Breaking News from Genesis 1:9

Can I help it if science backs up the Bible once again?
Science often backs up the Bible but what happens when it does not? Geologists consider it a settled matter that the Earth is billions of years old because that is what the evidence points to. Do you believe them or do you believe the Bible?
There is no conflict except in YOUR understanding
The allegorical account of a flood in Genesis was not describing the earth being covered in water 3.2 billion years ago. It was describing an event that happened ~12,000 years ago when one or more asteroids struck the earth in the northern polar region and vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice which disrupted weather patterns around the globe which led to flooding events around the globe. The globe was not covered in water but it was enough of a major disruption of weather patterns that legends of it were created around the world.

Weren't you saying 1500 gigatons of ice melting caused it? No one knows a weather report from 3.2 billions years ago haha.
You need to answer my questions first. Those would have helped you. Instead, you were caught lying in your responses. You are a fake Christian and it's getting embarrassing. Even if you were a researcher, it would be embarrassing as one being so biased.
What questions are you asking about?

I am not a FAKE Christian, I am not any kind of Christian, theologically speaking. My only interest is in Christian history.
Can I help it if science backs up the Bible once again?
Science often backs up the Bible but what happens when it does not? Geologists consider it a settled matter that the Earth is billions of years old because that is what the evidence points to. Do you believe them or do you believe the Bible?
There is no conflict except in YOUR understanding
I have no conflicts. The problem is for those that read the Bible literally as a history book. There are historical events in the Bible but the focus should be on the theology of the writers, not their historical accuracy.

For example, Matthew and Luke give very different birth narratives that are in conflict with each other if taken literally. Read theologically they are not in conflict.
The allegorical account of a flood in Genesis was not describing the earth being covered in water 3.2 billion years ago. It was describing an event that happened ~12,000 years ago when one or more asteroids struck the earth in the northern polar region and vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice which disrupted weather patterns around the globe which led to flooding events around the globe. The globe was not covered in water but it was enough of a major disruption of weather patterns that legends of it were created around the world.

Weren't you saying 1500 gigatons of ice melting caused it? No one knows a weather report from 3.2 billions years ago haha.
Yes. It was a climate altering event.

Rain and flooding all around the globe. But it didn’t cause the whole surface of the earth to flood. Just regular old floods like we still have now. Just a shit ton more of them and much much worse than what we ordinarily experience.
The allegorical account of a flood in Genesis was not describing the earth being covered in water 3.2 billion years ago. It was describing an event that happened ~12,000 years ago when one or more asteroids struck the earth in the northern polar region and vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice which disrupted weather patterns around the globe which led to flooding events around the globe. The globe was not covered in water but it was enough of a major disruption of weather patterns that legends of it were created around the world.

Weren't you saying 1500 gigatons of ice melting caused it? No one knows a weather report from 3.2 billions years ago haha.
Yes. It was a climate altering event.

Rain and flooding all around the globe. But it didn’t cause the whole surface of the earth to flood. Just regular old floods like we still have now. Just a shit ton more of them and much much worse than what we ordinarily experience.

First, you have not the faintest idea of the weather 3.2 billions years ago. Second, there was no 3.2 B yrs ago. Instead, I have multiple witnesses who were there. The chief witness and the others testify that God caused the global flood in order to kill everybody for their sins and becoming so evil that innocent people weren't safe anymore. They said it rained for 40 days and 40 nights and then there was an earthquake from under the sea and that mountains came up out of the water and the land was raised. A tremendous amount of water came up from the seas. There were also land that sank due to the earthquakes and water gushed into the valleys that were formed. That happened around 2458 BC. Like you said, the myths back up the people experiencing it during that time. There wouldn't be any myths from 3.2 billion years ago. No one would know about it.

If you like geology, meteorology, or climatology so much, then study the last 100 years. We've had massive changes during this time. If the present is the key to the past, then you would know that tremendous amounts of change happens in a short period of time. How much has entropy changed? How much has climate changed? You would come to the conclusion we aren't bound for this world very long. Thus, you couldn't possibly have a 3.2 billion years ago.
You need to answer my questions first. Those would have helped you. Instead, you were caught lying in your responses. You are a fake Christian and it's getting embarrassing. Even if you were a researcher, it would be embarrassing as one being so biased.
What questions are you asking about?

