Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

Do you really believe some low level functionary is going to deny such a request to Obama administration appointees? You don't even know what the application process is.

Yes, the NSA is complicit in the conspiracy, moron. The entire Obama administration was complicit. You're willingless to trust Obama flacks is unbelievable.

So you have no clue. You're simply just dumping shit.

Obviously no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so, dope.
I don't need to know the exact application process to know this.

Now tell us which career employee at the NSA is in the bag for the Obama admin.

No, you have no clue. Your belief that what they did must have been legal because they filled out some form is absurd. Your belief that Democrat politicians are honest is also incredibly naive.

You claim that "no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so" is obviously wrong. How was Samantha Powers "authorised" to unmask general Flynn? What was her legitimate purpose? You keep avoiding an answer to that question.
I gave you the answer.
Obviously she was authorized if her application was approved,dope.
Do you imagine that somehow the process was different under the Obama admin than in the prior or subsequent admins?

Of course not, dope.
ROFL! Only a true dope would believe it was legal because the unmasker filled out some form.

You're a truly deluded gullible moron. The process isn't any different. In both cases it relied on people with integrity. Obama hacks have no integrity.
It's the same career intel people at the agencies through administrations, dope.

Post your evidence that shows the process being different or otherwise tainted during the Obama admin, loser.
You mean like Peter Strozk, Andrew McCabe and Bruce Ohr?

Our intelligence agencies are thuroughly corrupt and persue their own elf interest rather than the interests of the American people.
You mean like Peter Strozk, Andrew McCabe and Bruce Ohr?
No. I don't mean that at all. Just the opposite. Of course. I specifically made the point about political appointees.

Our intelligence agencies are thuroughly corrupt and persue their own elf interest rather than the interests of the American people.
I'm confused by your convoluted and incongruent conspiracies.

So now Obama was not the mastermind but a willing rube just going along with the deep state intel agencies?
See Trump and his ongoing rivalry with the intel community.

See Obama and how he used the intel community to try to overthrow the government of the United States.
See Obama and how he used the intel community to try to overthrow the government of the United States.
So a sitting president attempted to overthrow the govt he presided over? :cuckoo:

That's some seriosly CON-voluted thinking.
Not just any ordinary president, but one who had a huge chip on his shoulder going into the game, where as he was going to make this nation pay for it's past transgressions, and force it into compliance by regulatory actions, judges, social justice, activism, agenda's, executive orders, and on and on it went.
See Trump and his ongoing rivalry with the intel community.

See Obama and how he used the intel community to try to overthrow the government of the United States.
See Obama and how he used the intel community to try to overthrow the government of the United States.
So a sitting president attempted to overthrow the govt he presided over? :cuckoo:

That's some seriosly CON-voluted thinking.
That's generally how coups work.
That's generally how coups work.

Wait, so you actually believe that?
Why would Samantha powers be reading classified intelligence reports? She was an ambassador to the U.N.
You just answered your own question. That's standard. Why does Kelly Craft have security clearance?
Having a security clearance doesn't mean you have access to every classified document in the government.
Having a security clearance doesn't mean you have access to every classified document in the government.
Duh...Now you're getting it, dope.
Having a request granted means they had the requisite access and clearance.
More than that is required for a legal unmasking, moron.
More than that is required for a legal unmasking, moron.
Great. Now where's your evidence that
"more than that" was not provided?
Do you really believe some low level functionary is going to deny such a request to Obama administration appointees? You don't even know what the application process is.

Yes, the NSA is complicit in the conspiracy, moron. The entire Obama administration was complicit. You're willingless to trust Obama flacks is unbelievable.

So you have no clue. You're simply just dumping shit.

Obviously no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so, dope.
I don't need to know the exact application process to know this.

Now tell us which career employee at the NSA is in the bag for the Obama admin.

No, you have no clue. Your belief that what they did must have been legal because they filled out some form is absurd. Your belief that Democrat politicians are honest is also incredibly naive.

