Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

Why would Joe Biden be on the list? Samantha Powers? White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough?
Because they read the reports. I already covered that. You can go read up on this stuff.

But take note of your contraductions:

1) the scandal is that this was a plot to het flynn from the beginning

2) the scandal is them requesting to read the name of the masked american after the fact in the reports

Take a few minutes and try to understand why your whining does not make sense, when all taken together.
Why would Samantha powers be reading any report about Flynn talking with Kislyak? His conversation with Kislyak was entirely legal and proper. Why should there be any "reports?" That implies there was an investigation. It was entirely illegal.
Just reading intelligence reports. You seem a bit confused, which is to be expected. This is a normal tjing that is done all the time. You have already gobbled up the nothingburger, and so you fail to understand that nothing here indicates anythimg nefarious. And that you would have a lot of work to do to prove such a crazy claim.

But you have already doubled down and have gone down the rabbit hole. You make these leaps without even realizing you are doing it.
Why would Samantha powers be reading classified intelligence reports? She was an ambassador to the U.N.

Why would Samantha powers be reading classified intelligence reports? She was an ambassador to the U.N.
You just answered your own question. That's standard. Why does Kelly Craft have security clearance?
She has no business looking at intelligence reports about the Trump administration, dumbass. Ambassadors only have access to intelligence that is relevant to their jobs.
She has no business looking at intelligence reports about the Trump administration
Sure she does. Its an investigation into foreign influence in our fair and free elections. Flynn was a foreign agent for turkey, double dealing with russians. Both UN members. So no, you're wrong.
She has no business looking at intelligence reports about the Trump administration
Sure she does. Its an investigation into foreign influence in our fair and free elections. Flynn was a foreign agent for turkey, double dealing with russians. Both UN members. So no, you're wrong.
Of course, we all know that's Dim horseshit. Mueller debunked the claim of dealing with Russia, and the DOJ report totally destroyed it. According to your "logic" virtually any event happening to anyone on the planet would be relevant to Samantha Power's job.

You aren't fooling anyone.
hmmm, no, the fake news always has their favorite Republicans who are selling out their party.
Except Gowdy said that in a FOX interview. Your favorite. Just stop saying stupid shit.
How does that change the fact that he's a sellout. No other Republican agrees with him. There's a reason he's leaving in 2020, you realize. He's no longer welcome in the party.
Of course, we all know that's Dim horseshit. Mueller debunked the claim of dealing with Russia,
This was years before his report came out. And of course, he easily proved the collusion. Everything you are saying is utterly retarded. On every level.

Get this through your head:

This fake scandal resonates with nobody but diehard cultists lile you. Nobody. I hope you fools cackle about this nothinburger for the next 6 months. I will leave you to it.
Of course, we all know that's Dim horseshit. Mueller debunked the claim of dealing with Russia,
This was years before his report came out. And of course, he easily proved the collusion. Everything you are saying is utterly retarded. On every level.

Get this through your head:

This fake scandal resonates with nobody but diehard cultists lile you. Nobody. I hope you fools cackle about this nothinburger for the next 6 months. I will leave you to it.
Mueller admitted he found no evidence of collusion and the DOJ report confirmed he had no business continuing his "investigation" after the first couple of months because there was no evidence. What difference does it make when the report came out?

What I am posting is facts. What you are posting is "Nuh uhn!"

You're a moron.

This so-called "nothing burger" is going to grow and grow all the way to the election.
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So you have no clue. You're simply just dumping shit.

Obviously no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so, dope.
I don't need to know the exact application process to know this.

Now tell us which career employee at the NSA is in the bag for the Obama admin.

Then, obviously, no one in the intelligence community would release names of the unmaskers inappropriately and no one in the DOJ would drop charges inappropriately, and most obvious of all, Trump wouldn't fire any one inappropriately..

Since you have conceded that government is perfect and never acts politically and inappropriately, I can't imagine why you'd hang out on a political thread since all you can do now is agree with government. I can send you links to a couple good organic gardening forum sites if you need something to do now that you're done here.
Gowdy: no prosecutions will result from Durham investigation
Gowdy was written off as a deep state sellout a long time ago.

His role in Congress and in the Republican Party was to placate conservatives by pretending to ask tough questions in hearings while making certain that the Republicans did absolutely nothing about the answers. His South Carolina cohort, Lindsey Graham, plays exactly the same role in the Senate.
Do you really believe some low level functionary is going to deny such a request to Obama administration appointees? You don't even know what the application process is.

Yes, the NSA is complicit in the conspiracy, moron. The entire Obama administration was complicit. You're willingless to trust Obama flacks is unbelievable.

So you have no clue. You're simply just dumping shit.

Obviously no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so, dope.
I don't need to know the exact application process to know this.

Now tell us which career employee at the NSA is in the bag for the Obama admin.

No, you have no clue. Your belief that what they did must have been legal because they filled out some form is absurd. Your belief that Democrat politicians are honest is also incredibly naive.

You claim that "no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so" is obviously wrong. How was Samantha Powers "authorised" to unmask general Flynn? What was her legitimate purpose? You keep avoiding an answer to that question.
I gave you the answer.
Obviously she was authorized if her application was approved,dope.
Do you imagine that somehow the process was different under the Obama admin than in the prior or subsequent admins?

Of course not, dope.
ROFL! Only a true dope would believe it was legal because the unmasker filled out some form.

You're a truly deluded gullible moron. The process isn't any different. In both cases it relied on people with integrity. Obama hacks have no integrity.
It's the same career intel people at the agencies through administrations, dope.

Post your evidence that shows the process being different or otherwise tainted during the Obama admin, loser.
Why would Samantha powers be reading classified intelligence reports? She was an ambassador to the U.N.
You just answered your own question. That's standard. Why does Kelly Craft have security clearance?
Having a security clearance doesn't mean you have access to every classified document in the government.
Having a security clearance doesn't mean you have access to every classified document in the government.
Duh...Now you're getting it, dope.
Having a request granted means they had the requisite access and clearance.
So you have no clue. You're simply just dumping shit.

Obviously no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so, dope.
I don't need to know the exact application process to know this.

Now tell us which career employee at the NSA is in the bag for the Obama admin.

Then, obviously, no one in the intelligence community would release names of the unmaskers inappropriately and no one in the DOJ would drop charges inappropriately, and most obvious of all, Trump wouldn't fire any one inappropriately..

Since you have conceded that government is perfect and never acts politically and inappropriately, I can't imagine why you'd hang out on a political thread since all you can do now is agree with government. I can send you links to a couple good organic gardening forum sites if you need something to do now that you're done here.
Yes, yes. It must be corrupt then because corruption is possible. Feeble try, child.
Unlike everything you mentioned, the intel agencies don't turn over with every administration. They aren't loaded with political appointees.No administration is going to be able to force them to do their bidding. See Trump and his ongoing rivalry with the intel community.

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