Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

I have always been gainfully employed, got mad skills, Never had to worry about minimum wage except when I was a young man ...........

The first job I ever worked that actually paid some decent cash was as a heli-arc welder at an aluminum boat plant. That plant was my kind of heaven and n*ggers hell, set in a small rural town, tucked on the edge of a quaint little pond, I spent many of my earlier years here.

As I stated, I was a welder when I started, we got a minimum wage of $2.50 / $2.65 / hr or something in that range, whatever federal minimum wage was at that time. Now here was the gravy train, we got paid piece mill rates, in other words if a 1030(10 foot length, 30" beam) paid $2.50 / ea.

This was forming, cleaning down all seems with wash thinner, tacking of transoms and front ends, both front rakes(where the bottom curves upward to meet the sides), drain plug and finally tote it to the test tank.

Now lead welders could do these babies in 10-12 min, they were worth $2.50 each, you do the math.
The homies didn't stand around with there pants down, they knew if they wanted a pay check it would be performance driven.

Now if we went back to some of these standards of you get paid what you are worth, then most of the left would starve while declaring the right cold harted for not feeding the poor retards.

I really don't care at this point, society is out of control ..............................................

You liberals can have your exercise in $15/ MW.

Hell I don't live in Seatelle, and damn sure want be visiting.

Lets hope when it is done you will come back and discuss it just as Detroit and Chicago, neither of which any of you left wing nut jobs will comment on yoiur bs rhetoric.
Business pay people what they are worth?

According to this logic, CEOs of big companies are worth their giant compensation packages, now averaging 300 times the pay of the typical American worker. They must be worth it or they wouldn't be paid this much, right?

Fifty years ago, when General Motors was the largest employer in America, the typical GM worker got paid $35 an hour in today's dollars. Today, America's largest employer is Walmart, and the typical Walmart worker earns $8.80 an hour.

Does this mean the typical GM employee a half-century ago was worth four times what today's typical Walmart employee is worth? Not at all. That GM worker wasn't much better educated or productive. He often hadn't graduated from high school. And today's Walmart worker is better educated, surrounded by digital gadgets -- mobile inventory controls, instant checkout devices, retail search engines -- making him or her highly productive.

The "paid-what-you're-worth" argument is fundamentally flaunted because it ignores power, overlooks institutions, and disregards politics. .

50 years ago the GM worker actually had to have some skills. The walmart worker doesn't. Then, as the unions priced the jobs too high the car makers turned to robots for the vast majority of the jobs out there. I heartily agree that CEO's are grossly overpaid. So are firefighters. So are sports people and the established actors and directors. They are grossly overpaid for what they do.

By what frame of reference do you judge how much a CEO is supposed to make and what is considered excessive? The market is the fairest arbiter of what people should get paid, the more rare the talent, the higher the premium. Can you run a multi billion dollar corporation? Neither can I. That's a skill set that takes decades of hard work and ambition to cultivate. Nobody outside of government, which is shielded from market forces, is overpaid.
As far as these class warfare progs are concerned, the CEO or other board member won the "lottery of life"...
They believe that about anyone who's wealth and success offends them
Another goofball law that will end up biting those idiots in the ass.

I for one couldn't afford to eat at a restaurant that pays 15 bucks an hour to its wait staff.

Nope. Seattle will have NO restaurants before you know it and then those idiots who passed this law will have to eat at home. Idiots.
The waitstaff that is working in the more upscale restaurants who are used ot making two to three hundred bucks a night in tips, throw in those bartenders in upscale night clubs used to making $500 per night will not longer be getting tips.
Once the public becomes aware that these workers are no longer $2.13 per hour plus tips, but between $10 and $15 per hour, they will no longer see the need to leave gratuities.
Lots of service people will be seeing a drastic cut in pay...
It will hit them two ways...Less money overall. And they will have to pay taxes on ALL of their income.
I have always been gainfully employed, got mad skills, Never had to worry about minimum wage except when I was a young man ...........

The first job I ever worked that actually paid some decent cash was as a heli-arc welder at an aluminum boat plant. That plant was my kind of heaven and n*ggers hell, set in a small rural town, tucked on the edge of a quaint little pond, I spent many of my earlier years here.

As I stated, I was a welder when I started, we got a minimum wage of $2.50 / $2.65 / hr or something in that range, whatever federal minimum wage was at that time. Now here was the gravy train, we got paid piece mill rates, in other words if a 1030(10 foot length, 30" beam) paid $2.50 / ea.

