Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

I advise business owners to either do the work themselves, or convince family members to help out by accepting lower wages. Paying others to help make your business successful, can be very risky and costly. People need to really think about that before opening a business.

The reality is, people aren't gonna work for shite wages just so you can become successful and wealthier. Everyone is in it for themselves. It's about the $$. It's not volunteer work. So if you can't or won't pay, don't bother opening a business. It is what it is.

And if you don't like the pay, go work someplace else.


A nation of nomads chasing around the almighty dollar.

Nice view of America you got there, pal.

Neither 'Good Christians' or 'Good Capitalists.' They just don't care about anyone but themselves. They practice the exact opposite of what Jesus taught. It's very sad.
I advise business owners to either do the work themselves, or convince family members to help out by accepting lower wages. Paying others to help make your business successful, can be very risky and costly. People need to really think about that before opening a business.

The reality is, people aren't gonna work for shite wages just so you can become successful and wealthier. Everyone is in it for themselves. It's about the $$. It's not volunteer work. So if you can't or won't pay, don't bother opening a business. It is what it is.

And if you don't like the pay, go work someplace else.


A nation of nomads chasing around the almighty dollar.

Nice view of America you got there, pal.

Neither 'Good Christians' or 'Good Capitalists.' They just don't care about anyone but themselves. They practice the exact opposite of what Jesus taught. It's very sad.

Don't let them fool you. Money IS their religion.
Labor is not a commodity just like everything else. Labor is human beings who, unlike other commodities, have needs and deserve a bit more respect than raw material, rent, utilities, and insurance.

Labor is a commodity just like other things.

Either you are useful or you are not.

If you are useful you will be reimbursed adequately for your effort and time. If you are not very useful then don't expect to do very well. You should try to do better so you can make more money.

Nobody owes you anything except a fair wage for a fair job. The fair wage should be a function on the free market of labor and not by some filthy ass Libtard bureaucrat elected by greedy special interest groups.

GM went under due to awful mismanagement and outright theft. The Employees weren't solely to blame for its collapse. The Employees played a part in it, but it was mostly awful mismanagement and greed on the part of management that did it in.

The UAW had the lion's share of greed and theft. At the end of the day that is why that shithead Obama used taxpayer's money to bail out the pensions. Payback for the billion in campaign funds the filthy greedy union gave the Democrats.

The government should never be in the business of bailing anyone out.

No welfare, bailouts, subsidies or entitlements.

Workers did play a part in GM's collapse, but certainly weren't solely responsible. Check out what Management was getting paid at the time of the collapse. Some very greedy wealthy assholes made a whole lotta cash during the collapse. Much much more than any GM Employees made. It was awful mismanagement and greed that ultimately led to GM's demise. It's not fair to only blame Employees.

yes, there was some mismanagement, but the UAW contract was what really destroyed them.

But since you brought up management pay, do you support the govt bailing them out so that the management could still get all of their money?

Yes we know, always blame the lowly Worker. Sorry, but that's just silly knee-jerk nonsense. Un-American Outsourcing and overall evil greed on the part of Management, is what did GM in. All of the top brass at the time of the collapse, are still living the life of Royalty today. They're still sailing around on their private yachts and ordering their numerous servants around. They haven't suffered at all.

Meanwhile, an awful lot of GM Employees have suffered immensely. They no longer have good-paying jobs. They're gone for good. All to foreign countries. So to hell with GM Management. They're greedy Un-American pricks. Period, end of story.

So you don't support the bailout? Without the bailout GM would have been broken up into smaller more efficient companies. and, guess what, each of those new companies would have had to have a union representation vote----------and that scared the shit out of the UAW. sooooooooo since they put a lot of money into obozo's campaign they called in their debt, GM was bailed out and the UAW was saved--------------all with our money, now ain't that just wonderful?
I advise business owners to either do the work themselves, or convince family members to help out by accepting lower wages. Paying others to help make your business successful, can be very risky and costly. People need to really think about that before opening a business.

The reality is, people aren't gonna work for shite wages just so you can become successful and wealthier. Everyone is in it for themselves. It's about the $$. It's not volunteer work. So if you can't or won't pay, don't bother opening a business. It is what it is.

And if you don't like the pay, go work someplace else.


A nation of nomads chasing around the almighty dollar.

Nice view of America you got there, pal.

Neither 'Good Christians' or 'Good Capitalists.' They just don't care about anyone but themselves. They practice the exact opposite of what Jesus taught. It's very sad.

