Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Well, we are working our way to 1,000 post and 100 pages and we are still waiting for the link that shows an actual restaurant closing in Seattle due specifically to a law that is going to increase the minimum wage. Did I miss that post and link?
the article is irrelevant. The debate is what it has morphed into at this point. And I am finding that no one really wants to debate facts. Just offer opinion. Address the simple question....why does a pool service company need to hire adults to clean pools? Why is it a failed business model if it does not have to hire adults?
Sorry, but it is easy to find a negative response to all of your questions. The pool company may be able to compliment it's staff with teens, but they will need adult supervision. Sure, you can use teens as helpers, but you would be foolish and irresponsible to send them out unsupervised to private homes. Do you think a person paying for professional service is going to be happy when they come home and see a teen swimming in their pool or entertaining a friend.
The point too is, that most refuse to factor in, are the huge corporate business that can change employees like socks and pay them wages to maximize their profits.
When John Q. Public starts to realize patronizing local small business makes a community prosper , things will get better.
Corporate profits leave the community to pay shareholders.

But, businesses don't close on their own accord? Be it how they managed or operated their business and how trends change.
I live in a resort and one of the main, if not the main industry happens to be restaurants of every type you can imagine. They close and open every season. Mostly, the same core group of owners that buy and sell their restaurants and even trade with each other. Each year a number of rookies will show up to try and teach everyone how to run a restaurant. Most only last a season. Some close up before the season is over. The real restaurateurs know how to adjust and adapt and continue to make profits. None of the ones I know would ever consider paying employees minimum wage. Quality employees are a must for a successful restaurant. The potential for loss from bad publicity, theft and the lack of quality workmanship is far to great. Successful restaurants in my town use the best employees they can find and are willing to pay a decent wage to get them.
are you actually implying that an establishment with a built in consumer audience is an example of a typical small business in middle America?

You morons really don't get it do you???

In our scenario of real life as the Fed has lowered interest to 0% or somewhere there close, it limits the amount of Bonds bought as a safe haven. AS long as the stock market has the Fed held here the profits will continue, but notice the tone of the Fed chairrman has changed and as such so has inveastor poster.

There is a direct correlation between the Fed interest rate / bond rates and the stock market ..................

When you can reconcile that in your little head .........................

Well of course, why didn't everyone see the obvious relationship of the Fed, interest rates, bonds and the stock market and how those things determine whether my burger will cost $5.95 or $6.25. In the end, don't we just simply raise the price of the burger when the cost of producing the burger goes up?

Missed the boat totally that round, some one throw the rube a life saver .............................
You seem to be a great corporate basher who has repeatedly held the rich corporate baron CEO as a valued target.
You talk about the amount of revenue made by these companies and then insinuate that, Slave Driving bosses are the culprit.
There are record profits and liquidity in stock market, none of which makes a tinkers damn about what some teenager makes at some little burger shit hole.

Now as you spewed your lame shit, you forgot to cover that subject ..................
What the hell I am a good guy, I will help a rube make a fool of him self .......................
When you call someone a pussy, you definitely get ignored.

Enjoy your short stay around here ..................

It's easy to get there, smart ass taunting or whatever .......... see how long it takes to come off
Was just reading this.


"It's the Final Nail to the Coffin": Chinatown Businesses Struggle Over Oakland's New Minimum Wage

Updated at 11:36 PM PDT on Monday, Mar 16, 2015
Some businesses in Oakland's Chinatown neighborhood are feeling the effects from the city's new voter-approved minimum wage.

The new $12.25, up from $9, went into effect on March 2 and was approved by 82 percent of voters.

all of it here:
It s the Final Nail to the Coffin Chinatown Businesses Struggle Over Oakland s New Minimum Wage NBC Bay Area

Corporations are amoral, they externalize their expenses if at all possible, they will exploit their workers if at all possible;e, and they don't pay nearly their fair share in taxes. Add to that the fact that they aren't patriotic and there are damn good reasons to both watch and regulate them. Adam Smith didn't like them banned for no reason.

If you think corporations are "amoral" then put your money where your Commie mouth is and don't buy anything produced by a corporation.

