Breaking News: Racist Xenophobes turn buses with immigrant children away

stop them before the cross our border. If we can't do that we may as well wave a white flag.

why didn't i think of that? Let's see. The southern border is 2,000 miles long. Most of it has no infrastructure, meaning electrical lines, roads, water, houses, or anything else that would be needed to man the army of people would have to be stationed there. I figure that we would need about 2 people per half mile, so that means 8000 border guards, with 4,000 vehicles, each of which would be burning gas all day and all night at $3.50 per gallon.(opps! I just realized that we would have to triple the guards, because they would have to operate on three shifts per day...and even that assumes that they would work 7 days per week. Better quadruple it). . Each of the border guards would have to be trained, and outfitted, so i am guessing around $15,000 each, to get started. Then, of course, we would have to build the border stations about every 10 miles. That comes to 200 border stations, all of which will need ac all day and most nights, and pay each guard, oh, about $30,000 a year, plus about $20,000 in benefits, insurance, pensions, etc. That would come to ? (sorry, my pocket calculator does not have enough digits to figure this)

now, what was it that the right was saying about deficit spending?

whatever the amount, it'd be a helluva lot less then what we spend annually on illegals.

Why didn't I think of that? Let's see. The Southern Border is 2,000 miles long. Most of it has no infrastructure, meaning electrical lines, roads, water, houses, or anything else that would be needed to man the army of people would have to be stationed there. I figure that we would need about 2 people per half mile, so that means 8000 border guards, with 4,000 vehicles, each of which would be burning gas all day and all night at $3.50 per gallon.(OPPS! I just realized that we would have to triple the guards, because they would have to operate on three shifts per day...and even that assumes that they would work 7 days per week. Better quadruple it). . Each of the border guards would have to be trained, and outfitted, so I am guessing around $15,000 each, to get started. Then, of course, we would have to build the border stations about every 10 miles. That comes to 200 border stations, all of which will need AC all day and most nights, and pay each guard, oh, about $30,000 a year, plus about $20,000 in benefits, insurance, pensions, etc. that would come to ? (sorry, my pocket calculator does not have enough digits to figure this)

Now, what was it that the Right was saying about deficit spending?

And BTW, as then article says, Obama has already deported more illegals than any other president.

2 people per half mile is seriously overdoing, but even that number isn't an onerous burden. How much does all of the above add up to, $1 billion, $5 billion? Now subtract all the welfare, free schooling and medical care for these illegals are you are still well into the plus column.

Actually, we are not in the plus column. This is just what we would need to seal the borders. Nothing that I have listed in my post does a single thing about deporting illegals, so this is in ADDITION to what we now spend (And, BTW, 2 guards patrolling together every half mile is realistic. I live on the border, and you can only guard as much as you can see, and also chase down). We have already dedicated 12 full time courts to deporting illegals. They are deporting 70 per day, every working day of the week, each. These courts do nothing else but deport illegals. Every one of them has to have an attorney, provided at our expense. They must be fed, housed, and transported back to their country, which often requires air transport. This system is presently maxed out. If you want to get rid of the illegals, you will have to seriously expand the deportation facilities. This is what we are doing now:

And BTW, as the article says, Obama has already deported more than any other president.

The accuracy of Obama's deportation numbers are still up for debate.
And BTW, as then article says, Obama has already deported more illegals than any other president.

2 people per half mile is seriously overdoing, but even that number isn't an onerous burden. How much does all of the above add up to, $1 billion, $5 billion? Now subtract all the welfare, free schooling and medical care for these illegals are you are still well into the plus column.

Actually, we are not in the plus column. This is just what we would need to seal the borders. Nothing that I have listed in my post does a single thing about deporting illegals, so this is in ADDITION to what we now spend (And, BTW, 2 guards patrolling together every half mile is realistic. I live on the border, and you can only guard as much as you can see, and also chase down). We have already dedicated 12 full time courts to deporting illegals. They are deporting 70 per day, every working day of the week, each. These courts do nothing else but deport illegals. Every one of them has to have an attorney, provided at our expense. They must be fed, housed, and transported back to their country, which often requires air transport. This system is presently maxed out. If you want to get rid of the illegals, you will have to seriously expand the deportation facilities. This is what we are doing now:

And BTW, as the article says, Obama has already deported more than any other president.

The accuracy of Obama's deportation numbers are still up for debate.

