Breaking News from Genesis 1:9

Bart Ehrman is a well known blasphemer and needs to bow down face first before the Lord for his words.
I don't think anyone can be a blasphemer if they explicitly state they are discussing history and not theology. Ehrman speaks from the viewpoint of an historian and says often that things like miracles are beyond the scope of historians to say yes they happened or no they didn't happen.
Bart Ehrman is a well known blasphemer and needs to bow down face first before the Lord for his words.
I don't think anyone can be a blasphemer if they explicitly state they are discussing history and not theology. Ehrman speaks from the viewpoint of an historian and says often that things like miracles are beyond the scope of historians to say yes they happened or no they didn't happen.

The guy asked a loaded question in order to start his blasphemy. Dr. Craig took notice and rebutted him down in no uncertain terms. You should avoid blasphemers as they will drag you down to their level. Bart Ehrman should be one who is punished hardest. He has gotten progressively worse and I think you found a vid of him at his worst.
I gave references. Where are your references?
I suspect alang1216 's references are Ouchy I got a huge California redwood in my eye.
You would be wrong then:
About Dr. Carrier
Richard Carrier is a world-renowned author and speaker. As a professional historian, published philosopher, and prominent defender of the American freethought movement, Dr. Carrier has appeared across the U.S., Canada and the U.K., and on American television and London radio, defending sound historical methods and the ethical worldview of secular naturalism. His books and articles have received international attention. With a Ph.D. from Columbia University in ancient history, he specializes in the intellectual history of Greece and Rome, particularly ancient philosophy, religion, and science, with emphasis on the origins of Christianity and the use and progress of science under the Roman empire.

I think its from his blog so it's self-promoting. It doesn't seem atheists like him.

Bart Ehrman is a well known blasphemer and needs to bow down face first before the Lord for his words.
I don't think anyone can be a blasphemer if they explicitly state they are discussing history and not theology. Ehrman speaks from the viewpoint of an historian and says often that things like miracles are beyond the scope of historians to say yes they happened or no they didn't happen.

The guy asked a loaded question in order to start his blasphemy. Dr. Craig took notice and rebutted him down in no uncertain terms. You should avoid blasphemers as they will drag you down to their level. Bart Ehrman should be one who is punished hardest. He has gotten progressively worse and I think you found a vid of him at his worst.
What did he say that was untrue?
I gave references. Where are your references?
I suspect alang1216 's references are Ouchy I got a huge California redwood in my eye.
You would be wrong then:
About Dr. Carrier
Richard Carrier is a world-renowned author and speaker. As a professional historian, published philosopher, and prominent defender of the American freethought movement, Dr. Carrier has appeared across the U.S., Canada and the U.K., and on American television and London radio, defending sound historical methods and the ethical worldview of secular naturalism. His books and articles have received international attention. With a Ph.D. from Columbia University in ancient history, he specializes in the intellectual history of Greece and Rome, particularly ancient philosophy, religion, and science, with emphasis on the origins of Christianity and the use and progress of science under the Roman empire.

I think its from his blog so it's self-promoting. It doesn't seem atheists like him.

What did he say that was untrue?
Bart Ehrman is a well known blasphemer and needs to bow down face first before the Lord for his words.
I don't think anyone can be a blasphemer if they explicitly state they are discussing history and not theology. Ehrman speaks from the viewpoint of an historian and says often that things like miracles are beyond the scope of historians to say yes they happened or no they didn't happen.

The guy asked a loaded question in order to start his blasphemy. Dr. Craig took notice and rebutted him down in no uncertain terms. You should avoid blasphemers as they will drag you down to their level. Bart Ehrman should be one who is punished hardest. He has gotten progressively worse and I think you found a vid of him at his worst.
What did he say that was untrue?

First, you never answer my questions, so I know you are lying. I asked you if you knew about the inspired word of God?

You are a liar like Bart Ehrman and we know Ehrman is...


