BREAKING NEWS re Officer Wilson

no white person or Conservatives are saying the police are perfect or never in the wrong because they certainly are, but the left always gangs up on them; esp. if it involves race.
Yep. Its why ill never vote left again.
New info, according to CNN it is not true that Wilson had an orbital eye socket blowout injury, but they tacitly admit that he did have a swollen face.

CNN Report Source Denies 8216 Fractured Eye Socket 8217 Injury of Darren Wilson

This from IJR is accurate:

Whatever actually happened, it’s best to take all reports with a skeptical attitude, whether they confirm your personal bias or not. Eventually, the truth will come out.

Agreed, but why is the prosecutor there sitting on the information while the world burns around him?

I don't get it.

You sound like an intelligent person who like respectful debate, you are posting in "Flame Zones", those of us who post here have the ability to express our sentiment "freely" without moderation getting involved. In other words, this is where the adults play, if you want a little more respectful debate go just a little farther down to the "Clean Debate Zone" .........

I don't want to come off as insensitive, but there are posters on here who can hide behind a screen name and disseminate hate and innuendo against those they do not agree with.......... but by the same token there are no "gloves" to call for when your responses become just as aggressive or even better thought out than theirs!!
Intimidation works great in silencing the opposition..............
If you do not like the message, execute the messenger so the message is never delivered!!

TY DrDoom......but....but I started this thread...LOL
Perhaps just chalk it up to a learning experience and go on.....
grow some thicker skin???

This is "Current Events" right? Not the Debate room ;-)
My skin is as thick as its gonna get lol.....check this out: they are once again confirming officer had facial injuries.

Officials brace Ferguson for exoneration of officer

'I would like to see this come to a just conclusion, whatever that is'
Published: 9 hours ago FERGUSON, Mo. – As darkness fell Thursday night, the few blocks of this St. Louis suburb that became the scene of nightly, often violent protests was calm as public officials milled about, assuring residents parallel investigations would reveal the circumstances of the fatal shooting of black teen Michael Brown by a white police officer.

It appeared many of the public figures were bracing the community for the possibility that Officer Darren Wilson would not be charged with murder as evidence continued to mount that he was attacked and severely beaten by Brown only minutes after the teen robbed a convenience store Aug. 9.

A St. Louis County Police Department officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told WND that department reports confirmed Wilson suffered a broken eye socket in a struggle with Brown before the shooting.

Read more at Officials brace Ferguson for exoneration of officer
just saying....
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no white person or Conservatives are saying the police are perfect or never in the wrong because they certainly are, but the left always gangs up on them; esp. if it involves race.

I disagree. I think conservatives mostly gang up on cops all the time because they support an economic policy that cuts many government jobs, including that of cops. But then when a cop is involved in a tragic situation like this, they only ever allow for a narrative that unequivocally supports the cop, no matter how plain to see that the cop did something wrong.

It's hypocrisy in action.

As for the left, they don't support cutting police jobs but want to see better trained cops and more diverse police departments. Seems pretty reasonable.

Conservatives hate, hate, hate authority, but then are the first to support it whenever it deserves real scrutiny over something.

If it comes out that Brown was charging the cop, a lot of moderate lefties have open enough minds that they would allow doubt on the part of the young man's actions. However, I would wager a great sum that if it comes out that the young man was surrendering but the officer continued shooting, our right-wing friends will not budge from their hardened stance that Brown somehow deserved it so good riddance to another thug.
To the person "Interpol" who keeps referring to certain users on this board as racist trolls. I for one do not appreciate that. You know nothing about me.
When I first joined this MB, my first post was called Choices. In it I mentioned the possibility that Officer Wilson suffered a broken eye socket. My source WAS NOT a media site but an inside source which I cannot reveal to trolls such as yourself. But as soon as the article came out the next day I ran with it. My mistake...never cared for media anyway.
The CT scan of course could not be one could have access to that but it could have been used just to show what that type of fracture may appear but fractures can be different not always the same.
If it comes out that Officer Wilson has no facial injury, I apologize to the world.
Take your name calling and stick it.
Now I remember why I quit these ridiculous message boards and social sites to begin with. TOO much drama!

How do I know that statement is not conjecture? Study every poll you come across on a political forum. The results always skew heavily in favor of where right-wing ideologues are on issues.

Could it be that most people are to your right?

You (collective) seem to think that your beliefs and politics are the center and anyone 2 steps to your right is insane. But who, really is center? Certainly not me. I realize that I'm 2 steps right of Rush Limbaugh.

So, just remember that when you see polls slanting to the right, others may see them slanting left.

In the real world, no, it could not be that most people are to my right. There are more to my left. Immigration was not an issue that frankly meant that much to me. It was brought to my attention by progressives. Women's contraception was not in my direct view until many women in my life who are on the left brought it to my attention. That our law enforcement deserves greater scrutiny of their practices and that many people of diverse backgrounds have specific stories of intimidation by the police is, again, something that never mattered to me because of my white privilege. Progressives brought that issue to light to me.

