Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

What do you do? I'm OK with people making minimum as long as its a fair wage. Can't trust owners so the gov decides that number.
Define fair

I've asked you guys for a long time to put a number on what you think is a decent livable wage for average American Workers in today's America. You guys always duck & run. What do you think an average American can survive on today? Take a shot, throw a number out there.
And I've told you that it's up to you to earn what you need to pay your bills. If your no skill job isn't paying you enough then you can get a second job or learn a skill that will warrant higher pay

Ah, that's a dodge. Just try and put a number on what an average American needs to make to survive in today's America. I'll make it easier for ya. I'll throw out a few numbers. I'll go with $11 - $15 an hr.

It's not a dodge because there is no one answer.

And if people need 600 a week gross as you say then they are free to earn that much. Where is it written that only one job is all people should ever need to pay their bills?

Wrong. there is a number. Numerous studies have been conducted on the subject. I go with something like $11 - $15 an hr. as a possible survivable wage. How bout you?
A. You don't know any Republicans.
B. You have no friends.

Oh i know plenty. That's why i know how many of you think. Y'all just love Big Government intervention in business if you think it will benefit you. But God forbid the struggling worker catches a break every now & then.

Anyway, the thread is B.S. Businesses are not closing all over Seattle due to higher wages. That's just greedy wanker 'Sky is Falling' Bullshite. They'll deal with it and pay their workers a little more. Life will go on.
So you hate big government yet you want the government to tell businesses what to pay people

In this particular case, i'm ok with some Big Government. Businesses get plenty of handouts from Government. Washington's state and local Government decided to help Workers out this time. And that is their right. About time Workers caught a break. I'm happy for em. All States should consider similar actions.

please list the handouts that businesses get in the USA. Be sure to include the highest corporate tax rate in the entire world.

Come on man, Businesses are always trying to game the Government. They look for any breaks they can get. They love Government involvement when it benefits them. They only pretend to hate Big Government involvement when it comes to paying Workers a decent livable wage.

It's the other way around. Politicians are gaming businesses to bankroll their election funds. You know those thousand bucks a plate fundraisers. What you're bitching about is payback for getting elected.

Just like when unions pushing their candidates to offices and asking them to deliver on their promises. Like SEIU, UAW, teachers etc. They gave votes and money to get something in return.
Define fair

I've asked you guys for a long time to put a number on what you think is a decent livable wage for average American Workers in today's America. You guys always duck & run. What do you think an average American can survive on today? Take a shot, throw a number out there.
And I've told you that it's up to you to earn what you need to pay your bills. If your no skill job isn't paying you enough then you can get a second job or learn a skill that will warrant higher pay

Ah, that's a dodge. Just try and put a number on what an average American needs to make to survive in today's America. I'll make it easier for ya. I'll throw out a few numbers. I'll go with $11 - $15 an hr.

It's not a dodge because there is no one answer.

And if people need 600 a week gross as you say then they are free to earn that much. Where is it written that only one job is all people should ever need to pay their bills?

Wrong. there is a number. Numerous studies have been conducted on the subject. I go with something like $11 - $15 an hr. as a possible survivable wage. How bout you?

How about me?

If I couldn't survive on one job I worked 2 or 3

When I was young I shared an apt with 4 other guys. I lived on 5 for a dollar Ramen soups for months on end

IOW I did what I had to do to pay my bills I find that in general putting your head down and hustling gets far better results than whining.
The Republican Party will struggle to win National Elections for the foreseeable future.
Now I know you aren't for real. You're just an unskilled troll.

Just stating reality. It's seen as the Corporate Bootlicking Party that doesn't give a shit about average American Workers. Continuous bitchin about Workers being 'greedy', while defending despicable obscene Corporate greed, isn't a winner in National Elections.
I've asked you guys for a long time to put a number on what you think is a decent livable wage for average American Workers in today's America. You guys always duck & run. What do you think an average American can survive on today? Take a shot, throw a number out there.
And I've told you that it's up to you to earn what you need to pay your bills. If your no skill job isn't paying you enough then you can get a second job or learn a skill that will warrant higher pay

Ah, that's a dodge. Just try and put a number on what an average American needs to make to survive in today's America. I'll make it easier for ya. I'll throw out a few numbers. I'll go with $11 - $15 an hr.

It's not a dodge because there is no one answer.

And if people need 600 a week gross as you say then they are free to earn that much. Where is it written that only one job is all people should ever need to pay their bills?

Wrong. there is a number. Numerous studies have been conducted on the subject. I go with something like $11 - $15 an hr. as a possible survivable wage. How bout you?

How about me?

If I couldn't survive on one job I worked 2 or 3

When I was young I shared an apt with 4 other guys. I lived on 5 for a dollar Ramen soups for months on end

IOW I did what I had to do to pay my bills I find that in general putting your head down and hustling gets far better results than whining.