Nonsense. Opposition to government wage and price controls is not the same thing as opposition to compassion and charity. Give it a break.
Don't worry, this will all blow over in time. The greedy wankers bitchin & moanin now, will learn to deal with paying workers higher wages. They'll get over it and move on.

And there will be no sudden rash of Businesses closing down because of higher wages. And those that do, were already headed that way anyway. Right now it's all about the greedy wankas expressing their outrage. But it'll pass. Bet on it.

what you can't seem to get is that if the cost of labor goes up, the prices of all products go up too.

Thats why the UAW almost destroyed the US car industry, and would have without the govt bailouts.

Un-American Outsourcing and despicable Corporate greed destroyed GM. Many many asshole fatcats got very rich off the collapse of GM. No Employee at GM got nearly as rich as a result of the collapse. In fact, many only suffered.

Take a look at the top brass at GM today. All living the life of Royalty. All still have their numerous luxurious yachts, mansions, and cars. So blaming Employees for GM's demise, is unjust absurdity.

What planet are you posting from? must be the planet dumbfuck.

nothing you have said in this thread makes sense or has any basis in fact.

Go find out how well GM Management at the time of the collapse, are living today. Most are still Multimillionaires living the dream. But what about GM Employees? How well they doin today?

GM Management engaged in pure evil practices. They are not true Americans. They wanted slaves, so they turned to the Un-American practice of Outsourcing. They should all be ashamed of themselves. But i'm pretty sure they aren't. Too busy living the life of Royalty to give a shit.

sure they are. the rich always do OK. Liberal policies hurt the poor and middle classes, not the rich.

GM went under due to awful mismanagement and outright theft. The Employees weren't solely to blame for its collapse. The Employees played a part in it, but it was mostly awful mismanagement and greed on the part of management that did it in.

The UAW had the lion's share of greed and theft. At the end of the day that is why that shithead Obama used taxpayer's money to bail out the pensions. Payback for the billion in campaign funds the filthy greedy union gave the Democrats.

The government should never be in the business of bailing anyone out.

No welfare, bailouts, subsidies or entitlements.

Workers did play a part in GM's collapse, but certainly weren't solely responsible. Check out what Management was getting paid at the time of the collapse. Some very greedy wealthy assholes made a whole lotta cash during the collapse. Much much more than any GM Employees made. It was awful mismanagement and greed that ultimately led to GM's demise. It's not fair to only blame Employees.

I really don't give a crap who is responsible for GM's failure. That was their problem and I don't buy anything made by a company that utilizes UAW labor.

What I do give a crap about is my tax money was used to bail them out. That was absolutely the wrong thing to do.

The government should never take money from someone who earned it and give it away to somebody else. That is thievery.

GM went under due to awful mismanagement and outright theft. The Employees weren't solely to blame for its collapse. The Employees played a part in it, but it was mostly awful mismanagement and greed on the part of management that did it in.

The UAW had the lion's share of greed and theft. At the end of the day that is why that shithead Obama used taxpayer's money to bail out the pensions. Payback for the billion in campaign funds the filthy greedy union gave the Democrats.

The government should never be in the business of bailing anyone out.

No welfare, bailouts, subsidies or entitlements.

Workers did play a part in GM's collapse, but certainly weren't solely responsible. Check out what Management was getting paid at the time of the collapse. Some very greedy wealthy assholes made a whole lotta cash during the collapse. Much much more than any GM Employees made. It was awful mismanagement and greed that ultimately led to GM's demise. It's not fair to only blame Employees.

yes, there was some mismanagement, but the UAW contract was what really destroyed them.

But since you brought up management pay, do you support the govt bailing them out so that the management could still get all of their money?

Yes we know, always blame the lowly Worker. Sorry, but that's just silly knee-jerk nonsense. Un-American Outsourcing and overall evil greed on the part of Management, is what did GM in. All of the top brass at the time of the collapse, are still living the life of Royalty today. They're still sailing around on their private yachts and ordering their numerous servants around. They haven't suffered at all.

Meanwhile, an awful lot of GM Employees have suffered immensely. They no longer have good-paying jobs. They're gone for good. All to foreign countries. So to hell with GM Management. They're greedy Un-American pricks. Period, end of story.

So you don't support the bailout? Without the bailout GM would have been broken up into smaller more efficient companies. and, guess what, each of those new companies would have had to have a union representation vote----------and that scared the shit out of the UAW. sooooooooo since they put a lot of money into obozo's campaign they called in their debt, GM was bailed out and the UAW was saved--------------all with our money, now ain't that just wonderful?

