Breaking News: PA Federal Judge Rules Obama's Amnesty Unconstitutional; Says Obama Usurped Congress

The GOP House forced this constitutional crisis by refusing to pass immigration reform. And they did this for strictly political reasons. They are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, hostage to the bigots who make up the minority of the party.

Now that the election has passed, they will get on with the business of passing an amnesty bill. In the meantime, all this other noise is theater for the rubes.

"Oh Em Gee. He's a walking constitutional crisis, that guy Obama! Grrr grumble grumble grumble."

"The cameras are gone now, boss."

"All right. Call Julio and tell him I need my rose bushes trimmed by this weekend."
Schwab ruled that the executive action violated the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of separation of powers and the separate "take care clause," which requires the president to faithfully execute laws passed by Congress.

Judge declares Obama immigration action unconstitutional Reuters

So a judge interjects on the President not sitting idly by and taking up the ass from Congress, and it's the President who has violated separation of powers?
Republicans are Violating The Constitution Because They Fear the Black President
By: Rmuse more from Rmuse
Saturday, September, 28th, 2013, 7:50 pm

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One of the primary components of conservatism is opposing change and retaining traditional social institutions, and where some conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, others called reactionaries oppose modernism and seek a return to “the way things were.” It is safe to say that Republicans, as conservatives, hate change and resist progress because it is too far beyond the scope of their cognitive abilities to adapt. When they are presented with change out of their control they become reactionaries and inherently seek reverting to a by-gone era that never existed except in their limited minds. It is curious that Republicans so opposed to change reacted to the election of the first African American President by changing a long-standing Constitutional mandate that Congress pay the nation’s debts without question, or without demands to enact their legislative agenda.
The idea of a president having to negotiate with Congress before they do their Constitutional duty of paying the debt they incurred is Republicans reacting to Americans’ choice of a Black man as President. On Thursday, a Republican congressional representative from Florida, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, lashed out at the President for refusing to negotiate with Republicans and meet their demands before they will raise the debt limit. Ros-Lehtinen said, “The American people sent us to Washington to work together for our great nation, and it is unacceptable for one side to refuse to negotiate. Where’s the president in all of this? The bully pulpit can just as equally be used for constructive leadership as it can be used for political showmanship.” Ros-Lehtinen’s newfound belief that a president is required to negotiate and meet ransom demands before Congress does its constitutionally mandated job was joined by House Speaker John Boehner who criticized the President for not negotiating over raising the debt limit and said, “Well I’m sorry, but it just doesn’t work that way.”
Boehner may be sorry, but Congress raising the debt limit free of concessions by the President is precisely how it has worked until January 2009 when an African American was sworn in office to lead the Executive branch of the United States government. It is true that Bill Clinton made a budget agreement that included a debt limit increase with a Democratic majority in 1993, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus) included a debt increase, but the concept of holding the increase hostage for enacting the opposing party’s complete legislative agenda for the past two years is certainly unprecedented and a departure from the normal course of paying the nation’s debt according to the Constitution. For a party violently resistant to change, Boehner and Republicans are attempting to change the Constitutional requirements for enacting legislation and paying their bills the Constitution says “shall not be questioned.” It is true that in 2011 when Republicans held the full faith and credit hostage, President Obama negotiated with Boehner to save the nation from a credit default, but after the devastation from the crisis and severe austerity cuts, it is likely the President is not going to repeat that blunder.
America has always carried debt going back to the Revolutionary War, and every president except Harry Truman raised the debt ceiling throughout the nation’s history. Reagan raised it 18 times, George H.W. Bush raised it 6 times, Bill Clinton raised it 4 times, and George W. Bush raised it 7 times nearly doubling the deficit to cover his two unnecessary wars, tax cuts for the rich, and the pharmaceutical industry’s gift; the Medicare prescription plan. Throughout all those increases to pay for debts incurred by Congress, Republicans never held it hostage or demanded concessions amounting to eliminating laws, defunding agencies into oblivion, or enacting the entire GOP legislative agenda for the 112th and 113th sessions of Congress. It leads one to contemplate exactly what Earth-shattering event so stunned Republicans that they abandoned their conservative opposition to change and embraced a new hostage-taking approach to paying the nation’s debt. Obviously, it cannot be because a Democrat is president because they did not demand a ransom to raise the limit when Bill Clinton was president, so it has to be because this Democratic President is African American.
Republicans have refused to negotiate on a number of issues over the past four years and the most recent opposition is House Republicans’ refusal to consider or negotiate on any Senate version of a measure to keep the government open past October 1st that does not include eliminating the Affordable Care Act. Now they are criticizing the President of the United States because he rightly refuses to negotiate with Republicans over their refusal to do their constitutionally mandated job of paying their debts. It is the kind of change only a Republican could embrace.
Republicans do hate change, and when Americans chose an African American man as President instead of a white Republican it was a change they could not comport so they changed into obstructionists and enemies of the people. The Republicans were never interested in governing for the entire population, but since the election of Barack Obama not only have they stopped governing, they are making it nearly impossible for anyone to govern; unless one calls holding the full faith and credit of the United States hostage governing.
t (who lacked an American experience growing up) it that they don't know Hawaii is part of the United States- or just reject that Hawaiians are real Americans?
Hawaii is part of the United States. All pro-Constitutionalists such as myself know this.

