Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

Obstruction was not proven
Of course it was.

If it was, then Mueller would have said so
Well thats idiotic. Mueller specifically said he was not going to make any such determinations. He dumbed it all the way down for people like you. Apparently, he should have used crayons and flash cards.
Of course it wasn't. Mueller said it wasn't.

Making such determiniations was the whole point of his so-called "investigation," moron.
So a sitting president attempted to overthrow the govt he presided over? :cuckoo:

That's some seriously CON-voluted thinking.
Don't pretend to be stupid - or maybe you're not pretending: a departing president ordered an attempted overthrow of an incoming president. He and his team continued to participate in the attempted coup after Obama left the Whitehouse.
See Trump and his ongoing rivalry with the intel community.

See Obama and how he used the intel community to try to overthrow the government of the United States.
See Obama and how he used the intel community to try to overthrow the government of the United States.
So a sitting president attempted to overthrow the govt he presided over? :cuckoo:

That's some seriosly CON-voluted thinking.
Not just any ordinary president, but one who had a huge chip on his shoulder going into the game, where as he was going to make this nation pay for it's past transgressions, and force it into compliance by regulatory actions, judges, social justice, activism, agenda's, executive orders, and on and on it went.
Not just any ordinary president, but one who had a huge chip on his shoulder going into the game, where as he was going to make this nation pay for it's past transgressions, and force it into compliance by regulatory actions, judges, social justice, activism, agenda's, executive orders, and on and on it went.
Don't act surprised, because everybody knows this by now.
Don't act surprised, because everybody knows this by now.

Sure. Everyone in the pizza-gate basement knows this. :uhoh3:
Do you really believe some low level functionary is going to deny such a request to Obama administration appointees? You don't even know what the application process is.

Yes, the NSA is complicit in the conspiracy, moron. The entire Obama administration was complicit. You're willingless to trust Obama flacks is unbelievable.

So you have no clue. You're simply just dumping shit.

Obviously no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so, dope.
I don't need to know the exact application process to know this.

Now tell us which career employee at the NSA is in the bag for the Obama admin.

No, you have no clue. Your belief that what they did must have been legal because they filled out some form is absurd. Your belief that Democrat politicians are honest is also incredibly naive.

You claim that "no one who isn't authorized to see unmasked intel would be approved to do so" is obviously wrong. How was Samantha Powers "authorised" to unmask general Flynn? What was her legitimate purpose? You keep avoiding an answer to that question.
I gave you the answer.
Obviously she was authorized if her application was approved,dope.
Do you imagine that somehow the process was different under the Obama admin than in the prior or subsequent admins?

Of course not, dope.
ROFL! Only a true dope would believe it was legal because the unmasker filled out some form.

You're a truly deluded gullible moron. The process isn't any different. In both cases it relied on people with integrity. Obama hacks have no integrity.
It's the same career intel people at the agencies through administrations, dope.

Post your evidence that shows the process being different or otherwise tainted during the Obama admin, loser.
36 people asked for Flynn's identity to be unmasked, and the vast bulk of them had no legitimate purpose for doing so. That's all the proof needed.

Your arguments boils down to saying we should trust the intelligence agencies.

Yeah, right.
36 people asked for Flynn's identity to be unmasked, and the vast bulk of them had no legitimate purpose for doing so. That's all the proof needed.

Your arguments boils down to saying we should trust the intelligence agencies.

Yeah, right.
You have no way at all of knowing what
"legitimate reasons" are at all.

I have seen nothing that would indicate the unmasking requests were any different than any others before or since. There's certainly no evidence that the information was used in any way against Flynn, outside of the official investigation, or Trump.
Do you have a point?
Obstruction was not proven
Of course it was.

If it was, then Mueller would have said so
Well thats idiotic. Mueller specifically said he was not going to make any such determinations. He dumbed it all the way down for people like you. Apparently, he should have used crayons and flash cards.
NO, he didn't say that, turd. You idiots keep posting the same lies over and over and over. Please quote where he said he wasn't going to make any determinations, and I mean prior to issuing his report.
So, as i pointed out, for Flynn now to say he is not guilty may be perjury, as he pled guilty under oath. Twice.

So, in addition to being sentenced for the felony to which he already pled guilty, he may also be held in contempt of court for perjury. That's going to earn him a bit of jail time, even if he only gets probation for the original felony.
So, as i pointed out, for Flynn now to say he is not guilty may be perjury, as he pled guilty under oath. Twice.

So, in addition to being sentenced for the felony to which he already pled guilty, he may also be held in contempt of court for perjury. That's going to earn him a bit of jail time, even if he only gets probation for the original felony.

Are you suggesting that anyone who pleads guilty and then claims they are not should be prosecuted for perjury? There are an awful lot of minorities who were railroaded into guilty pleas who will be disappointed if that's the case.
So, as i pointed out, for Flynn now to say he is not guilty may be perjury, as he pled guilty under oath. Twice.

So, in addition to being sentenced for the felony to which he already pled guilty, he may also be held in contempt of court for perjury. That's going to earn him a bit of jail time, even if he only gets probation for the original felony.

Are you suggesting that anyone who pleads guilty and then claims they are not should be prosecuted for perjury? There are an awful lot of minorities who were railroaded into guilty pleas who will be disappointed if that's the case.
Inadequate counsel is usually a problem for the indigent who either rely on barely present or overworked public counsel who have incentive to cut deals or no counsel at all.

It’s not a problem for an elitist who hired an extremely expensive and well regarded law firm.
NO, he didn't say that
100% wrong. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, and you should probably shut up immediately.
Then quote him saying it.
Nope! You know i don't spoonfeed you anything. Sorry. I do not care if you are wrong, and i don't care if you don't believe me. . You can easily find it yourself.
I know you're a gutless douchebag who never backs up his claims.
Inadequate counsel is usually a problem for the indigent who either rely on barely present or overworked public counsel who have incentive to cut deals or no counsel at all.

It’s not a problem for an elitist who hired an extremely expensive and well regarded law firm.

Grow up colfax. Why are you answering a question which has not been asked?

NO ONE has said anything about Gen. Flynn did not have adequate counsel. The issue, as you well know, has to do with the FBI concealing exculpatory evidence FROM the defense and the use of known false information used to obtain FISA warrants.

THAT, in itself, should get your attention and scare the bejabbers out of you. If the FBI and our justice system can do that to a decorated general, what can they do to you?
Are you suggesting that anyone who pleads guilty and then claims they are not should be prosecuted for perjury?
Typically they are not prosecuted, but held in contempt of court and get additional sentencing, from what i have read.

Are you suggesting people should be allowed to lie under oath in court?

By the way, it's the judge's suggestion, not mine. How long have you been a judge?
NO, he didn't say that
100% wrong. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, and you should probably shut up immediately.
Then quote him saying it.
Nope! You know i don't spoonfeed you anything. Sorry. I do not care if you are wrong, and i don't care if you don't believe me. . You can easily find it yourself.
I know you're a gutless douchebag who never backs up his claims.
With you? Nope. No links or quotes for you. Ever. I already told you why. So cry on, crybaby....
Bottom line -- Flynn lied about his interactions with the Russian Ambassador. Why would he lie if he didn't have anything illegal to hide?

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