I didn't support the bailout. However i did understand the intentions. But seriously, go look at how well the GM top brass at the time of the collapse, are living now. None have suffered at all. Only GM Workers have suffered. The mismanagement was the result of pure evil greed. GM's Un-American practice of Outsourcing, is unforgivable. Shame on em.
The UAW had the lion's share of greed and theft. At the end of the day that is why that shithead Obama used taxpayer's money to bail out the pensions. Payback for the billion in campaign funds the filthy greedy union gave the Democrats.

The government should never be in the business of bailing anyone out.

No welfare, bailouts, subsidies or entitlements.

Workers did play a part in GM's collapse, but certainly weren't solely responsible. Check out what Management was getting paid at the time of the collapse. Some very greedy wealthy assholes made a whole lotta cash during the collapse. Much much more than any GM Employees made. It was awful mismanagement and greed that ultimately led to GM's demise. It's not fair to only blame Employees.

yes, there was some mismanagement, but the UAW contract was what really destroyed them.

But since you brought up management pay, do you support the govt bailing them out so that the management could still get all of their money?

Yes we know, always blame the lowly Worker. Sorry, but that's just silly knee-jerk nonsense. Un-American Outsourcing and overall evil greed on the part of Management, is what did GM in. All of the top brass at the time of the collapse, are still living the life of Royalty today. They're still sailing around on their private yachts and ordering their numerous servants around. They haven't suffered at all.

Meanwhile, an awful lot of GM Employees have suffered immensely. They no longer have good-paying jobs. They're gone for good. All to foreign countries. So to hell with GM Management. They're greedy Un-American pricks. Period, end of story.

So you don't support the bailout? Without the bailout GM would have been broken up into smaller more efficient companies. and, guess what, each of those new companies would have had to have a union representation vote----------and that scared the shit out of the UAW. sooooooooo since they put a lot of money into obozo's campaign they called in their debt, GM was bailed out and the UAW was saved--------------all with our money, now ain't that just wonderful?

I didn't support the bailout. However i did understand the intentions. But seriously, go look at how well the GM top brass at the time of the collapse, are living now. None have suffered at all. Only GM Workers have suffered. The mismanagement was the result of pure evil greed. GM's Un-American practice of Outsourcing, is unforgivable. Shame on em.

why do they buy some parts from other countries? why are GE lightbulbs made in china?

coupla reasons
1. unions
2. the highest corporate tax rate in the world

what exactly is un-american about doing what is required for your company to survive?

And if you can't or won't pay, quit your bitchin and close up shop. Was't meant to be. Move on and do something else.

How about the other side of that coin?

If you aren't making enough money where you are working then quit your bitching and go find another job. Stop whining to the frigging government to make your employer give you more than you are worth. Stop being a pussy. Suck it up Buttercup.
Don't worry, this will all blow over in time. The greedy wankers bitchin & moanin now, will learn to deal with paying workers higher wages. They'll get over it and move on.

And there will be no sudden rash of Businesses closing down because of higher wages. And those that do, were already headed that way anyway. Right now it's all about the greedy wankas expressing their outrage. But it'll pass. Bet on it.

what you can't seem to get is that if the cost of labor goes up, the prices of all products go up too.

Thats why the UAW almost destroyed the US car industry, and would have without the govt bailouts.

Un-American Outsourcing and despicable Corporate greed destroyed GM. Many many asshole fatcats got very rich off the collapse of GM. No Employee at GM got nearly as rich as a result of the collapse. In fact, many only suffered.

Take a look at the top brass at GM today. All living the life of Royalty. All still have their numerous luxurious yachts, mansions, and cars. So blaming Employees for GM's demise, is unjust absurdity.

What planet are you posting from? must be the planet dumbfuck.

nothing you have said in this thread makes sense or has any basis in fact.

Go find out how well GM Management at the time of the collapse, are living today. Most are still Multimillionaires living the dream. But what about GM Employees? How well they doin today?

GM Management engaged in pure evil practices. They are not true Americans. They wanted slaves, so they turned to the Un-American practice of Outsourcing. They should all be ashamed of themselves. But i'm pretty sure they aren't. Too busy living the life of Royalty to give a shit.

sure they are. the rich always do OK. Liberal policies hurt the poor and middle classes, not the rich.

