Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

So far not one of the $15 minimum wage supporter has refuted these numbers.

A small restaurant owner grosses $500,000 a year and
A) pays out 36% or $180,000 in wages/labor costs
B) pays out 30% or $150,000 in food
C) Pays out 30% or $150,000 for rent,utilities,permits, taxes,etc...
A total costs of $480,000 leaving
profit for the owner $20,000 net income...

BUT what happens if labor costs jump to 50% of the revenue or $250,000 BUT the revenue stays at $500,000?
Food costs stay the same... $150,000 so does other costs rent,etc. $150,000
Add Labor - $250,000
Add food - 150,000
Add Other - 150,000
Total $550,000

BUT WAIT... the gross revenue stayed the same $500,000.

Far from a profit of $20,000 the owner now because his labor costs jumped to 50% of revenue, has to make up out of OWN pocket, $50,000 in losses!
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see...hmmm no profit, but losses all because my labor costs go up.

Minimum wage supporters.. UNITE! Refute the above numbers!
Would it be better or worse for the private sector, if persons could simply apply for unemployment compensation that clears our poverty guidelines, if they don't want a really really serious (employment) relationship with wealthy Capitalists.
Would it be better or worse for the private sector, if persons could simply apply for unemployment compensation that clears our poverty guidelines, if they don't want a really really serious (employment) relationship with wealthy Capitalists.

Give it anoither shot dude and put down the fucking crack pipe so we can understand...........................

"apply for unemployment compensation that clears out poverty guidelines" ..................learn fucking English and then give it another shot!!!
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So far not one of the $15 minimum wage supporter has refuted these numbers.

A small restaurant owner grosses $500,000 a year and
A) pays out 36% or $180,000 in wages/labor costs
B) pays out 30% or $150,000 in food
C) Pays out 30% or $150,000 for rent,utilities,permits, taxes,etc...
A total costs of $480,000 leaving
profit for the owner $20,000 net income...

BUT what happens if labor costs jump to 50% of the revenue or $250,000 BUT the revenue stays at $500,000?
Food costs stay the same... $150,000 so does other costs rent,etc. $150,000
Add Labor - $250,000
Add food - 150,000
Add Other - 150,000
Total $550,000

BUT WAIT... the gross revenue stayed the same $500,000.

Far from a profit of $20,000 the owner now because his labor costs jumped to 50% of revenue, has to make up out of OWN pocket, $50,000 in losses!
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see...hmmm no profit, but losses all because my labor costs go up.

Minimum wage supporters.. UNITE! Refute the above numbers!
Where did you get those numbers?
I have always been gainfully employed, got mad skills, Never had to worry about minimum wage except when I was a young man ...........

The first job I ever worked that actually paid some decent cash was as a heli-arc welder at an aluminum boat plant. That plant was my kind of heaven and n*ggers hell, set in a small rural town, tucked on the edge of a quaint little pond, I spent many of my earlier years here.

As I stated, I was a welder when I started, we got a minimum wage of $2.50 / $2.65 / hr or something in that range, whatever federal minimum wage was at that time. Now here was the gravy train, we got paid piece mill rates, in other words if a 1030(10 foot length, 30" beam) paid $2.50 / ea.

This was forming, cleaning down all seems with wash thinner, tacking of transoms and front ends, both front rakes(where the bottom curves upward to meet the sides), drain plug and finally tote it to the test tank.

Now lead welders could do these babies in 10-12 min, they were worth $2.50 each, you do the math.
The homies didn't stand around with there pants down, they knew if they wanted a pay check it would be performance driven.

Now if we went back to some of these standards of you get paid what you are worth, then most of the left would starve while declaring the right cold harted for not feeding the poor retards.

I really don't care at this point, society is out of control ..............................................

You liberals can have your exercise in $15/ MW.

Hell I don't live in Seatelle, and damn sure want be visiting.