This was forming, cleaning down all seems with wash thinner, tacking of transoms and front ends, both front rakes(where the bottom curves upward to meet the sides), drain plug and finally tote it to the test tank.

Now lead welders could do these babies in 10-12 min, they were worth $2.50 each, you do the math.
The homies didn't stand around with there pants down, they knew if they wanted a pay check it would be performance driven.

Now if we went back to some of these standards of you get paid what you are worth, then most of the left would starve while declaring the right cold harted for not feeding the poor retards.

I really don't care at this point, society is out of control ..............................................

You liberals can have your exercise in $15/ MW.

Hell I don't live in Seatelle, and damn sure want be visiting.

Lets hope when it is done you will come back and discuss it just as Detroit and Chicago, neither of which any of you left wing nut jobs will comment on yoiur bs rhetoric.
Business pay people what they are worth?

According to this logic, CEOs of big companies are worth their giant compensation packages, now averaging 300 times the pay of the typical American worker. They must be worth it or they wouldn't be paid this much, right?

Fifty years ago, when General Motors was the largest employer in America, the typical GM worker got paid $35 an hour in today's dollars. Today, America's largest employer is Walmart, and the typical Walmart worker earns $8.80 an hour.

Does this mean the typical GM employee a half-century ago was worth four times what today's typical Walmart employee is worth? Not at all. That GM worker wasn't much better educated or productive. He often hadn't graduated from high school. And today's Walmart worker is better educated, surrounded by digital gadgets -- mobile inventory controls, instant checkout devices, retail search engines -- making him or her highly productive.

The "paid-what-you're-worth" argument is fundamentally flaunted because it ignores power, overlooks institutions, and disregards politics. .

50 years ago the GM worker actually had to have some skills. The walmart worker doesn't. Then, as the unions priced the jobs too high the car makers turned to robots for the vast majority of the jobs out there. I heartily agree that CEO's are grossly overpaid. So are firefighters. So are sports people and the established actors and directors. They are grossly overpaid for what they do.

By what frame of reference do you judge how much a CEO is supposed to make and what is considered excessive? The market is the fairest arbiter of what people should get paid, the more rare the talent, the higher the premium. Can you run a multi billion dollar corporation? Neither can I. That's a skill set that takes decades of hard work and ambition to cultivate. Nobody outside of government, which is shielded from market forces, is overpaid.
As far as these class warfare progs are concerned, the CEO or other board member won the "lottery of life"...
They believe that about anyone who's wealth and success offends them

Wealth is like a fart to them. Their's smells fine, but everyone else's stinks.
The $28.5 billion in bonuses doled out to Wall Street employees is double the annual pay for all 1,007,000 Americans who work full-time at the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Wall Street bonuses rose 3 percent last year, despite a 4.5 percent decline in industry profits
What do highly educated employees of the financial industry have to do with unskilled labor?
Wealth/earnings are not distributed. Wealth is created. Earnings are self explanatory.
You see what others have. You feel entitled to a part of it.
You look to government to force others to give it to you.
I am well aware of the economic situation in this country regarding families, as well as single workers. Yes, businesses will do what they have to in order to retain cheap labor, as they are accustom to doing. They are not going to pay any more than they have to. I'm well aware of how the system works. I worked for over 40 years in many industries.
That's a lie. There's no law (yet) that dictates pay raises but all businesses I know of have them. You get better at your job and can do more, they want you to stay, so they give you a raise. Simple stuff really.
What's a lie? Where did I lie? I said absolutely nothing about "a law". Who are you addressing? I don't believe that I mentioned a law. What was the lie?
You're a retard!
"They are not going to pay any more than they have to."

That's a lie. You know nothing about business, you're running your cyber mouth about things completely out of your grasp.
Oh, I see. so instead of paying an employee $20.00 an hour to do a task ( job ), a business will pay double that just out of the goodness of its heart? Or, a business will pay a janitor $40.00 an hour just to feel good about itself? What's a lie? Where did I lie? A business is not going to pay an employee any more than they have to pay. What business do you know of that pays employees way more than the going rate? Name a business that pays way outside the going rate for any particular job? I have owned two businesses, and yet, you say that I know nothing about running a business? That shows just how little you know.