I am not a FAKE Christian, I am not any kind of Christian, theologically speaking. My only interest is in Christian history.

Haha. Let's see if you can answer my questions because you were either lying or hiding something before.

What does the inspired word of God mean? Asked when you posted Bart Ehrman vid.

We talked about the death of Judas since Ehrman brought it up as an example and it fits the crucifixion of Jesus which just passed. What does Matthew say about Judas? Where else is Judas' death explained in the Bible? Acts?

What did Ehrman say in his argument that Judas' death contradicts the inspired word?

Instead, you asked me for the answers and had other questions. Do you have those answers now?

So how did Judas die and who bought the field?

A larger question is what did Judas say that got him the silver?

What was Judas' claim to fame, or more correctly, infamy? What was he? It starts with an "A?" What did he say during dinnertime?

If you would find your own answers to your questions or read about the Bible and what it means, then your arguments would be much better. You would give me an informed opinion and then back it up with your sources. Instead, you expect me to provide the answers for you and you just link your source to make your argument that I would have to read and figure out.

It just tells me that you are either lying or hiding something or that it is something that you do not even know and understand let alone know your own argument.

Now, I have a new question and it's probably my final one in regards to what you brought up with Ehrman.

This topic you brought up isn't in Genesis 1-9. Why did you have a need to bring up what you did?
The chief witness and the others testify that God caused the global flood in order to kill everybody for their sins and becoming so evil that innocent people weren't safe anymore.
So Noah and his family were the only 'innocent' people on the entire planet?
The allegorical account of a flood in Genesis was not describing the earth being covered in water 3.2 billion years ago. It was describing an event that happened ~12,000 years ago when one or more asteroids struck the earth in the northern polar region and vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice which disrupted weather patterns around the globe which led to flooding events around the globe. The globe was not covered in water but it was enough of a major disruption of weather patterns that legends of it were created around the world.

Weren't you saying 1500 gigatons of ice melting caused it? No one knows a weather report from 3.2 billions years ago haha.
It was probably caused by a pole shift. Earth has them on a regular basis. We’re due for another one, which might wipe out almost all living things, and time will start anew.
Read theologically
Meaning, whatever way you like that results in it fitting the myth.
No, I think stories can be true even if they are made up. To show the character of GW someone invented a story of a cherry tree.
Well, surely you see the difference between the mundane claim that a guy named george washington once existed and did stuff, versus the claim that a magical god performed miracles.

Have you considered the idea that Mary lied, and got a little side action? Or is that whole story made up as well? Is any of it NOT made up?
It was probably caused by a pole shift. Earth has them on a regular basis. We’re due for another one, which might wipe out almost all living things, and time will start anew.

There's not enough evidence for that to be certain it happens. I can show you an experiment that explains it and not have the poles reverse.
Haha. Let's see if you can answer my questions because you were either lying or hiding something before.

What does the inspired word of God mean? Asked when you posted Bart Ehrman vid.
I'm pretty sure I answered this but:
Biblical inspiration is the doctrine in Christian theology that the human authors and editors of the Bible were led or influenced by God with the result that their writings may be designated in some sense the word of God.

We talked about the death of Judas since Ehrman brought it up as an example and it fits the crucifixion of Jesus which just passed. What does Matthew say about Judas? Where else is Judas' death explained in the Bible? Acts?
Matthew says that Judas died by hanging. Here is the account in Matthew’s Gospel: "So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself. The chief priests picked up the coins and said, ‘It is against the law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money.’ So they decided to use the money to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners. That is why it has been called the Field of Blood to this day" (Matthew 27:5–8).

Luke says that Judas fell into a field and that his body ruptured. Here is the account in Acts: "With the reward he got for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out. Everyone in Jerusalem heard about this, so they called that field in their language Akeldama, that is, Field of Blood" (Acts 1:18–19).

