Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

1. They are rich because their granddaddy made it rich they did not

Oh the asininity!

How else does a business maintain or grow its worth? Am I really to believe that the sole net worth of one man can fuel the machinations of one of the biggest store chains in the world? You really are a dumbass, you know that?

2. No they would not have to raise prices that's more of the right wing bullshit that's been debunked.

Raise the wages of your workers, raise the price of your goods. This is exactly why these restaurants are running for the hills!

What good is it to you sell cheap goods/services/food, but pay your workers what they demand instead of what they earn?
The workers keep it running Without the workers they treat so badly the place would collapse.

Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor

Tell me something. In the misty fantasy world between your ears, at exactly what level in a company's hierarchy do people stop "keeping it running", and simply sit around collecting fat paychecks on the backs of the downtrodden workers? Is it the shift manager? The store manager? The regional manager?
The workers keep it running Without the workers they treat so badly the place would collapse.

You are an idiot.

If there were no customers, there would be no revenue, without revenue the workers wouldn't be paid a dime, and without revenue the "place" would collapse. The well being of the "place" relies on the customer, because the workers depend on their patronage for a paycheck.

See how that works?
Where in that rant does it require having rich pieces of shit to treat the workers bad to keep the store running? Do the rich fucks sell the stuff? Make it? Transport it? Nope.

Mhmmm. So tell me: in your mind, what DO the "rich fucks" in a corporation actually do? What's their job description? And what level of the company is the dividing line between "abused worker who keeps the business running" and "rich fuck"? How did you determine that dividing line? Based on what criteria?
1. They are rich because their granddaddy made it rich they did not

Oh the asininity!

How else does a business maintain or grow its worth? Am I really to believe that the sole net worth of one man can fuel the machinations of one of the biggest store chains in the world? You really are a dumbass, you know that?

2. No they would not have to raise prices that's more of the right wing bullshit that's been debunked.

Raise the wages of your workers, raise the price of your goods. This is exactly why these restaurants are running for the hills!

What good is it to you sell cheap goods/services/food, but pay your workers what they demand instead of what they earn?
The workers keep it running Without the workers they treat so badly the place would collapse.

Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor
If it's really true that raising minimum wage has no harmful side effects, why screw around with ten dollars an hour? Why not fifty or one hundred?

....crickets. ...
We aren't being greedy we just want enough to live off of and pay bills and buy food etc. Leave it to a republican to use an idiotic example.

No, Chuckles, you want "enough to live off of and pay bills and buy food" while still being able to do a job with all the responsibility and challenge of picking your nose REALLY clean. That's why you're attempting to get the money you want without getting an education and job skills and going out and finding a better job, or indeed, making any changes in your life, your behavior, or yourself whatsoever.
are libs this stupid? If it costs an employer $15 to pay some teen twit to serve burgers and fries how much you think that fast food is going to cost the customer? The customer stops going to the restaurant and THE OWNER has less money to pay for overhead and wages, thus layoffs, firings and ultimately CLOSING. EVERYONE LOSES.
are libs this stupid? If it costs an employer $15 to pay some teen twit to serve burgers and fries how much you think that fast food is going to cost the customer? The customer stops going to the restaurant and THE OWNER has less money to pay for overhead and wages, thus layoffs, firings and ultimately CLOSING. EVERYONE LOSES.

It's not just libs, but yeah. Many people "believe". Minimum wage logic is actually a pretty good gauge on a person's basic reasoning ability.
if a burger flipper gets 15.00 hr, then an auto-shop repair/technician man should get 70.00, right?

it isn't given if it has to be earned.

This is the thing these Liberal morons are missing.

You earn $15/hr because your labor is worth it.

That is a big difference between some filthy ass politician passing a law saying you are entitled to get that much money, for social justice reasons, simply because you are alive.
Based on the logic and reasoning skill that i have seen you exhibit Flash, if I were to hire you. I would determine that your labor would be worth 2 bucks and hour.

Does that sound about right to you? Or is that two dollars to many for your skill level?
are libs this stupid? If it costs an employer $15 to pay some teen twit to serve burgers and fries how much you think that fast food is going to cost the customer? The customer stops going to the restaurant and THE OWNER has less money to pay for overhead and wages, thus layoffs, firings and ultimately CLOSING. EVERYONE LOSES.
Yes. They really are this stupid, the debate is over, the science is settled, the consensus is in, liberals don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

And they will justify putting a small business under with "they were going to fail anyway." And these people vote.
are libs this stupid? If it costs an employer $15 to pay some teen twit to serve burgers and fries how much you think that fast food is going to cost the customer? The customer stops going to the restaurant and THE OWNER has less money to pay for overhead and wages, thus layoffs, firings and ultimately CLOSING. EVERYONE LOSES.

Liberals never really understand basic economics.

They have no concept of elasticity of demand and how demand changes with price.

They don't understand that "their ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

They think that the filthy ass government can just pass stupid destructive laws like artificially increasing wages and there will be no adverse consequences.

They never think things out very well.
who in any state of mind expects a burger flipping establishment to make a profit paying their employees 15.00 hr to cook burgers and fries? well, maybe those boneheads in Ferguson would.

The minimum wage in Canada is $11 an hour and McDonald's still managed to make a huge profit here.
Liberals never really understand basic economics.

They never think things out very well.
Want a Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat ...Forbes

Study: Economy grows faster under Democratic presidents ...

The U.S. has a $7.25 minimum wage. Australia's is $16.88 ...

Minimum wage advocates love to point to Australia's$16.88an hour minimum as evidence that a very high wage floor needn't stifle a country's growth. After all, Australia hasn't had a recession in 20 years. But Australia is hardly an outlier.Aug 19, 2013

who in any state of mind expects a burger flipping establishment to make a profit paying their employees 15.00 hr to cook burgers and fries? well, maybe those boneheads in Ferguson would.

The minimum wage in Canada is $11 an hour and McDonald's still managed to make a huge profit here.

Canadians also sell milk in a bag but that doesn't mean real Americans would buy it.
Liberals never really understand basic economics.

They never think things out very well.
Want a Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat ...Forbes

Study: Economy grows faster under Democratic presidents ...

The U.S. has a $7.25 minimum wage. Australia's is $16.88 ...

Minimum wage advocates love to point to Australia's$16.88an hour minimum as evidence that a very high wage floor needn't stifle a country's growth. After all, Australia hasn't had a recession in 20 years. But Australia is hardly an outlier.Aug 19, 2013


You realize Moon Bat that since Obama has been President that the average American family has decreased, don't you?

Household Incomes Fall In Aug., Off 8.2% Under Obama

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Household Incomes Fall In August Down 8.2 Under Obama -
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if a burger flipper gets 15.00 hr, then an auto-shop repair/technician man should get 70.00, right?

I don't know why the Libtards would stop at $15/hr.

If the filthy ass government can just snap its fingers and mandate $15/hr for unskilled pay then why not make it $150/hr?

If they think $15/hr is good then $150/hr is ten times better.

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