Also, your childish and silly name calling and personal attack is school yard stuff, and has no place on forums where adults are attempting to have civil conversations. Your age? If you think that immature "cyber mouth" comment makes you appear to be intelligent and "all-knowing", think again. FYI - Business is NOT out of my grasp. If there's anything that you'd like to know or learn about "business", just ask. I'll be glad to help you in any way that I can. I do not mind sharing knowledge or my many years of experience.

Again, what lie did I tell, or what lie are you referring to? Care to tell me the lie that you think I told? And, please grow up and at least appear to be adult in these conversations. Childish remarks and comments add absolutely nothing to these conversations.
Why would a business pay its employees more than the prevailing market rate?
Business will do what it must to attract the best workers for the jobs the employer needs to fill...
If that comes in the form or higher wages than the guy on the other side of town is willing to pay, then so be it.
Same applies for fringe benefits.
Simple stuff.
If it's really true that raising minimum wage has no harmful side effects, why screw around with ten dollars an hour? Why not fifty or one hundred?

....crickets. ...
We aren't being greedy we just want enough to live off of and pay bills and buy food etc. Leave it to a republican to use an idiotic example.
That desire is what drives you to not be so fucking worthless the government has to negotiate a wage for you. If you are making minimum wage it's because it's what you're worth. That also means you are easily replaceable because you're too fucking stupid to do anything else that would be worth more to an employer. So the government steps in and demands a wage that isn't worth paying and you lose your job entirely. That's how it works.
Then allow ALL workers to unionize.

That's already the case.
You tried unionizing at Wal Mart? I look forward to the day they unionize here...
Minimum wage talk is a joke. To small of a demographic to impact the economy

Its not just about min wage workers. EVERYONE should be given a wage they can live off of pay bills,gas,food,child care etc 35K a year a least...
Walmart will close a store before the company allows a union to organize the workers.
They closed a distribution center in Maryland for that very reason...
Wages are not "given". Nor are they to be a form of a "demand"...Wages are paid based on the prevailing market rate and level of skill and experiance required to perform required tasks.
It is up to the individual to live within his her means.
That desire is what drives you to not be so fucking worthless the government has to negotiate a wage for you. If you are making minimum wage it's because it's what you're worth. That also means you are easily replaceable because you're too fucking stupid to do anything else that would be worth more to an employer. So the government steps in and demands a wage that isn't worth paying and you lose your job entirely. That's how it works.
Then allow ALL workers to unionize.

That's already the case.
You tried unionizing at Wal Mart? I look forward to the day they unionize here...
Minimum wage talk is a joke. To small of a demographic to impact the economy

Its not just about min wage workers. EVERYONE should be given a wage they can live off of pay bills,gas,food,child care etc 35K a year a least...

Why? you really give yourself away when you use the word "given" a wage. In your left wing mind you don't understand working for your money, you just want it "given" to you. Because its only "fair" right?
Only in Right to Work States.
No..Every state....Remember, even in the states with the highest percentage of unionized workers( private sector) that is only about 15% of the workforce.
Unions have very little if any influence on the remainder of private sector pay rates
a business does not get to decide what it can spend on labor????????? WTF is wrong with you? Have you ever actually had a job?
Yes. Several. Take Wal Mart for example. When 6 Waltons are worth more than the lower 40% of americans they can afford a lot better than 9 or 10$ an hour.They want to be greedy pieces of shit then governme is forced to step in.

the Waltons are rich because they successfully created a chain of stores that millions of people shop at. They make a very small % profit but its on a very large volume of sales.

If they are forced to raise their employee pay (which is above minimum wage in every store) they will either have to reduce the number of employees or raise prices, either of which hurts poor people the most.

less than 3% of working americans make minimum wage and the vast majority of those are teens making pocket money in part time jobs.

minimum wage is not a problem in this country, but it makes a good sympathy rant for liberals.
1. They are rich because their granddaddy made it rich they did not
2. No they would not have to raise prices that's more of the right wing bullshit that's been debunked.

No, the bullshit is all coming from the left. A very small % of walmart employees make minimum wage, and they only make it during a short training period, then their pay in increeased. MW is really not an issue in this country. Fast food workers here in NOLA start at more than MW, and the fast food outlets are always looking for people.

MW is nothing but a left wing wedge issue that is used to stir up discontent amoung the ignorant. It obviously works on you.

