Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

and to think there was once a time when us middle-agers would have to work in a restaurant when we were teens/early 20's for anywhere between 2.50 and 4.50 hr. and we didnt complain!

$2.50 in 1960 taking into account inflation would be worth $19.96 today.
i can still remember my first job, and probably like many of us in our 50's now, we were working at a local diner, washing dishes for 2.00, 2.30 or so an hour, and we felt kinda rich !!
And coffee was 10 cents a cup. I worked in a service station washing cars at minimum wage, 75 cent/hr. Yesterday, I paid $2 for a cut of coffee. If the cost of coffee is any guide, minimum wage should be $30/hr.

Clearly math isn't your strong suit. Your original ratio of one hour of work to a cup of coffee is 7.5 : 1. It then follows that 7.5 X $2 = $15, not $30.
Actually, I meant a 5 cent cup a coffee not 10 cents. Coffee was readily available at 5 cent where I live. In some place it was 10 cent..

The flopper flops.
$2.50 in 1960 taking into account inflation would be worth $19.96 today.
i can still remember my first job, and probably like many of us in our 50's now, we were working at a local diner, washing dishes for 2.00, 2.30 or so an hour, and we felt kinda rich !!
And coffee was 10 cents a cup. I worked in a service station washing cars at minimum wage, 75 cent/hr. Yesterday, I paid $2 for a cut of coffee. If the cost of coffee is any guide, minimum wage should be $30/hr.

Clearly math isn't your strong suit. Your original ratio of one hour of work to a cup of coffee is 7.5 : 1. It then follows that 7.5 X $2 = $15, not $30.
Actually, I meant a 5 cent cup a coffee not 10 cents. Coffee was readily available at 5 cent where I live. In some place it was 10 cent..

The flopper flops.

Hell he don't even know what the title to this thread is..................fucking moron
The stimulus? Nearly a trillion dollars?....So those magic jobs pay $300k per year? Because using your math, that's how much each one cost....
Oh?.....And you can prove this...Your turn....
The stimulus? Nearly a trillion dollars?....So those magic jobs pay $300k per year? Because using your math, that's how much each one cost....
Oh?.....And you can prove this...Your turn....

Obama s Stimulus Generated Up to 3.3 Million Jobs CBO Says - Bloomberg Business

Lol you obviously don't know what was in the stimulus. The money didn't pay the wages of those jobs. 280 billion of the stimulus was tax cuts. It wasn't purely government spending. A large bulk of it went to extending unemployment benefits to the millions who lost their jobs against their will in the recession. These two facts boosted economic demand in the market and stimulated growth.
Ahh..Nancy Pelosi...She said unemployment compensation stimulated the economy.....And this is rich...."most of the stimulus went for unemployment compensation....But it still created 3 million jobs.....Yeah ok,,,,
I'm citing the CBO and moody when I talk of the growth created by unemployment benefts. I don't care what Nancy said.
So?....Who claimed the writer of those stories is correct....If what they state is true, then why not have everyone collecting unemployment?
You do know unemployment benefits are temporary right?
They wouldn't be if you libs had anything to say about it
And that's what proves your ignorance. You really believe a restaurant owner does all that when in reality he makes a pretty modest wage and many times less than the minimum wage employee.


Restaurants are pretty damn lucrative. Here's a hint: Go out to eat at your favorite middle priced restaurant with your S/O and another couple. Order a cocktail and entrees. The profit the restaurant made off your cocktails covered the material overhead costs of your entrees. Food costs typically average 20 to 25 percent. Labor usually is anywhere from 5 to 20 percent depending on the establishment and management's ability to manage labor.
Yer kidding....Have you ever worked in the food an beverage business and been on the level where one of your responsibilities is to buy provisions? I have. I saw where the money goes....We paid $12 for a case of domestic beer. We sold it for $2.50....After the costs were figured in, we made a whopping 25 cents per unit.
We could have increased our price but we depended on repeat business and our customers chose us because our place was not only a good place to gather, our prices were somewhat lower than other bars in the area.
Those chicken wings that we sold for $8 per dozen? They cost us 20 cents per pound. In bulk,. Chicken has a very short shelf life. So we had to sell it quickly or dispose of it.
One of the major costs of fried food is the oil...We paid $75 for a 5 gallon container of cooking oil.'s not cheap....And we had to change out the oil in our two friers every third day. That's $150 twice a week.....
Since you know little about the food and bev business, what else would you like to discuss.