One has to be accountable for their words and actions.

It is blasphemy to ask how many in his class believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and then contradict it.

He cites the death of Judas where Judas hanged himself. He said Judas “somehow” fell headlong and his bowels gushed out. That “can’t be reconciled.” It's ridiculous.

What does Matthew say? Do you know?

Matthew says that Judas died by hanging. Here is the account in Matthew’s Gospel: "So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself. The chief priests picked up the coins and said, ‘It is against the law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money.’ So they decided to use the money to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners. That is why it has been called the Field of Blood to this day" (Matthew 27:5–8).

Luke says that Judas fell into a field and that his body ruptured. Here is the account in Acts: "With the reward he got for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out. Everyone in Jerusalem heard about this, so they called that field in their language Akeldama, that is, Field of Blood" (Acts 1:18–19).
What did he say that was untrue?

Let's face it, if you knew the answers to my question and it helped your cause, then you would be all over me like a rash. Instead, I was inspired to think Bart Ehrman was the Falling Man. Now we are discussing how Judas died. Don't you think it is ironic that Ehrman is the Falling Man just like Judas and will have his guts spilled out when he hits the ground? I think it's Jesus guiding me here.

ETA: Don't get me wrong. I wasn't wishing ill will towards Ehrman, but was upset that he would ask such an important loaded question and then go into his contradiction. My first thought was what would make an atheist fall on their face worshiping the Lord and begging for forgiveness. I told you mine if I was an atheist and that is the story of the greatest thing I ever heard an atheist say.
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Bart Ehrman is a well known blasphemer and needs to bow down face first before the Lord for his words.
I don't think anyone can be a blasphemer if they explicitly state they are discussing history and not theology. Ehrman speaks from the viewpoint of an historian and says often that things like miracles are beyond the scope of historians to say yes they happened or no they didn't happen.

The guy asked a loaded question in order to start his blasphemy. Dr. Craig took notice and rebutted him down in no uncertain terms. You should avoid blasphemers as they will drag you down to their level. Bart Ehrman should be one who is punished hardest. He has gotten progressively worse and I think you found a vid of him at his worst.
What did he say that was untrue?

First, you never answer my questions, so I know you are lying. I asked you if you knew about the inspired word of God?

You are a liar like Bart Ehrman and we know Ehrman is...


One has to be accountable for their words and actions.

It is blasphemy to ask how many in his class believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and then contradict it.

He cites the death of Judas where Judas hanged himself. He said Judas “somehow” fell headlong and his bowels gushed out. That “can’t be reconciled.” It's ridiculous.

What does Matthew say? Do you know?

Matthew says that Judas died by hanging. Here is the account in Matthew’s Gospel: "So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself. The chief priests picked up the coins and said, ‘It is against the law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money.’ So they decided to use the money to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners. That is why it has been called the Field of Blood to this day" (Matthew 27:5–8).

Luke says that Judas fell into a field and that his body ruptured. Here is the account in Acts: "With the reward he got for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out. Everyone in Jerusalem heard about this, so they called that field in their language Akeldama, that is, Field of Blood" (Acts 1:18–19).
So how did Judas die and who bought the field?

A larger question is what did Judas say that got him the silver?
First, you never answer my questions, so I know you are lying. I asked you if you knew about the inspired word of God?
Biblical inspiration is the doctrine in Christian theology that the human authors and editors of the Bible were led or influenced by God with the result that their writings may be designated in some sense the word of God.

I know what it means but neither of can prove or disprove it. It is a matter of faith. You have it I don't. Simple as that.
What did he say that was untrue?

Let's face it, if you knew the answers to my question and it helped your cause, then you would be all over me like a rash. Instead, I was inspired to think Bart Ehrman was the Falling Man. Now we are discussing how Judas died. Don't you think it is ironic that Ehrman is the Falling Man just like Judas and will have his guts spilled out when he hits the ground? I think it's Jesus guiding me here.