You claim that "no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so" is obviously wrong. How was Samantha Powers "authorised" to unmask general Flynn? What was her legitimate purpose? You keep avoiding an answer to that question.
I gave you the answer.
Obviously she was authorized if her application was approved,dope.
Do you imagine that somehow the process was different under the Obama admin than in the prior or subsequent admins?

Of course not, dope.
ROFL! Only a true dope would believe it was legal because the unmasker filled out some form.

You're a truly deluded gullible moron. The process isn't any different. In both cases it relied on people with integrity. Obama hacks have no integrity.
It's the same career intel people at the agencies through administrations, dope.

Post your evidence that shows the process being different or otherwise tainted during the Obama admin, loser.
You mean like Peter Strozk, Andrew McCabe and Bruce Ohr?

Our intelligence agencies are thuroughly corrupt and persue their own elf interest rather than the interests of the American people.
You mean like Peter Strozk, Andrew McCabe and Bruce Ohr?
No. I don't mean that at all. Just the opposite. Of course. I specifically made the point about political appointees.

Our intelligence agencies are thuroughly corrupt and persue their own elf interest rather than the interests of the American people.
I'm confused by your convoluted and incongruent conspiracies.

So now Obama was not the mastermind but a willing rube just going along with the deep state intel agencies?
Obama, just like Joe Biden could have or will be used by forces hidden within the deep state, in order to effect policy and it's will over this nation, so it isn't far fetched or so conspirital that it's outright deniable. The evidence will tell of what was and what isn't.
Do you really believe some low level functionary is going to deny such a request to Obama administration appointees? You don't even know what the application process is.

Yes, the NSA is complicit in the conspiracy, moron. The entire Obama administration was complicit. You're willingless to trust Obama flacks is unbelievable.

So you have no clue. You're simply just dumping shit.

Obviously no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so, dope.
I don't need to know the exact application process to know this.

Now tell us which career employee at the NSA is in the bag for the Obama admin.

No, you have no clue. Your belief that what they did must have been legal because they filled out some form is absurd. Your belief that Democrat politicians are honest is also incredibly naive.

You claim that "no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so" is obviously wrong. How was Samantha Powers "authorised" to unmask general Flynn? What was her legitimate purpose? You keep avoiding an answer to that question.
I gave you the answer.
Obviously she was authorized if her application was approved,dope.
Do you imagine that somehow the process was different under the Obama admin than in the prior or subsequent admins?

Of course not, dope.
ROFL! Only a true dope would believe it was legal because the unmasker filled out some form.

You're a truly deluded gullible moron. The process isn't any different. In both cases it relied on people with integrity. Obama hacks have no integrity.
It's the same career intel people at the agencies through administrations, dope.

Post your evidence that shows the process being different or otherwise tainted during the Obama admin, loser.
You mean like Peter Strozk, Andrew McCabe and Bruce Ohr?

Our intelligence agencies are thuroughly corrupt and persue their own elf interest rather than the interests of the American people.
You mean like Peter Strozk, Andrew McCabe and Bruce Ohr?
No. I don't mean that at all. Just the opposite. Of course. I specifically made the point about political appointees.

Our intelligence agencies are thuroughly corrupt and persue their own elf interest rather than the interests of the American people.
I'm confused by your convoluted and incongruent conspiracies.

So now Obama was not the mastermind but a willing rube just going along with the deep state intel agencies?
Peter Strozk, Andrew McCabe and Bruce Ohr are career empoyees. These are the people you claim we can trust.
Do you really believe some low level functionary is going to deny such a request to Obama administration appointees? You don't even know what the application process is.

Yes, the NSA is complicit in the conspiracy, moron. The entire Obama administration was complicit. You're willingless to trust Obama flacks is unbelievable.

So you have no clue. You're simply just dumping shit.

Obviously no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so, dope.
I don't need to know the exact application process to know this.

Now tell us which career employee at the NSA is in the bag for the Obama admin.

