Breaking News from Genesis 1:9

The allegorical account of a flood in Genesis was not describing the earth being covered in water 3.2 billion years ago. It was describing an event that happened ~12,000 years ago when one or more asteroids struck the earth in the northern polar region and vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice which disrupted weather patterns around the globe which led to flooding events around the globe. The globe was not covered in water but it was enough of a major disruption of weather patterns that legends of it were created around the world.

Weren't you saying 1500 gigatons of ice melting caused it? No one knows a weather report from 3.2 billions years ago haha.
It was probably caused by a pole shift. Earth has them on a regular basis. We’re due for another one, which might wipe out almost all living things, and time will start anew.
From everything I have read on polarity reversal it’s not threatening to life.
LOL. Then you haven’t read much.
The polarity has flipped quite a few times over the earth’s history. So if what you claim is true, can you tell me how life has survived through all of the previous reversals.
Oh please, it’s not my claim. It’s a theory many experts, scientists, cultures have identified.

They are not talking about the magnetic poles, as you seem to be. They are talking about the geographic poles moving dramatically, resulting in a cataclysmic event.
Actually you are the one making that claim and as near as I can tell you only have one source. Not many.

What I am saying is that if that claim is true one ought to be able to correlate extinction events to polarity changes, right?

And the poles flipping or polarity reversing is exactly what they are talking about.

The magnetic field never goes away.
There are numerous sources. Do some research.
The allegorical account of a flood in Genesis was not describing the earth being covered in water 3.2 billion years ago. It was describing an event that happened ~12,000 years ago when one or more asteroids struck the earth in the northern polar region and vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice which disrupted weather patterns around the globe which led to flooding events around the globe. The globe was not covered in water but it was enough of a major disruption of weather patterns that legends of it were created around the world.

Weren't you saying 1500 gigatons of ice melting caused it? No one knows a weather report from 3.2 billions years ago haha.
It was probably caused by a pole shift. Earth has them on a regular basis. We’re due for another one, which might wipe out almost all living things, and time will start anew.
From everything I have read on polarity reversal it’s not threatening to life.
LOL. Then you haven’t read much.
The polarity has flipped quite a few times over the earth’s history. So if what you claim is true, can you tell me how life has survived through all of the previous reversals.
Oh please, it’s not my claim. It’s a theory many experts, scientists, cultures have identified.

They are not talking about the magnetic poles, as you seem to be. They are talking about the geographic poles moving dramatically, resulting in a cataclysmic event.
Actually you are the one making that claim and as near as I can tell you only have one source. Not many.

What I am saying is that if that claim is true one ought to be able to correlate extinction events to polarity changes, right?

And the poles flipping or polarity reversing is exactly what they are talking about.

The magnetic field never goes away.
There are numerous sources. Do some research.
I have.
The allegorical account of a flood in Genesis was not describing the earth being covered in water 3.2 billion years ago. It was describing an event that happened ~12,000 years ago when one or more asteroids struck the earth in the northern polar region and vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice which disrupted weather patterns around the globe which led to flooding events around the globe. The globe was not covered in water but it was enough of a major disruption of weather patterns that legends of it were created around the world.

Weren't you saying 1500 gigatons of ice melting caused it? No one knows a weather report from 3.2 billions years ago haha.
It was probably caused by a pole shift. Earth has them on a regular basis. We’re due for another one, which might wipe out almost all living things, and time will start anew.
From everything I have read on polarity reversal it’s not threatening to life.
LOL. Then you haven’t read much.
It’s the only way to see objective truth.
Erhman concluded only that there was a contradiction since he doesn't consider the movie The Passion of Christ to be scriptural. I wonder which version of the Gospels was used in the movie? Or were they mashed together to form yet another version?

Oh, I didn't know Ehrman was a movie critic. Where does he say that or are you making up stuff again?

Second, did you even watch the video of Ehrman describing what he reconciled as to what happened? Why does he describe things like I did with the Falling Man from the twin towers? I just thought the Falling Man was a descriptive photo to describe Bart Ehrman for some reason and how atheists should bow down face first to Jesus for repentance. How else could they change their ways? I even said if I was an atheist that I would bow down face first if I found God had already answered the greatest point an atheist ever made. That would push me to repent, repent, repent my atheist ways.


