BREAKING NEWS re Officer Wilson


You sound like an intelligent person who like respectful debate, you are posting in "Flame Zones", those of us who post here have the ability to express our sentiment "freely" without moderation getting involved. In other words, this is where the adults play, if you want a little more respectful debate go just a little farther down to the "Clean Debate Zone" .........

I don't want to come off as insensitive, but there are posters on here who can hide behind a screen name and disseminate hate and innuendo against those they do not agree with.......... but by the same token there are no "gloves" to call for when your responses become just as aggressive or even better thought out than theirs!!
Intimidation works great in silencing the opposition..............
If you do not like the message, execute the messenger so the message is never delivered!!

TY DrDoom......but....but I started this thread...LOL
Perhaps just chalk it up to a learning experience and go on.....
grow some thicker skin???
I will hang on to the following tidbit of anothers point of view re the right hand wound. Because, I truly believe the officer was a good man and ONLY shot to stop the threat! I truly believe MB was a true bully who used his weight as his weapon. His friend is a liar and it is he (Dorian Johnson) who allowed the situation to escalate into what it is/was on the streets by his lying when he gave his account of what happened.

"Something else to think about from a STL paramedic:
I'm a Paramedic, the injury on Michael Browns right hand is..........

Consistent with an injury one would received by grabbing the barrel of a firearm at time of discharge.I've seen it many times. It's not bullet contact damage, it's the damage the force of the blast causes. It rips the flesh away in a pattern like a speed boat makes going through the water. I would say that Mr. Browns hand was on the police officers hand gun at some point."
Yeah yeah but we not talking football we're talking combat and lowering your head and running is only done by goats. Not people

Yeah, people never do anything animalistic.

Well at least you're admitting it was a confrontation, not an execution.

At least you used sarcasm instead of saying that lowering your head and running toward a gun made sense. Less of a hit to your credibility that way

Nobody ever accused Michael Brown of being a rocket scientist.

Ahahaha...Good use of snark here. Again better than saying that someone looks at the ground to run toward someone.

Fact is, being high or young and stupid makes you do dumb things. Not to mention the fact that fights usually aren't scripted unless they're in the movies.

Good job! Drugs make you crazy topped with scripted fights. Again, a way better segway than arguing that anyone anywhere drops their head and runs towards a gun like a bull.
I will hang on to the following tidbit of anothers point of view re the right hand wound. Because, I truly believe the officer was a good man and ONLY shot to stop the threat! I truly believe MB was a true bully who used his weight as his weapon. His friend is a liar and it is he (Dorian Johnson) who allowed the situation to escalate into what it is/was on the streets by his lying when he gave his account of what happened.

"Something else to think about from a STL paramedic:
I'm a Paramedic, the injury on Michael Browns right hand is..........

Consistent with an injury one would received by grabbing the barrel of a firearm at time of discharge.I've seen it many times. It's not bullet contact damage, it's the damage the force of the blast causes. It rips the flesh away in a pattern like a speed boat makes going through the water. I would say that Mr. Browns hand was on the police officers hand gun at some point."

You weren't supposed to fill the blanks in for them,I made allusions to this in an earlier post and laughed knowing anyone who knew what that type of injury was consistent with would chuckle as they remained silent ..........
No actually it is a cut consistent with a slide on an auto "pinching" an improperly positioned hand .......
Please don't disseminate information as factual ......... had the hand been injured as you suspect by the blast DNA would NOT have been TRANSFERRED to the WEAPON!!
Was there any mention of burns or charring??
Was it a clean slice as if made with a knife blade??
What type of weapon do you think was standard issue for the LEO??
Perhaps a 9mm semi-auito from any number of manufacturers??
Most officers no longer carry revolvers, just auto's ..............
Tell me what your observations based on leaks and rumors add up to combined with common knowledge.
Was there any mention of burns or charring??
Was it a clean slice as if made with a knife blade??
What type of weapon do you think was standard issue for the LEO??
Perhaps a 9mm semi-auito from any number of manufacturers??
Most officers no longer carry revolvers, just auto's ..............
Tell me what your observations based on leaks and rumors add up to combined with common knowledge.

The way the autopsy displayed the injury on the right hand. Leaving a mark as does a boat when it goes through water at high speed. Possibly a bullet grazing...the truth will come out in the end. I guess whoever does not like the truth will keep adding more fuel to the fire. We shall see
Was there any mention of burns or charring??
Was it a clean slice as if made with a knife blade??
What type of weapon do you think was standard issue for the LEO??
Perhaps a 9mm semi-auito from any number of manufacturers??
Most officers no longer carry revolvers, just auto's ..............
Tell me what your observations based on leaks and rumors add up to combined with common knowledge.