No, you have no clue. Your belief that what they did must have been legal because they filled out some form is absurd. Your belief that Democrat politicians are honest is also incredibly naive.

You claim that "no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so" is obviously wrong. How was Samantha Powers "authorised" to unmask general Flynn? What was her legitimate purpose? You keep avoiding an answer to that question.
I gave you the answer.
Obviously she was authorized if her application was approved,dope.
Do you imagine that somehow the process was different under the Obama admin than in the prior or subsequent admins?

Of course not, dope.
ROFL! Only a true dope would believe it was legal because the unmasker filled out some form.

You're a truly deluded gullible moron. The process isn't any different. In both cases it relied on people with integrity. Obama hacks have no integrity.
It's the same career intel people at the agencies through administrations, dope.

Post your evidence that shows the process being different or otherwise tainted during the Obama admin, loser.
36 people asked for Flynn's identity to be unmasked, and the vast bulk of them had no legitimate purpose for doing so. That's all the proof needed.

Your arguments boils down to saying we should trust the intelligence agencies.

Yeah, right.
36 people asked for Flynn's identity to be unmasked, and the vast bulk of them had no legitimate purpose for doing so. That's all the proof needed.

Your arguments boils down to saying we should trust the intelligence agencies.

Yeah, right.
You have no way at all of knowing what
"legitimate reasons" are at all.

I have seen nothing that would indicate the unmasking requests were any different than any others before or since. There's certainly no evidence that the information was used in any way against Flynn, outside of the official investigation, or Trump.
Why would Samantha powers be reading classified intelligence reports? She was an ambassador to the U.N.
You just answered your own question. That's standard. Why does Kelly Craft have security clearance?
Having a security clearance doesn't mean you have access to every classified document in the government.
Having a security clearance doesn't mean you have access to every classified document in the government.
Duh...Now you're getting it, dope.
Having a request granted means they had the requisite access and clearance.
More than that is required for a legal unmasking, moron.
More than that is required for a legal unmasking, moron.
Great. Now where's your evidence that
"more than that" was not provided?
It's not my job to prove that it wasn't. It's their job to prove that it was. The DOJ wouldn't have investigated the unmaskings if they were all above board and on the up and up.
Do you really believe some low level functionary is going to deny such a request to Obama administration appointees? You don't even know what the application process is.

Yes, the NSA is complicit in the conspiracy, moron. The entire Obama administration was complicit. You're willingless to trust Obama flacks is unbelievable.

So you have no clue. You're simply just dumping shit.

Obviously no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so, dope.
I don't need to know the exact application process to know this.

Now tell us which career employee at the NSA is in the bag for the Obama admin.

No, you have no clue. Your belief that what they did must have been legal because they filled out some form is absurd. Your belief that Democrat politicians are honest is also incredibly naive.

You claim that "no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so" is obviously wrong. How was Samantha Powers "authorised" to unmask general Flynn? What was her legitimate purpose? You keep avoiding an answer to that question.
I gave you the answer.
Obviously she was authorized if her application was approved,dope.
Do you imagine that somehow the process was different under the Obama admin than in the prior or subsequent admins?

Of course not, dope.
Your point is?
From your link.

"Recall that Executive Order 12333 permits dissemination of signals intelligence data only in accordance with procedures established by the DNI in coordination with the Defense Secretary and approved by the Attorney General. Under existing rules promulgated pursuant to the order, NSA analysts have long been tasked with filtering the surveillance information for the rest of the government—searching and evaluating the information directly, passing on only those portions of emails and phone calls that they determine relevant to colleagues at other agencies, and masking names and other information about innocent Americans using minimization procedures. The new framework does not change or expand communications collection,"
See Trump and his ongoing rivalry with the intel community.