But it sounds like you want every walmart employee to get a raise because you are jealous of the success of the Walton family.

A Left wing white supremacist. LMAO!

OMG that never gets old!
Racial Socialist as I have said a dozen times.You act like its some surprise.
Right. Like I'm going to tell one bedsheet from another. Same shit, different blender speed.
Not even close. Klan is a christian group and hates socialism...

the KKK is not Christian. Hate is not a Christian value.

That desire is what drives you to not be so fucking worthless the government has to negotiate a wage for you. If you are making minimum wage it's because it's what you're worth. That also means you are easily replaceable because you're too fucking stupid to do anything else that would be worth more to an employer. So the government steps in and demands a wage that isn't worth paying and you lose your job entirely. That's how it works.
Then allow ALL workers to unionize.

That's already the case.
You tried unionizing at Wal Mart? I look forward to the day they unionize here...
Minimum wage talk is a joke. To small of a demographic to impact the economy

Its not just about min wage workers. EVERYONE should be given a wage they can live off of pay bills,gas,food,child care etc 35K a year a least...

Why? you really give yourself away when you use the word "given" a wage. In your left wing mind you don't understand working for your money, you just want it "given" to you. Because its only "fair" right?
You work for a fair wage. PERIOD. Fair wage is NOT something you can't pay bills,childcare,food,gas with. End of story.

a business does not get to decide what it can spend on labor????????? WTF is wrong with you? Have you ever actually had a job?
Yes. Several. Take Wal Mart for example. When 6 Waltons are worth more than the lower 40% of americans they can afford a lot better than 9 or 10$ an hour.They want to be greedy pieces of shit then governme is forced to step in.

the Waltons are rich because they successfully created a chain of stores that millions of people shop at. They make a very small % profit but its on a very large volume of sales.

If they are forced to raise their employee pay (which is above minimum wage in every store) they will either have to reduce the number of employees or raise prices, either of which hurts poor people the most.

less than 3% of working americans make minimum wage and the vast majority of those are teens making pocket money in part time jobs.

minimum wage is not a problem in this country, but it makes a good sympathy rant for liberals.
1. They are rich because their granddaddy made it rich they did not
2. No they would not have to raise prices that's more of the right wing bullshit that's been debunked.

No, the bullshit is all coming from the left. A very small % of walmart employees make minimum wage, and they only make it during a short training period, then their pay in increeased. MW is really not an issue in this country. Fast food workers here in NOLA start at more than MW, and the fast food outlets are always looking for people.

MW is nothing but a left wing wedge issue that is used to stir up discontent amoung the ignorant. It obviously works on you.

But it sounds like you want every walmart employee to get a raise because you are jealous of the success of the Walton family.

A Left wing white supremacist. LMAO!

OMG that never gets old!
Racial Socialist as I have said a dozen times.You act like its some surprise.
Right. Like I'm going to tell one bedsheet from another. Same shit, different blender speed.
Not even close. Klan is a christian group and hates socialism...

the KKK is not Christian. Hate is not a Christian value.
yes they are
That desire is what drives you to not be so fucking worthless the government has to negotiate a wage for you. If you are making minimum wage it's because it's what you're worth. That also means you are easily replaceable because you're too fucking stupid to do anything else that would be worth more to an employer. So the government steps in and demands a wage that isn't worth paying and you lose your job entirely. That's how it works.
Then allow ALL workers to unionize.

That's already the case.
You tried unionizing at Wal Mart? I look forward to the day they unionize here...
Minimum wage talk is a joke. To small of a demographic to impact the economy

Its not just about min wage workers. EVERYONE should be given a wage they can live off of pay bills,gas,food,child care etc 35K a year a least...

Why? you really give yourself away when you use the word "given" a wage. In your left wing mind you don't understand working for your money, you just want it "given" to you. Because its only "fair" right?
There is no such thing as a "fair" wage.
the Waltons are rich because they successfully created a chain of stores that millions of people shop at. They make a very small % profit but its on a very large volume of sales.

If they are forced to raise their employee pay (which is above minimum wage in every store) they will either have to reduce the number of employees or raise prices, either of which hurts poor people the most.

less than 3% of working americans make minimum wage and the vast majority of those are teens making pocket money in part time jobs.

minimum wage is not a problem in this country, but it makes a good sympathy rant for liberals.
1. They are rich because their granddaddy made it rich they did not
2. No they would not have to raise prices that's more of the right wing bullshit that's been debunked.