For about 30 or 40 good years after Roosevelt, what Nixon called the "Silent Majority" was that group of people who don't vote or follow politics, but whose thinking strayed towards the center-right.

In more recent times, it is clear that the silent majority is now center-left. It's the reason why Republican politicians have such a vested interest in making sure fewer people vote by eliminating voting machines or voting on Sundays or voting early.

In the real world, 75% of the American public does not want Social Security or Medicare to be cut. I want them to continue, but I do want to see cuts in areas that would not affect 95% of the public, but could save us real money over the long term. I think that's centrist.

The vast majority of the public now supports gay marriage. The shift on that issue has been dramatic in the last 15 years.

The majority of the public is for abortion rights.

80% of the American public wants to see taxes raised on the wealthy and super-wealthy.

75% of the country thinks our military budget is way too high.

On all the big matters, the silent majority in America is on the left now.

But if you were to ask polling questions on all these things on this site, the views would not be representative of the world we actually live in. They simply would reflect the deluge of a specific brand of know-nothing conservative ideology that floods political forums everywhere.

I would have been an Eisenhower Republican. Today, the Eisenhower family endorsed Barack Obama. Twice.

The right has moved much further to the right, while the far right seems to have moved into the crazy house. Of course, crazy people don't see themselves as crazy. To them, everyone who doesn't agree with them 110% are commies, which is a strawman the right is still having a big war with.

I want the military budget cut, but I've been supportive of the elimination of ISIS ever since Obama wanted to bomb Syria. I'm to the left on one thing and to the right on the other, the centrist that I am.

The right wants police budgets slashed but bad cops protected. I want to protect police jobs but overhaul how we train our officers and who we hire, because it has become clear with the events in Ferguson and St.Louis and New York the week before those that too many guys from high school who were assholes we knew wouldn't amount to much ended up becoming cops.

You sound like an intelligent person who like respectful debate, you are posting in "Flame Zones", those of us who post here have the ability to express our sentiment "freely" without moderation getting involved. In other words, this is where the adults play, if you want a little more respectful debate go just a little farther down to the "Clean Debate Zone" .........

I don't want to come off as insensitive, but there are posters on here who can hide behind a screen name and disseminate hate and innuendo against those they do not agree with.......... but by the same token there are no "gloves" to call for when your responses become just as aggressive or even better thought out than theirs!!
Intimidation works great in silencing the opposition..............
If you do not like the message, execute the messenger so the message is never delivered!!

TY DrDoom......but....but I started this thread...LOL
Perhaps just chalk it up to a learning experience and go on.....
grow some thicker skin???

This is "Current Events" right? Not the Debate room ;-)
My skin is as thick as its gonna get lol.....check this out: they are once again confirming officer had facial injuries.

Officials brace Ferguson for exoneration of officer

'I would like to see this come to a just conclusion, whatever that is'
Published: 9 hours ago FERGUSON, Mo. – As darkness fell Thursday night, the few blocks of this St. Louis suburb that became the scene of nightly, often violent protests was calm as public officials milled about, assuring residents parallel investigations would reveal the circumstances of the fatal shooting of black teen Michael Brown by a white police officer.

It appeared many of the public figures were bracing the community for the possibility that Officer Darren Wilson would not be charged with murder as evidence continued to mount that he was attacked and severely beaten by Brown only minutes after the teen robbed a convenience store Aug. 9.

A St. Louis County Police Department officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told WND that department reports confirmed Wilson suffered a broken eye socket in a struggle with Brown before the shooting.

Read more at Officials brace Ferguson for exoneration of officer
just saying....

But Wilson is white, and whites cant fight....without the leftists going into hysterical fits.
To the person "Interpol" who keeps referring to certain users on this board as racist trolls. I for one do not appreciate that. You know nothing about me.
When I first joined this MB, my first post was called Choices. In it I mentioned the possibility that Officer Wilson suffered a broken eye socket. My source WAS NOT a media site but an inside source which I cannot reveal to trolls such as yourself. But as soon as the article came out the next day I ran with it. My mistake...never cared for media anyway.
The CT scan of course could not be one could have access to that but it could have been used just to show what that type of fracture may appear but fractures can be different not always the same.
If it comes out that Officer Wilson has no facial injury, I apologize to the world.
Take your name calling and stick it.
Now I remember why I quit these ridiculous message boards and social sites to begin with. TOO much drama!

How do I know that statement is not conjecture? Study every poll you come across on a political forum. The results always skew heavily in favor of where right-wing ideologues are on issues.

Could it be that most people are to your right?