See Obama and how he used the intel community to try to overthrow the government of the United States.
See Obama and how he used the intel community to try to overthrow the government of the United States.
So a sitting president attempted to overthrow the govt he presided over? :cuckoo:

That's some seriosly CON-voluted thinking.
Not just any ordinary president, but one who had a huge chip on his shoulder going into the game, where as he was going to make this nation pay for it's past transgressions, and force it into compliance by regulatory actions, judges, social justice, activism, agenda's, executive orders, and on and on it went.
Not just any ordinary president, but one who had a huge chip on his shoulder going into the game, where as he was going to make this nation pay for it's past transgressions, and force it into compliance by regulatory actions, judges, social justice, activism, agenda's, executive orders, and on and on it went.
Do you really believe some low level functionary is going to deny such a request to Obama administration appointees? You don't even know what the application process is.

Yes, the NSA is complicit in the conspiracy, moron. The entire Obama administration was complicit. You're willingless to trust Obama flacks is unbelievable.

So you have no clue. You're simply just dumping shit.

Obviously no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so, dope.
I don't need to know the exact application process to know this.

Now tell us which career employee at the NSA is in the bag for the Obama admin.

No, you have no clue. Your belief that what they did must have been legal because they filled out some form is absurd. Your belief that Democrat politicians are honest is also incredibly naive.

You claim that "no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so" is obviously wrong. How was Samantha Powers "authorised" to unmask general Flynn? What was her legitimate purpose? You keep avoiding an answer to that question.
I gave you the answer.
Obviously she was authorized if her application was approved,dope.
Do you imagine that somehow the process was different under the Obama admin than in the prior or subsequent admins?

Of course not, dope.
ROFL! Only a true dope would believe it was legal because the unmasker filled out some form.

You're a truly deluded gullible moron. The process isn't any different. In both cases it relied on people with integrity. Obama hacks have no integrity.
It's the same career intel people at the agencies through administrations, dope.

Post your evidence that shows the process being different or otherwise tainted during the Obama admin, loser.
You mean like Peter Strozk, Andrew McCabe and Bruce Ohr?

Our intelligence agencies are thuroughly corrupt and persue their own elf interest rather than the interests of the American people.
You mean like Peter Strozk, Andrew McCabe and Bruce Ohr?
No. I don't mean that at all. Just the opposite. Of course. I specifically made the point about political appointees.

Our intelligence agencies are thuroughly corrupt and persue their own elf interest rather than the interests of the American people.
I'm confused by your convoluted and incongruent conspiracies.

So now Obama was not the mastermind but a willing rube just going along with the deep state intel agencies?
Peter Strozk, Andrew McCabe and Bruce Ohr are career empoyees. These are the people you claim we can trust.

None of them had a thing to do with the approval of requests for unmasking of Flynn by obama officials or the list that was released, dope.
See Trump and his ongoing rivalry with the intel community.

See Obama and how he used the intel community to try to overthrow the government of the United States.
See Obama and how he used the intel community to try to overthrow the government of the United States.
So a sitting president attempted to overthrow the govt he presided over? :cuckoo:

That's some seriosly CON-voluted thinking.
Not just any ordinary president, but one who had a huge chip on his shoulder going into the game, where as he was going to make this nation pay for it's past transgressions, and force it into compliance by regulatory actions, judges, social justice, activism, agenda's, executive orders, and on and on it went.
Not just any ordinary president, but one who had a huge chip on his shoulder going into the game, where as he was going to make this nation pay for it's past transgressions, and force it into compliance by regulatory actions, judges, social justice, activism, agenda's, executive orders, and on and on it went.
Don't act surprised, because everybody knows this by now.
Do you really believe some low level functionary is going to deny such a request to Obama administration appointees? You don't even know what the application process is.

Yes, the NSA is complicit in the conspiracy, moron. The entire Obama administration was complicit. You're willingless to trust Obama flacks is unbelievable.

So you have no clue. You're simply just dumping shit.

Obviously no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so, dope.
I don't need to know the exact application process to know this.

Now tell us which career employee at the NSA is in the bag for the Obama admin.

No, you have no clue. Your belief that what they did must have been legal because they filled out some form is absurd. Your belief that Democrat politicians are honest is also incredibly naive.