No, the bullshit is all coming from the left. A very small % of walmart employees make minimum wage, and they only make it during a short training period, then their pay in increeased. MW is really not an issue in this country. Fast food workers here in NOLA start at more than MW, and the fast food outlets are always looking for people.

MW is nothing but a left wing wedge issue that is used to stir up discontent amoung the ignorant. It obviously works on you.

But it sounds like you want every walmart employee to get a raise because you are jealous of the success of the Walton family.

Right. Like I'm going to tell one bedsheet from another. Same shit, different blender speed.
Not even close. Klan is a christian group and hates socialism...

the KKK is not Christian. Hate is not a Christian value.

That's already the case.
You tried unionizing at Wal Mart? I look forward to the day they unionize here...
Minimum wage talk is a joke. To small of a demographic to impact the economy

Its not just about min wage workers. EVERYONE should be given a wage they can live off of pay bills,gas,food,child care etc 35K a year a least...

Why? you really give yourself away when you use the word "given" a wage. In your left wing mind you don't understand working for your money, you just want it "given" to you. Because its only "fair" right?
You work for a fair wage. PERIOD. Fair wage is NOT something you can't pay bills,childcare,food,gas with. End of story.

the Waltons are rich because they successfully created a chain of stores that millions of people shop at. They make a very small % profit but its on a very large volume of sales.

If they are forced to raise their employee pay (which is above minimum wage in every store) they will either have to reduce the number of employees or raise prices, either of which hurts poor people the most.

less than 3% of working americans make minimum wage and the vast majority of those are teens making pocket money in part time jobs.

minimum wage is not a problem in this country, but it makes a good sympathy rant for liberals.
1. They are rich because their granddaddy made it rich they did not
2. No they would not have to raise prices that's more of the right wing bullshit that's been debunked.

No, the bullshit is all coming from the left. A very small % of walmart employees make minimum wage, and they only make it during a short training period, then their pay in increeased. MW is really not an issue in this country. Fast food workers here in NOLA start at more than MW, and the fast food outlets are always looking for people.

MW is nothing but a left wing wedge issue that is used to stir up discontent amoung the ignorant. It obviously works on you.

But it sounds like you want every walmart employee to get a raise because you are jealous of the success of the Walton family.

Right. Like I'm going to tell one bedsheet from another. Same shit, different blender speed.
Not even close. Klan is a christian group and hates socialism...

the KKK is not Christian. Hate is not a Christian value.
yes they are
That's already the case.
You tried unionizing at Wal Mart? I look forward to the day they unionize here...
Minimum wage talk is a joke. To small of a demographic to impact the economy

Its not just about min wage workers. EVERYONE should be given a wage they can live off of pay bills,gas,food,child care etc 35K a year a least...

Why? you really give yourself away when you use the word "given" a wage. In your left wing mind you don't understand working for your money, you just want it "given" to you. Because its only "fair" right?

if you cannot make ends meet with the income from one job, get a second job. Thats what I did when I was young. I did not demand that my employer give me more because I needed (wanted) more. I got out and made the sacrifices to get what I wanted in life, and I was very very successful as a result.

The constitution does not guarantee equal results, only equal opportunity.

I will never understand why people like you want a socialist government where your destiny is determined by the beaurocracy rather than by yourself.

is it laziness, stupidity, brainwashing?

I see it all the time

I have employees whine about their finances and my lowest paid part time person gets 16 an hour.

I have people that I have offered full time and they declined yet still whine that they are broke.

I stopped listening to them and if anyone of them asks for full time I would grant it only as a last resort preferring instead to hire a person who actually wants full time
Unbelievable. if someone offered me a transfer to full time work (presumably I would be well above your lowest paid worker) I'd grab it in a hart beat.
But that's just me. I was raised to understand that a good work ethic is the bare minimum qualification for having a job...
Then allow ALL workers to unionize.

That's already the case.
You tried unionizing at Wal Mart? I look forward to the day they unionize here...
Minimum wage talk is a joke. To small of a demographic to impact the economy

Its not just about min wage workers. EVERYONE should be given a wage they can live off of pay bills,gas,food,child care etc 35K a year a least...