What did Ehrman say in his argument that Judas' death contradicts the inspired word?

Instead, you asked me for the answers and had other questions. Do you have those answers now?
He never mentioned the 'inspired' word, only that the two accounts don't support each other, historically.

So how did Judas die and who bought the field?

A larger question is what did Judas say that got him the silver?

What was Judas' claim to fame, or more correctly, infamy? What was he? It starts with an "A?" What did he say during dinnertime?
He 'betrayed' Jesus, that is all I know.

If you would find your own answers to your questions or read about the Bible and what it means, then your arguments would be much better. You would give me an informed opinion and then back it up with your sources. Instead, you expect me to provide the answers for you and you just link your source to make your argument that I would have to read and figure out.

It just tells me that you are either lying or hiding something or that it is something that you do not even know and understand let alone know your own argument.

Now, I have a new question and it's probably my final one in regards to what you brought up with Ehrman.

This topic you brought up isn't in Genesis 1-9. Why did you have a need to bring up what you did?
There are many examples of why the Gospels are not historically or scientifically accurate.
The chief witness and the others testify that God caused the global flood in order to kill everybody for their sins and becoming so evil that innocent people weren't safe anymore.
So Noah and his family were the only 'innocent' people on the entire planet?

They were the only remaining witnesses. What do you think? Bad timing, but did you ever have an itch to go on a cruise :icon_rolleyes:?
Well, surely you see the difference between the mundane claim that a guy named george washington once existed and did stuff, versus the claim that a magical god performed miracles.

Have you considered the idea that Mary lied, and got a little side action? Or is that whole story made up as well? Is any of it NOT made up?
Same difference.

I find the history of Christianity, like all history, to be facinating and Mary's virginity is a great example. The Gospels were written by non-Jewish, Greek speakers. The Hebrew bible they used was the Septuagint. In it is a miss-translation of a passage where the word 'virgin' was used instead of the 'young woman' found in the Hebrew versions of the passage. The virgin birth likely came from that but it may also have come from pagan myths of demi-gods, such as Hercules, being fathered by gods. Or both.
The chief witness and the others testify that God caused the global flood in order to kill everybody for their sins and becoming so evil that innocent people weren't safe anymore.
So Noah and his family were the only 'innocent' people on the entire planet?

They were the only remaining witnesses. What do you think? Bad timing, but did you ever have an itch to go on a cruise :icon_rolleyes:?
I never considered a baby or a puppy NOT to be an innocent but then again, I'm not God.
It was probably caused by a pole shift. Earth has them on a regular basis. We’re due for another one, which might wipe out almost all living things, and time will start anew.

There's not enough evidence for that to be certain it happens. I can show you an experiment that explains it and not have the poles reverse.
There is plenty of evidence it happens regularly but it has never been linked to an extinction event. I suspect it will be catstrophic for our electric or communications grid but I doubt animals or plants will even notice.
Haha. Let's see if you can answer my questions because you were either lying or hiding something before.

What does the inspired word of God mean? Asked when you posted Bart Ehrman vid.
I'm pretty sure I answered this but:
Biblical inspiration is the doctrine in Christian theology that the human authors and editors of the Bible were led or influenced by God with the result that their writings may be designated in some sense the word of God.

We talked about the death of Judas since Ehrman brought it up as an example and it fits the crucifixion of Jesus which just passed. What does Matthew say about Judas? Where else is Judas' death explained in the Bible? Acts?
Matthew says that Judas died by hanging. Here is the account in Matthew’s Gospel: "So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself. The chief priests picked up the coins and said, ‘It is against the law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money.’ So they decided to use the money to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners. That is why it has been called the Field of Blood to this day" (Matthew 27:5–8).

Luke says that Judas fell into a field and that his body ruptured. Here is the account in Acts: "With the reward he got for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out. Everyone in Jerusalem heard about this, so they called that field in their language Akeldama, that is, Field of Blood" (Acts 1:18–19).

What did Ehrman say in his argument that Judas' death contradicts the inspired word?