Lets hope when it is done you will come back and discuss it just as Detroit and Chicago, neither of which any of you left wing nut jobs will comment on yoiur bs rhetoric.
Business pay people what they are worth?

According to this logic, CEOs of big companies are worth their giant compensation packages, now averaging 300 times the pay of the typical American worker. They must be worth it or they wouldn't be paid this much, right?

Fifty years ago, when General Motors was the largest employer in America, the typical GM worker got paid $35 an hour in today's dollars. Today, America's largest employer is Walmart, and the typical Walmart worker earns $8.80 an hour.

Does this mean the typical GM employee a half-century ago was worth four times what today's typical Walmart employee is worth? Not at all. That GM worker wasn't much better educated or productive. He often hadn't graduated from high school. And today's Walmart worker is better educated, surrounded by digital gadgets -- mobile inventory controls, instant checkout devices, retail search engines -- making him or her highly productive.

The "paid-what-you're-worth" argument is fundamentally flaunted because it ignores power, overlooks institutions, and disregards politics. .
I have always been gainfully employed, got mad skills, Never had to worry about minimum wage except when I was a young man ...........

The first job I ever worked that actually paid some decent cash was as a heli-arc welder at an aluminum boat plant. That plant was my kind of heaven and n*ggers hell, set in a small rural town, tucked on the edge of a quaint little pond, I spent many of my earlier years here.

As I stated, I was a welder when I started, we got a minimum wage of $2.50 / $2.65 / hr or something in that range, whatever federal minimum wage was at that time. Now here was the gravy train, we got paid piece mill rates, in other words if a 1030(10 foot length, 30" beam) paid $2.50 / ea.

This was forming, cleaning down all seems with wash thinner, tacking of transoms and front ends, both front rakes(where the bottom curves upward to meet the sides), drain plug and finally tote it to the test tank.

Now lead welders could do these babies in 10-12 min, they were worth $2.50 each, you do the math.
The homies didn't stand around with there pants down, they knew if they wanted a pay check it would be performance driven.

Now if we went back to some of these standards of you get paid what you are worth, then most of the left would starve while declaring the right cold harted for not feeding the poor retards.

I really don't care at this point, society is out of control ..............................................

You liberals can have your exercise in $15/ MW.

Hell I don't live in Seatelle, and damn sure want be visiting.

Lets hope when it is done you will come back and discuss it just as Detroit and Chicago, neither of which any of you left wing nut jobs will comment on yoiur bs rhetoric.
Business pay people what they are worth?

According to this logic, CEOs of big companies are worth their giant compensation packages, now averaging 300 times the pay of the typical American worker. They must be worth it or they wouldn't be paid this much, right?

Fifty years ago, when General Motors was the largest employer in America, the typical GM worker got paid $35 an hour in today's dollars. Today, America's largest employer is Walmart, and the typical Walmart worker earns $8.80 an hour.

Does this mean the typical GM employee a half-century ago was worth four times what today's typical Walmart employee is worth? Not at all. That GM worker wasn't much better educated or productive. He often hadn't graduated from high school. And today's Walmart worker is better educated, surrounded by digital gadgets -- mobile inventory controls, instant checkout devices, retail search engines -- making him or her highly productive.

The "paid-what-you're-worth" argument is fundamentally flaunted because it ignores power, overlooks institutions, and disregards politics. .

50 years ago the GM worker actually had to have some skills. The walmart worker doesn't. Then, as the unions priced the jobs too high the car makers turned to robots for the vast majority of the jobs out there. I heartily agree that CEO's are grossly overpaid. So are firefighters. So are sports people and the established actors and directors. They are grossly overpaid for what they do.
So far not one of the $15 minimum wage supporter has refuted these numbers.

A small restaurant owner grosses $500,000 a year and
A) pays out 36% or $180,000 in wages/labor costs
B) pays out 30% or $150,000 in food
C) Pays out 30% or $150,000 for rent,utilities,permits, taxes,etc...
A total costs of $480,000 leaving
profit for the owner $20,000 net income...