Yet you claim a person raised in Hawaii for most of his childhood(88%) lacked the American experience.


Looks like the American experience to me.
The GOP House forced this constitutional crisis by refusing to pass immigration reform. And they did this for strictly political reasons. They are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, hostage to the bigots who make up the minority of the party.

Now that the election has passed, they will get on with the business of passing an amnesty bill. In the meantime, all this other noise is theater for the rubes.

"Oh Em Gee. He's a walking constitutional crisis, that guy Obama! Grrr grumble grumble grumble."

"The cameras are gone now, boss."

"All right. Call Julio and tell him I need my rose bushes trimmed by this weekend."
Uh The president can't force Congress to do their jobs ... neither can Congress force Obama to do his damned job either.
Hawaii is part of the United States.

Except for that teeny tiny piece of Hawaii Obama was born on.
That can't be determined since Obama's birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 was concluded too be a 100% forgery by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office.

Well show us that official report from the Sheriff's office.

No one else has seen any such report.
I've seen a forged report...
This is what happens when you let Hawaiians into the country.
The GOP House forced this constitutional crisis by refusing to pass immigration reform. And they did this for strictly political reasons. They are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, hostage to the bigots who make up the minority of the party.

Now that the election has passed, they will get on with the business of passing an amnesty bill. In the meantime, all this other noise is theater for the rubes.

"Oh Em Gee. He's a walking constitutional crisis, that guy Obama! Grrr grumble grumble grumble."

"The cameras are gone now, boss."

"All right. Call Julio and tell him I need my rose bushes trimmed by this weekend."
Yes, Obama acted unilaterally and illegally and it is the GOP's fault.
Remind us how that works.
At least for the moment.
Probably a white judge.

Judge declares Obama immigration action unconstitutional

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's new plan to ease the threat of deportation for 4.7 million undocumented immigrants violates the U.S. Constitution, a federal judge found on Tuesday, handing down the first legal ruling against the plan.

The ruling has no immediate impact, with the government saying there was no reason for Judge Arthur Schwab of the Western District of Pennsylvania to address the issue in the case, which concerns 42-year-old Honduran immigrant Elionardo Juarez-Escobar.

Schwab is the first judge to rule on the legality of the plan Obama announced on Nov. 20. The executive action by the Democratic president is opposed by Republicans and is already subject to other legal challenges.

Schwab ruled that the executive action violated the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of separation of powers and the separate "take care clause," which requires the president to faithfully execute laws passed by Congress.

Schwab says he ruled on the executive action issue because he concluded that Juarez-Escobar could be eligible for relief under the executive action.

Government lawyers told Schwab that Juarez-Escobar, who has pleaded guilty to re-entering the country, was not eligible because Obama's order does not affect criminal proceedings.

Judge declares Obama immigration action unconstitutional - Yahoo News
Schwab ruled that the executive action violated the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of separation of powers and the separate "take care clause," which requires the president to faithfully execute laws passed by Congress.

Judge declares Obama immigration action unconstitutional Reuters

So a judge interjects on the President not sitting idly by and taking up the ass from Congress, and it's the President who has violated separation of powers?
The president has no power to act as COngress where Congress refuses to act. Congresses passes laws, not the president.

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