Finally, I don't think it is a coincidence that Judas died where he did and it turned out to be the place where Jesus describes as Gehenna. This is hell as in the Bible. The potter's field, in this case, was a refuse dump. People brought their dead animals there. Furthermore, what is really telling is God really, really, really hated the Canaanites for their false idol worship and sacrificing of babies. They had excess sexual deviations and practices, too. It was in the same valley as potter's field. These people lived in what is Palestine, Libya, Syria, and Jordan today.

What about now? Is it coincidence that Satan has covered up the atrocities and God's wrath there? It's a tourist destination with a sordid past. This is all part of Biblical history, too.

Hello... Jesus taught us that one reaps what they sow. It's not good to just use conjecture and other people's works just to weasel and cobble your arguments
You don't really know how long different types of rock can last do you, that is just conjecture on you part isn't it? Has God ever spoken directly to you or do you rely on other people's words from your Bible?

It's not good to just use conjecture and other people's works just to weasel and cobble your arguments.
Erhman concluded only that there was a contradiction since he doesn't consider the movie The Passion of Christ to be scriptural. I wonder which version of the Gospels was used in the movie? Or were they mashed together to form yet another version?
Oh, I didn't know Ehrman was a movie critic. Where does he say that or are you making up stuff again?

Second, did you even watch the video of Ehrman describing what he reconciled as to what happened?
I've read enough Erhman to know he'd say that no movie can be scriptural since it must include things not described in scripture, including dress, actions, language, phrasing, etc.

In Erhman's books he has never even attempted to reconcile such contradictions as the two stories of how Judas died. I think you are mistaken.
It’s a theory many experts, scientists, cultures have identified
And which even more have debunked and diacarded.


Wait. 15 gigatons of ice is in the Bible :laugh: ?

We discussed this weeks ago, but you couldn't answer Archimedes Principle.


Your 15 gigatons of ice claim.

We get hundreds of gigatons of ice melting at the poles with the warming trend now, but no flooding.

Scientific method

We discussed this weeks ago and you couldn't even answer Archimedes Principle. For flooding to occur, we need the water on land to runoff into the ocean. You need to move on. People have been laughing at you for weeks.
You don't really know how long different types of rock can last do you, that is just conjecture on you part isn't it? Has God ever spoken directly to you or do you rely on other people's words from your Bible?

It's not good to just use conjecture and other people's works just to weasel and cobble your arguments.

No, I have worked with synthetic rock as well as found rock in river streams, hillsides, and stuff as gold panning. Have you? You don't believe fake scientists as big dumb people as above do you?

Darwin is to evolution as Columbus is to exploration. Both were pioneers but certainly didn't have all the answers. No one would use Columbus' maps to travel from Spain to the Americas, he is only of interest historically. Same for Darwin. He first put forward a theory to explain the world we see and how it came about. Like Columbus' maps it was crude, inaccurate, and filled with gaps but it was the first of its kind.

You know that's interesting. There are people here that are dumb enough to believe the billions of years Earth and life thesis even though no rock (meteor) could last that long. It's a slick lie as people (even scientists, mind you) use to believe the universe was eternal; That turned out pseudoscience :laugh:.

I confess I never watched any of the video but in my defense I read the book. And a bunch of other Ehrman books. Ehrman is not a scientist but a historian but anyone with even a slightly open mind could see the Gospels are not historically accurate. For example, the Roman census described in the birth narrative never happened. Period.

Yes. They contradict how Judas died and who bought the field. Trivial, but contradictory. You can write your own scripture (he hung himself then the body rotted) but the versions in the Gospels are subtly different.

I told you of the dangers of following a blasphemer. Did he ever figure out what happened to Judas? I mean in his mind was he able to conclude what actually happened, i.e. die from hanging or from falling :laugh: ? What was the word he used? Irreconcilable. The answer is in the movie The Passion of Christ which I unfortunately watched over the weekend. Jesus haters would probably think it's Judas p0rn.

Ehrman has his theories about Judas but never considers him a hero. Ehrman considers the different descriptions to be a contradiction so he and I are still unclear about the how and why.

I agree. I don't think a hero dies from hanging himself and bursts open at the seams. Wonder if they found the grave? I think they found the field. No grave? It would be awesome for Mr. Ehrman to find out the answers one day as the fallen man.

“There are people here that are dumb enough to believe the billions of years Earth and life thesis even though no rock (meteor) could last that long.”

There are actually places we call “colleges and universities” where research is done to study what is shown to be an ancient universe and planet.

Did you know that outside of fundamentalist christianity and Islam, there really isn’t a fully developed anti-science, anti-learning agenda?

Wait. 15 gigatons of ice is in the Bible :laugh: ?