BUT what happens if labor costs jump to 50% of the revenue or $250,000 BUT the revenue stays at $500,000?
Food costs stay the same... $150,000 so does other costs rent,etc. $150,000
Add Labor - $250,000
Add food - 150,000
Add Other - 150,000
Total $550,000

BUT WAIT... the gross revenue stayed the same $500,000.

Far from a profit of $20,000 the owner now because his labor costs jumped to 50% of revenue, has to make up out of OWN pocket, $50,000 in losses!
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see...hmmm no profit, but losses all because my labor costs go up.

Minimum wage supporters.. UNITE! Refute the above numbers!
Where did you get those numbers?

We call it math.
I have always been gainfully employed, got mad skills, Never had to worry about minimum wage except when I was a young man ...........

The first job I ever worked that actually paid some decent cash was as a heli-arc welder at an aluminum boat plant. That plant was my kind of heaven and n*ggers hell, set in a small rural town, tucked on the edge of a quaint little pond, I spent many of my earlier years here.

As I stated, I was a welder when I started, we got a minimum wage of $2.50 / $2.65 / hr or something in that range, whatever federal minimum wage was at that time. Now here was the gravy train, we got paid piece mill rates, in other words if a 1030(10 foot length, 30" beam) paid $2.50 / ea.

This was forming, cleaning down all seems with wash thinner, tacking of transoms and front ends, both front rakes(where the bottom curves upward to meet the sides), drain plug and finally tote it to the test tank.

Now lead welders could do these babies in 10-12 min, they were worth $2.50 each, you do the math.
The homies didn't stand around with there pants down, they knew if they wanted a pay check it would be performance driven.

Now if we went back to some of these standards of you get paid what you are worth, then most of the left would starve while declaring the right cold harted for not feeding the poor retards.

I really don't care at this point, society is out of control ..............................................

You liberals can have your exercise in $15/ MW.

Hell I don't live in Seatelle, and damn sure want be visiting.

Lets hope when it is done you will come back and discuss it just as Detroit and Chicago, neither of which any of you left wing nut jobs will comment on yoiur bs rhetoric.
Business pay people what they are worth?

According to this logic, CEOs of big companies are worth their giant compensation packages, now averaging 300 times the pay of the typical American worker. They must be worth it or they wouldn't be paid this much, right?

Fifty years ago, when General Motors was the largest employer in America, the typical GM worker got paid $35 an hour in today's dollars. Today, America's largest employer is Walmart, and the typical Walmart worker earns $8.80 an hour.

Does this mean the typical GM employee a half-century ago was worth four times what today's typical Walmart employee is worth? Not at all. That GM worker wasn't much better educated or productive. He often hadn't graduated from high school. And today's Walmart worker is better educated, surrounded by digital gadgets -- mobile inventory controls, instant checkout devices, retail search engines -- making him or her highly productive.

The "paid-what-you're-worth" argument is fundamentally flaunted because it ignores power, overlooks institutions, and disregards politics. .

50 years ago the GM worker actually had to have some skills. The walmart worker doesn't. Then, as the unions priced the jobs too high the car makers turned to robots for the vast majority of the jobs out there. I heartily agree that CEO's are grossly overpaid. So are firefighters. So are sports people and the established actors and directors. They are grossly overpaid for what they do.
Basically most people are paid what the person who is paying them thinks they are worth which depends on their value to the business, supply and demand, and government and union rules. Rarely are people paid what they are worth to our society. In fact, those that contribute the most, are often paid the least.
Business pay people what they are worth?

That's how it should work. You don't pay people what they think they are worth. That is very childish. Whatever happened to earning your money? Now we have people like you using the legal system or the legislative process to attempt to give people what they in reality don't deserve.

According to this logic, CEOs of big companies are worth their giant compensation packages, now averaging 300 times the pay of the typical American worker.