The way the autopsy displayed the injury on the right hand. Leaving a mark as does a boat when it goes through water at high speed. Possibly a bullet grazing...the truth will come out in the end. I guess whoever does not like the truth will keep adding more fuel the he fire. We shall see
There was only surface info released re the autopsy, no real details. I am only speculating.
Was there any mention of burns or charring??
Was it a clean slice as if made with a knife blade??
What type of weapon do you think was standard issue for the LEO??
Perhaps a 9mm semi-auito from any number of manufacturers??
Most officers no longer carry revolvers, just auto's ..............
Tell me what your observations based on leaks and rumors add up to combined with common knowledge.

Sorry I wasn't there in the autopsy room :rolleyes:
I will hang on to the following tidbit of anothers point of view re the right hand wound. Because, I truly believe the officer was a good man and ONLY shot to stop the threat! I truly believe MB was a true bully who used his weight as his weapon. His friend is a liar and it is he (Dorian Johnson) who allowed the situation to escalate into what it is/was on the streets by his lying when he gave his account of what happened.

"Something else to think about from a STL paramedic:
I'm a Paramedic, the injury on Michael Browns right hand is..........

Consistent with an injury one would received by grabbing the barrel of a firearm at time of discharge.I've seen it many times. It's not bullet contact damage, it's the damage the force of the blast causes. It rips the flesh away in a pattern like a speed boat makes going through the water. I would say that Mr. Browns hand was on the police officers hand gun at some point."

Also, the slide on a semi-auto pistol can cut The shit out of your hand. I made the mistake once of leaving my thumb on the side of my Beretta after I clicked the safety off. Sliced my thumb when I fired. Hurt like a son of a bitch.
Yeah yeah but we not talking football we're talking combat and lowering your head and running is only done by goats. Not people

Yeah, people never do anything animalistic.

Well at least you're admitting it was a confrontation, not an execution.

At least you used sarcasm instead of saying that lowering your head and running toward a gun made sense. Less of a hit to your credibility that way

Nobody ever accused Michael Brown of being a rocket scientist.

Ahahaha...Good use of snark here. Again better than saying that someone looks at the ground to run toward someone.

Fact is, being high or young and stupid makes you do dumb things. Not to mention the fact that fights usually aren't scripted unless they're in the movies.

Good job! Drugs make you crazy topped with scripted fights. Again, a way better segway than arguing that anyone anywhere drops their head and runs towards a gun like a bull.

So you're saying that it's impossible for anyone to run with their head down now?

Even when they're trying to duck bullets?

Guess you think everyone runs upright like they have a stick up their ass.
To the person "Interpol" who keeps referring to certain users on this board as racist trolls. I for one do not appreciate that. You know nothing about me.
When I first joined this MB, my first post was called Choices. In it I mentioned the possibility that Officer Wilson suffered a broken eye socket. My source WAS NOT a media site but an inside source which I cannot reveal to trolls such as yourself. But as soon as the article came out the next day I ran with it. My mistake...never cared for media anyway.
The CT scan of course could not be one could have access to that but it could have been used just to show what that type of fracture may appear but fractures can be different not always the same.
If it comes out that Officer Wilson has no facial injury, I apologize to the world.
Take your name calling and stick it.
Now I remember why I quit these ridiculous message boards and social sites to begin with. TOO much drama!

How do I know that statement is not conjecture? Study every poll you come across on a political forum. The results always skew heavily in favor of where right-wing ideologues are on issues.

Could it be that most people are to your right?

You (collective) seem to think that your beliefs and politics are the center and anyone 2 steps to your right is insane. But who, really is center? Certainly not me. I realize that I'm 2 steps right of Rush Limbaugh.

So, just remember that when you see polls slanting to the right, others may see them slanting left.
I will hang on to the following tidbit of anothers point of view re the right hand wound. Because, I truly believe the officer was a good man and ONLY shot to stop the threat! I truly believe MB was a true bully who used his weight as his weapon. His friend is a liar and it is he (Dorian Johnson) who allowed the situation to escalate into what it is/was on the streets by his lying when he gave his account of what happened.

"Something else to think about from a STL paramedic:
I'm a Paramedic, the injury on Michael Browns right hand is..........

Consistent with an injury one would received by grabbing the barrel of a firearm at time of discharge.I've seen it many times. It's not bullet contact damage, it's the damage the force of the blast causes. It rips the flesh away in a pattern like a speed boat makes going through the water. I would say that Mr. Browns hand was on the police officers hand gun at some point."

Also, the slide on a semi-auto pistol can cut The shit out of your hand. I made the mistake once of leaving my thumb on the side of my Beretta after I clicked the safety off. Sliced my thumb when I fired. Hurt like a son of a bitch.
Hate Berettas for just that reason
Yeah yeah but we not talking football we're talking combat and lowering your head and running is only done by goats. Not people

Yeah, people never do anything animalistic.