GM Management's evil business practices hurt the poor and middle class. No one in its top Management suffered at all. The top brass are nibbling on the most expensive caviar and sipping on the finest champagne, as we sit here arguing. I can assure you, there are very few if any GM Workers living like that today.
Workers did play a part in GM's collapse, but certainly weren't solely responsible. Check out what Management was getting paid at the time of the collapse. Some very greedy wealthy assholes made a whole lotta cash during the collapse. Much much more than any GM Employees made. It was awful mismanagement and greed that ultimately led to GM's demise. It's not fair to only blame Employees.

yes, there was some mismanagement, but the UAW contract was what really destroyed them.

But since you brought up management pay, do you support the govt bailing them out so that the management could still get all of their money?

Yes we know, always blame the lowly Worker. Sorry, but that's just silly knee-jerk nonsense. Un-American Outsourcing and overall evil greed on the part of Management, is what did GM in. All of the top brass at the time of the collapse, are still living the life of Royalty today. They're still sailing around on their private yachts and ordering their numerous servants around. They haven't suffered at all.

Meanwhile, an awful lot of GM Employees have suffered immensely. They no longer have good-paying jobs. They're gone for good. All to foreign countries. So to hell with GM Management. They're greedy Un-American pricks. Period, end of story.

So you don't support the bailout? Without the bailout GM would have been broken up into smaller more efficient companies. and, guess what, each of those new companies would have had to have a union representation vote----------and that scared the shit out of the UAW. sooooooooo since they put a lot of money into obozo's campaign they called in their debt, GM was bailed out and the UAW was saved--------------all with our money, now ain't that just wonderful?

I didn't support the bailout. However i did understand the intentions. But seriously, go look at how well the GM top brass at the time of the collapse, are living now. None have suffered at all. Only GM Workers have suffered. The mismanagement was the result of pure evil greed. GM's Un-American practice of Outsourcing, is unforgivable. Shame on em.

why do they buy some parts from other countries? why are GE lightbulbs made in china?

coupla reasons
1. unions
2. the highest corporate tax rate in the world

what exactly is un-american about doing what is required for your company to survive?

You left out the biggest and most important of them all: CHEAP PLENTIFUL LABOR!

And you are out of your mind if you think the difference between a Chinese worker making 25 cents an hour and an American doing basically the same job is all taxes and regulations.
what you can't seem to get is that if the cost of labor goes up, the prices of all products go up too.

Thats why the UAW almost destroyed the US car industry, and would have without the govt bailouts.

Un-American Outsourcing and despicable Corporate greed destroyed GM. Many many asshole fatcats got very rich off the collapse of GM. No Employee at GM got nearly as rich as a result of the collapse. In fact, many only suffered.

Take a look at the top brass at GM today. All living the life of Royalty. All still have their numerous luxurious yachts, mansions, and cars. So blaming Employees for GM's demise, is unjust absurdity.

What planet are you posting from? must be the planet dumbfuck.

nothing you have said in this thread makes sense or has any basis in fact.

Go find out how well GM Management at the time of the collapse, are living today. Most are still Multimillionaires living the dream. But what about GM Employees? How well they doin today?

GM Management engaged in pure evil practices. They are not true Americans. They wanted slaves, so they turned to the Un-American practice of Outsourcing. They should all be ashamed of themselves. But i'm pretty sure they aren't. Too busy living the life of Royalty to give a shit.

sure they are. the rich always do OK. Liberal policies hurt the poor and middle classes, not the rich.

GM Management's evil business practices hurt the poor and middle class. No one in its top Management suffered at all. The top brass are nibbling on the most expensive caviar and sipping on the finest champagne, as we sit here arguing. I can assure you, there are very few if any GM Workers living like that today.

yes, the Obama bailout of GM allowed the executives to continue their lavish lifestyles. BTW, it also allowed the union bosses to continue their lavish lifestyles.
yes, there was some mismanagement, but the UAW contract was what really destroyed them.

But since you brought up management pay, do you support the govt bailing them out so that the management could still get all of their money?

Yes we know, always blame the lowly Worker. Sorry, but that's just silly knee-jerk nonsense. Un-American Outsourcing and overall evil greed on the part of Management, is what did GM in. All of the top brass at the time of the collapse, are still living the life of Royalty today. They're still sailing around on their private yachts and ordering their numerous servants around. They haven't suffered at all.

Meanwhile, an awful lot of GM Employees have suffered immensely. They no longer have good-paying jobs. They're gone for good. All to foreign countries. So to hell with GM Management. They're greedy Un-American pricks. Period, end of story.

