Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.


Sorry, but i'm not buying into the whole outrage thing about being pissed off because you can't get richer off shitting on your workers. No sympathy from me on that one. There's no crying in Business. You don't wanna pay, do the work yourself. Otherwise, stop whining and close your business.

Just when is paying free market wages "shitting on your employees"?

Look, let's be real. It's all about the greed. So let's not kid ourselves. Most business owners are bitchin now because they've enjoyed getting richer off paying their lowly workers as little as possible. It is what it is on that. But now they'll have to pay up a bit.

So oh well, looks like it's 3 Vacations instead of 4 this year. Unless you're willing to do the work yourself, you need workers. And you have to pay em a decent wage. Sorry, too bad. Deal with it or go out of business.
It's obvious you've never owned a business. Probably never held a job for very long either given your dumbfuckery.

Ah, you're just greedy and hateful. Just bitchin & moaning because y'all greedy bastids may have to start paying workers a decent wage. Y'all can spin it any way you like, but that's what the whining is all about. Deathly afraid you may have to take only 3 Vacations instead of 4 this year. Oh well, too bad. Life goes on.
I can't use a low skilled worker so minimum wage isn't an issue for me. I was pointing out the silliness of someone with no business experience, possibly no job experience, trying to lecture us on how businesses should be run.

GM went under due to awful mismanagement and outright theft. The Employees weren't solely to blame for its collapse. The Employees played a part in it, but it was mostly awful mismanagement and greed on the part of management that did it in.

The UAW had the lion's share of greed and theft. At the end of the day that is why that shithead Obama used taxpayer's money to bail out the pensions. Payback for the billion in campaign funds the filthy greedy union gave the Democrats.

The government should never be in the business of bailing anyone out.

No welfare, bailouts, subsidies or entitlements.
Does this mean that prostitutes also have to up their rates to 15 an hr?
Obviously you've never heard of factors Prostitutes contend with, like health services, etc.. but more importantly WHERE are there prostitutes at

Don't those girls usually charge $200-$300 per hour?

Escorts charge by the hour. Streetwalkers generally charge by activity. The hourly rate for an escort depends on where you are, how young and attractive the escort is, and often by what sort of activity you have in mind during that hour.
Hey look, if you can't or won't pay someone a decent wage, you don't belong in business. Employees are not volunteers. They have bills to pay and children to take care of too. They're not there to do volunteer work so you can become wealthier. They're in it for the same reason you are. It's the $$$. So if you don't wanna pay em, it's time to close up shop.

Everyone in America is in it for themselves. No one's gonna work for shite wages just so you can become wealthy and successful. That's just not gonna happen. The only suggestion would be, to hire family members and hope they do the work for lower wages. Kinda like volunteers helpin a loved one out. Otherwise, you gotta pay. It is what it is.
Very well stated. Thanks. Employers pay what they have to pay, and in most cases, not a penny more. With rare exception, they pay the going rate for location and type of work performed ( job title ).

Yeah, workers are not volunteers. They're in it for the $$$, just as business owners are. They're not gonna settle for shite wages just so a business owner can be wealthy and successful. That's not how it works. They have bills and families to take care of. If a business doesn't wanna pay a decent wage, that business needs to close up shop. It wasn't meant to be.
The business will pay the prevailing market wages.
Businesses are not psychiatrist's offices. They are not Dear Abby or Dr Phil. The employee's issues with bills, kids, etc are not the problem of the business. Employees shall leave their drama at home.
Now, as explained previously. Labor is part of a contract between worker and employer. The employer offers a wage the employee agrees to the wage provided they complete assigned tasks to the best of their ability in accordance with the terms and conditions set by the employer.
Pay tv, cell phones, steak dinners, groceries, etc are the employee's problem.
Define "decent' wage.

Looks like Workers may get to enjoy some steak dinners for once. I don't see anything wrong with that. If you're running a successful business, you should be able to pay your workers a decent wage. No excuses.

No workers are gonna work for shite wages just so their Employer can be successful and wealthier. That's just not how it works. They work because they have bills to pay and children to take care of. It's about the $$. So you'll either pay up, or close up shop. That's the way it is, and should be.
At the risk of injecting common sense where it might be terribly out of place, what's wrong with Seattle trying this?

