BREAKING NEWS re Officer Wilson

If true, this makes any difference, how exactly?

It's been established that there was an altercation. In FACT the sequence of events are not in dispute.

What is in dispute is the actions of the officer.

Once the kid was fleeing and unarmed, the danger to the officer had passed.

The kid got 35 feet away from the police vehicle and the officer used deadly force to stop him.

Whether he was justified in doing so? That's the dispute.

It's only a dispute to feeble minds.

Does a person 35 feet away who is suspected of robbery and assault deserving of being shot dead? No.

To believe the officer's version, you have to believe that while Brown was running away, he stopped all of a sudden, turned around, struck a football pose and proceeded to charge an armed person. Then he bent completely over so that his torso was parallel to the ground and charged Wilson while staring at the pavement, which is why those last two bullets entered his head the way they did.

That doesn't sound plausible to me, but good luck getting a logical explanation from the racist trolls on here who keep telling us that MUST have been what happened.
Although I mentioned this last night in my "Choices" post here it is....FINALLY out! Follow link below to see CT scan :clap:

BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Mike Brown Attack
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, August 19, 2014, 10:00 AM
The Gateway Pundit can now confirm from two local St. Louis sources that police Officer Darren Wilson suffered facial fractures during his confrontation with deceased 18 year-old Michael Brown. Officer Wilson clearly feared for his life during the incident that led to the shooting death of Brown. This was after Michael Brown and his accomplice Dorian Johnson robbed a local Ferguson convenience store.
Local St. Louis sources said Wilson suffered an “orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket.” This comes from a source within the Prosecuting Attorney’s office and confirmed by the St. Louis County Police.

A blowout fracture is a fracture of one or more of the bones surrounding the eye and is commonly referred to as an orbital floor fracture. (AAPOS)

This comes after St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter tweeted out last night that a dozen local witnesses confirmed Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson’s version of the Brown shooting story.

BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Mike Brown Attack | The Gateway Pundit

If this is true, it just doesn't make sense that this story did not come out day one. All the riots could have been avoided if it had been made known. At this point in time many people will simply not care.
You all said it well. And the lib drones ignore the truth. As stated above, it is because the truth does not fit the narrative. Same with global warming. Most media is simply the PR Department for big government and the drones don't question it for a second.

The blacks in Ferguson and now also elsewhere, and the libs that unquestioningly support them, are not out for justice. They want something else entirely.

Begin much needed rant.....

Rather than the National Guard sweeping in and declaring martial law, I suggest just pulling all their welfare checks. Break the law, no more government cheese. Riot and abuse law enforcement, Santa Claus goes away. Ah, but a guy can dream, can't he??? Anyway, I've never liked funding dependents, and this whole episode only underscores the point. But of course welfare isn't about welfare, it is about buying votes, and all these irrational rioter and those asking for an innocent cops head have been bought and paid for by liberal politicians with MY money.

End rant....

Throw job applications into the crowd and watch em scatter!

nothing else needed

LMBO.......shit, these inner suburbs are all like a Jonestown but the people are breathing.
If true, this makes any difference, how exactly?

It's been established that there was an altercation. In FACT the sequence of events are not in dispute.

What is in dispute is the actions of the officer.

Once the kid was fleeing and unarmed, the danger to the officer had passed.

The kid got 35 feet away from the police vehicle and the officer used deadly force to stop him.

Whether he was justified in doing so? That's the dispute.

It's only a dispute to feeble minds.

Does a person 35 feet away who is suspected of robbery and assault deserving of being shot dead? No.

To believe the officer's version, you have to believe that while Brown was running away, he stopped all of a sudden, turned around, struck a football pose and proceeded to charge an armed person. Then he bent completely over so that his torso was parallel to the ground and charged Wilson while staring at the pavement, which is why those last two bullets entered his head the way they did.

That doesn't sound plausible to me, but good luck getting a logical explanation from the racist trolls on here who keep telling us that MUST have been what happened.

Oh Gawd......this forum is littered with PC Zombie limpwristers.

The cop got his balls kicked in in the radio car.....his skull got crushed. Fat boy charged him. He does not have the duty to die. He has a duty to got home to his family!! Cop took a huge chance firing at the fat boy with a round from his 12G would have ended the whole thing but quick. Kid might have had a leg removed, but would be alive.

The entire PC narrative on this story has now been nuked.
If true, this makes any difference, how exactly?

It's been established that there was an altercation. In FACT the sequence of events are not in dispute.

