Breaking News from Genesis 1:9

that vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice
Ooops, there it is again. You just can't help yourself.
That’s because their are a couple of craters that prove it. The team of scientists that discovered them understand it was a global climate altering event.

Most intelligent people understand that large asteroid strikes that strike with the energy of 700 gigatons of TNT are climate altering events.
The allegorical account of a flood in Genesis was not describing the earth being covered in water 3.2 billion years ago. It was describing an event that happened ~12,000 years ago when one or more asteroids struck the earth in the northern polar region and vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice which disrupted weather patterns around the globe which led to flooding events around the globe. The globe was not covered in water but it was enough of a major disruption of weather patterns that legends of it were created around the world.

Weren't you saying 1500 gigatons of ice melting caused it? No one knows a weather report from 3.2 billions years ago haha.
It was probably caused by a pole shift. Earth has them on a regular basis. We’re due for another one, which might wipe out almost all living things, and time will start anew.
From everything I have read on polarity reversal it’s not threatening to life.
LOL. Then you haven’t read much.
Read this...
The allegorical account of a flood in Genesis was not describing the earth being covered in water 3.2 billion years ago. It was describing an event that happened ~12,000 years ago when one or more asteroids struck the earth in the northern polar region and vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice which disrupted weather patterns around the globe which led to flooding events around the globe. The globe was not covered in water but it was enough of a major disruption of weather patterns that legends of it were created around the world.

Weren't you saying 1500 gigatons of ice melting caused it? No one knows a weather report from 3.2 billions years ago haha.
It was probably caused by a pole shift. Earth has them on a regular basis. We’re due for another one, which might wipe out almost all living things, and time will start anew.
From everything I have read on polarity reversal it’s not threatening to life.
LOL. Then you haven’t read much.
The polarity has flipped quite a few times over the earth’s history. So if what you claim is true, can you tell me how life has survived through all of the previous reversals.
The allegorical account of a flood in Genesis was not describing the earth being covered in water 3.2 billion years ago. It was describing an event that happened ~12,000 years ago when one or more asteroids struck the earth in the northern polar region and vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice which disrupted weather patterns around the globe which led to flooding events around the globe. The globe was not covered in water but it was enough of a major disruption of weather patterns that legends of it were created around the world.

Weren't you saying 1500 gigatons of ice melting caused it? No one knows a weather report from 3.2 billions years ago haha.
It was probably caused by a pole shift. Earth has them on a regular basis. We’re due for another one, which might wipe out almost all living things, and time will start anew.
From everything I have read on polarity reversal it’s not threatening to life.
LOL. Then you haven’t read much.
The polarity has flipped quite a few times over the earth’s history. So if what you claim is true, can you tell me how life has survived through all of the previous reversals.
Oh please, it’s not my claim. It’s a theory many experts, scientists, cultures have identified.

They are not talking about the magnetic poles, as you seem to be. They are talking about the geographic poles moving dramatically, resulting in a cataclysmic event.
Who has read Darwin's book Origin of Species completely? Who can even tell us the entire title? What about the stuff that Dawin was wrong on? He was wrong on every one of those points except natural selection. Yet, he still gets credit for explaining the theory of evolution.
Darwin is to evolution as Columbus is to exploration. Both were pioneers but certainly didn't have all the answers. No one would use Columbus' maps to travel from Spain to the Americas, he is only of interest historically. Same for Darwin. He first put forward a theory to explain the world we see and how it came about. Like Columbus' maps it was crude, inaccurate, and filled with gaps but it was the first of its kind.

Anyway, the creationists are criticized for being trivial and misleading. Not so. However, in this case, it is Ehrman who is trivial and misleading. Did you watch the entire vid? I couldn't. Ehrman gets to one of his contradictions later that we discussed. Maybe you had other examples of his points related to Genesis 1-9, but you didn't present them. Would they be from Ehrman? What time in the vid? So I have no clue why you state the Gospels are not historically or scientifically accurate. You do know the Gospels are not all that's in the Bible?
I confess I never watched any of the video but in my defense I read the book. And a bunch of other Ehrman books. Ehrman is not a scientist but a historian but anyone with even a slightly open mind could see the Gospels are not historically accurate. For example, the Roman census described in the birth narrative never happened. Period.