There's nothing wrong with Seattle trying this. It's a local law, which is far superior to a federal law on issues like this. I think they will have some problems. The ordinance is jumbled and confusing to read and rather disorganized. I think the biggest problem is going to be found in the fact that employers can credit pretty much anything toward the minimum requirement. So if a company has incentive programs whereby employees receive monthly bonuses based on performance metrics, that can be credited as part of the minimum wage, and I suspect many such employers will want to utilize that feature. But how do you determine the correct base pay? If the minimum wage is about to become $11/hr, should you set the base pay at $9.50 because the average employee nets an extra $2/hr after incentive bonuses? What happens when employees don't have a good week meeting incentive goals?
Hey look, if you can't or won't pay someone a decent wage, you don't belong in business. Employees are not volunteers. They have bills to pay and children to take care of too. They're not there to do volunteer work so you can
become wealthier. They're in it for the same reason you are. It's the $$$. So if you don't wanna pay em, it's time to close up shop.

Everyone in America is in it for themselves. No one's gonna work for shite wages just so you can become wealthy and successful. That's just not gonna happen. The only suggestion would be, to hire family members and hope they do the work for lower wages. Kinda like volunteers helpin a loved one out. Otherwise, you gotta pay. It is what it is.
Very well stated. Thanks. Employers pay what they have to pay, and in most cases, not a penny more. With rare exception, they pay the going rate for location and type of work performed ( job title ).

its called supply and demand.

Pay, or go belly-up. There's no crying in Business. It's the American Way.
now you are just being ridiculous...

Nope, being realistic. Can't hang with the big dogs, get off the porch. You can't or won't pay, you shouldn't be in business.
Very well stated. Thanks. Employers pay what they have to pay, and in most cases, not a penny more. With rare exception, they pay the going rate for location and type of work performed ( job title ).

its called supply and demand.

Pay, or go belly-up. There's no crying in Business. It's the American Way.

Yes, businesses must pay what it takes to get employees. Fast food workers here start above minimum wage because thats what the market demands.

The market should set the price of labor, not some beaurocrats in DC.

Like it or not, you need unskilled and skilled workers. Your Business can't survive without them. So if you're not willing to pay, it's time for you to close your Business and go do something else. It wasn't meant to be. It's thinning the herd. It's survival of the fittest.
Hey genius...There is an endless supply of low skilled workers. Every single fast food restaurant, dept store and convenience store employs them. And for every one that thinks like you, there are 10 more willing to roll that asshole across the parking lot to take their job.

How's that a good thing for Workers? Not seeing where they're coming out ahead on that. Low skilled Workers wanna get paid too. See, Workers know not to depend on greedy folks like you to help them out. That's why they're standing up for themselves. And good for them. If they don't stand up for themselves, who will?... You?? Ha, not gonna happen.
At the risk of injecting common sense where it might be terribly out of place, what's wrong with Seattle trying this?

The implementation is incremental. If it appears it isn't working to a net benefit they can repeal the future increases. Why settle for an unsatisfactory status quo just because your ideas for change might not work?

When have the Liberals ever rescinded one of their stupid ideas?

Isn't the much better thing to do is for the government just to leave things alone and let the free labor market establish the appropriate wage for the specific job skill? That concept is called freedom.

Why does the government need to do anything?

If somebody isn't making enough money then they need to go elsewhere. If everybody does that then the businesses will have to pay more money to attract workers. Everything will balance out over time. The government needs to stay out of it.

How's that a good thing for Workers? Not seeing where they're coming out ahead on that. Low skilled Workers wanna get paid too. See, Workers know not to depend on greedy folks like you to help them out. That's why they're standing up for themselves. And good for them. If they don't stand up for themselves, who will?... You?? Ha, not gonna happen.

Helping people out is charity. Businesses are not charity organizations. It is not their responsibility to provide welfare. They are established to make a profit.

In the business world labor is a commodity just like everything else. If your labor is valuable (i.e. engineer) then you get paid a lot for it. If your labor is not valuable (i.e. flipping burgers) then you are not going to get much for it.

The government needs to stay out of it.
At the risk of injecting common sense where it might be terribly out of place, what's wrong with Seattle trying this?

The implementation is incremental. If it appears it isn't working to a net benefit they can repeal the future increases. Why settle for an unsatisfactory status quo just because your ideas for change might not work?

When have the Liberals ever rescinded one of their stupid ideas?