What is in dispute is the actions of the officer.

Once the kid was fleeing and unarmed, the danger to the officer had passed.

The kid got 35 feet away from the police vehicle and the officer used deadly force to stop him.

Whether he was justified in doing so? That's the dispute.

It's only a dispute to feeble minds.

Does a person 35 feet away who is suspected of robbery and assault deserving of being shot dead? No.

To believe the officer's version, you have to believe that while Brown was running away, he stopped all of a sudden, turned around, struck a football pose and proceeded to charge an armed person. Then he bent completely over so that his torso was parallel to the ground and charged Wilson while staring at the pavement, which is why those last two bullets entered his head the way they did.

That doesn't sound plausible to me, but good luck getting a logical explanation from the racist trolls on here who keep telling us that MUST have been what happened.

Your claim on the two hits to the head are an out right lie. He was not shot straight into the top of his head.
If true, this makes any difference, how exactly?

It's been established that there was an altercation. In FACT the sequence of events are not in dispute.

What is in dispute is the actions of the officer.

Once the kid was fleeing and unarmed, the danger to the officer had passed.

The kid got 35 feet away from the police vehicle and the officer used deadly force to stop him.

Whether he was justified in doing so? That's the dispute.

It's only a dispute to feeble minds.

Does a person 35 feet away who is suspected of robbery and assault deserving of being shot dead? No.

To believe the officer's version, you have to believe that while Brown was running away, he stopped all of a sudden, turned around, struck a football pose and proceeded to charge an armed person. Then he bent completely over so that his torso was parallel to the ground and charged Wilson while staring at the pavement, which is why those last two bullets entered his head the way they did.

That doesn't sound plausible to me, but good luck getting a logical explanation from the racist trolls on here who keep telling us that MUST have been what happened.

That has been essplained fifty god damned million times you fucking retard.

Go play with your dolls in the street why doncha?
To the person "Interpol" who keeps referring to certain users on this board as racist trolls. I for one do not appreciate that. You know nothing about me.
When I first joined this MB, my first post was called Choices. In it I mentioned the possibility that Officer Wilson suffered a broken eye socket. My source WAS NOT a media site but an inside source which I cannot reveal to trolls such as yourself. But as soon as the article came out the next day I ran with it. My mistake...never cared for media anyway.
The CT scan of course could not be one could have access to that but it could have been used just to show what that type of fracture may appear but fractures can be different not always the same.
If it comes out that Officer Wilson has no facial injury, I apologize to the world.
Take your name calling and stick it.
Now I remember why I quit these ridiculous message boards and social sites to begin with. TOO much drama!
To the person "Interpol" who keeps referring to certain users on this board as racist trolls. I for one do not appreciate that. You know nothing about me.
When I first joined this MB, my first post was called Choices. In it I mentioned the possibility that Officer Wilson suffered a broken eye socket. My source WAS NOT a media site but an inside source which I cannot reveal to trolls such as yourself. But as soon as the article came out the next day I ran with it. My mistake...never cared for media anyway.
The CT scan of course could not be one could have access to that but it could have been used just to show what that type of fracture may appear but fractures can be different not always the same.
If it comes out that Officer Wilson has no facial injury, I apologize to the world.
Take your name calling and stick it.
Now I remember why I quit these ridiculous message boards and social sites to begin with. TOO much drama!

I reject any political forum rebuttal that essentially goes "you hurt my feelings". If you need to cry, go get some tissue. If you're sick and tired of these boards, then log out for awhile. That's what I do sometimes. But I must come back to them because they are typically overrun with individuals who are on the extreme of right-wing ideology.

How do I know that statement is not conjecture? Study every poll you come across on a political forum. The results always skew heavily in favor of where right-wing ideologues are on issues. These are people who seem to spend all their time on here, constantly complaining about Obama, about black people, about immigrants, about anyone different than themselves, about anyone who has a different way of seeing the world than them.

They cast all liberal and moderate people like myself as lazy layabouts even though THEY are the ones who occupy and dominate these forums while moderate and liberal folks are out in the world working and conducting their lives. The irony is uproarious to me.

As for Ferguson, I appreciate all posters who lead me to facts. Cut the shit, that's my m.o., and there's a lot of shit, Exhibit A being this thread and along the way in the pages and pages of writing that people can go through and read, it needs to be called out when the entire premise of a thread is built on information that has been thoroughly debunked.

Up until I said anything that went against the premise of this thread, the average reader might simply swallow it whole as though it were the truth. I find that highly dangerous.