You copy and pasted what we discussed, but what is your interpretation of what happened? Ehrman thinks there is a contradiction in the way Judas died. I don't see a contradiction. Do you?
Yes. They contradict how Judas died and who bought the field. Trivial, but contradictory. You can write your own scripture (he hung himself then the body rotted) but the versions in the Gospels are subtly different.

Maybe Ehrman has an explanation of Judas and why he did it since he wrote a book on it. I think he turned Judas into a martyr or something haha. Ehrman should've know what killed Judas and why the different descriptions. I hope you do now and maybe do some investigation into Ehrman's book and what he thinks happened and why Judas is a hero in his eyes.
Ehrman has his theories about Judas but never considers him a hero. Ehrman considers the different descriptions to be a contradiction so he and I are still unclear about the how and why.
The allegorical account of a flood in Genesis was not describing the earth being covered in water 3.2 billion years ago. It was describing an event that happened ~12,000 years ago when one or more asteroids struck the earth in the northern polar region and vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice which disrupted weather patterns around the globe which led to flooding events around the globe. The globe was not covered in water but it was enough of a major disruption of weather patterns that legends of it were created around the world.

Weren't you saying 1500 gigatons of ice melting caused it? No one knows a weather report from 3.2 billions years ago haha.
It was probably caused by a pole shift. Earth has them on a regular basis. We’re due for another one, which might wipe out almost all living things, and time will start anew.
From everything I have read on polarity reversal it’s not threatening to life.
LOL. Then you haven’t read much.
The polarity has flipped quite a few times over the earth’s history. So if what you claim is true, can you tell me how life has survived through all of the previous reversals.
Oh please, it’s not my claim. It’s a theory many experts, scientists, cultures have identified.

They are not talking about the magnetic poles, as you seem to be. They are talking about the geographic poles moving dramatically, resulting in a cataclysmic event.
To change the rotation of the Earth would take a collision with something the size of the moon. Never happened in the past few billion years and unlikely to happen in the future. Try and flip a toy gyroscope and you'll see how hard it is to do.
Darwin is to evolution as Columbus is to exploration. Both were pioneers but certainly didn't have all the answers. No one would use Columbus' maps to travel from Spain to the Americas, he is only of interest historically. Same for Darwin. He first put forward a theory to explain the world we see and how it came about. Like Columbus' maps it was crude, inaccurate, and filled with gaps but it was the first of its kind.

You know that's interesting. There are people here that are dumb enough to believe the billions of years Earth and life thesis even though no rock (meteor) could last that long. It's a slick lie as people (even scientists, mind you) use to believe the universe was eternal; That turned out pseudoscience :laugh:.

I confess I never watched any of the video but in my defense I read the book. And a bunch of other Ehrman books. Ehrman is not a scientist but a historian but anyone with even a slightly open mind could see the Gospels are not historically accurate. For example, the Roman census described in the birth narrative never happened. Period.

Yes. They contradict how Judas died and who bought the field. Trivial, but contradictory. You can write your own scripture (he hung himself then the body rotted) but the versions in the Gospels are subtly different.

I told you of the dangers of following a blasphemer. Did he ever figure out what happened to Judas? I mean in his mind was he able to conclude what actually happened, i.e. die from hanging or from falling :laugh: ? What was the word he used? Irreconcilable. The answer is in the movie The Passion of Christ which I unfortunately watched over the weekend. Jesus haters would probably think it's Judas p0rn.

Ehrman has his theories about Judas but never considers him a hero. Ehrman considers the different descriptions to be a contradiction so he and I are still unclear about the how and why.

