Breaking News: Supreme Court Has Chosen Not To Hear Any Of The 7 Marriage Equality Cases.

Of course you can produce a study that supports your claim that children need a mother and father?
I live it. Everyday. Look at every predominantly black locale in this country and you'll see what a majority of unstructured families does. And it's not poverty. Where I live the median household income is $20k higher than the national. He schools are failing and the crime rate is the highest.
Granting adoption to homos adds to that problem. Move forward.

All you had to say was "no" you have no study and can produce only anal in those pulled out of your ass.

See, because there ARE studies that show that our children are at no disadvantage to yours and that children need parents, not parents of the opposite gender.
I just gave you the elements of study. Empirical data. You act like the Black Knight after he had his limbs severed.

Sorry but your anecdotal story is not evidence. The actual facts are that our children are at no disadvantage to yours. All studies show that children do best with two parents, period. The gender of the two parents has to effect on outcomes.
Those studies are full of shit, common sense tells you that kids having a balance of both a male and female role model will obviously give the child a better perspective.

You can't pick and choose which scientific studies are valid just because you don't agree with their results. You have to pick and choose which scientific studies are valid based on their methods and the fitness of the data. If these studies are done properly, are rigorous, and the methodology is sound you can't just invalidate or ignore them in one big sweep without analyzing them simply because the results don't fit with your beliefs. That is simply bias. Recognize bias and minimize it.
Only if you consider gay and opposite sex marriage equal.
And I keep asking, other than the gender of the participants, how are they not? And please avoid the whole "they can't make babies" silliness. After all, that is also true of many heterosexual couples, so that isn't a difference between the two. So, I'll wait for your reply...
They are talking about subjective personal opinions. It's like asking someone to prove the god father 2 is a better movie that jaws 2. Everyone knows it is based on subjective viewpoints. Thus, the anti-gay stuff is boiling down to likes and dislikes.

What a load of horse shit, Godfather 2 is without question the better movie.

Prove it. But more to the point, is it ok to ban Jaws 2 cause we don't like it as much as G2?

You know damn well I agree with you on gay marriage. Why anyone would care what someone calls their relationship is beyond me.
When I said prove it, I was referring to Godfather 2 being a better movie than Jaws 2.
Any tax break afforded is a subsidy paid by the rest of the taxpayers. Using and objectionable tax break as rationale to defend and equally objectionable tax break doesn't defend either.
Granting tax breaks created with the intention of aiding child rearing to homo couples (and thereby forcing the subsidization of homo marriages), who by their very nature cannot procreate, is a fascist imposition.
There is no need to give homo marriage legal status. They can't procreate as can hetero couples. That is the only and most necessary distinction. There is no denying rights or any undue discrimination.

Moron...we get the tax breaks for the kids regardless of whether we are married or not.
Dumbass, homos can't have kids together.
of course they can...dumbass
No, they can't. Homos cannot procreate together. Where did you get that idea?
And why did you call me dumbass? I didn't call you any name. I called her that in response to her initiating the name calling.

Yes actually we can. Gay men can donate sperm to gay women and gay women can carry children for gay men. I speak from first hand experience on both counts.
Interesting. I wonder if the odds of gay children increase with gay fathers and mothers.
I live it. Everyday. Look at every predominantly black locale in this country and you'll see what a majority of unstructured families does. And it's not poverty. Where I live the median household income is $20k higher than the national. He schools are failing and the crime rate is the highest.
Granting adoption to homos adds to that problem. Move forward.

All you had to say was "no" you have no study and can produce only anal in those pulled out of your ass.

See, because there ARE studies that show that our children are at no disadvantage to yours and that children need parents, not parents of the opposite gender.
I just gave you the elements of study. Empirical data. You act like the Black Knight after he had his limbs severed.

Sorry but your anecdotal story is not evidence. The actual facts are that our children are at no disadvantage to yours. All studies show that children do best with two parents, period. The gender of the two parents has to effect on outcomes.
Those studies are full of shit, common sense tells you that kids having a balance of both a male and female role model will obviously give the child a better perspective.

You can't pick and choose which scientific studies are valid just because you don't agree with their results. You have to pick and choose which scientific studies are valid based on their methods and the fitness of the data. If these studies are done properly, are rigorous, and the methodology is sound you can't just invalidate or ignore them in one big sweep without analyzing them simply because the results don't fit with your beliefs. That is simply bias. Recognize bias and minimize it.
Yes I can, studies that show two people of the same sex as parents is just as good as two of the opposite sex, goes against common sense.
As children age, they benefit from gaining the perspective of both sexes. Out in the real world they will be learning, playing, working with both sexes. It only makes sense that being raised by both gives them that balance that is needed in life.
The founders of this country did not make sure we could have rights that protected perversions and immorality

the founders made sure that your religious judgments cannot be imposed on others.
Sure they did but they did not make sure we had rights to protect perversions.
Just because you say something is a perversion doesn't mean it is a perversion.
It is it's also abnormal

  1. 1.
    the alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.
  1. deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.