And if people really need 600 a week as you say then who says it all has to come from one 40 hour a week job?
I've asked you guys for a long time to put a number on what you think is a decent livable wage for average American Workers in today's America. You guys always duck & run. What do you think an average American can survive on today? Take a shot, throw a number out there.
And I've told you that it's up to you to earn what you need to pay your bills. If your no skill job isn't paying you enough then you can get a second job or learn a skill that will warrant higher pay

Ah, that's a dodge. Just try and put a number on what an average American needs to make to survive in today's America. I'll make it easier for ya. I'll throw out a few numbers. I'll go with $11 - $15 an hr.

It's not a dodge because there is no one answer.

And if people need 600 a week gross as you say then they are free to earn that much. Where is it written that only one job is all people should ever need to pay their bills?

Wrong. there is a number. Numerous studies have been conducted on the subject. I go with something like $11 - $15 an hr. as a possible survivable wage. How bout you?

How about me?

If I couldn't survive on one job I worked 2 or 3

When I was young I shared an apt with 4 other guys. I lived on 5 for a dollar Ramen soups for months on end

IOW I did what I had to do to pay my bills I find that in general putting your head down and hustling gets far better results than whining.

So $5 an hr. is a decent livable wage to you? Ok. At least you answered the question. Gotta give you some props for that i guess.
Is Beyonce worth what society pays her? How about Aaron Rodgers? What does it say about a society when its most valuable members are athletes and entertainers?

But to your point, who should decide how much any person can make? How would you limit Bill Gates income?

Bill Gates desperately needs more foreign workers. Seriously, true story. Great guy, huh?

Do you have any idea why Iphones are made in China rather than the USA?


Yep, unions and taxes drove those jobs out of this country, along with the entire textile industry, the shipbuilding industry, the light bulb industry, and the TV industry.

Despicable Corporate greed drove jobs out of this country. Why pay an American a decent livable wage when you can pay a third world slave to do it? I mean, God forbid an American wants to make a decent wage so they can take care of themselves and their families. How dare they? Who do they think they are?

High taxes and high labor price drove jobs out. When worker demands more then its worth and politician promising to deliver on that, what choice business has? If you threaten to shut my business down, one way or another, I'll move elsewhere. It doesnt have to be out of country, just to states that offers better environment. Tell me, why auto industry is moving south?
Define fair

I've asked you guys for a long time to put a number on what you think is a decent livable wage for average American Workers in today's America. You guys always duck & run. What do you think an average American can survive on today? Take a shot, throw a number out there.
And I've told you that it's up to you to earn what you need to pay your bills. If your no skill job isn't paying you enough then you can get a second job or learn a skill that will warrant higher pay

Ah, that's a dodge. Just try and put a number on what an average American needs to make to survive in today's America. I'll make it easier for ya. I'll throw out a few numbers. I'll go with $11 - $15 an hr.

It's not a dodge because there is no one answer.

And if people need 600 a week gross as you say then they are free to earn that much. Where is it written that only one job is all people should ever need to pay their bills?

Wrong. there is a number. Numerous studies have been conducted on the subject. I go with something like $11 - $15 an hr. as a possible survivable wage. How bout you?

not enough in Manhattan, too much in Fargo ND and Waycross GA. There is no one number.

is it the same for a single person and a married person with 4 kids?
And I've told you that it's up to you to earn what you need to pay your bills. If your no skill job isn't paying you enough then you can get a second job or learn a skill that will warrant higher pay

Ah, that's a dodge. Just try and put a number on what an average American needs to make to survive in today's America. I'll make it easier for ya. I'll throw out a few numbers. I'll go with $11 - $15 an hr.

It's not a dodge because there is no one answer.

And if people need 600 a week gross as you say then they are free to earn that much. Where is it written that only one job is all people should ever need to pay their bills?

Wrong. there is a number. Numerous studies have been conducted on the subject. I go with something like $11 - $15 an hr. as a possible survivable wage. How bout you?

How about me?

If I couldn't survive on one job I worked 2 or 3

When I was young I shared an apt with 4 other guys. I lived on 5 for a dollar Ramen soups for months on end

IOW I did what I had to do to pay my bills I find that in general putting your head down and hustling gets far better results than whining.

So $5 an hr. is a decent livable wage to you? Ok. At least you answered the question. Gotta give you some props for that i guess.

It doesn't matter what your starting wage is.

A career is a ladder not a bed. The times I worked for MW in the past I was never more than 6 months away from a pay raise or a promotion because I didn't think being a bag boy or a stock clerk was a job that would support me

I'm sorry but if you're still making MW after 20 years on a job then it's your own fault not your employer's
Bill Gates desperately needs more foreign workers. Seriously, true story. Great guy, huh?