Oh yeah. I forgot about the Border Patrol conspiracy to lie about their deportation numbers.....
Actually, we are not in the plus column. This is just what we would need to seal the borders. Nothing that I have listed in my post does a single thing about deporting illegals, so this is in ADDITION to what we now spend (And, BTW, 2 guards patrolling together every half mile is realistic. I live on the border, and you can only guard as much as you can see, and also chase down). We have already dedicated 12 full time courts to deporting illegals. They are deporting 70 per day, every working day of the week, each. These courts do nothing else but deport illegals. Every one of them has to have an attorney, provided at our expense. They must be fed, housed, and transported back to their country, which often requires air transport. This system is presently maxed out. If you want to get rid of the illegals, you will have to seriously expand the deportation facilities. This is what we are doing now:

And BTW, as the article says, Obama has already deported more than any other president.

The accuracy of Obama's deportation numbers are still up for debate.

Oh yeah. I forgot about the Border Patrol conspiracy to lie about their deportation numbers.....

lol, there is no conspiracy required other than the Obama Regime publishing lies for statistics of every kind.

BTW, where in the Constitution does it give rights to illegal aliens?
RWs despise all children, hungry, homeless, in a foreign country - doesn't matter. If these pathetic excuses for human beings had their way, they'd cook them up and eat them.

Remember this the next time they preach about abortion because they are liars. Plain and simple, they hate children.

Not true, they're delicious. Tastes like chicken.
So the sailors and airmen who repelled the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor were xenophobes turning away immigrants. Who knew?

i think there is a tiny difference in that and 3 busloads of Illegals....dont you think?....

An invasion is an invasion.

well ill tell you what.....when the current invaders come across with aircraft and they bomb the hell out of a city and kill thousands....then i will concede you have a point.....
Sorry, Zand, but that is unconstitutional. Nobody is an illegal immigrant until they have been found guilty by a US court of law. You can't just round people ip and deport them without a trial.

thats like saying if i shoplift in front of you but i did not get caught by the store and you dont say anything..... i am not a shoplifter.......people like you know its happening but will not recognize it as someone breaking immigration laws.....because they have not been caught and have faced a wonder we have illegal problems......

You are exactly right. I believe in the US Constitution, and if the Right wants to shred it, I will continue to defend it.

is it against our immigration laws to come into this country without letting anyone know and then stay here forever....yes or no?....
And again, more bitching, with no solutions. Send them all back to where? What country? How? With what money? Who is going to feed them in the mean time? Is there some reason that you think that they are NOT going to be sent back?

We know where they are coming from - Central America. Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

We can use the military. As soon as we catch them, load them in a van, drive the van to the nearest Military airport. Then give them a sandwich and a bottle of water, strap them into their seats, and wish them a safe flight back home.

Sorry, Zand, but that is unconstitutional. Nobody is an illegal immigrant until they have been found guilty by a US court of law. You can't just round people ip and deport them without a trial.

They are not U.S. Citizens.
They are law breakers.
They are not entitled to any U.S. Courts or any of our Constitutional Rights.
What is the very first words of our Constitution?
WE the People of the United States
It does not say We the People of the whole world.
why didn't i think of that? Let's see. The southern border is 2,000 miles long. Most of it has no infrastructure, meaning electrical lines, roads, water, houses, or anything else that would be needed to man the army of people would have to be stationed there. I figure that we would need about 2 people per half mile, so that means 8000 border guards, with 4,000 vehicles, each of which would be burning gas all day and all night at $3.50 per gallon.(opps! I just realized that we would have to triple the guards, because they would have to operate on three shifts per day...and even that assumes that they would work 7 days per week. Better quadruple it). . Each of the border guards would have to be trained, and outfitted, so i am guessing around $15,000 each, to get started. Then, of course, we would have to build the border stations about every 10 miles. That comes to 200 border stations, all of which will need ac all day and most nights, and pay each guard, oh, about $30,000 a year, plus about $20,000 in benefits, insurance, pensions, etc. That would come to ? (sorry, my pocket calculator does not have enough digits to figure this)

now, what was it that the right was saying about deficit spending?

whatever the amount, it'd be a helluva lot less then what we spend annually on illegals.


in my State its around 10 billion a year.....

Illegal Immigration Costs California $10.5 Billion Annually
Why doesn't Nancy pelosi put her money where her mouth is and take just one child home. Just one.

That's like asking a Serial Killer with impulse control issues to stop ain't gonna happen!

Big Talkers like that whore will only use these kids as campaign props. They say "We need to do more for these children" but won't do squat themselves.
Let me just say, these people in Murrieta are the most sickening and despicable types -- they are so far removed from what we stand for as a country -- they are the Un-Americans.

They are human vomit, shit stains. Not a drop of real American blood in them.

The United States of America is a compassionate and generous country. We have tremendous wealth and resources. There is no reason these children can't be treated as we would treat our own children.
Fortunately Murieta is happening all over. Packing these towns with diseased criminals has been stopped in Virginia and Long Island. Hopefully it will spread until there isn't a single place in the US to take them and they will be sent back. That's not even enough. If they find a home that home should come under relentless attack until they leave. Roll up the welcome mat. Put up the spike strips.
Let me just say, these people in Murrieta are the most sickening and despicable types -- they are so far removed from what we stand for as a country -- they are the Un-Americans.