A corporation doesn't work without leadership. Just like the human body doesn't work without a brain. I'm sorry rich people scare you so much, but it is life. And avarice fuels your arguments.

Fifty years ago, when General Motors was the largest employer in America, the typical GM worker got paid $35 an hour in today's dollars.

And you want people to be paid in equivalent what people were paid 50 years ago? If that is the case, then everyone can kiss their jobs goodbye. How patently ludicrous of you to make such a suggestion. You would absolutely kill every small business in America, and would cause every corporation in the US to outsource almost all of their jobs overseas. Think before you speak.

Does this mean the typical GM employee a half-century ago was worth four times what today's typical Walmart employee is worth?

Why does that even matter? When I was growing up, I was taught that I had to earn my share, not demand it because I thought I deserved it. That isn't how life works. One person is no more valuable than another. People are supposed to prove their worth instead of dictate it to their employers. What is wrong with you?

That GM worker wasn't much better educated or productive.

Are you suggesting that people should be paid regardless of their productivity?

The "paid-what-you're-worth" argument is fundamentally flaunted because it ignores power, overlooks institutions, and disregards politics.

The "pay me what I want, when I want" argument is flawed, purely because it abolishes power, overlooks productivity, and injects politics into the workplace, not to mention the employer is dictated to the worth of their workers by society.
Well...we are talking about the city with the "pay if you feel like it" establishments too so....
The servers will be even more motivated to bury their tips if the employer is on the hook to make up the difference.

Do you think you're the first person to ever think of that? Do you think the employer wants to pay their servers several dollars an hour more when they don't have to? Any restaurant being run by someone who halfway knows what they're doing will be able to prevent it. I've already told you this.

Many people tip in cash, so there's no way to really police it. You are making assumptions on what they will make AND what they will report.

You really don't know what you're talking about. Servers have to declare tips at the end of every shift they work. Yes, some tips are in cash. But if a server under reports their tips such that the employer has to pay extra on the server's paycheck, management is going to quickly step in. I can't police whether you report every last penny. But if you're reporting tips that come out to be 5% of your total sales, I'm not going to tolerate it. You're breaking the law, you're defrauding me to get more money, or you're providing shitty service. Either way, I don't want you working for me.

I think YOU need to read, I asked you to back it up.

Sure thing sport. I've been doing this longer than you've been playing on the internets. You're simply talking out of your ass, and making no damn sense along the way.
Once again ,yours is the opinion of an uninformed individual.
I'm not going to waste my time explaining my experience as a worker and manager in the F&B industry.
I defer to your expertise.


Okay, now you've really shown that you were lying out of your ass before. Anyone who has worked in a restaurant can readily verify everything I have said. If you're going to argue with it, yet claim to have managed a bar or restaurant, you're a lying sack of shit.
A Left wing white supremacist. LMAO!

OMG that never gets old!
Racial Socialist as I have said a dozen times.You act like its some surprise.
Right. Like I'm going to tell one bedsheet from another. Same shit, different blender speed.
Not even close. Klan is a christian group and hates socialism...

The Klan is a group created by Democrats who hates black people. Oops.

The Klan was created by Conservatives.
It was created by racists just like you. You can't escape your KKK roots.
I have always been gainfully employed, got mad skills, Never had to worry about minimum wage except when I was a young man ...........

The first job I ever worked that actually paid some decent cash was as a heli-arc welder at an aluminum boat plant. That plant was my kind of heaven and n*ggers hell, set in a small rural town, tucked on the edge of a quaint little pond, I spent many of my earlier years here.

As I stated, I was a welder when I started, we got a minimum wage of $2.50 / $2.65 / hr or something in that range, whatever federal minimum wage was at that time. Now here was the gravy train, we got paid piece mill rates, in other words if a 1030(10 foot length, 30" beam) paid $2.50 / ea.

This was forming, cleaning down all seems with wash thinner, tacking of transoms and front ends, both front rakes(where the bottom curves upward to meet the sides), drain plug and finally tote it to the test tank.