I'd like to discuss the fact that you were apparently working in a shithole of a sinking failure. :lol:

You've already admitted that you were catering to low ball price customers. Stop catering to low ball price customers! That's just a poor business strategy, plain and simple. It seems you are relying on fried food to fill your menu. What the fuck!?! That's the lowest, shittiest type of food for an eatery to be selling. Get a real menu!

But I suspect the main problem is that you and your colleagues are obviously pathetic jokes of managers since you can't do the basic 3rd grade level math to know what your costs are and what your profits are supposed to be in comparison. You paid $12 per case (24 beers) and you only made 20 cents a piece at a retail of $2.50?!?!

Hello!!! At $12 a case, your cost is 50 cents each! If you sold at $2.50 a beer, you were making $2 profit on each, not 20 cents. No wonder you had such a hard time, 90% of your profits were leaking out the door because you were too fucking stupid to know how to do your job! But I guess I should expect no different from a person who doesn't know the difference between a cocktail and a beer. :lol:
Hey guess what mr what the fuck....It was a sports bar....and a very successful one at that.....So much so that a larger restaurant company made a very lucrative off on the place and the owner of course sold..Why not? That's what a business is...An investment.
And hey shit for brains....There are other costs associated with running a restaurant than just the cost of the item and the final sale price.
Labor, utilities....Oh why am I bothering to explain....You have your mind made up and you having never been in the food and beverage business are 100% correct...
And it is telling that you are just spewing a bunch of horse shit because you had to resort to calling me names and criticizing me...
Now, go finish stabbing yourself in the eye with a lawn dart.
You're too fucking stupid to have a job.


So let's recap....

You admit that you're not talking about a restaurant, you're talking about a sports bar. That makes everything you said moot anyway.

You say it was "very successful" but the owner sold it. Why sell it?

How long did the guy own it? Sports bars are one of the most difficult types of bars to operate. They take huge, astronomical investments (more expensive than any other type of concept) and more often than not people find themselves in trouble before long because they can't figure out how to get the place off the ground. They tend to sell because they need to get out. Often the sale is to another person who doesn't know they don't know what they're doing, or to someone who does know how to turn it into a cash cow and is willing to offer a good price to a struggling owner because they know they can do much better than the last shmuck. It's one of the reasons successful sports bars nowadays are usually chain concepts, and why chain sports bars are growing so rapidly. They have the deep pockets to front the initial capital, and they have the experience to make the business successful, which most proprietors lack.

Sports bars generally rely on high volume. A successful sports bar will net millions a year. That's quite a bit more than the $2.13/hr wage of any of their servers! :lol:

Alright, you've had your spanking. Now go to bed!
He sold it because the offer was right. The place wasn't for sale. But somebody else wanted it and was willing to pay top dollar...DUH....
Hey empty vessel. I made it abundantly clear earlier in the thread that the place was a sports bar. You were too busy wiping the tears from your eyes after yoour knee jerked upward and struck your chin.
Yes. Sports bars are a tough market. This one was a good one. Hence the reason why it sold for a rather tidy profit.
Why are you trying so hard to appear as though you know something about the F&B business.....never mind. I don't give a shit.
Shut your stink hole. You master of vapidity.
I don't think too many waiters/waitresses will be out of work as a result of Seattle's having forced restaurants out of business.

They'll just have to get up earlier and spend a lot more on gas to drive to their new jobs in the growing number of restaurants just outside Seattle. Of course they'll get home later, too, but their children will never notice.
The thing is with the new urbanist smart growth nonsense in King County which resulted in parts of the area off limits to housing construction, home prices are out of reach for all but upper income people. Most of the workers will actually have shorter commutes
Do landscapers/lawn service get 15.00 hr?
Yes, if they are paid as an employee in Seattle they will be paid a minimum wage of $15.00/hr beginning in 2021.

A group called 15 Now is collecting signatures for a ballot measure that would hasten the timeline to $15 for all workers. The measure would amend the city's charter to create an immediate wage hike for large businesses, a three-year phase-in for organizations with fewer than 250 full-time employees, and the elimination of the training wage. 15 Now needs more than 30,000 signatures to make it on the ballot.
Seattle raises minimum wage to 15 an hour

Your sure thats your final answer??
No, I disagree with the proposal. Three years to get to $15/hr is too fast. I also disagree with using the number of employees as a criteria for determining the implementation time.
I worked in this field and with the cost of living on the West Coast , especially in the city there is no way anyone can live on less than that..
Thing is, it has been 15% recommended tip since the 1980's why can't they make it included in the check instead. But then the government couldn't control it and tax it.