If you buy something produced by a corporation then you are giving them money and are contributing to the "armoralism".

You can start by tossing out your computer because it was made by a corporation. Don't forget your vehicle and you sure as hell don't want to be using electricity supplied by a corporation, do you? Absolutely no food bought at a grocery store because it was trucked in by corporate transportation.

Go ahead Commie and live up to your convictions instead of mouthing off on the Internet.

Corporations .........and they don't pay nearly their fair share in taxes. .

We can fix that.

The next time you pay taxes then send the government extra money to make up for the lack of taxes paid in from the corporations that you did business with during the year. Problem solved.
The czars in the Seattle City Council can just pass an ordinance requiring all eateries to remain open, pay the wage, and not raise the prices, or their assets will become property of the city govt.

That worked quite well in Venezuela, and since Seattle has modeled itself after Venezuela, I say go for it, and reap all those rewards.
Public policies constitute public use for eminent domain purposes.
That was it Daniel, you made the ignore list, congratulations.....................

You can call it broken English, I call it pure Bull Shit ......................................
You need more than fallacy to call me on it. Why not post your valid rebuttal, if you are able; grasshopper?

Corporations .........and they don't pay nearly their fair share in taxes. .

We can fix that.

The next time you pay taxes then send the government extra money to make up for the lack of taxes paid in from the corporations that you did business with during the year. Problem solved.
why not a general tax to fund unemployment compensation instead of our current regime; it would be much less expensive.

Corporations .........and they don't pay nearly their fair share in taxes. .

We can fix that.

The next time you pay taxes then send the government extra money to make up for the lack of taxes paid in from the corporations that you did business with during the year. Problem solved.
why not a general tax to fund unemployment compensation instead of our current regime; it would be much less expensive.

Why not absolutely no government unemployment? If you want to save your money in case your are unemployed then fine. If not then that is fine also. It is called personal responsibility.

Corporations .........and they don't pay nearly their fair share in taxes. .

We can fix that.

The next time you pay taxes then send the government extra money to make up for the lack of taxes paid in from the corporations that you did business with during the year. Problem solved.
why not a general tax to fund unemployment compensation instead of our current regime; it would be much less expensive.

Why not absolutely no government unemployment? If you want to save your money in case your are unemployed then fine. If not then that is fine also. It is called personal responsibility.
because that would be a step back toward third world Standards of living.

Corporations .........and they don't pay nearly their fair share in taxes. .

We can fix that.

The next time you pay taxes then send the government extra money to make up for the lack of taxes paid in from the corporations that you did business with during the year. Problem solved.
why not a general tax to fund unemployment compensation instead of our current regime; it would be much less expensive.

Why not absolutely no government unemployment? If you want to save your money in case your are unemployed then fine. If not then that is fine also. It is called personal responsibility.

no kidding, NOW they want us taxpayers to pay them for being unemployed

how about that for feeling entitled
If you can't afford to pay your workers a decent wage you shouldn't be in business. :)

The wage is reflection of what labor is worth to business.
They don't get to decide that. They have proven themselves unworthy of doing so by paying such low wages.
"They" don't decide.. The marketplace decides.
Like it or not, labor is a commodity. Subject to the laws of supply and demand.
The cost of doing business is inexorably tied to the cost of labor as labor is the highest percentage cost of operating a business.
The key workers are paid according to their level of skill, experience and their ability to complete their tasks in such a way as to generate more revenue than the cost of their labor.
Lower skilled and unskilled workers are a cost. They do not generate revenue.
Fast food restaurants and many retail businesses would not exist without low and unskilled workers. They certainly do generate revenue.
Ok....How does a low skill laborer generate revenue?
If you can't afford to pay your workers a decent wage you shouldn't be in business. :)

The wage is reflection of what labor is worth to business.
They don't get to decide that. They have proven themselves unworthy of doing so by paying such low wages.
"They" don't decide.. The marketplace decides.
Like it or not, labor is a commodity. Subject to the laws of supply and demand.
The cost of doing business is inexorably tied to the cost of labor as labor is the highest percentage cost of operating a business.
The key workers are paid according to their level of skill, experience and their ability to complete their tasks in such a way as to generate more revenue than the cost of their labor.
Lower skilled and unskilled workers are a cost. They do not generate revenue.
They sell the product that puts the big bucks in the rich assholes pockets...they are worth more and since rich assholes can't see that it takes government FORCING them to see that.