I agree. I don't think a hero dies from hanging himself and bursts open at the seams. Wonder if they found the grave? I think they found the field. No grave? It would be awesome for Mr. Ehrman to find out the answers one day as the fallen man.
You know that's interesting. There are people here that are dumb enough to believe the billions of years Earth and life thesis even though no rock (meteor) could last that long. It's a slick lie as people (even scientists, mind you) use to believe the universe was eternal; That turned out pseudoscience :laugh:.
Exactly what do you base "no rock (meteor) could last that long" on if not pseudoscience?

I told you of the dangers of following a blasphemer. Did he ever figure out what happened to Judas? I mean in his mind was he able to conclude what actually happened, i.e. die from hanging or from falling :laugh: ? What was the word he used? Irreconcilable. The answer is in the movie The Passion of Christ which I unfortunately watched over the weekend. Jesus haters would probably think it's Judas p0rn.
Erhman concluded only that there was a contradiction since he doesn't consider the movie The Passion of Christ to be scriptural. I wonder which version of the Gospels was used in the movie? Or were they mashed together to form yet another version?
Yes. They contradict how Judas died and who bought the field. Trivial, but contradictory. You can write your own scripture (he hung himself then the body rotted) but the versions in the Gospels are subtly different.


"Akeldama, where Judas Iscariot died, is in Jerusalem’s Hinnom Valley — a picturesque setting whose infamous history of child sacrifices caused it to be identified with the hell of unquenchable fire and punishment.

The Greek Orthodox Monastery of St Onuphrius now stands on the place where Judas is believed to have hanged himself. The monastery occupies a narrow terrace on the southern face of the valley, facing Mount Zion and the Old City walls.

Akeldama (also spelt Aceldama, Hekeldama and Hakeldama) comes from Aramaic words meaning Field of Blood."

"The name of the field in which Judas was buried was the Potters Field. It was a plot of land outside of Jerusalem, "on the southern slope of the Valley of Hinnon near the Kidron Valley"1. The chief priests bought the land so that they could bury strangers there if no one claimed their bodies."

"This verse is a reference to Zechariah 11:12-13 which says,
  • "I said to them, “If it is good in your sight, give me my wages; but if not, never mind!” So they weighed out thirty shekels of silver as my wages. 13 Then the LORD said to me, “Throw it to the potter, that magnificent price at which I was valued by them.” So I took the thirty shekels of silver and threw them to the potter in the house of the LORD."
After Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, he threw the money back at them and went out and hung himself (Matthew 27:3-5). But because it was blood money, money that was used for the life of a person, it could not be put back into the temple treasury. Therefore, the Jews used it to buy that plot of land.

Matthew 27:6-8, "The chief priests took the pieces of silver and said, “It is not lawful to put them into the temple treasury, since it is the price of blood.” 7 And they conferred together and with the money bought the Potter’s Field as a burial place for strangers. 8 For this reason that field has been called the Field of Blood to this day."

Some scholars suspect that the reason it is called the "potters field" is that it was either bought from a potter or it was a place where potters would dump their clay refuse.

"Matthew’s reference to this event as the fulfillment of “the prophecy of Jeremiah” has provoked much discussion. Several OT allusions seem to be mixed here: Jeremiah’s visit to the potter’s house (Jer. 18:1–5; cf. 19:1–13), his purchase of a field from his cousin for seventeen silver pieces (32:9), and Zechariah’s contribution to the treasury of his wages—thirty shekels—according to God’s command (Zec. 11:12f.)."2"

Exactly what do you base "no rock (meteor) could last that long" on if not pseudoscience?

What makes you think that is pseudoscience oh ignorant one?

How fast does the Earth travel in space? 67,000 mph. What happens when a meteor enters the Earth's atmosphere? Much of it burns up due to friction.

What else happens? There's something called a retardation point which you should learn about.
Exactly what do you base "no rock (meteor) could last that long" on if not pseudoscience?

What makes you think that is pseudoscience oh ignorant one?

How fast does the Earth travel in space? 67,000 mph. What happens when a meteor enters the Earth's atmosphere? Much of it burns up due to friction.

What else happens? There's something called a retardation point which you should learn about.
It is pseudoscience because you have no evidence as to how or theory as to why.