We discussed this weeks ago, but you couldn't answer Archimedes Principle.


Your 15 gigatons of ice claim.

We get hundreds of gigatons of ice melting at the poles with the warming trend now, but no flooding.

Scientific method

We discussed this weeks ago and you couldn't even answer Archimedes Principle. For flooding to occur, we need the water on land to runoff into the ocean. You need to move on. People have been laughing at you for weeks.

“Scientific method”

It’s actually comical that a fundie Christian would reference the Scientific Method.
Erhman concluded only that there was a contradiction since he doesn't consider the movie The Passion of Christ to be scriptural. I wonder which version of the Gospels was used in the movie? Or were they mashed together to form yet another version?

Oh, I didn't know Ehrman was a movie critic. Where does he say that or are you making up stuff again?

Second, did you even watch the video of Ehrman describing what he reconciled as to what happened? Why does he describe things like I did with the Falling Man from the twin towers? I just thought the Falling Man was a descriptive photo to describe Bart Ehrman for some reason and how atheists should bow down face first to Jesus for repentance. How else could they change their ways? I even said if I was an atheist that I would bow down face first if I found God had already answered the greatest point an atheist ever made. That would push me to repent, repent, repent my atheist ways.


Finally, I don't think it is a coincidence that Judas died where he did and it turned out to be the place where Jesus describes as Gehenna. This is hell as in the Bible. The potter's field, in this case, was a refuse dump. People brought their dead animals there. Furthermore, what is really telling is God really, really, really hated the Canaanites for their false idol worship and sacrificing of babies. They had excess sexual deviations and practices, too. It was in the same valley as potter's field. These people lived in what is Palestine, Libya, Syria, and Jordan today.

What about now? Is it coincidence that Satan has covered up the atrocities and God's wrath there? It's a tourist destination with a sordid past. This is all part of Biblical history, too.

“Furthermore, what is really telling is God really, really, really hated the Canaanites for their false idol worship and sacrificing of babies.”

Sacrificing livestock is OK, though.
You don't really know how long different types of rock can last do you, that is just conjecture on you part isn't it? Has God ever spoken directly to you or do you rely on other people's words from your Bible?

It's not good to just use conjecture and other people's works just to weasel and cobble your arguments.

No, I have worked with synthetic rock as well as found rock in river streams, hillsides, and stuff as gold panning. Have you? You don't believe fake scientists as big dumb people as above do you?

I can't currently view the videos, maybe later, so I can't tell if you answered my questions.

I'm not sure what a synthetic rock is? Concrete? Natural rocks and minerals I do have some knowledge of and I know of no reason they couldn't last a few billion years.
Erhman concluded only that there was a contradiction since he doesn't consider the movie The Passion of Christ to be scriptural. I wonder which version of the Gospels was used in the movie? Or were they mashed together to form yet another version?

Oh, I didn't know Ehrman was a movie critic. Where does he say that or are you making up stuff again?

Second, did you even watch the video of Ehrman describing what he reconciled as to what happened? Why does he describe things like I did with the Falling Man from the twin towers? I just thought the Falling Man was a descriptive photo to describe Bart Ehrman for some reason and how atheists should bow down face first to Jesus for repentance. How else could they change their ways? I even said if I was an atheist that I would bow down face first if I found God had already answered the greatest point an atheist ever made. That would push me to repent, repent, repent my atheist ways.


Finally, I don't think it is a coincidence that Judas died where he did and it turned out to be the place where Jesus describes as Gehenna. This is hell as in the Bible. The potter's field, in this case, was a refuse dump. People brought their dead animals there. Furthermore, what is really telling is God really, really, really hated the Canaanites for their false idol worship and sacrificing of babies. They had excess sexual deviations and practices, too. It was in the same valley as potter's field. These people lived in what is Palestine, Libya, Syria, and Jordan today.

What about now? Is it coincidence that Satan has covered up the atrocities and God's wrath there? It's a tourist destination with a sordid past. This is all part of Biblical history, too.

“Furthermore, what is really telling is God really, really, really hated the Canaanites for their false idol worship and sacrificing of babies.”

Sacrificing livestock is OK, though.
I recall reading somewhere that God likes the smell of charred flesh. I may be sacrificing a few burgers tonight, gotta keep those plagues away. He's not so big on offerings of grain though.
I've read enough Erhman to know he'd say that no movie can be scriptural since it must include things not described in scripture, including dress, actions, language, phrasing, etc.

In Erhman's books he has never even attempted to reconcile such contradictions as the two stories of how Judas died. I think you are mistaken.