Corporations .........and they don't pay nearly their fair share in taxes. .

We can fix that.

The next time you pay taxes then send the government extra money to make up for the lack of taxes paid in from the corporations that you did business with during the year. Problem solved.
why not a general tax to fund unemployment compensation instead of our current regime; it would be much less expensive.

Why not absolutely no government unemployment? If you want to save your money in case your are unemployed then fine. If not then that is fine also. It is called personal responsibility.

no kidding, NOW they want us taxpayers to pay them for being unemployed

how about that for feeling entitled
It is called, employment at will. Don't like it or want it when it merely helps the least wealthy; i got it. :p
I have always been gainfully employed, got mad skills, Never had to worry about minimum wage except when I was a young man ...........

The first job I ever worked that actually paid some decent cash was as a heli-arc welder at an aluminum boat plant. That plant was my kind of heaven and n*ggers hell, set in a small rural town, tucked on the edge of a quaint little pond, I spent many of my earlier years here.

As I stated, I was a welder when I started, we got a minimum wage of $2.50 / $2.65 / hr or something in that range, whatever federal minimum wage was at that time. Now here was the gravy train, we got paid piece mill rates, in other words if a 1030(10 foot length, 30" beam) paid $2.50 / ea.

This was forming, cleaning down all seems with wash thinner, tacking of transoms and front ends, both front rakes(where the bottom curves upward to meet the sides), drain plug and finally tote it to the test tank.

Now lead welders could do these babies in 10-12 min, they were worth $2.50 each, you do the math.
The homies didn't stand around with there pants down, they knew if they wanted a pay check it would be performance driven.

Now if we went back to some of these standards of you get paid what you are worth, then most of the left would starve while declaring the right cold harted for not feeding the poor retards.

I really don't care at this point, society is out of control ..............................................

You liberals can have your exercise in $15/ MW.

Hell I don't live in Seatelle, and damn sure want be visiting.

Lets hope when it is done you will come back and discuss it just as Detroit and Chicago, neither of which any of you left wing nut jobs will comment on yoiur bs rhetoric.
Business pay people what they are worth?

According to this logic, CEOs of big companies are worth their giant compensation packages, now averaging 300 times the pay of the typical American worker. They must be worth it or they wouldn't be paid this much, right?

Fifty years ago, when General Motors was the largest employer in America, the typical GM worker got paid $35 an hour in today's dollars. Today, America's largest employer is Walmart, and the typical Walmart worker earns $8.80 an hour.

Does this mean the typical GM employee a half-century ago was worth four times what today's typical Walmart employee is worth? Not at all. That GM worker wasn't much better educated or productive. He often hadn't graduated from high school. And today's Walmart worker is better educated, surrounded by digital gadgets -- mobile inventory controls, instant checkout devices, retail search engines -- making him or her highly productive.

The "paid-what-you're-worth" argument is fundamentally flaunted because it ignores power, overlooks institutions, and disregards politics. .
Businesses pay wages determined by the prevailing market rates.
Actually the average wage for floor workers at Walmart is $12.50 per hour.
To compare GM workers who built automobiles to Walmart employees is like comparing trees to wood.
BTW, the typical line worker at GM is making about $30 per hour in TODAY's dollars....What's your point?
I have always been gainfully employed, got mad skills, Never had to worry about minimum wage except when I was a young man ...........

The first job I ever worked that actually paid some decent cash was as a heli-arc welder at an aluminum boat plant. That plant was my kind of heaven and n*ggers hell, set in a small rural town, tucked on the edge of a quaint little pond, I spent many of my earlier years here.

As I stated, I was a welder when I started, we got a minimum wage of $2.50 / $2.65 / hr or something in that range, whatever federal minimum wage was at that time. Now here was the gravy train, we got paid piece mill rates, in other words if a 1030(10 foot length, 30" beam) paid $2.50 / ea.