Tips are performance based gratuities, not something fucking mandatory.

Wait staff that doesn't get tips, generally don't give service worth a shit ...................

Really man are you that fucking stupid??

Tips are performance based gratuities, not something fucking mandatory.

the worst service we ever had was from a fancy place that auto added in the tip

that was the first and last time we ate there
And ANOTHER fear mongering bs misinformation RW thread eats it...

Great I love moronic parrots .........................

Tell us of this "fear mongering " you speak of .........................

I mean you threw a bunch of words together like there is some perceived victory, enlighten us all ....................

Please- don't feed the animals :)
There is no desire to spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars on a college degree if the person stuffing french friends into a cardboard container is making what they had hoped to make after going to college. Just go flip burgers and make a killing. A living wage, according to liberals, is being able to buy ANYTHING you want. Cell phones, internet, TV, you fucking name it, that's a living wage. If you can use it while you're living, your burger flipping job should pay for it.

A little eye opener liberals: they won't have a job at all if the fast food they stuff into bags costs more than people are willing to pay.
A "living wage" is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting, without the need for assistance, especially government assistance programs. Of course, it's different depending on where one lives. It cost more to live in New York City than it does to live in Jackson Mississippi.
That's correct. Then add in all the toys that certain people believe to be entitlements.
Luxury items such as high speed internet, pay tv, cell phones, the ability to eat out, a second car....Yeah.
According to a study out of MIT, the living wage for a family of 5 living in Los Angeles County is over $23 per hour...So if a guy who has few marketable skills gets a job in a fast food rest, the living wage activists will look to that number as wage that is "fair".....Somehow I don;'t see a fast food worker making that kind of money.
The point is, those who work these entry level jobs must be made to realize the emphasis is on entry level.
What is meaningless about that? You still haven't explained why enforcing a specific wage creates anything "artificial" whatever that means. The labor participation rate is down BECAUSE wages are low. People are discouraged by all the shitty paying jobs. The creation of part time jobs verses full time is really up to the actual job creators wouldn't you say? There is no evidence illegal immigrants is why wages are low. That's bullshit. Yes, technology also plays a role in the lack of hiring. Again, blame the job creators. Oh, and the stock market has been doing stellar.

No moron the labor participation rate is down because people are lazy and as long as they can sit on the couch and draw a check from uncle sambo, then they have no incentive to work .................

Jeez you folks perspectives are extremely skewed / biased!!
Lol perhaps you should educate on the following issues:

1) Who exactly is on welfare
2) The different types of welfare programs
3) How much those on welfare actually receive


Dependence on Government vs. the American Dream

Your graph is a crock of shit.
Hey genius,.....The source is motherjones,com.....Not exactly a right wing website. Get it?
It’s evident that those Demoncrats don’t have a clue about economics. They never think of the consequences of their “feel good policies.” Neither do they have a clue how a business is run and operated. Seems to me this should be a litmus test for elected officials

Seattle eateries closing as 15 minimum wage approaches Hot Air

Don't you know anything. Those jobs will be filled by illegals...I mean...undocumented Americans. Documented Americans can't get them because the restaurant owner would have file taxes for them but with undocumented they don't have to let anyone know they are working there.
Illegals...You were correct the first time.
It’s evident that those Demoncrats don’t have a clue about economics. They never think of the consequences of their “feel good policies.” Neither do they have a clue how a business is run and operated. Seems to me this should be a litmus test for elected officials