Well at least you're admitting it was a confrontation, not an execution.

At least you used sarcasm instead of saying that lowering your head and running toward a gun made sense. Less of a hit to your credibility that way

Nobody ever accused Michael Brown of being a rocket scientist.

Ahahaha...Good use of snark here. Again better than saying that someone looks at the ground to run toward someone.

Fact is, being high or young and stupid makes you do dumb things. Not to mention the fact that fights usually aren't scripted unless they're in the movies.

Good job! Drugs make you crazy topped with scripted fights. Again, a way better segway than arguing that anyone anywhere drops their head and runs towards a gun like a bull.

So you're saying that it's impossible for anyone to run with their head down now?

Is this what you are reduced to? The dumb act makes you look...dumb

Even when they're trying to duck bullets?

Now he was ducking bullets eh? No more football he's in the matrix. Running at someone while ducking bullets. I think I saw Chow Yung Fat in that movie

Guess you think everyone runs upright like they have a stick up their ass.

Keep guessing...its better than debating and taking a position on anything. First it was a bull rush, then it was a football rush, now he's running and ducking shots LOL. And in none of your stories do you even consider the cop shot too many times. Weird, every conclusion is one where the cop is justified in shooting an unarmed person 6 times.

Weird how that works out
I will hang on to the following tidbit of anothers point of view re the right hand wound. Because, I truly believe the officer was a good man and ONLY shot to stop the threat! I truly believe MB was a true bully who used his weight as his weapon. His friend is a liar and it is he (Dorian Johnson) who allowed the situation to escalate into what it is/was on the streets by his lying when he gave his account of what happened.

"Something else to think about from a STL paramedic:
I'm a Paramedic, the injury on Michael Browns right hand is..........

Consistent with an injury one would received by grabbing the barrel of a firearm at time of discharge.I've seen it many times. It's not bullet contact damage, it's the damage the force of the blast causes. It rips the flesh away in a pattern like a speed boat makes going through the water. I would say that Mr. Browns hand was on the police officers hand gun at some point."

Also, the slide on a semi-auto pistol can cut The shit out of your hand. I made the mistake once of leaving my thumb on the side of my Beretta after I clicked the safety off. Sliced my thumb when I fired. Hurt like a son of a bitch.
I had my thumb sliced like by a razor doing the exact same thing.
'BM' grabbed for the gun and his palm was sliced..........either that of the little store clerk a third 'BM's' size sliced 'BM's' hand with his store keys when 'BM' was committing strong arm robbery on the clerk.
Any way. The local bully since grade three is fucking maggot food.
Yeah yeah but we not talking football we're talking combat and lowering your head and running is only done by goats. Not people

Yeah, people never do anything animalistic.

Well at least you're admitting it was a confrontation, not an execution.

At least you used sarcasm instead of saying that lowering your head and running toward a gun made sense. Less of a hit to your credibility that way

Nobody ever accused Michael Brown of being a rocket scientist.

Ahahaha...Good use of snark here. Again better than saying that someone looks at the ground to run toward someone.

Fact is, being high or young and stupid makes you do dumb things. Not to mention the fact that fights usually aren't scripted unless they're in the movies.

Good job! Drugs make you crazy topped with scripted fights. Again, a way better segway than arguing that anyone anywhere drops their head and runs towards a gun like a bull.

So you're saying that it's impossible for anyone to run with their head down now?

Is this what you are reduced to? The dumb act makes you look...dumb

Even when they're trying to duck bullets?

Now he was ducking bullets eh? No more football he's in the matrix. Running at someone while ducking bullets. I think I saw Chow Yung Fat in that movie

Guess you think everyone runs upright like they have a stick up their ass.

Keep guessing...its better than debating and taking a position on anything. First it was a bull rush, then it was a football rush, now he's running and ducking shots LOL. And in none of your stories do you even consider the cop shot too many times. Weird, every conclusion is one where the cop is justified in shooting an unarmed person 6 times.

Weird how that works out

Too many times?

Is too many times more than one?

Maybe they should issue cops only one bullet so they don't shoot "Too many times"......lmao!!!!
No, you lose again. The "protesters' ....looters and robbers are bad...were first. They were, and still are, protesting rule of law. Browns death has zero to do with police brutality.

Your silly link is the pres and company trying to equally lay blame for the riots on law enforcement and the rioters.

You said no one was protesting police brutality. They are and I included a link. Go argue with the link
No, they were told a lie, and they are protesting based on that lie.
There was no police brutality, even though they think it.
There are no people who are willing to tell them the truth for fear of losing an agenda.

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