This was forming, cleaning down all seems with wash thinner, tacking of transoms and front ends, both front rakes(where the bottom curves upward to meet the sides), drain plug and finally tote it to the test tank.

Now lead welders could do these babies in 10-12 min, they were worth $2.50 each, you do the math.
The homies didn't stand around with there pants down, they knew if they wanted a pay check it would be performance driven.

Now if we went back to some of these standards of you get paid what you are worth, then most of the left would starve while declaring the right cold harted for not feeding the poor retards.

I really don't care at this point, society is out of control ..............................................

You liberals can have your exercise in $15/ MW.

Hell I don't live in Seatelle, and damn sure want be visiting.

Lets hope when it is done you will come back and discuss it just as Detroit and Chicago, neither of which any of you left wing nut jobs will comment on yoiur bs rhetoric.
Business pay people what they are worth?

According to this logic, CEOs of big companies are worth their giant compensation packages, now averaging 300 times the pay of the typical American worker. They must be worth it or they wouldn't be paid this much, right?

Fifty years ago, when General Motors was the largest employer in America, the typical GM worker got paid $35 an hour in today's dollars. Today, America's largest employer is Walmart, and the typical Walmart worker earns $8.80 an hour.

Does this mean the typical GM employee a half-century ago was worth four times what today's typical Walmart employee is worth? Not at all. That GM worker wasn't much better educated or productive. He often hadn't graduated from high school. And today's Walmart worker is better educated, surrounded by digital gadgets -- mobile inventory controls, instant checkout devices, retail search engines -- making him or her highly productive.

The "paid-what-you're-worth" argument is fundamentally flaunted because it ignores power, overlooks institutions, and disregards politics. .

50 years ago the GM worker actually had to have some skills. The walmart worker doesn't. Then, as the unions priced the jobs too high the car makers turned to robots for the vast majority of the jobs out there. I heartily agree that CEO's are grossly overpaid. So are firefighters. So are sports people and the established actors and directors. They are grossly overpaid for what they do.
Basically most people are paid what the person who is paying them thinks they are worth which depends on their value to the business, supply and demand, and government and union rules. Rarely are people paid what they are worth to our society. In fact, those that contribute the most, are often paid the least.
Correct on your first point...Market based.
Incorrect on your secondary points..
Do you imply that a person who retrieves shopping carts for a grocery store has more "worth" that a design engineer?
BTW, since unions represent just 7% pf the private sector workforce, unions are irrelevant to the discussion.
The servers will be even more motivated to bury their tips if the employer is on the hook to make up the difference.

Do you think you're the first person to ever think of that? Do you think the employer wants to pay their servers several dollars an hour more when they don't have to? Any restaurant being run by someone who halfway knows what they're doing will be able to prevent it. I've already told you this.

Many people tip in cash, so there's no way to really police it. You are making assumptions on what they will make AND what they will report.

You really don't know what you're talking about. Servers have to declare tips at the end of every shift they work. Yes, some tips are in cash. But if a server under reports their tips such that the employer has to pay extra on the server's paycheck, management is going to quickly step in. I can't police whether you report every last penny. But if you're reporting tips that come out to be 5% of your total sales, I'm not going to tolerate it. You're breaking the law, you're defrauding me to get more money, or you're providing shitty service. Either way, I don't want you working for me.

I think YOU need to read, I asked you to back it up.

Sure thing sport. I've been doing this longer than you've been playing on the internets. You're simply talking out of your ass, and making no damn sense along the way.
Once again ,yours is the opinion of an uninformed individual.
I'm not going to waste my time explaining my experience as a worker and manager in the F&B industry.
I defer to your expertise.


Okay, now you've really shown that you were lying out of your ass before. Anyone who has worked in a restaurant can readily verify everything I have said. If you're going to argue with it, yet claim to have managed a bar or restaurant, you're a lying sack of shit.
You have wasted your own time chasing me around this thread For what? You have accomplished one thing extremely well. Shown your ignorance.
Verify WHAT?
So cupcake, where is the "lie"?...
This ought to be good.

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