So you don't support the bailout? Without the bailout GM would have been broken up into smaller more efficient companies. and, guess what, each of those new companies would have had to have a union representation vote----------and that scared the shit out of the UAW. sooooooooo since they put a lot of money into obozo's campaign they called in their debt, GM was bailed out and the UAW was saved--------------all with our money, now ain't that just wonderful?

I didn't support the bailout. However i did understand the intentions. But seriously, go look at how well the GM top brass at the time of the collapse, are living now. None have suffered at all. Only GM Workers have suffered. The mismanagement was the result of pure evil greed. GM's Un-American practice of Outsourcing, is unforgivable. Shame on em.

why do they buy some parts from other countries? why are GE lightbulbs made in china?

coupla reasons
1. unions
2. the highest corporate tax rate in the world

what exactly is un-american about doing what is required for your company to survive?

You left out the biggest and most important of them all: CHEAP PLENTIFUL LABOR!

Workers did play a part in GM's collapse, but certainly weren't solely responsible. Check out what Management was getting paid at the time of the collapse. Some very greedy wealthy assholes made a whole lotta cash during the collapse. Much much more than any GM Employees made. It was awful mismanagement and greed that ultimately led to GM's demise. It's not fair to only blame Employees.

yes, there was some mismanagement, but the UAW contract was what really destroyed them.

But since you brought up management pay, do you support the govt bailing them out so that the management could still get all of their money?

Yes we know, always blame the lowly Worker. Sorry, but that's just silly knee-jerk nonsense. Un-American Outsourcing and overall evil greed on the part of Management, is what did GM in. All of the top brass at the time of the collapse, are still living the life of Royalty today. They're still sailing around on their private yachts and ordering their numerous servants around. They haven't suffered at all.

Meanwhile, an awful lot of GM Employees have suffered immensely. They no longer have good-paying jobs. They're gone for good. All to foreign countries. So to hell with GM Management. They're greedy Un-American pricks. Period, end of story.

So you don't support the bailout? Without the bailout GM would have been broken up into smaller more efficient companies. and, guess what, each of those new companies would have had to have a union representation vote----------and that scared the shit out of the UAW. sooooooooo since they put a lot of money into obozo's campaign they called in their debt, GM was bailed out and the UAW was saved--------------all with our money, now ain't that just wonderful?

I didn't support the bailout. However i did understand the intentions. But seriously, go look at how well the GM top brass at the time of the collapse, are living now. None have suffered at all. Only GM Workers have suffered. The mismanagement was the result of pure evil greed. GM's Un-American practice of Outsourcing, is unforgivable. Shame on em.

why do they buy some parts from other countries? why are GE lightbulbs made in china?

coupla reasons
1. unions
2. the highest corporate tax rate in the world

what exactly is un-american about doing what is required for your company to survive?

No, it's the evil greed. Why pay someone a decent wage if you can pay a third world slave to do it? Seriously, you're defending very bad people. Hopefully, one day you'll realize that.
yes, the Obama bailout of GM allowed the executives to continue their lavish lifestyles. BTW, it also allowed the union bosses to continue their lavish lifestyles.

Of course that came with a very terrible price. The taxpayers and the bondholders of GM got screwed big time.

However, Obama and the Democrats got their huge campaign contributions from the UAW so all is well in Libtardland.
Un-American Outsourcing and despicable Corporate greed destroyed GM. Many many asshole fatcats got very rich off the collapse of GM. No Employee at GM got nearly as rich as a result of the collapse. In fact, many only suffered.

Take a look at the top brass at GM today. All living the life of Royalty. All still have their numerous luxurious yachts, mansions, and cars. So blaming Employees for GM's demise, is unjust absurdity.

What planet are you posting from? must be the planet dumbfuck.

nothing you have said in this thread makes sense or has any basis in fact.

Go find out how well GM Management at the time of the collapse, are living today. Most are still Multimillionaires living the dream. But what about GM Employees? How well they doin today?

GM Management engaged in pure evil practices. They are not true Americans. They wanted slaves, so they turned to the Un-American practice of Outsourcing. They should all be ashamed of themselves. But i'm pretty sure they aren't. Too busy living the life of Royalty to give a shit.

sure they are. the rich always do OK. Liberal policies hurt the poor and middle classes, not the rich.