Seattle eateries closing as 15 minimum wage approaches Hot Air

Don't you know anything. Those jobs will be filled by illegals...I mean...undocumented Americans. Documented Americans can't get them because the restaurant owner would have file taxes for them but with undocumented they don't have to let anyone know they are working there.
Capitalists love cheap and undocumented labor, obviously.
So?....You people are part of the problem.....You side is supporting Obama amnesty. So do your pro union people.
Wanna bet?....What growing economy is the one to which you refer?
Rising Prices And Stagnant Wages Are Real
Inflation as it pertains to the 80 item market basket is already underway.
When local government manipulates the cost of labor the other market forces's a simple law of economics.
In order to quell the negative effects, government will be forced to relax the rules or crate artificial price controls.
Yes, I recant what I said about consumer spending isnt affected by inflation. What I intended to say is that raising the minimum wage is not related to this.
Ugh...When costs to business are increased by artificial means, there is a direct adverse effect on the the end user.
This "artificial means" is just this same bullshit you people spew. Corporate profits are at an all time high yet wages have remained stagnant. It doesn't matter who raises the minimum wage, government or the businesses - there is nothing artificial about it.
The corporate profit argument? You're on that one now....Great. Still meaningless.
The fact is wages are NOT stagnant. Wages are down because the labor participation rate is at a 40 year low.
The other fact that there are far more part time workers. That drags down the numbers.
There are more illegals working in the US...That has lowered average wages in the unskilled and semi skilled markets.
Hiring is down because jobs that are now done by computers and machines no longer require humans.
Wages are down because cash strapped businesses are using temp instead of employee labor.
It's the marketplace which has adjusted to government policy and taxation....
One issue you libs ignore is that corporations are publicly traded companies. As such, the bottom line is the bottom line. If the performance of the company causes the value of the stock to fall and render the company no longer a good investment, the company falters and the workers are the first to go...
This is basic stuff.
And yes. When government sticks it nose into the marketplace for political reasons, the act is artificial.
Anytime government has interfered in the marketplace the result is always negative.

So your point is that Americans should accept the fact that we are now and will inevitably continue to be just one more low wage nation among the many others in the same boat.

Great. Conservative anti-exceptionalism. lol
no...I neither stated nor implied any such thing.
It’s evident that those Demoncrats don’t have a clue about economics. They never think of the consequences of their “feel good policies.” Neither do they have a clue how a business is run and operated. Seems to me this should be a litmus test for elected officials

Seattle eateries closing as 15 minimum wage approaches Hot Air

Don't you know anything. Those jobs will be filled by illegals...I mean...undocumented Americans. Documented Americans can't get them because the restaurant owner would have file taxes for them but with undocumented they don't have to let anyone know they are working there.
Illegals...You were correct the first time.

or this.....

Report: Social security numbers active for 6.5 million people aged 112

See socialism works
Like most Democrats and the Left
they pull it out of their ass

never trust the left on math
come on....those who support a "living wage" should the 16 year old working at the ice cream shop get 15 dollars an hour? what about the guy at 7-11 behind the counter?

any answer to that? should the stockera stacking goods on shelves make enough money to finance a home, a car and sending their kids to college, as well as a vacation to Dismey every year?

15 dollars and hour is not enough

it should have been closer to 22.50 an hour

that would have solved the problems

Please...where does the 22.50 come from.....? Where does the 15 dollars come from in a donut shop....since the donut worker is just as entitled to a "living wage" as the Walmart worker....right?

certainly 22.50 is better to live off of over 15 dollars per hour

that is where 22.50 comes from

why not 30 dollars an hour which would be better yet

the one thing they forgot in the law

was to mandate that employers could not legally close down

and force then to pay those living wages
You didn't answer the question....
From where does the business owner get the $22.50?
$30? Why not make it $100?
Mandate employers cannot legally close their businesses?
Are you being a smartass?
What is meaningless about that? You still haven't explained why enforcing a specific wage creates anything "artificial" whatever that means. The labor participation rate is down BECAUSE wages are low. People are discouraged by all the shitty paying jobs. The creation of part time jobs verses full time is really up to the actual job creators wouldn't you say? There is no evidence illegal immigrants is why wages are low. That's bullshit. Yes, technology also plays a role in the lack of hiring. Again, blame the job creators. Oh, and the stock market has been doing stellar.

No moron the labor participation rate is down because people are lazy and as long as they can sit on the couch and draw a check from uncle sambo, then they have no incentive to work .................

Jeez you folks perspectives are extremely skewed / biased!!
Lol perhaps you should educate on the following issues:

1) Who exactly is on welfare
2) The different types of welfare programs
3) How much those on welfare actually receive


Dependence on Government vs. the American Dream

Your graph is a crock of shit.
Hey genius,.....The source is motherjones,com.....Not exactly a right wing website. Get it?


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