.

PS. We already know that her server was hacked, because an Eastern European hacker had Hilary's e-mails up for sale, but then backed down when he knew that they contained classified info, and he gave these e-mails to the FBI on the advise of his lawyer. Hacker Removes Hillary's UNRELEASED Emails From Sale, Turns Over to FBI | Restoring Liberty

You are in psychological denial, as we already know that Hillary's server was hacked, and that she aided the enemy with her ignorance. What the FBI is really doing, is trying to find out how much she gave away

The hacker did not hack Hillary's email server.

The hacker, hacked Blumenthals email acct., not Hillary's...
Which part of this does the OP have a problem comprehending?

now deemed to include classified information appear to have been sent to or from private accounts other than Clinton’s.

Read more: Hillary Clinton email scandal: Experts raise questions about Gmail and other services - POLITICO
Such shows that there was (and likely IS) a severe problem with the state's email culture.

If this type of information came to Clinton from a non secure source, Clinton was required by law to report the sender. Just as you are required to report this type of information if it comes to you. The FBI or NSA will take your call.
Personally, I find this irrelevant.

The problem with private email servers is NOT the security of classified documents. 99.9% of classified documents are garbage anyway that really does not need to be classified. What bothers me is that all her business was conducted there and she deleted tens of thousands of emails when it came time to turn the server over. IOW, that server was for one single purpose and one purpose only - cover corruption up.

It allows the government (and her specifically) top operate without accountability. Nothing will be found in those emails that have been turned over or on the server because it has served its purpose - to eliminate anything that she does not want to be seen or known by the public. What is sickening is that no one seems to give a damn that the government operates in this manner.
What is silly is that the republicans have been handed a real sticking point (the covering up and burring of governmental information) and managed to fuck it up once again by focusing on the fact that there might have been a document that was classified transmitted on lines that were not up to the classification. This is not really something that is unusual.

The gvt has her server, for a while now....

It was never wiped clean as the right wing media speculated and hounded on, everything, including her personal emails that she deleted are there on the server the gvt has in their possession....
Perhaps you could back that claim up?
And the FBI is not investigating your denial of Hillary's wrongdoing, they are investigating national security crimes committed by Clinton.

BZZZT Wrong again!

The FBI is investigating whether the server was hacked. There is no criminal investigation against Hillary, except in your wet dreams.
The FBI is investigating everything that might have criminal implications as to these e-mails, including whether Hillary deleted work related e-mails, which would be against the law, as these e-mails are official U.S. property.

PS. We already know that her server was hacked, because an Eastern European hacker had Hilary's e-mails up for sale, but then backed down when he knew that they contained classified info, and he gave these e-mails to the FBI on the advise of his lawyer. Hacker Removes Hillary's UNRELEASED Emails From Sale, Turns Over to FBI | Restoring Liberty

You are in psychological denial, as we already know that Hillary's server was hacked, and that she aided the enemy with her ignorance. What the FBI is really doing, is trying to find out how much she gave away


Your disinformation blogs are destroying your credibility.
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Such shows that there was (and likely IS) a severe problem with the state's email culture.

If this type of information came to Clinton from a non secure source, Clinton was required by law to report the sender. Just as you are required to report this type of information if it comes to you. The FBI or NSA will take your call.
Personally, I find this irrelevant.

The problem with private email servers is NOT the security of classified documents. 99.9% of classified documents are garbage anyway that really does not need to be classified. What bothers me is that all her business was conducted there and she deleted tens of thousands of emails when it came time to turn the server over. IOW, that server was for one single purpose and one purpose only - cover corruption up.

It allows the government (and her specifically) top operate without accountability. Nothing will be found in those emails that have been turned over or on the server because it has served its purpose - to eliminate anything that she does not want to be seen or known by the public. What is sickening is that no one seems to give a damn that the government operates in this manner.
What is silly is that the republicans have been handed a real sticking point (the covering up and burring of governmental information) and managed to fuck it up once again by focusing on the fact that there might have been a document that was classified transmitted on lines that were not up to the classification. This is not really something that is unusual.

The gvt has her server, for a while now....

It was never wiped clean as the right wing media speculated and hounded on, everything, including her personal emails that she deleted are there on the server the gvt has in their possession....
Perhaps you could back that claim up?
All she did was delete her personal emails, she did NOT wipe her server clean as the Right Wing Liars have said.

The Denver-based IT company Hillary Clinton hired to manage her private email system says that the former secretary of state’s email server was never “wiped” clean, meaning that emails from the device could still be retrievable.

Andy Boian, the spokesman for the IT company, Platte River Networks, also confirmed to The Washington Post that Clinton’s emails were transferred to a second server sometime last year. The existence of a second server has been speculated but never verified. (RELATED: Report: ‘Highly Likely’ That There’s A Full Backup Of Hillary’s Email Server)

“Platte River has no knowledge of the server being wiped,” Boian told The Post. “All the information we have is that the server wasn’t wiped.”
And the FBI is not investigating your denial of Hillary's wrongdoing, they are investigating national security crimes committed by Clinton.

BZZZT Wrong again!

The FBI is investigating whether the server was hacked. There is no criminal investigation against Hillary, except in your wet dreams.
The FBI is investigating everything that might have criminal implications as to these e-mails, including whether Hillary deleted work related e-mails, which would be against the law, as these e-mails are official U.S. property.

PS. We already know that her server was hacked, because an Eastern European hacker had Hilary's e-mails up for sale, but then backed down when he knew that they contained classified info, and he gave these e-mails to the FBI on the advise of his lawyer. Hacker Removes Hillary's UNRELEASED Emails From Sale, Turns Over to FBI | Restoring Liberty

You are in psychological denial, as we already know that Hillary's server was hacked, and that she aided the enemy with her ignorance. What the FBI is really doing, is trying to find out how much she gave away

The hacker did not hack Hillary's email server.

The hacker, hacked Blumenthals email acct., not Hillary's...

E-mails to and from Hillary were hacked and offered to the highest bidder. If Hillary's e-mails came from Blumenthal's computer they were still Hillary's e-mails and it just goes to show that Hillary should have been using the Govt system as then the USA could have begun tracing the hackers sooner, instead of having them put the info up for bid to Vladamir Putin who logically bought them.

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