Now lead welders could do these babies in 10-12 min, they were worth $2.50 each, you do the math.
The homies didn't stand around with there pants down, they knew if they wanted a pay check it would be performance driven.

Now if we went back to some of these standards of you get paid what you are worth, then most of the left would starve while declaring the right cold harted for not feeding the poor retards.

I really don't care at this point, society is out of control ..............................................

You liberals can have your exercise in $15/ MW.

Hell I don't live in Seatelle, and damn sure want be visiting.

Lets hope when it is done you will come back and discuss it just as Detroit and Chicago, neither of which any of you left wing nut jobs will comment on yoiur bs rhetoric.
Business pay people what they are worth?

According to this logic, CEOs of big companies are worth their giant compensation packages, now averaging 300 times the pay of the typical American worker. They must be worth it or they wouldn't be paid this much, right?

Fifty years ago, when General Motors was the largest employer in America, the typical GM worker got paid $35 an hour in today's dollars. Today, America's largest employer is Walmart, and the typical Walmart worker earns $8.80 an hour.

Does this mean the typical GM employee a half-century ago was worth four times what today's typical Walmart employee is worth? Not at all. That GM worker wasn't much better educated or productive. He often hadn't graduated from high school. And today's Walmart worker is better educated, surrounded by digital gadgets -- mobile inventory controls, instant checkout devices, retail search engines -- making him or her highly productive.

The "paid-what-you're-worth" argument is fundamentally flaunted because it ignores power, overlooks institutions, and disregards politics. .

50 years ago the GM worker actually had to have some skills. The walmart worker doesn't. Then, as the unions priced the jobs too high the car makers turned to robots for the vast majority of the jobs out there. I heartily agree that CEO's are grossly overpaid. So are firefighters. So are sports people and the established actors and directors. They are grossly overpaid for what they do.

By what frame of reference do you judge how much a CEO is supposed to make and what is considered excessive? The market is the fairest arbiter of what people should get paid, the more rare the talent, the higher the premium. Can you run a multi billion dollar corporation? Neither can I. That's a skill set that takes decades of hard work and ambition to cultivate. Nobody outside of government, which is shielded from market forces, is overpaid.
Another goofball law that will end up biting those idiots in the ass.

I for one couldn't afford to eat at a restaurant that pays 15 bucks an hour to its wait staff.

Nope. Seattle will have NO restaurants before you know it and then those idiots who passed this law will have to eat at home. Idiots.
Oh the asininity!

How else does a business maintain or grow its worth? Am I really to believe that the sole net worth of one man can fuel the machinations of one of the biggest store chains in the world? You really are a dumbass, you know that?

Raise the wages of your workers, raise the price of your goods. This is exactly why these restaurants are running for the hills!

What good is it to you sell cheap goods/services/food, but pay your workers what they demand instead of what they earn?
The workers keep it running Without the workers they treat so badly the place would collapse.

Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor
If it's really true that raising minimum wage has no harmful side effects, why screw around with ten dollars an hour? Why not fifty or one hundred?

....crickets. ...
We aren't being greedy we just want enough to live off of and pay bills and buy food etc. Leave it to a republican to use an idiotic example.
That desire is what drives you to not be so fucking worthless the government has to negotiate a wage for you. If you are making minimum wage it's because it's what you're worth. That also means you are easily replaceable because you're too fucking stupid to do anything else that would be worth more to an employer. So the government steps in and demands a wage that isn't worth paying and you lose your job entirely. That's how it works.
Then allow ALL workers to unionize.

That's already the case.
Nah, it won't. Folks will eat out regardless.

Sure but since it will cost more they will eat out less thereby making many employees unnecessary
You don't Seattle. People eat out regardless of price. They may not pay their bills on time but they will eat out.

I assume you're kidding. If not, this is hardly a defense of minimum wage laws, and if it were true points to an even worse outcome than burger flippers losing jobs.

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