Do you have any idea why Iphones are made in China rather than the USA?


Yep, unions and taxes drove those jobs out of this country, along with the entire textile industry, the shipbuilding industry, the light bulb industry, and the TV industry.

So what you're saying is that the difference between a foreign worker making fifty cents an hour and the equivalent American union worker making $25 an hour is all taxes?

You're going to have to show me the numbers on that before I believe it.

Good luck. He or she is all-in on Corporate Propaganda. They actually believe American Workers making good money is a 'Bad Thing.' Pretty warped thinking, huh? But that's how deep he or she is into the Corporate Propaganda. It's sad.

Good American worker is making good money. Bad workers never made good money and never will. Bad worker will bitch how he's exploited and poor and blame someone else.
So you hate big government yet you want the government to tell businesses what to pay people

In this particular case, i'm ok with some Big Government. Businesses get plenty of handouts from Government. Washington's state and local Government decided to help Workers out this time. And that's their right. About time Workers catch a break. I'm happy for em.

You happy for all the workers becoming unemployed too?

How does prohibiting workers not worth $15 an hour from working help any of them?

As a former restaurant owner, I can think of two employees who ever worked for me in that business I would not have fired and hired better employees to replace them if I had to pay that wage

'Former' restaurant owner being the key. That was then, this is now. Times change. You can't or won't pay Workers? Don't open a business. It's your call. It is what it is.

I paid workers what we agreed to as free people. That you believe it's up to government to override that is frankly sick.

You may want to learn about the power of free markets and why it's a bad idea to circumvent them

Washington state and local Government made the call. They'll now pay their workers a little more. Life will go on. Seriously, it will.

yes, it will and the people will have to deal with the impacts of that decision. both good and bad. Whether the good outweighs the bad is yet to be determined.
You said that already. If you can't address the points I'm raising, please don't quote my posts.

I did address it. You're just fine with Big Government interference in business if it benefits you. Otherwise, you're all "Government should stay out of it!!" Such high & mighty hypocrisy. Shame on ya.

Actually, I'm neutral on the subject of my city and county actively trying to convince businesses to move here. They can or not, as they choose. But yes, I think IF they are going to do so, it's completely appropriate for the businesses to negotiate for tax incentives in exchange for what the city/county wants. I also think business owners have the same right to petition government as every other citizen does. There's no equivalency between that and government high-handedly dealing itself into business decisions.

You don't get to have it both ways. You beg for handouts, you have to accept Government being involved. Period, end of story.
Or insist such a dead end game cease for all.

Good luck with that. Businesses will always try to game the Government. They only pretend to hate Big Government when it comes to paying Workers. Pretty convenient hypocrisy, no?
We'll need more than luck. We'll need to raise awareness that it a sucker's game. And that the only way to win is to stop playing.
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So you hate big government yet you want the government to tell businesses what to pay people

In this particular case, i'm ok with some Big Government. Businesses get plenty of handouts from Government. Washington's state and local Government decided to help Workers out this time. And that's their right. About time Workers catch a break. I'm happy for em.

You happy for all the workers becoming unemployed too?

How does prohibiting workers not worth $15 an hour from working help any of them?

As a former restaurant owner, I can think of two employees who ever worked for me in that business I would not have fired and hired better employees to replace them if I had to pay that wage

'Former' restaurant owner being the key. That was then, this is now. Times change. You can't or won't pay Workers? Don't open a business. It's your call. It is what it is.

I paid workers what we agreed to as free people. That you believe it's up to government to override that is frankly sick.

You may want to learn about the power of free markets and why it's a bad idea to circumvent them

Washington state and local Government made the call. They'll now pay their workers a little more. Life will go on. Seriously, it will.

Life will go on, sure. I can tell you that after 50 years of liberal policies, life goes on in Detroit too.
So you hate big government yet you want the government to tell businesses what to pay people

In this particular case, i'm ok with some Big Government. Businesses get plenty of handouts from Government. Washington's state and local Government decided to help Workers out this time. And that's their right. About time Workers catch a break. I'm happy for em.

You happy for all the workers becoming unemployed too?

How does prohibiting workers not worth $15 an hour from working help any of them?

As a former restaurant owner, I can think of two employees who ever worked for me in that business I would not have fired and hired better employees to replace them if I had to pay that wage

'Former' restaurant owner being the key. That was then, this is now. Times change. You can't or won't pay Workers? Don't open a business. It's your call. It is what it is.

I paid workers what we agreed to as free people. That you believe it's up to government to override that is frankly sick.

You may want to learn about the power of free markets and why it's a bad idea to circumvent them

Washington state and local Government made the call. They'll now pay their workers a little more. Life will go on. Seriously, it will.