Then don't get involved in a homosexual relationship. It's as simple as that.

However you don't have the right to tell anyone else how to live their lives.

You can choose for you but no one else. Everyone else gets to choose for themselves.

Freedom. It works.
Bitch what in the fuck makes you think I would?
Abnormal people need to be locked away for the safety of humanity.
Except that it was in the state statutes. This did not even become an issue until you right-wing bigots found out that "the faggoes" were daring to get married, and claim the same rights, and privileges as respectable, normal people. Then you ran to your legislations and changed the definition by adding a restriction. The right was always expressed. It was you fuckers that tried to remove that protection with the law. That was when you overstepped the Federal Constitution.

It didnt have to state it, because it was never considered. The intent was always for it to be between a man and a woman.
You are confusing religious marriage with partnerships under contract via marriage license as regulated by government.

Show some proof of a marriage license being offered to same sex couples in the US (besides cases of fraud) prior to the current few decades.

that's pretty meaningless. slavery used to be legal. would you use that as a defense of slavery in this day and age. what is appropriate under the law changes. that is why we talk about the constitution being a living document. I know that offends the right, but it's the truth. what equal protection means can change.

its only living by being amended via the amendment process. What we are doing now is taking "interpretation" and turning it into a cheap hooker version of the amendment process. So the whims of the few become imposed on the many.

no. it's living by how words are defined. "due process" has no meaning without case law. Unreasonable search and seizure has no meaning without case law. what defines those terms are changing mores.
All you had to say was "no" you have no study and can produce only anal in those pulled out of your ass.

See, because there ARE studies that show that our children are at no disadvantage to yours and that children need parents, not parents of the opposite gender.
I just gave you the elements of study. Empirical data. You act like the Black Knight after he had his limbs severed.

Sorry but your anecdotal story is not evidence. The actual facts are that our children are at no disadvantage to yours. All studies show that children do best with two parents, period. The gender of the two parents has to effect on outcomes.
Those studies are full of shit, common sense tells you that kids having a balance of both a male and female role model will obviously give the child a better perspective.

You can't pick and choose which scientific studies are valid just because you don't agree with their results. You have to pick and choose which scientific studies are valid based on their methods and the fitness of the data. If these studies are done properly, are rigorous, and the methodology is sound you can't just invalidate or ignore them in one big sweep without analyzing them simply because the results don't fit with your beliefs. That is simply bias. Recognize bias and minimize it.
Yes I can, studies that show two people of the same sex as parents is just as good as two of the opposite sex, goes against common sense.
As children age, they benefit from gaining the perspective of both sexes. Out in the real world they will be learning, playing, working with both sexes. It only makes sense that being raised by both gives them that balance that is needed in life.

and yet studies do not show any difference in parenting success based on whether the parents are same or opposite gender. studies do show that being wanted and nurtured benefit children.
No it's not. None of the rights and privileges have anything to do with child rearing. They are all about recognizing, and protecting people who are committed to spending their lives together. Procreation has nothing to do with it. The fact is there are many many things that homosexual couples are not allowed to do, simply because repressive bigots keep wanting to dismiss them because they don't happen to like their lifestyle.
You're full of lefty conditioning, aren't you? I don't care if homos want to figuratively marry or do whatever they want to do -- in private. That's real tolerance, not bigotry. Using the gov to force others to acquiesce to and grant privileges, including the counterproductive and potentially harmful privilege of adoption, in the name of that personal behavior choice, is extremely intolerant and bigoted. You have the shoe planted squarely on the wrong foot.

We can already adopt and have children. God you people are really stupid in your bigotry.

Please explain how explaining that same sex coupling, like masturbating, cannot make babies is bigotry?

Stopping there isn't. When you say we shouldn't be able to legally marry because of that is where it becomes bigotry...but you knew that.

Am I also bigoted when I said that lawyers shouldn't be able to legally perform brain surgery?

Nope...just an idiot for coming up with unrelated analogies.

It would be more like giving licenses to practice law only to straight lawyers.
the founders made sure that your religious judgments cannot be imposed on others.
Sure they did but they did not make sure we had rights to protect perversions.
Just because you say something is a perversion doesn't mean it is a perversion.
It is it's also abnormal

  1. 1.
    the alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.
  1. deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.