ETA: Don't get me wrong. I wasn't wishing ill will towards Ehrman, but was upset that he would ask such an important loaded question and then go into his contradiction. My first thought was what would make an atheist fall on their face worshiping the Lord and begging for forgiveness. I told you mine if I was an atheist and that is the story of the greatest thing I ever heard an atheist say.
He did ask another question after he asked who thought the Bible was the inspired word of God and that was, which of those believers had actually read it? Apparently very few.
So how did Judas die and who bought the field?

A larger question is what did Judas say that got him the silver?

I gave you the verses and the Falling Man (ironic). Ehrman looks like an idiot now, doesn't he? What a blasphemer!

I can see you're not getting the picture. Judas committed suicide. He didn't want his pieces of silver anymore so donated it. The priests of the temple didn't want blood money. Yow.

So Judas killed himself via hanging in the potter's field and his body started to rot and become the falling man. The priests used Judas' money to buy the field and bury him. Ehrman doesn't get it, do you? Hard way to demonstrate what happened.
The highlighted text is not in the Gospels or Acts. It appears you have added or altered the text. Are you divinely inspired?

What does your leader Ehrman say? Apparently, you follow the Falling Man instead of the Lord.

Myself, I don't want to kill myself by hanging and rot.

You're just like Ehrman :auiqs.jpg:. You didn't know how Judas got the 30 pieces of silver. Man, you follow a blasphemer, you're a blasphemer, but are ignorant of it.
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So that would mean the worldwide flood happened billions of years before biblical humans. Including Noah.
This should be in the conspiracy section

As usual, the evidence doesn't fit your thinking. We have underwater civilizations all over the world, dinosaur fossils found underwater, and marine fossils on top of Mt. Everest and the Himalayas. I'm glad you admit that evolution should be in the conspiracy section.

ETA: That said, the waterworld evidence does fit circa 2458 BC.
3.2 billion years vs. 2458 BC requires a rather substantial fudge factor to fit biblical tales and fables.
The highlighted text is not in the Gospels or Acts. It appears you have added or altered the text. Are you divinely inspired?

What does your leader Ehrman say? Apparently, you follow the Falling Man instead of the Lord.

Myself, I don't want to kill myself by hanging and rot.

You're just like Ehrman :auiqs.jpg:. You didn't know how Judas got the 30 pieces of silver. Man, you follow a blasphemer, you're a blasphemer, but are ignorant of it.
What you don't seem to appreciate is that calling me a blasphemer is like calling me a leprechaun. It is not scary or an insult, it is meaningless to me.

Did I miss your answer as to what information about Jesus was worth 30 pieces of silver?
What you don't seem to appreciate is that calling me a blasphemer is like calling me a leprechaun. It is not scary or an insult, it is meaningless to me.

Did I miss your answer as to what information about Jesus was worth 30 pieces of silver?

I hope you explain your first sentence to Jesus at final judgement. Blasphemers go to the lowest level. That's why I warned you against following Bart Ehrman. His loaded question would be troubling to any Christian.

You need to answer my questions first. Those would have helped you. Instead, you were caught lying in your responses. You are a fake Christian and it's getting embarrassing. Even if you were a researcher, it would be embarrassing as one being so biased.

What was Judas' claim to fame, or more correctly, infamy? What was he? It starts with an "A?" What did he say during dinnertime?
The allegorical account of a flood in Genesis was not describing the earth being covered in water 3.2 billion years ago. It was describing an event that happened ~12,000 years ago when one or more asteroids struck the earth in the northern polar region and vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice which disrupted weather patterns around the globe which led to flooding events around the globe. The globe was not covered in water but it was enough of a major disruption of weather patterns that legends of it were created around the world.
These accounts were told as stories or fables to make them easier to remember and pass down. That’s how they did it 10,000 years ago. You would think that people today would be intelligent enough to understand this concept but apparently not.

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