You (collective) seem to think that your beliefs and politics are the center and anyone 2 steps to your right is insane. But who, really is center? Certainly not me. I realize that I'm 2 steps right of Rush Limbaugh.

So, just remember that when you see polls slanting to the right, others may see them slanting left.

In the real world, no, it could not be that most people are to my right. There are more to my left. ....
In the real world, 75% of the American public does not want Social Security or Medicare to be cut. I want them to continue, but I do want to see cuts in areas that would not affect 95% of the public, but could save us real money over the long term. I think that's centrist.

The vast majority of the public now supports gay marriage. The shift on that issue has been dramatic in the last 15 years.

The majority of the public is for abortion rights.

80% of the American public wants to see taxes raised on the wealthy and super-wealthy.

75% of the country thinks our military budget is way too high.

On all the big matters, the silent majority in America is on the left now...

Example of a leftwing liar. Use slanted polls to try to prove closely related claims that are in fact different from the real world political options.

Other than the statement that most do not want Social Security cut, (and why would they? the public has PAID for it out of their own pocket for years, why would they want it cut?) the rest is just twisted stacked data manipulation.

Only 55% support gay marriage, and that is with an overly simplified Gallup poll question.
Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

And despite the polls, in most cases when it actually comes to a vote, pro gay marriage loses. The last election cycle in 2012 had several wins for the first time for gay marriage bills, but these were deep blue states like Maryland.

Most do not want to see women who get abortions punished, or bans on all abortions for any reason, but most want to set medical standards on abortion clinics and want to make abortion in the third trimester illegal.
Taxing the rich remains popular - The Washington Post

No one wants to see taxes increased in general, and the claim to raise taxes on the wealthy is the camel's nose under the tent on this issue. The fact is that Social Security is not off the general budget in practice, because every year Congress 'borrows' all of it (and whether they will pay its I.O.U.'s is doubtful) and spends it like general revenue. So there should be no cap on Social Security taxes as we have now. Currently our taxes are regressive, with most average Americans paying a far higher share of their incomes into taxes than the wealthy do since their Social Security tax caps.

But everyone knows that once the libtards get to raising taxes on some people, they end up raising it on practically everyone, while the rich will be given loopholes that wind up with even higher taxes on middle class Americans and the rich paying even less.

And most people think we spend too much on defense, for an ideal world, but what we are spending is necessary with groups like ISIS in the world trying to attack Americans.

You twist all this to the left, then claim that you are not to the left of most Americans? You lies say otherwise.
To the person "Interpol" who keeps referring to certain users on this board as racist trolls. I for one do not appreciate that. You know nothing about me.
When I first joined this MB, my first post was called Choices. In it I mentioned the possibility that Officer Wilson suffered a broken eye socket. My source WAS NOT a media site but an inside source which I cannot reveal to trolls such as yourself. But as soon as the article came out the next day I ran with it. My mistake...never cared for media anyway.
The CT scan of course could not be one could have access to that but it could have been used just to show what that type of fracture may appear but fractures can be different not always the same.
If it comes out that Officer Wilson has no facial injury, I apologize to the world.
Take your name calling and stick it.
Now I remember why I quit these ridiculous message boards and social sites to begin with. TOO much drama!

"My source WAS NOT a media site but an inside source which I cannot reveal to trolls such as yourself."

You know people who're suffering from delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, and other schitzophrenic-like mental illness claim the same thing right?

"Types of Delusional Disorder

There are different types of delusional disorder based on the main theme of the delusions experienced. The types of delusional disorder include:

* Grandiose: A person with this type of delusional disorder has an over-inflated sense of worth, power, knowledge, or identity. The person might believe he or she has a great talent or has made an important discovery."
Mental Health Delusional Disorder
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New info, according to CNN it is not true that Wilson had an orbital eye socket blowout injury, but they tacitly admit that he did have a swollen face.

CNN Report Source Denies 8216 Fractured Eye Socket 8217 Injury of Darren Wilson

This from IJR is accurate:

Whatever actually happened, it’s best to take all reports with a skeptical attitude, whether they confirm your personal bias or not. Eventually, the truth will come out.

Agreed, but why is the prosecutor there sitting on the information while the world burns around him?

I don't get it.

Grand Jury, the prosecutor is following the rules, and should not be crticized. I was on a Grand Jury 15 years ago.
New info, according to CNN it is not true that Wilson had an orbital eye socket blowout injury, but they tacitly admit that he did have a swollen face.

CNN Report Source Denies 8216 Fractured Eye Socket 8217 Injury of Darren Wilson

This from IJR is accurate:

Whatever actually happened, it’s best to take all reports with a skeptical attitude, whether they confirm your personal bias or not. Eventually, the truth will come out.

Agreed, but why is the prosecutor there sitting on the information while the world burns around him?

I don't get it.

Grand Jury, the prosecutor is following the rules, and should not be crticized. I was on a Grand Jury 15 years ago.