Then don't get involved in a homosexual relationship. It's as simple as that.

However you don't have the right to tell anyone else how to live their lives.

You can choose for you but no one else. Everyone else gets to choose for themselves.

Freedom. It works.
Bitch what in the fuck makes you think I would?
Abnormal people need to be locked away for the safety of humanity.

Insane people like you that believe gays are a danger to humanity should seek professional help for sure.
Did your state ratify it via legislative action, or judicial fiat?

And facts can't be bigoted.

Facts can't be, but you saying that marriage between gays and marriage between heterosexuals isn't equal IS bigoted. In half the states now it is equal. Can you explain why you believe that my civil marriage license should be treated differently than yours?

Again, if it was passed by your state legislature, it should be legally equal. If it was created via judicial fiat, it is tainted by the use of courts to create something out of thin air.

The two forms of marriage are not the same thing. It's not bigoted to point it out, its realistic.
It's not the same thing. But it is bigoted to allow one form but not another for consenting adults.

Then do it the right way, by petitioning your state legislature to change the law defining the marriage contract, and not by whipping up some right out of thin air.

Civil rights and equal protection under the law isn't whipping some right out of thin air.

equal protection isn't "whip[ed] out of thin air". marriage is a fundamental right. (see Loving v Virginia). The government needs a damn good reason for restricting the right. bigotry isn't a good enough reason. if not for the court, anti-myscegenation laws would still be legal and people like you would be whining that the change had to come from the legislature and not the court.
Sure they did but they did not make sure we had rights to protect perversions.
Just because you say something is a perversion doesn't mean it is a perversion.
It is it's also abnormal

  1. 1.
    the alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.
  1. deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.

Then don't get involved in a homosexual relationship. It's as simple as that.

However you don't have the right to tell anyone else how to live their lives.

You can choose for you but no one else. Everyone else gets to choose for themselves.

Freedom. It works.
Bitch what in the fuck makes you think I would?
Abnormal people need to be locked away for the safety of humanity.

Insane people like you that believe gays are a danger to humanity should seek professional help for sure.
Insanity is thinking abnormal is a good thing you freak.
The far right might think it has the right to tell the rest of us how to live but is learning that it can't make it happen anymore.

which is why they aren't anything but one huge temper tantrum.
yep the queens screamed and yelled until a god damn judge let them have their cookie and cream

A judge? There were like a score of rulings for equality. How many against?

Anyone? Anyone? Bheuler?
The far right might think it has the right to tell the rest of us how to live but is learning that it can't make it happen anymore.

which is why they aren't anything but one huge temper tantrum.
yep the queens screamed and yelled until a god damn judge let them have their cookie and cream

A judge? There were like a score of rulings for equality. How many against?

Anyone? Anyone? Bheuler?
there is no god damn constitution right that allows queens to lock up and suck dick as husband and bitch
Of course you can produce a study that supports your claim that children need a mother and father?
I live it. Everyday. Look at every predominantly black locale in this country and you'll see what a majority of unstructured families does. And it's not poverty. Where I live the median household income is $20k higher than the national. He schools are failing and the crime rate is the highest.
Granting adoption to homos adds to that problem. Move forward.

All you had to say was "no" you have no study and can produce only anal in those pulled out of your ass.

See, because there ARE studies that show that our children are at no disadvantage to yours and that children need parents, not parents of the opposite gender.
I just gave you the elements of study. Empirical data. You act like the Black Knight after he had his limbs severed.

Sorry but your anecdotal story is not evidence. The actual facts are that our children are at no disadvantage to yours. All studies show that children do best with two parents, period. The gender of the two parents has to effect on outcomes.
Those studies are full of shit, common sense tells you that kids having a balance of both a male and female role model will obviously give the child a better perspective.

Right...dozens of studies and position statements from EVERY major medical, child welfare and psychological organization are "full of shit" because ya'll need to feel like "the man". :lol:
Just because you say something is a perversion doesn't mean it is a perversion.
It is it's also abnormal

  1. 1.
    the alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.
  1. deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.

Then don't get involved in a homosexual relationship. It's as simple as that.

However you don't have the right to tell anyone else how to live their lives.

You can choose for you but no one else. Everyone else gets to choose for themselves.

Freedom. It works.
Bitch what in the fuck makes you think I would?
Abnormal people need to be locked away for the safety of humanity.

Insane people like you that believe gays are a danger to humanity should seek professional help for sure.
Insanity is thinking abnormal is a good thing you freak.

hush, child: take these pills, drink the warm milk, or you get to wear the funny jacket with the ties on the back. hush, child.

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