Why? you really give yourself away when you use the word "given" a wage. In your left wing mind you don't understand working for your money, you just want it "given" to you. Because its only "fair" right?
Only in Right to Work States.
No..Every state....Remember, even in the states with the highest percentage of unionized workers( private sector) that is only about 15% of the workforce.
Unions have very little if any influence on the remainder of private sector pay rates
it isn't given if it has to be earned.
Oh, I see. so instead of paying an employee $20.00 an hour to do a task ( job ), a business will pay double that just out of the goodness of its heart? Or, a business will pay a janitor $40.00 an hour just to feel good about itself? What's a lie? Where did I lie? A business is not going to pay an employee any more than they have to pay. What business do you know of that pays employees way more than the going rate? Name a business that pays way outside the going rate for any particular job? I have owned two businesses, and yet, you say that I know nothing about running a business? That shows just how little you know.

Also, your childish and silly name calling and personal attack is school yard stuff, and has no place on forums where adults are attempting to have civil conversations. Your age? If you think that immature "cyber mouth" comment makes you appear to be intelligent and "all-knowing", think again. FYI - Business is NOT out of my grasp. If there's anything that you'd like to know or learn about "business", just ask. I'll be glad to help you in any way that I can. I do not mind sharing knowledge or my many years of experience.

Again, what lie did I tell, or what lie are you referring to? Care to tell me the lie that you think I told? And, please grow up and at least appear to be adult in these conversations. Childish remarks and comments add absolutely nothing to these conversations.
You speak like a toddler and demand respect. You lie, then twist other people's words around to make your idiotic ill informed posts. Sometimes businesses do pay out of the goodness of their hearts. Sometimes what they feel they should. Sometimes to keep the help there, especially if the job is unpleasant. It depends on the business and a bunch of variables. Not all of us fit into your small toggle switch world view.

If YOU owned two businesses and payed them only what you had to that explains which category you fit into. Don't project your shortcomings onto others. We are not all like you. And if you are going to make idiotic, dishonest statements about what people say and get rile up when they call you on it it, it's YOU that needs to grow up.
Very silly and childish. Again, what lie did I tell? Where did I lie? What was idiotic? Please point out the lie(s) and the idiotic statement(s). Can you? You're the one that needs to grow up and act civil and adult on this forum. What shortcomings? Care to explain? Or, are you talking hoping that you'll sound good and impressive? Who are you trying to impress? Or, is all of that childish talk for your benefit only? Your age?
I quoted your lie, you fool. You can't even read but you're going to lecture everyone on how evil and cheap all businesses are. That's a special kind of stupid and your constant sniveling like a schoolgirl doesn't help.

I've always paid employees more than I had to, you didn't so you can stuff your insults where they belong. You don't speak for anyone but yourself, you cheap bastard!
You have no idea as to what I paid my employees. And, I told no lies. If you can't point to what you consider to be lies, there were no lies. And, again, calling me names is very immature and silly on your part. In the future, please try to be adult and civil. As far as I can tell, you're not impressing anyone with your childish school yard rants. For your information, I paid my employees very well, very well. I took care of them, and they took care of me. I appreciated them, and they likewise appreciated me. You don't know me or anything about me. You're doing nothing more than blowing hot air about something you know nothing about. Your age?
Would employers object to a general tax for unemployment compensation over our current regime?
What for?
There are enough taxes on businesses and individuals.
Another tax to fund unemployment would simply provide more money to pay people to NOT work
That's already the case.
You tried unionizing at Wal Mart? I look forward to the day they unionize here...
Minimum wage talk is a joke. To small of a demographic to impact the economy

Its not just about min wage workers. EVERYONE should be given a wage they can live off of pay bills,gas,food,child care etc 35K a year a least...

Why? you really give yourself away when you use the word "given" a wage. In your left wing mind you don't understand working for your money, you just want it "given" to you. Because its only "fair" right?
Only in Right to Work States.
No..Every state....Remember, even in the states with the highest percentage of unionized workers( private sector) that is only about 15% of the workforce.
Unions have very little if any influence on the remainder of private sector pay rates
it isn't given if it has to be earned.
HUH?......Are you not familiar with the quote feature?
You speak like a toddler and demand respect. You lie, then twist other people's words around to make your idiotic ill informed posts. Sometimes businesses do pay out of the goodness of their hearts. Sometimes what they feel they should. Sometimes to keep the help there, especially if the job is unpleasant. It depends on the business and a bunch of variables. Not all of us fit into your small toggle switch world view.