You write liberty off very easily for a guy who claims to like Ron Paul
In this particular case, i'm ok with some Big Government. Businesses get plenty of handouts from Government. Washington's state and local Government decided to help Workers out this time. And that's their right. About time Workers catch a break. I'm happy for em.

You happy for all the workers becoming unemployed too?

How does prohibiting workers not worth $15 an hour from working help any of them?

As a former restaurant owner, I can think of two employees who ever worked for me in that business I would not have fired and hired better employees to replace them if I had to pay that wage

'Former' restaurant owner being the key. That was then, this is now. Times change. You can't or won't pay Workers? Don't open a business. It's your call. It is what it is.

I paid workers what we agreed to as free people. That you believe it's up to government to override that is frankly sick.

You may want to learn about the power of free markets and why it's a bad idea to circumvent them

Washington state and local Government made the call. They'll now pay their workers a little more. Life will go on. Seriously, it will.

yes, it will and the people will have to deal with the impacts of that decision. both good and bad. Whether the good outweighs the bad is yet to be determined.

Paulitician isn't the one who will lose his job over this so life will go on for him
In this particular case, i'm ok with some Big Government. Businesses get plenty of handouts from Government. Washington's state and local Government decided to help Workers out this time. And that's their right. About time Workers catch a break. I'm happy for em.

You happy for all the workers becoming unemployed too?

How does prohibiting workers not worth $15 an hour from working help any of them?

As a former restaurant owner, I can think of two employees who ever worked for me in that business I would not have fired and hired better employees to replace them if I had to pay that wage

'Former' restaurant owner being the key. That was then, this is now. Times change. You can't or won't pay Workers? Don't open a business. It's your call. It is what it is.

I paid workers what we agreed to as free people. That you believe it's up to government to override that is frankly sick.

You may want to learn about the power of free markets and why it's a bad idea to circumvent them

Washington state and local Government made the call. They'll now pay their workers a little more. Life will go on. Seriously, it will.

Life will go on, sure. I can tell you that after 50 years of liberal policies, life goes on in Detroit too.

excellent example. from great prosperous city to a ghetto graveyard. Unions, liberals, and democrats destroyed the once great city of Detroit.
You happy for all the workers becoming unemployed too?

How does prohibiting workers not worth $15 an hour from working help any of them?

As a former restaurant owner, I can think of two employees who ever worked for me in that business I would not have fired and hired better employees to replace them if I had to pay that wage

'Former' restaurant owner being the key. That was then, this is now. Times change. You can't or won't pay Workers? Don't open a business. It's your call. It is what it is.

I paid workers what we agreed to as free people. That you believe it's up to government to override that is frankly sick.

You may want to learn about the power of free markets and why it's a bad idea to circumvent them

Washington state and local Government made the call. They'll now pay their workers a little more. Life will go on. Seriously, it will.

yes, it will and the people will have to deal with the impacts of that decision. both good and bad. Whether the good outweighs the bad is yet to be determined.

Paulitician isn't the one who will lose his job over this so life will go on for him

He may but he knows where to apply for welfare and food stamps. so his life will go on and we will continue paying for it.
And I've told you that it's up to you to earn what you need to pay your bills. If your no skill job isn't paying you enough then you can get a second job or learn a skill that will warrant higher pay

Ah, that's a dodge. Just try and put a number on what an average American needs to make to survive in today's America. I'll make it easier for ya. I'll throw out a few numbers. I'll go with $11 - $15 an hr.

It's not a dodge because there is no one answer.

And if people need 600 a week gross as you say then they are free to earn that much. Where is it written that only one job is all people should ever need to pay their bills?

Wrong. there is a number. Numerous studies have been conducted on the subject. I go with something like $11 - $15 an hr. as a possible survivable wage. How bout you?

How about me?

If I couldn't survive on one job I worked 2 or 3

When I was young I shared an apt with 4 other guys. I lived on 5 for a dollar Ramen soups for months on end

IOW I did what I had to do to pay my bills I find that in general putting your head down and hustling gets far better results than whining.

So $5 an hr. is a decent livable wage to you? Ok. At least you answered the question. Gotta give you some props for that i guess.

Explain what livable wage is!
Four restaurants closing makes it easier for the other eateries to establish working prices that lead to a profit.

Yes ... because EVERYONE loves going to a ultra crowded, overly priced restaurant.
Stay home then.
Many will do just that. Which will drop the income of the restaurants which leads to more closing which leads to less employees...

See the cycle here?
And the restaurants that can afford to pay will gain customers, and then have to hire more staff. Or they will raise prices, which people will pay because the ones with lower prices are now out of business. Got it now?

The thing that you dumb ass liberals don't understand is that this will increase the prices of everything eventually then soon, $15/hour won't be a living wage.
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