You claim that "no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so" is obviously wrong. How was Samantha Powers "authorised" to unmask general Flynn? What was her legitimate purpose? You keep avoiding an answer to that question.
I gave you the answer.
Obviously she was authorized if her application was approved,dope.
Do you imagine that somehow the process was different under the Obama admin than in the prior or subsequent admins?

Of course not, dope.
ROFL! Only a true dope would believe it was legal because the unmasker filled out some form.

You're a truly deluded gullible moron. The process isn't any different. In both cases it relied on people with integrity. Obama hacks have no integrity.
It's the same career intel people at the agencies through administrations, dope.

Post your evidence that shows the process being different or otherwise tainted during the Obama admin, loser.
36 people asked for Flynn's identity to be unmasked, and the vast bulk of them had no legitimate purpose for doing so. That's all the proof needed.

Your arguments boils down to saying we should trust the intelligence agencies.

Yeah, right.
36 people asked for Flynn's identity to be unmasked, and the vast bulk of them had no legitimate purpose for doing so. That's all the proof needed.

Your arguments boils down to saying we should trust the intelligence agencies.

Yeah, right.
You have no way at all of knowing what
"legitimate reasons" are at all.

I have seen nothing that would indicate the unmasking requests were any different than any others before or since. There's certainly no evidence that the information was used in any way against Flynn, outside of the official investigation, or Trump.
So you are claiming the democrats were so fucking stupid they did not charge a provable charge bit went with an unproven one they had no witnesses for?
That's not stupidity. That's strategy. They had limited time and resources. Yes, obstruction was proven. If it were anyone but the president, a crime would have been charged.
So you are claiming the democrats were so fucking stupid they did not charge a provable charge bit went with an unproven one they had no witnesses for?
That's not stupidity. That's strategy. They had limited time and resources. Yes, obstruction was proven. If it were anyone but the president, a crime would have been charged.
LOL took you 2 days to come up with THAT? Once again they had the report no need for further investigation IF it proved the point but you claim they were so fucking stupid they did not use it?
So you are claiming the democrats were so fucking stupid they did not charge a provable charge bit went with an unproven one they had no witnesses for?
That's not stupidity. That's strategy. They had limited time and resources. Yes, obstruction was proven. If it were anyone but the president, a crime would have been charged.
LOL took you 2 days to come up with THAT? Once again they had the report no need for further investigation IF it proved the point but you claim they were so fucking stupid they did not use it?
I already answered that question, ya cackling moron.
So you are claiming the democrats were so fucking stupid they did not charge a provable charge bit went with an unproven one they had no witnesses for?
That's not stupidity. That's strategy. They had limited time and resources. Yes, obstruction was proven. If it were anyone but the president, a crime would have been charged.
LOL took you 2 days to come up with THAT? Once again they had the report no need for further investigation IF it proved the point but you claim they were so fucking stupid they did not use it?
I already answered that question, ya cackling moron.
LOL ya sure ya did took ya 2 DAYS to come up with a lame excuse as to why when given a choice between something they could not prove or something you claim was already proved they chose the unproven one and did not include the proven one. God you are moronic.
LOL ya sure ya did took ya 2 DAYS
No moron, i just didn't visit the thread for 2 days. Are you retarded? What is wrong with your brain?

Since you are a right wing bubble dwelling nutsack, i am sure you didn't know that the democrats had a protracted debate about this very thing (whether to include this charge). They publicly explained why they decided not to do this. You can actually read this explanation for yourself. Or sit there and cackle like a moron and play with yourself. Or both. Probably just the latter.
So you are claiming the democrats were so fucking stupid they did not charge a provable charge bit went with an unproven one they had no witnesses for?
That's not stupidity. That's strategy. They had limited time and resources. Yes, obstruction was proven. If it were anyone but the president, a crime would have been charged.
Obstruction was not proven, shit for brains. If it was, then Mueller would have said so.

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