If YOU owned two businesses and payed them only what you had to that explains which category you fit into. Don't project your shortcomings onto others. We are not all like you. And if you are going to make idiotic, dishonest statements about what people say and get rile up when they call you on it it, it's YOU that needs to grow up.
Very silly and childish. Again, what lie did I tell? Where did I lie? What was idiotic? Please point out the lie(s) and the idiotic statement(s). Can you? You're the one that needs to grow up and act civil and adult on this forum. What shortcomings? Care to explain? Or, are you talking hoping that you'll sound good and impressive? Who are you trying to impress? Or, is all of that childish talk for your benefit only? Your age?
I quoted your lie, you fool. You can't even read but you're going to lecture everyone on how evil and cheap all businesses are. That's a special kind of stupid and your constant sniveling like a schoolgirl doesn't help.

I've always paid employees more than I had to, you didn't so you can stuff your insults where they belong. You don't speak for anyone but yourself, you cheap bastard!
You have no idea as to what I paid my employees. And, I told no lies. If you can't point to what you consider to be lies, there were no lies. And, again, calling me names is very immature and silly on your part. In the future, please try to be adult and civil. As far as I can tell, you're not impressing anyone with your childish school yard rants. For your information, I paid my employees very well, very well. I took care of them, and they took care of me. I appreciated them, and they likewise appreciated me. You don't know me or anything about me. You're doing nothing more than blowing hot air about something you know nothing about. Your age?
Then you lied when you said businesses only pay what they have to. You just defeated your own argument. Your IQ?
Businesses do not pay more than they feel they have to pay. Employers general pay the going rate for location and type of work. I paid my employees enough to encourage them to do an excellent job for me, which all of them did. Employers are not going to pay anyone double for work. Employers are not charity organizations. They're in business to make money. I have told NO lies, and until you can point to the words that you consider to be lies, there were no lies. My IQ is 123 according to the government GCT. But, that was years ago. I'm not sure what the IQ was the last time I was tested, my employer did not tell me the results of the test. It was for company benefit only. I can only imagine that it's close to the same now. Why? Are you questioning my IQ because you disagree with me? Or, is it just another childish attempt at a slur? What's your IQ? What's your age? Do you always use childish remarks to respond to others, or are you just having a bad day today? Do you honestly believe that having a civil and adult conversation with someone you don't know anything about, on a public forum, is mature and the accepted way to approach discussing subject matter?
What is your point?
Then allow ALL workers to unionize.

That's already the case.
You tried unionizing at Wal Mart? I look forward to the day they unionize here...
Minimum wage talk is a joke. To small of a demographic to impact the economy

Its not just about min wage workers. EVERYONE should be given a wage they can live off of pay bills,gas,food,child care etc 35K a year a least...

Why? you really give yourself away when you use the word "given" a wage. In your left wing mind you don't understand working for your money, you just want it "given" to you. Because its only "fair" right?
Only in Right to Work States.
No..Every state....Remember, even in the states with the highest percentage of unionized workers( private sector) that is only about 15% of the workforce.
Unions have very little if any influence on the remainder of private sector pay rates

In 2013 there were 14.5 million members in the U.S., compared with 17.7 million in 1983.
In 2013, the percentage of workers belonging to a union in the United States (or total labor union "density") was 11.3%, compared to 20.1% in 1983.
Labor unions in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Four restaurants closing makes it easier for the other eateries to establish working prices that lead to a profit.

Yes ... because EVERYONE loves going to a ultra crowded, overly priced restaurant.
Stay home then.
Many will do just that. Which will drop the income of the restaurants which leads to more closing which leads to less employees...

See the cycle here?
And the restaurants that can afford to pay will gain customers, and then have to hire more staff. Or they will raise prices, which people will pay because the ones with lower prices are now out of business. Got it now?
So, this is all just another plot to relieve the "one-percenters" of their wealth, because they are probably the only folks who will be able to afford the inflated prices at you new "upscale" restaurants. Cool! Where there's a will, there's a way, I suppose. The rest of us will be forced to eat smaller portions of home-made food at home more often, even better to further healthy diet choices.

Interestingly, servers who currently work in restaurants frequented by the "one-percenters" probably more than most of us here. Of course, they have the "one-percenters" to thank for that.

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