Right off the top today when I read that post I thought, "Wait a sec, how come we're only learning on Day #10 that the officer had a significant injury to his face? Would that not have been something that somebody close to the officer would have leaked already?".

In an interview that the officer's girl "friend" gave on the radio, she did not mention any kind of injury to Wilson. It was a lengthy interview, too.

So I went to google and looked up information on the source of this story. Some mainstream media outlets began to roll with it today, only to back up. One reporter who ran with it deleted her tweets today and apologized for moving the story forward without properly vetting it.

I never said the officer did not have a wound to his face. I have only ever argued that everything in Jim Hoft's blog at Gateway Pundit doesn't even reach the lowest bar of credibility. He's just making things up as he goes along and it needed to be said.

What makes me angry are people who expect me to be convinced by a load of bull. Don't pee on my shoe and tell me it's raining. Give me correct information or get ready to be called out.

There are more reasonable people in the real world than on here. Why that is, I'm not sure. Maybe they find perpetually angry right-wingers boring, petty, tiresome. Maybe it's because the internet is the last refuge for racist trolls to feel comfortable spreading their vile nonsense without any repercussions.

Well, I'm happy to say that I'm in the reasonable people camp, and it simply needed to be said that it's in the interest of a lot of desperate people here for the officer to have as significant a wound as possible on his face in order to give them a sick kind of hope that an unarmed 18-yr old deserved to die.

I'll believe this injury when we have better information, not just the rantings and ravings of another right-winger on the lunatic fringe with a blog.
To the person "Interpol" who keeps referring to certain users on this board as racist trolls. I for one do not appreciate that. You know nothing about me.
When I first joined this MB, my first post was called Choices. In it I mentioned the possibility that Officer Wilson suffered a broken eye socket. My source WAS NOT a media site but an inside source which I cannot reveal to trolls such as yourself. But as soon as the article came out the next day I ran with it. My mistake...never cared for media anyway.
The CT scan of course could not be one could have access to that but it could have been used just to show what that type of fracture may appear but fractures can be different not always the same.
If it comes out that Officer Wilson has no facial injury, I apologize to the world.
Take your name calling and stick it.
Now I remember why I quit these ridiculous message boards and social sites to begin with. TOO much drama!

If true, this makes any difference, how exactly?

It's been established that there was an altercation. In FACT the sequence of events are not in dispute.

What is in dispute is the actions of the officer.

Once the kid was fleeing and unarmed, the danger to the officer had passed.

The kid got 35 feet away from the police vehicle and the officer used deadly force to stop him.

Whether he was justified in doing so? That's the dispute.

It's only a dispute to feeble minds.

Does a person 35 feet away who is suspected of robbery and assault deserving of being shot dead? No.

To believe the officer's version, you have to believe that while Brown was running away, he stopped all of a sudden, turned around, struck a football pose and proceeded to charge an armed person. Then he bent completely over so that his torso was parallel to the ground and charged Wilson while staring at the pavement, which is why those last two bullets entered his head the way they did.

That doesn't sound plausible to me, but good luck getting a logical explanation from the racist trolls on here who keep telling us that MUST have been what happened.

Your claim on the two hits to the head are an out right lie. He was not shot straight into the top of his head.
Well far was we know now?

He was. And it seems it was the only fatal wound.
To the person "Interpol" who keeps referring to certain users on this board as racist trolls. I for one do not appreciate that. You know nothing about me.
When I first joined this MB, my first post was called Choices. In it I mentioned the possibility that Officer Wilson suffered a broken eye socket. My source WAS NOT a media site but an inside source which I cannot reveal to trolls such as yourself. But as soon as the article came out the next day I ran with it. My mistake...never cared for media anyway.
The CT scan of course could not be one could have access to that but it could have been used just to show what that type of fracture may appear but fractures can be different not always the same.
If it comes out that Officer Wilson has no facial injury, I apologize to the world.
Take your name calling and stick it.
Now I remember why I quit these ridiculous message boards and social sites to begin with. TOO much drama!


Heh, I had a pretty hearty laugh at that part in red when I read it.
You all said it well. And the lib drones ignore the truth. As stated above, it is because the truth does not fit the narrative. Same with global warming. Most media is simply the PR Department for big government and the drones don't question it for a second.

The blacks in Ferguson and now also elsewhere, and the libs that unquestioningly support them, are not out for justice. They want something else entirely.

Begin much needed rant.....