Instead, you asked me for the answers and had other questions. Do you have those answers now?
He never mentioned the 'inspired' word, only that the two accounts don't support each other, historically.

So how did Judas die and who bought the field?

A larger question is what did Judas say that got him the silver?

What was Judas' claim to fame, or more correctly, infamy? What was he? It starts with an "A?" What did he say during dinnertime?
He 'betrayed' Jesus, that is all I know.

If you would find your own answers to your questions or read about the Bible and what it means, then your arguments would be much better. You would give me an informed opinion and then back it up with your sources. Instead, you expect me to provide the answers for you and you just link your source to make your argument that I would have to read and figure out.

It just tells me that you are either lying or hiding something or that it is something that you do not even know and understand let alone know your own argument.

Now, I have a new question and it's probably my final one in regards to what you brought up with Ehrman.

This topic you brought up isn't in Genesis 1-9. Why did you have a need to bring up what you did?
There are many examples of why the Gospels are not historically or scientifically accurate.

Thank you. Yes, you did answer, but I wanted to point out and emphasize what it means to a Christian. What is nice is that your answer to the first and last question sums up Ehrman's argument nicely. Ehrman, in the vid you posted, asks the students in his class (it's UNC at Chapel Hill which he says is the buckle of the Bible belt), "How many do you think the Bible is the inspired word of God?" and everyone raises their hands. Then he points out these people didn't read the entire Bible even though God wrote it. It's not an easy book to read. Who has read Darwin's book Origin of Species completely? Who can even tell us the entire title? What about the stuff that Dawin was wrong on? He was wrong on every one of those points except natural selection. Yet, he still gets credit for explaining the theory of evolution. Anyway, the creationists are criticized for being trivial and misleading. Not so. However, in this case, it is Ehrman who is trivial and misleading. Did you watch the entire vid? I couldn't. Ehrman gets to one of his contradictions later that we discussed. Maybe you had other examples of his points related to Genesis 1-9, but you didn't present them. Would they be from Ehrman? What time in the vid? So I have no clue why you state the Gospels are not historically or scientifically accurate. You do know the Gospels are not all that's in the Bible?

My point is every Christian who believes the creed will believe the Bible is the inspired word of God even though no one has the entire originals or some parts may be several translations down. We know what has been verified. We know how different writers verified what was said. Not one Christian should question this because they'll know through the Holy Spirit. We can have different interpretations, but there is only one right one. It's up to us to find the right one. So, right off the bat, Ehrman is wrong and enrage people like those in his audience, me, or Dr. William Lane Craig who probably felt he had to respond. Thus, his vid popped right up. Mostly, we have been arguing creation science vs evolution, i.e. the science arguments instead of history. Each sides uses history when there is a point that helps their scientific argument.

Since Ehrman brings history into his arguments, we are breaking into new ground for arguments. Much of Ehrman's comments have been rebutted by Christians, but they do not get into the media as well as Ehrman's because he can get his comments published.

You copy and pasted what we discussed, but what is your interpretation of what happened? Ehrman thinks there is a contradiction in the way Judas died. I don't see a contradiction. Do you?

I finally watched The Passion of the Christ over the weekend. Only had seen the ending on youtube before. It is about bloody beatings of Jesus from the time he was betrayed by Judas (which is why I bring it up). It doesn't really describe Jesus' life much but through flashbacks. Instead, it gives us an unhealthy and distorted picture of what happened to Jesus. I was surprised it made a lot of money, but I guess I shouldn't be. Jesus haters would've got a sadistic pleasure out of it I suppose. Anyway, Judas made an unholy deal with the rich Jews to let them have Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. Maybe Ehrman has an explanation of Judas and why he did it since he wrote a book on it. I think he turned Judas into a martyr or something haha. Ehrman should've know what killed Judas and why the different descriptions. I hope you do now and maybe do some investigation into Ehrman's book and what he thinks happened and why Judas is a hero in his eyes.

Robot Check

ETA: I was hoping the link would take you to the Look Inside. It gives a fascinating background to what was found.
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