Breaking News: PA Federal Judge Rules Obama's Amnesty Unconstitutional; Says Obama Usurped Congress

Could be... but considering that the Peasantpimp of the Union States is not a natural-born US citizen, given that his father was a foreign national... he is disqualified from being President of the US.

And... the cert he has provided is not just a forgery, but a hysterically BAD forgery.

Dude, were's your FUCKING BRAIN?
oh brother, here we go. Is this the same judge that said the Obama BC was bogus ?


Could be... but considering that the Peasantpimp of the Union States is not a natural-born US citizen, given that his father was a foreign national... he is disqualified from being President of the US.

And... the cert he has provided is not just a forgery, but a hysterically BAD forgery.
Right, and the wealthy Obama with all of his resources, is going to release a hysterically Bad Forgery.....


As Shoot speeders would say....THINK!
oh brother, here we go. Is this the same judge that said the Obama BC was bogus ?


Could be... but considering that the Peasantpimp of the Union States is not a natural-born US citizen, given that his father was a foreign national... he is disqualified from being President of the US.

Virtually everyone disagrees with you.

The voters
The Electoral College
Chief Justice Roberts
The Congressional Research Office
Around 12 judges
Senator Lindsey Graham
among others.

Birthers invented the idea when they realized to their horror that the son of a man born in Africa might get elected.
The explicit purpose of the order was to circumvent Congress.

That's your position, and the only reason you're making this claim is because you hate Obama and enjoy trashing him. The reality, however, is that Obama is taking action because he wants to. Period. Once again, a President's subjective reasons for action do not have any bearing. Their legality is an objective matter.

That is illegal under the Constitution.

The constitution begs for this shit. The very purpose for a separation of powers is so that the various branches of government can do this stuff to each other, and thus prevent any one or the other branch from being too powerful.
Hawaii is part of the United States.

Except for that teeny tiny piece of Hawaii Obama was born on.

Being born IN the United States, does NOT a natural born citizen make.

An American could be born in Moscow, or worse... Kenya. And be a natural born Citizen of the United States.

As all that is required to be such, is that both of one progenitors being US Citizens.

Ya see, the natural result of being born to US Citizens is a US Citizen.
Hawaii is part of the United States.

Except for that teeny tiny piece of Hawaii Obama was born on.

Being born IN the United States, does NOT a natural born citizen make.

An American could be born in Moscow, or worse... Kenya. And be a natural born Citizen of the United States.

As all that is required to be such, is that both of one progenitors being US Citizens.

Ya see, the natural result of being born to US Citizens is a US Citizen.

LOL.....oh god you are funny.

So you are saying that Obama is a natural born citizen because his mother was a U.S.

No- all that is required is being born in the United States.

We all learned this in civics class- Iearned it from my conservative civics teacher.

And- why would Kenya be worse than Moscow? Inquiring minds are curious as to that specific bigotry.
The explicit purpose of the order was to circumvent Congress.

That's your position, and the only reason you're making this claim is because you hate Obama and enjoy trashing him. The reality, however, is that Obama is taking action because he wants to. Period. Once again, a President's subjective reasons for action do not have any bearing. Their legality is an objective matter.

That is illegal under the Constitution.

The constitution begs for this shit. The very purpose for a separation of powers is so that the various branches of government can do this stuff to each other, and thus prevent any one or the other branch from being too powerful.
No, the reason I am making this claim is because it is true. Obama said so before, after and during the action.
The Constitution does not envision each branch usurping each others' powers. That is totally absurd and ignorant.
Hawaii is part of the United States.

Except for that teeny tiny piece of Hawaii Obama was born on.

Being born IN the United States, does NOT a natural born citizen make.

An American could be born in Moscow, or worse... Kenya. And be a natural born Citizen of the United States.

As all that is required to be such, is that both of one progenitors being US Citizens.

Ya see, the natural result of being born to US Citizens is a US Citizen.
A Natural Born citizen, which is what is a requirement to be President, is any citizen that was BORN a USA citizen, without any other process of naturalization.

Since Obama was a citizen AT BIRTH, he is a natural born citizen.
No forgery, just weirdies from the racist wing of the far right lying.
It's really too bad that the USMB doesn't have some sort of low bar set to discourage assholes like SteveMcGarrett who posts racist avatars and "Breaking news" based on bullshit from a tabloid.

Is Reuters "tabloid" too ?

Judge declares Obama immigration action unconstitutional Top News
The judge said this, which seems to indicate that he believes this man is and should have been, covered by Obama's executive action????

Does that even coincide with the headline?

Schwab says he ruled on the executive action issue because he concluded that Juarez-Escobar could be eligible for relief under the executive action.

Government lawyers told Schwab that Juarez-Escobar, who has pleaded guilty to re-entering the country, was not eligible because Obama's order does not affect criminal proceedings.
oh brother, here we go. Is this the same judge that said the Obama BC was bogus ?


Could be... but considering that the Peasantpimp of the Union States is not a natural-born US citizen, given that his father was a foreign national... he is disqualified from being President of the US.

And... the cert he has provided is not just a forgery, but a hysterically BAD forgery.
Right, and the wealthy Obama with all of his resources, is going to release a hysterically Bad Forgery.....


As Shoot speeders would say....THINK!

And there ya have kids... yet another assurance from the Left, that that same people that spent 600 million dollars to build a dysfunctional website, would NEVER have produced the sort of absurd forgery that he submitted. (Apparently, someone else did that... although no one has stepped forward to take credit for it. But there are highly qualified people working on getting them the credit that they so richly deserve, so maybe we'll correct that soon. And won't that be nice?)

And besides, we have no evidence which could lead anyone to believe that these would-be people think that the US voting public is stupid. If we DID, that would be a different story. But we don't... so there ya go.
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The GOP House forced this constitutional crisis by refusing to pass immigration reform. And they did this for strictly political reasons. They are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, hostage to the bigots who make up the minority of the party.

Now that the election has passed, they will get on with the business of passing an amnesty bill. In the meantime, all this other noise is theater for the rubes.

"Oh Em Gee. He's a walking constitutional crisis, that guy Obama! Grrr grumble grumble grumble."

"The cameras are gone now, boss."

"All right. Call Julio and tell him I need my rose bushes trimmed by this weekend."

Pardon me. Have you looked into the trash can under Harry Reid's podium or Nancys desk for quite a few bills out of the House that were either never brought to the floor by Nancy or made it to Senate only to have Harry toss it?
Look, I never intended to drain all the other threads of participation. I realize this is a big news story, but this isn't the only thing going on today.
Please take the time and give some of the other topics a look see as well.
It's really too bad that the USMB doesn't have some sort of low bar set to discourage assholes like SteveMcGarrett who posts racist avatars and "Breaking news" based on bullshit from a tabloid.

Is Reuters "tabloid" too ?

Judge declares Obama immigration action unconstitutional Top News
The judge said this, which seems to indicate that he believes this man is and should have been, covered by Obama's executive action????

Does that even coincide with the headline?

Schwab says he ruled on the executive action issue because he concluded that Juarez-Escobar could be eligible for relief under the executive action.

Government lawyers told Schwab that Juarez-Escobar, who has pleaded guilty to re-entering the country, was not eligible because Obama's order does not affect criminal proceedings.

Does that even coincide with the headline?


see how stupid RW's are?

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