Rather than the National Guard sweeping in and declaring martial law, I suggest just pulling all their welfare checks. Break the law, no more government cheese. Riot and abuse law enforcement, Santa Claus goes away. Ah, but a guy can dream, can't he??? Anyway, I've never liked funding dependents, and this whole episode only underscores the point. But of course welfare isn't about welfare, it is about buying votes, and all these irrational rioter and those asking for an innocent cops head have been bought and paid for by liberal politicians with MY money.

End rant....

Throw job applications into the crowd and watch em scatter!

nothing else needed

The cop feels bad....Says Source

The cop was charged...says source

The cop sustainted injuries...says source.

Why is the police dept or the cop himself not saying anything. Everything that is coming out is rumor or from secret sources that cant be verified.
To the person "Interpol" who keeps referring to certain users on this board as racist trolls. I for one do not appreciate that. You know nothing about me.
When I first joined this MB, my first post was called Choices. In it I mentioned the possibility that Officer Wilson suffered a broken eye socket. My source WAS NOT a media site but an inside source which I cannot reveal to trolls such as yourself. But as soon as the article came out the next day I ran with it. My mistake...never cared for media anyway.
The CT scan of course could not be one could have access to that but it could have been used just to show what that type of fracture may appear but fractures can be different not always the same.
If it comes out that Officer Wilson has no facial injury, I apologize to the world.
Take your name calling and stick it.
Now I remember why I quit these ridiculous message boards and social sites to begin with. TOO much drama!

I never said the officer did not have a wound to his face. I have only ever argued that everything in Jim Hoft's blog at Gateway Pundit doesn't even reach the lowest bar of credibility. He's just making things up as he goes along and it needed to be said.

What makes me angry are people who expect me to be convinced by a load of bull. Don't pee on my shoe and tell me it's raining. Give me correct information or get ready to be called out.

There are more reasonable people in the real world than on here. Why that is, I'm not sure. Maybe they find perpetually angry right-wingers boring, petty, tiresome. Maybe it's because the internet is the last refuge for racist trolls to feel comfortable spreading their vile nonsense without any repercussions.

Well, I'm happy to say that I'm in the reasonable people camp, and it simply needed to be said that it's in the interest of a lot of desperate people here for the officer to have as significant a wound as possible on his face in order to give them a sick kind of hope that an unarmed 18-yr old deserved to die.

I'll believe this injury when we have better information, not just the rantings and ravings of another right-winger on the lunatic fringe with a blog.

You leftwing bastards are totally fine with swallowing the account of a black felon, but you demand documented sources to anything that contradicts your narrative?

You jackals are walking zombies on this topic. No one gives a flying fuck what you believe or think, as you are a bunch of fucking liars anyway. Everyone knows that the data supporting the cop is under the control of DEMOCRAT politicians and the prosecutor. They had the autopsy on Brown this whole time and knew all shots were to the front, but sat on it when it could have cleared this whole thing.

You leftwing fascists WANT this rioting, the polarization. You want to make sure that blacks vote 95%+ for Democrats till Hell freezes over even as your party fucks them over each and every year.

When facts start coming out that contradict your bullshit narrative you have constructed you go immediately into ad hominem attacks on the sources, not even knowing who the ultimate sources are.

You call FOX news fraudulent and dismiss things cited because FOX bring more facts to the story and does not allow leftist shitheads like you filter those facts. FOX doesn't always get it right, but they provide the best news media to date because they are only concerned about the story, not your fucktard ideological shitheads.

I have two reputable sources for this information, and I wont post because FUCK YOU bastards.
Last edited:
If true, this makes any difference, how exactly?

It's been established that there was an altercation. In FACT the sequence of events are not in dispute.

What is in dispute is the actions of the officer.

Once the kid was fleeing and unarmed, the danger to the officer had passed.

The kid got 35 feet away from the police vehicle and the officer used deadly force to stop him.

Whether he was justified in doing so? That's the dispute.

It's only a dispute to feeble minds.

Does a person 35 feet away who is suspected of robbery and assault deserving of being shot dead? No.

To believe the officer's version, you have to believe that while Brown was running away, he stopped all of a sudden, turned around, struck a football pose and proceeded to charge an armed person. Then he bent completely over so that his torso was parallel to the ground and charged Wilson while staring at the pavement, which is why those last two bullets entered his head the way they did.

That doesn't sound plausible to me, but good luck getting a logical explanation from the racist trolls on here who keep telling us that MUST have been what happened.

I used to play football. If you want get leverage on another player on a hit you need to get lower then their head. It's very plausible.

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