They are human vomit, shit stains. Not a drop of real American blood in them.

The United States of America is a compassionate and generous country. We have tremendous wealth and resources. There is no reason these children can't be treated as we would treat our own children.

WE do not have infinite resources.

Since 2000 immigrants have take ALL the job growth, nearly 8 million jobs, while native born Americans have LOST 127k jobs.

You simply don't give a shit about Americans because you hate this country and its people as your comments illustrate.
Let me just say, these people in Murrieta are the most sickening and despicable types -- they are so far removed from what we stand for as a country -- they are the Un-Americans.

They are human vomit, shit stains. Not a drop of real American blood in them.

The United States of America is a compassionate and generous country. We have tremendous wealth and resources. There is no reason these children can't be treated as we would treat our own children.

So how many illegals have you taken in and are taking care of ?
Let me just say, these people in Murrieta are the most sickening and despicable types -- they are so far removed from what we stand for as a country -- they are the Un-Americans.

They are human vomit, shit stains. Not a drop of real American blood in them.

The United States of America is a compassionate and generous country. We have tremendous wealth and resources. There is no reason these children can't be treated as we would treat our own children.

No we don't have tremendous wealth.
We are a debtor Nation of 129 Trillion dollars in unfunded mandates.
We owe 17 Trillion to other Nations.
Let me just say, these people in Murrieta are the most sickening and despicable types -- they are so far removed from what we stand for as a country -- they are the Un-Americans.

They are human vomit, shit stains. Not a drop of real American blood in them.

The United States of America is a compassionate and generous country. We have tremendous wealth and resources. There is no reason these children can't be treated as we would treat our own children.

You are so right, it is completely un American to protest the federally government dumping 140 disease ridden children anywhere.

Which is why I know you will call up the government and tell them to bring them to your house.
Protesters Block Bus Carrying Immigrants | NBC Southern California


I'm ashamed of my old state.

A Riverside County town greeted a group of undocumented immigrants transferred into the city Tuesday by blocking the road to prevent the federal bus carrying them from entering a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility.

Officials say the first group out of an estimated 140 total was flown from detention facilities in Texas to San Diego, then taken by bus to Murrieta, where some local residents camped out to protest beginning early in the morning.

When the buses arrived just after 2 p.m., a vocal group of protesters carrying signs and draped in American flags blocked the buses filled with families who were detained after entering the the country illegally in Texas.

These racist fuckers with their American flags have no clue what it is to be a real American.

So your definition of what it is to be a Real American is to passively watch the government subvert the law so that illegal aliens (many of whom may be disease carriers) to be freighted throughout the country and given welfare benefits.

Where is that in The Constitution?
The US must send most of the children back, but it will take time and BIG money, the President wants 2 billion, why did Congress ignore the matter? And, yes, no doubt many are diseased, infested with lice, scabies, etc. The protestors also descrated the flag, while trying to show they are Americans. Arrest all involved with interference with government functions and the danger posed by the cruds that tossed the US flag on buses:mad:

$2 Billion? For what a few tanks of fuel? They should be bussed right back A.S.A.P.!
thats like saying if i shoplift in front of you but i did not get caught by the store and you dont say anything..... i am not a shoplifter.......people like you know its happening but will not recognize it as someone breaking immigration laws.....because they have not been caught and have faced a wonder we have illegal problems......

You are exactly right. I believe in the US Constitution, and if the Right wants to shred it, I will continue to defend it.

is it against our immigration laws to come into this country without letting anyone know and then stay here forever....yes or no?....

You are not guilty of a crime in the USA until you have been found guilty by a court of law.

Yes, or No?
We know where they are coming from - Central America. Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

We can use the military. As soon as we catch them, load them in a van, drive the van to the nearest Military airport. Then give them a sandwich and a bottle of water, strap them into their seats, and wish them a safe flight back home.

Sorry, Zand, but that is unconstitutional. Nobody is an illegal immigrant until they have been found guilty by a US court of law. You can't just round people ip and deport them without a trial.

They are not U.S. Citizens.
They are law breakers.
They are not entitled to any U.S. Courts or any of our Constitutional Rights.
What is the very first words of our Constitution?
WE the People of the United States
It does not say We the People of the whole world.

Totally wrong, Peach. Nobody is guilty of breaking a law until convicted in a court of law. That is the basis of US criminal law. Otherwise, I could simply tell the government that you are an illegal immigrant, and they could ship you to Guatemala. That is not the way it works in this country. Get a clue.

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