Isn't the much better thing to do is for the government just to leave things alone and let the free labor market establish the appropriate wage for the specific job skill? That concept is called freedom.

Why does the government need to do anything?

If somebody isn't making enough money then they need to go elsewhere. If everybody does that then the businesses will have to pay more money to attract workers. Everything will balance out over time. The government needs to stay out of it.
I agree to disagree to the extent the playing field is unequal between labor and capitalists. There is no employment ethic to complement a work ethic as that form of equality, even in Right to Work States.
At the risk of injecting common sense where it might be terribly out of place, what's wrong with Seattle trying this?

The implementation is incremental. If it appears it isn't working to a net benefit they can repeal the future increases. Why settle for an unsatisfactory status quo just because your ideas for change might not work?

When have the Liberals ever rescinded one of their stupid ideas?

Isn't the much better thing to do is for the government just to leave things alone and let the free labor market establish the appropriate wage for the specific job skill? That concept is called freedom.

Why does the government need to do anything?

If somebody isn't making enough money then they need to go elsewhere. If everybody does that then the businesses will have to pay more money to attract workers. Everything will balance out over time. The government needs to stay out of it.
I agree to disagree to the extent the playing field is unequal between labor and capitalists. There is no employment ethic to complement a work ethic as that form of equality, even in Right to Work States.

working for money is a capitalist endeavor. Employees are capitalists.

How's that a good thing for Workers? Not seeing where they're coming out ahead on that. Low skilled Workers wanna get paid too. See, Workers know not to depend on greedy folks like you to help them out. That's why they're standing up for themselves. And good for them. If they don't stand up for themselves, who will?... You?? Ha, not gonna happen.

Helping people out is charity. Businesses are not charity organizations. It is not their responsibility to provide welfare. They are established to make a profit.

In the business world labor is a commodity just like everything else. If your labor is valuable (i.e. engineer) then you get paid a lot for it. If your labor is not valuable (i.e. flipping burgers) then you are not going to get much for it.

The government needs to stay out of it.

Labor is not a commodity just like everything else. Labor is human beings who, unlike other commodities, have needs and deserve a bit more respect than raw material, rent, utilities, and insurance.
No, weak failing businesses will go under. They weren't putting out a good enough product. If you're bitchin about paying workers, your business is obviously weak and failing. It's probably best to close up shop. It's survival of the fittest. The American Way.
A weak and failing people rely increasingly on a nanny state that dictates fairness to its' subjects. Probably time to pack up and leave.
Oh well, looks like it's getting harder to get richer off shitting on workers. Personally, i don't see that as a bad thing. If American Workers don't stand up for themselves, who will? You? Sorry, but can't count on people like you. It is what it is.
What it is is people like you would rather be unemployed and occupying public property with your nasty ass while proclaiming the rich got that way because of your dishwashing job. You should do standup at a restaurant association convention and tell them how rich they are getting. You'll have them rolling in the aisles.
Yeah, so Workers should count on people like you to stand up for them ay? I'm pretty sure they'll do much better standing up for themselves. But look, it is America. It's all about the $$. Everybody wants some. Everyone's tryin to get it.

So, Employers are gonna continue trying to screw Employees and Employees are gonna continue trying to get what they can get from Employers. It's an endless age-old battle. So score one for the lowly worker on this one. But don't worry, the Slave Masters aren't all done. The'll strike back. Bet on it. So stay tuned. The battle continues on.
An employer is a slave master? Are you even out of high school yet?

The endless age-old battle between the Slaves and Slave Masters rolls on. Been fighting that battle for Millennia. Nothing changes. The Slaves won a small victory on this one, but the battle is far from over. The Slave Masters will strike back. Lots of Politicians out there to buy.
A weak and failing people rely increasingly on a nanny state that dictates fairness to its' subjects. Probably time to pack up and leave.
Oh well, looks like it's getting harder to get richer off shitting on workers. Personally, i don't see that as a bad thing. If American Workers don't stand up for themselves, who will? You? Sorry, but can't count on people like you. It is what it is.
What it is is people like you would rather be unemployed and occupying public property with your nasty ass while proclaiming the rich got that way because of your dishwashing job. You should do standup at a restaurant association convention and tell them how rich they are getting. You'll have them rolling in the aisles.
Yeah, so Workers should count on people like you to stand up for them ay? I'm pretty sure they'll do much better standing up for themselves. But look, it is America. It's all about the $$. Everybody wants some. Everyone's tryin to get it.