Now, you're making up stuff again by moving the goal posts. This is the S&T forum so you need to back up your Ehrman statements. No links whatsoever of his discussing The Passion of Christ movie. So now, my question becomes in which book did Ehrman discuss The Passion of Christ movie? Instead of Ehrman, it's you who we have to discuss. Where is your evidence that The Passion of Christ wasn't scriptural?

I'm thinking you are lying again as you won't be able to answer my two questions above about Ehrman and you. If you can't watch an Ehrman vid that you posted, then you're certainly not going to watch The Passion of Christ movie.

OTOH, I have good authority on the subject:

"Question: "Is the movie "The Passion of the Christ" biblically accurate?"

The movie The Passion of the Chris was, for the most part, biblically accurate. There are a few scenes in which "artistic license" was taken, but it was within the scope of the biblical account. Examples of this "artistic license" were the demonic baby Satan was carrying, the demonic children tormenting Judas, and the woman wiping the blood off of Jesus’ face on the way to the crucifixion site. Mary’s role was overemphasized beyond what the Bible describes. As with any film based on the Bible, we should always compare what we see and hear with what the Bible actually says. Overall, if you see the movie "The Passion of the Christ" and read the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) - you will find that the movie follows the Bible very closely."

Another article

It was such a brutal movie about the bloody beatings of Jesus as Christ that I could not watch it all the way through. However, I had seen then ending on youtube years before though.
It’s a theory many experts, scientists, cultures have identified
And which even more have debunked and diacarded.

Good for you. Now how about this?

Charles Hapgood, a Harvard-educated professor and author of books like Earth’s Shifting Crust, Path of the Pole, and Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, was an early proponent of the crustal displacement theory – that a catastrophic POLE SHIFT periodically moves the entire surface of our planet in a single piece over the core below.

Albert Einstein corresponded with Hapgood about pole shifts, supported the theory, and wrote the foreword to Earth’s Shifting Crust.Albert Einstein and Charles Hapgood on Pole Shifts – The Path of the Pole


Robert M. Schoch: Publications
I'm not sure what a synthetic rock is? Concrete? Natural rocks and minerals I do have some knowledge of and I know of no reason they couldn't last a few billion years.

Sounds like another wrong answer of an antiChristian.

Else where is your scientific evidence :laugh:? Can you show me a 100 yr-old rock, 1000 yr-old rock, 10,000 yr-old rock, 1 million yr-old rock, 100 million yr-old rock, 1 billion yr-old rock, and 4.5 billion yr-old rock to compare? Where were these rocks found to see their environment and compare it with other rocks there.
I've read enough Erhman to know he'd say that no movie can be scriptural since it must include things not described in scripture, including dress, actions, language, phrasing, etc.

In Erhman's books he has never even attempted to reconcile such contradictions as the two stories of how Judas died. I think you are mistaken.

Now, you're making up stuff again by moving the goal posts. This is the S&T forum so you need to back up your Ehrman statements. No links whatsoever of his discussing The Passion of Christ movie. So now, my question becomes in which book did Ehrman discuss The Passion of Christ movie? Instead of Ehrman, it's you who we have to discuss. Where is your evidence that The Passion of Christ wasn't scriptural?

I'm thinking you are lying again as you won't be able to answer my two questions above about Ehrman and you. If you can't watch an Ehrman vid that you posted, then you're certainly not going to watch The Passion of Christ movie.

OTOH, I have good authority on the subject:

"Question: "Is the movie "The Passion of the Christ" biblically accurate?"

The movie The Passion of the Chris was, for the most part, biblically accurate. There are a few scenes in which "artistic license" was taken, but it was within the scope of the biblical account. Examples of this "artistic license" were the demonic baby Satan was carrying, the demonic children tormenting Judas, and the woman wiping the blood off of Jesus’ face on the way to the crucifixion site. Mary’s role was overemphasized beyond what the Bible describes. As with any film based on the Bible, we should always compare what we see and hear with what the Bible actually says. Overall, if you see the movie "The Passion of the Christ" and read the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) - you will find that the movie follows the Bible very closely."

Another article

It was such a brutal movie about the bloody beatings of Jesus as Christ that I could not watch it all the way through. However, I had seen then ending on youtube years before though.

What significance is there in a Hollywood movie being biblically accurate? That has nothing to do with whether the bibles are true or accurate.

Lots of Hollywood movies are based on books. That doesn’t mean either the book or the movie is “holy”.

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