I have no idea why you think a 'retardation point' supports anything you've written.
The allegorical account of a flood in Genesis was not describing the earth being covered in water 3.2 billion years ago. It was describing an event that happened ~12,000 years ago when one or more asteroids struck the earth in the northern polar region and vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice which disrupted weather patterns around the globe which led to flooding events around the globe. The globe was not covered in water but it was enough of a major disruption of weather patterns that legends of it were created around the world.

Weren't you saying 1500 gigatons of ice melting caused it? No one knows a weather report from 3.2 billions years ago haha.
It was probably caused by a pole shift. Earth has them on a regular basis. We’re due for another one, which might wipe out almost all living things, and time will start anew.
From everything I have read on polarity reversal it’s not threatening to life.
LOL. Then you haven’t read much.
The polarity has flipped quite a few times over the earth’s history. So if what you claim is true, can you tell me how life has survived through all of the previous reversals.
Oh please, it’s not my claim. It’s a theory many experts, scientists, cultures have identified.

They are not talking about the magnetic poles, as you seem to be. They are talking about the geographic poles moving dramatically, resulting in a cataclysmic event.
Actually you are the one making that claim and as near as I can tell you only have one source. Not many.

What I am saying is that if that claim is true one ought to be able to correlate extinction events to polarity changes, right?

And the poles flipping or polarity reversing is exactly what they are talking about.

The magnetic field never goes away.
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Exactly what do you base "no rock (meteor) could last that long" on if not pseudoscience?

What makes you think that is pseudoscience oh ignorant one?

How fast does the Earth travel in space? 67,000 mph. What happens when a meteor enters the Earth's atmosphere? Much of it burns up due to friction.

What else happens? There's something called a retardation point which you should learn about.
It is pseudoscience because you have no evidence as to how or theory as to why.

I have no idea why you think a 'retardation point' supports anything you've written.

You need to present some substance. Your weak arguments were destroyed in my last post. You burned up like most meteors that enter Earth's atmosphere.

I think one can use common sense and scientific method to demonstrate that meteors do not last millions of years. I probably can't convince you because you do not possess either.

With Earth it was a 4.5 billion years old meteorite. Darwin was long dead before he was able to get the long time he craved. There's just too much that you do not have in regards to science for you to understand. I'm sorta reconciling this in regards to your history arguments and past posts in regards to science. You posted a vid of Ehrman that you didn't even watch :icon_sjung:. Hello... Jesus taught us that one reaps what they sow. It's not good to just use conjecture and other people's works just to weasel and cobble your arguments :muahaha:.
The allegorical account of a flood in Genesis was not describing the earth being covered in water 3.2 billion years ago. It was describing an event that happened ~12,000 years ago when one or more asteroids struck the earth in the northern polar region and vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice which disrupted weather patterns around the globe which led to flooding events around the globe. The globe was not covered in water but it was enough of a major disruption of weather patterns that legends of it were created around the world.

Weren't you saying 1500 gigatons of ice melting caused it? No one knows a weather report from 3.2 billions years ago haha.
It was probably caused by a pole shift. Earth has them on a regular basis. We’re due for another one, which might wipe out almost all living things, and time will start anew.
From everything I have read on polarity reversal it’s not threatening to life.
LOL. Then you haven’t read much.
The polarity has flipped quite a few times over the earth’s history. So if what you claim is true, can you tell me how life has survived through all of the previous reversals.
Oh please, it’s not my claim. It’s a theory many experts, scientists, cultures have identified.

They are not talking about the magnetic poles, as you seem to be. They are talking about the geographic poles moving dramatically, resulting in a cataclysmic event.
Actually you are the one making that claim and as near as I can tell you only have one source. Not many.

What I am saying is that if that claim is true one ought to be able to correlate extinction events to polarity changes, right?

And the poles flipping or polarity reversing is exactly what they are talking about.

The magnetic field never goes away.
That’s illogical. I haven’t made the claim. I have enlightened you to those who have. Don’t shoot the messenger.

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