So, Employers are gonna continue trying to screw Employees and Employees are gonna continue trying to get what they can get from Employers. It's an endless age-old battle. So score one for the lowly worker on this one. But don't worry, the Slave Masters aren't all done. The'll strike back. Bet on it. So stay tuned. The battle continues on.
An employer is a slave master? Are you even out of high school yet?

The endless age-old battle between the Slaves and Slave Masters rolls on. Been fighting that battle for Millennia. Nothing changes. The Slaves won a small victory on this one, but the battle is far from over. The Slave Masters will strike back. Lots of Politicians out there to buy.

You, my friend, are an idiot. slaves are not paid, they work for nothing except what the slave owner decides to give them, they cannot leave.

employees are not slaves, your rhetoric on this topic makes you look like a mental midget.
Don't worry, this will all blow over in time. The greedy wankers bitchin & moanin now, will learn to deal with paying workers higher wages. They'll get over it and move on.

And there will be no sudden rash of Businesses closing down because of higher wages. And those that do, were already headed that way anyway. Right now it's all about the greedy wankas expressing their outrage. But it'll pass. Bet on it.
Hey look, if you can't or won't pay someone a decent wage, you don't belong in business. Employees are not volunteers. They have bills to pay and children to take care of too. They're not there to do volunteer work so you can
become wealthier. They're in it for the same reason you are. It's the $$$. So if you don't wanna pay em, it's time to close up shop.

Everyone in America is in it for themselves. No one's gonna work for shite wages just so you can become wealthy and successful. That's just not gonna happen. The only suggestion would be, to hire family members and hope they do the work for lower wages. Kinda like volunteers helpin a loved one out. Otherwise, you gotta pay. It is what it is.
Very well stated. Thanks. Employers pay what they have to pay, and in most cases, not a penny more. With rare exception, they pay the going rate for location and type of work performed ( job title ).

its called supply and demand.

Pay, or go belly-up. There's no crying in Business. It's the American Way.
now you are just being ridiculous...

Nope, being realistic. Can't hang with the big dogs, get off the porch. You can't or won't pay, you shouldn't be in business.
And when the puppy gets let off the leash he needs to find another bowl of kibbles somewhere. If no one adopts him he gets put down. It is what it is.
A weak and failing people rely increasingly on a nanny state that dictates fairness to its' subjects. Probably time to pack up and leave.
Oh well, looks like it's getting harder to get richer off shitting on workers. Personally, i don't see that as a bad thing. If American Workers don't stand up for themselves, who will? You? Sorry, but can't count on people like you. It is what it is.
What it is is people like you would rather be unemployed and occupying public property with your nasty ass while proclaiming the rich got that way because of your dishwashing job. You should do standup at a restaurant association convention and tell them how rich they are getting. You'll have them rolling in the aisles.
Yeah, so Workers should count on people like you to stand up for them ay? I'm pretty sure they'll do much better standing up for themselves. But look, it is America. It's all about the $$. Everybody wants some. Everyone's tryin to get it.

So, Employers are gonna continue trying to screw Employees and Employees are gonna continue trying to get what they can get from Employers. It's an endless age-old battle. So score one for the lowly worker on this one. But don't worry, the Slave Masters aren't all done. The'll strike back. Bet on it. So stay tuned. The battle continues on.
An employer is a slave master? Are you even out of high school yet?
The endless age-old battle between the Slaves and Slave Masters rolls on. Been fighting that battle for Millennia. Nothing changes. The Slaves won a small victory on this one, but the battle is far from over. The Slave Masters will strike back. Lots of Politicians out there to buy.
That battle is raging between your ears, not in reality. Most people don't see the world in black and white.
Don't worry, this will all blow over in time. The greedy wankers bitchin & moanin now, will learn to deal with paying workers higher wages. They'll get over it and move on.

And there will be no sudden rash of Businesses closing down because of higher wages. And those that do, were already headed that way anyway. Right now it's all about the greedy wankas expressing their outrage. But it'll pass. Bet on it.

what you can't seem to get is that if the cost of labor goes up, the prices of all products go up too.

Thats why the UAW almost destroyed the US car industry, and would have without the govt bailouts.

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