GM Management's evil business practices hurt the poor and middle class. No one in its top Management suffered at all. The top brass are nibbling on the most expensive caviar and sipping on the finest champagne, as we sit here arguing. I can assure you, there are very few if any GM Workers living like that today.

yes, the Obama bailout of GM allowed the executives to continue their lavish lifestyles. BTW, it also allowed the union bosses to continue their lavish lifestyles.

How many Union Bosses are there? And i assure you, they don't live anywhere near the lavish lifestyle the GM top brass live. Let's face it, GM top brass got richer off fucking their Workers. And yes, maybe some Union Bosses did too.

But the average GM Worker isn't sailing around on a private yacht and living in a luxurious mansion. Only GM Workers suffered as a result of the GM collapse.
Read up a bit more on History. The age-old battle between the Slaves and Slave Masters has been going on for Millennia. Going back as far as the Helots in Greece, and long before.

But you know how the Helots finally beat the mighty Spartans? They finally realized they had the numbers. There is strength and victory in numbers. Once the American Helots wake up, they'll win too. They have the numbers.
I have 28+ years of business ownership and that means more to me than the Spartans.
What planet are you posting from? must be the planet dumbfuck.

nothing you have said in this thread makes sense or has any basis in fact.

Go find out how well GM Management at the time of the collapse, are living today. Most are still Multimillionaires living the dream. But what about GM Employees? How well they doin today?

GM Management engaged in pure evil practices. They are not true Americans. They wanted slaves, so they turned to the Un-American practice of Outsourcing. They should all be ashamed of themselves. But i'm pretty sure they aren't. Too busy living the life of Royalty to give a shit.

sure they are. the rich always do OK. Liberal policies hurt the poor and middle classes, not the rich.

GM Management's evil business practices hurt the poor and middle class. No one in its top Management suffered at all. The top brass are nibbling on the most expensive caviar and sipping on the finest champagne, as we sit here arguing. I can assure you, there are very few if any GM Workers living like that today.

yes, the Obama bailout of GM allowed the executives to continue their lavish lifestyles. BTW, it also allowed the union bosses to continue their lavish lifestyles.

How many Union Bosses are there? And i assure you, they don't live anywhere near the lavish lifestyle the GM top brass live. Let's face it, GM top brass got richer off fucking their Workers. And yes, maybe some Union Bosses did too.

But the average GM Worker isn't sailing around on a private yacht and living in a luxurious mansion. Only GM Workers suffered as a result of the GM collapse.

the average GM worker does not have the brains or management skills to run the company. Why should they make what the managers make?

Do you have any idea what assembly line workers make, what benefits they get free, what kind of retirement plan they get free, what kinds of insurance they get free?

I don't know how many UAW bosses get big pay for doing nothing, but I assure you that there are a lot of them.
yes, there was some mismanagement, but the UAW contract was what really destroyed them.

But since you brought up management pay, do you support the govt bailing them out so that the management could still get all of their money?

Yes we know, always blame the lowly Worker. Sorry, but that's just silly knee-jerk nonsense. Un-American Outsourcing and overall evil greed on the part of Management, is what did GM in. All of the top brass at the time of the collapse, are still living the life of Royalty today. They're still sailing around on their private yachts and ordering their numerous servants around. They haven't suffered at all.

Meanwhile, an awful lot of GM Employees have suffered immensely. They no longer have good-paying jobs. They're gone for good. All to foreign countries. So to hell with GM Management. They're greedy Un-American pricks. Period, end of story.

So you don't support the bailout? Without the bailout GM would have been broken up into smaller more efficient companies. and, guess what, each of those new companies would have had to have a union representation vote----------and that scared the shit out of the UAW. sooooooooo since they put a lot of money into obozo's campaign they called in their debt, GM was bailed out and the UAW was saved--------------all with our money, now ain't that just wonderful?

I didn't support the bailout. However i did understand the intentions. But seriously, go look at how well the GM top brass at the time of the collapse, are living now. None have suffered at all. Only GM Workers have suffered. The mismanagement was the result of pure evil greed. GM's Un-American practice of Outsourcing, is unforgivable. Shame on em.

why do they buy some parts from other countries? why are GE lightbulbs made in china?

coupla reasons
1. unions
2. the highest corporate tax rate in the world

what exactly is un-american about doing what is required for your company to survive?

No, it's the evil greed. Why pay someone a decent wage if you can pay a third world slave to do it? Seriously, you're defending very bad people. Hopefully, one day you'll realize that.

I used to think that you were a moderately intelligent human being. But your posts on this thread have convinced me that you are an idiot.

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