Has the grand jury been started? Havent seen that in the news yet. Found this
Ferguson case Racial and gender makeup of grand jury revealed - CBS News

So it seems that there has been plenty of time for them to have released the relevant information to calm public rumors and fears prior to the GJ starting up.
New info, according to CNN it is not true that Wilson had an orbital eye socket blowout injury, but they tacitly admit that he did have a swollen face.

CNN Report Source Denies 8216 Fractured Eye Socket 8217 Injury of Darren Wilson

This from IJR is accurate:

Whatever actually happened, it’s best to take all reports with a skeptical attitude, whether they confirm your personal bias or not. Eventually, the truth will come out.

Agreed, but why is the prosecutor there sitting on the information while the world burns around him?

I don't get it.

Grand Jury, the prosecutor is following the rules, and should not be crticized. I was on a Grand Jury 15 years ago.

Has the grand jury been started? Havent seen that in the news yet. Found this
Ferguson case Racial and gender makeup of grand jury revealed - CBS News

So it seems that there has been plenty of time for them to have released the relevant information to calm public rumors and fears prior to the GJ starting up.

I read they covened Wednesday, again I do not know, the last three nights have been calmer; you may be correct, perhaps more should have been released. I concluded he was holding info during the investigation.
New info, according to CNN it is not true that Wilson had an orbital eye socket blowout injury, but they tacitly admit that he did have a swollen face.

CNN Report Source Denies 8216 Fractured Eye Socket 8217 Injury of Darren Wilson

This from IJR is accurate:

Whatever actually happened, it’s best to take all reports with a skeptical attitude, whether they confirm your personal bias or not. Eventually, the truth will come out.

Agreed, but why is the prosecutor there sitting on the information while the world burns around him?

I don't get it.

Grand Jury, the prosecutor is following the rules, and should not be crticized. I was on a Grand Jury 15 years ago.

Has the grand jury been started? Havent seen that in the news yet. Found this
Ferguson case Racial and gender makeup of grand jury revealed - CBS News

So it seems that there has been plenty of time for them to have released the relevant information to calm public rumors and fears prior to the GJ starting up.

I have stated repeatedly that all that GJ testimony is confidential and until the officer is indicted and those particular facts become part of "public record" anyone with any iota of truth is bound by law and ethics to keep his / her / their mouths shut!!
New info, according to CNN it is not true that Wilson had an orbital eye socket blowout injury, but they tacitly admit that he did have a swollen face.

CNN Report Source Denies 8216 Fractured Eye Socket 8217 Injury of Darren Wilson

This from IJR is accurate:

Whatever actually happened, it’s best to take all reports with a skeptical attitude, whether they confirm your personal bias or not. Eventually, the truth will come out.

Agreed, but why is the prosecutor there sitting on the information while the world burns around him?

I don't get it.

Grand Jury, the prosecutor is following the rules, and should not be crticized. I was on a Grand Jury 15 years ago.

Has the grand jury been started? Havent seen that in the news yet. Found this
Ferguson case Racial and gender makeup of grand jury revealed - CBS News

So it seems that there has been plenty of time for them to have released the relevant information to calm public rumors and fears prior to the GJ starting up.

I have stated repeatedly that all that GJ testimony is confidential and until the officer is indicted and those particular facts become part of "public record" anyone with any iota of truth is bound by law and ethics to keep his / her / their mouths shut!!

When you start to release things such as that to "calm" the public, you begin to taint the jury pool.
Let em act like fucking adults and calm themselves while we all wait for the facts to come to light!!!
New info, according to CNN it is not true that Wilson had an orbital eye socket blowout injury, but they tacitly admit that he did have a swollen face.

CNN Report Source Denies 8216 Fractured Eye Socket 8217 Injury of Darren Wilson

This from IJR is accurate:

Whatever actually happened, it’s best to take all reports with a skeptical attitude, whether they confirm your personal bias or not. Eventually, the truth will come out.

Agreed, but why is the prosecutor there sitting on the information while the world burns around him?

I don't get it.

Grand Jury, the prosecutor is following the rules, and should not be crticized. I was on a Grand Jury 15 years ago.

Has the grand jury been started? Havent seen that in the news yet. Found this
Ferguson case Racial and gender makeup of grand jury revealed - CBS News

So it seems that there has been plenty of time for them to have released the relevant information to calm public rumors and fears prior to the GJ starting up.

I have stated repeatedly that all that GJ testimony is confidential and until the officer is indicted and those particular facts become part of "public record" anyone with any iota of truth is bound by law and ethics to keep his / her / their mouths shut!!

When you start to release things such as that to "calm" the public, you begin to taint the jury pool.
Let em act like fucking adults and calm themselves while we all wait for the facts to come to light!!!
Lol, now you are arguing with yourself, Sybil.

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