Breaking News: Supreme Court Has Chosen Not To Hear Any Of The 7 Marriage Equality Cases.

I would very much like to have people practice their religion and harm no one....but when they try to codify their religion into law, making law that discriminates against others....that IS harm.

The only harm codified by law is harming the religious people, not you.
Again, how, exactly, does allowing gay people to marry hurt you. You keep trouting out this rhetorical general claim. But, every time you are cahllenged to provide details, you just pretend the question wasn't asked...
I think he's saying... it's not himself that he's defending it's the rights of the bigots to choose whether gays can get married in their own state that he's defending.

I was at that stage myself a couple years back. The stage between being a bigot against gay marriage and thinking well it's ok for others to be bigots if that's how they want to live.

may I ask what changed your mind?
Hard to explain...

In a sentence: Personal introspection, observation, and understanding of the needs and desires of others as a reflection of my own personal needs and desires. In short, I put my feet in their shoes.

I think of myself as a champion of the weak and a defender of liberty justice and the American way of life. How can I do that and let people get away with bullying gays, I asked myself... That's when I chose to switch to libertarian politics. Seems really clear to me now... I don't have an excuse for my racial bigotry or homophobic bigotry when I was younger. Call it peer pressure and ingrained social behavior if you like.

thank you for your response. i appreciate and respect your journey. kudos
the founders made sure that your religious judgments cannot be imposed on others.
Sure they did but they did not make sure we had rights to protect perversions.
Just because you say something is a perversion doesn't mean it is a perversion.
It is it's also abnormal

  1. 1.
    the alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.
  1. deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.

Then don't get involved in a homosexual relationship. It's as simple as that.

However you don't have the right to tell anyone else how to live their lives.

You can choose for you but no one else. Everyone else gets to choose for themselves.

Freedom. It works.
Bitch what in the fuck makes you think I would?
Abnormal people need to be locked away for the safety of humanity.
Locking up a nut like you would be a good start.
Sure they did but they did not make sure we had rights to protect perversions.
Just because you say something is a perversion doesn't mean it is a perversion.
It is it's also abnormal

  1. 1.
    the alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.
  1. deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.

Then don't get involved in a homosexual relationship. It's as simple as that.

However you don't have the right to tell anyone else how to live their lives.

You can choose for you but no one else. Everyone else gets to choose for themselves.

Freedom. It works.
Bitch what in the fuck makes you think I would?
Abnormal people need to be locked away for the safety of humanity.
Locking up a nut like you would be a good start.
Insanity you fucking little freak is thinking being abnormal is a good thing
The far right might think it has the right to tell the rest of us how to live but is learning that it can't make it happen anymore.

which is why they aren't anything but one huge temper tantrum.
yep the queens screamed and yelled until a god damn judge let them have their cookie and cream

A judge? There were like a score of rulings for equality. How many against?

Anyone? Anyone? Bheuler?
there is no god damn constitution right that allows queens to lock up and suck dick as husband and bitch
That why you hate gays so much? You were forced to suck it in the pen?
The far right might think it has the right to tell the rest of us how to live but is learning that it can't make it happen anymore.

which is why they aren't anything but one huge temper tantrum.
yep the queens screamed and yelled until a god damn judge let them have their cookie and cream

A judge? There were like a score of rulings for equality. How many against?

Anyone? Anyone? Bheuler?
there is no god damn constitution right that allows queens to lock up and suck dick as husband and bitch
That why you hate gays so much? You were forced to suck it in the pen?
Freak I would take up your sick habits nor have I been in the pen maybe you have.
Fucking freak.
which is why they aren't anything but one huge temper tantrum.
yep the queens screamed and yelled until a god damn judge let them have their cookie and cream

A judge? There were like a score of rulings for equality. How many against?

Anyone? Anyone? Bheuler?
there is no god damn constitution right that allows queens to lock up and suck dick as husband and bitch
That why you hate gays so much? You were forced to suck it in the pen?
Freak I would take up your sick habits nor have I been in the pen maybe you have.
Fucking freak.
As a heterosexual married white man with 4 kids, please describe how this issue deserves my attention. How is it a threat to me?
You're full of lefty conditioning, aren't you? I don't care if homos want to figuratively marry or do whatever they want to do -- in private. That's real tolerance, not bigotry. Using the gov to force others to acquiesce to and grant privileges, including the counterproductive and potentially harmful privilege of adoption, in the name of that personal behavior choice, is extremely intolerant and bigoted. You have the shoe planted squarely on the wrong foot.

We can already adopt and have children. God you people are really stupid in your bigotry.

Please explain how explaining that same sex coupling, like masturbating, cannot make babies is bigotry?

Stopping there isn't. When you say we shouldn't be able to legally marry because of that is where it becomes bigotry...but you knew that.

Am I also bigoted when I said that lawyers shouldn't be able to legally perform brain surgery?

Nope...just an idiot for coming up with unrelated analogies.

It would be more like giving licenses to practice law only to straight lawyers.

Sillywytch just don't get it.
I have nothing against gay marriage going forward via the state legislatures changing the laws for the marriage contracts, If put to a vote I would vote for it. What I oppose is using judicial fiat via activist judges, and the subsequent use of PA laws to crush people of faith.

so are you going to allow your ability to own a gun be contingent on a popular vote of your city or state?
We can already adopt and have children. God you people are really stupid in your bigotry.

Please explain how explaining that same sex coupling, like masturbating, cannot make babies is bigotry?

Stopping there isn't. When you say we shouldn't be able to legally marry because of that is where it becomes bigotry...but you knew that.

Am I also bigoted when I said that lawyers shouldn't be able to legally perform brain surgery?

Nope...just an idiot for coming up with unrelated analogies.

It would be more like giving licenses to practice law only to straight lawyers.

Sillywytch just don't get it.

please let us know when you have something to say that is above the level of a pre-schooler
Facts can't be, but you saying that marriage between gays and marriage between heterosexuals isn't equal IS bigoted. In half the states now it is equal. Can you explain why you believe that my civil marriage license should be treated differently than yours?

Again, if it was passed by your state legislature, it should be legally equal. If it was created via judicial fiat, it is tainted by the use of courts to create something out of thin air.

The two forms of marriage are not the same thing. It's not bigoted to point it out, its realistic.
It's not the same thing. But it is bigoted to allow one form but not another for consenting adults.

Then do it the right way, by petitioning your state legislature to change the law defining the marriage contract, and not by whipping up some right out of thin air.

Civil rights and equal protection under the law isn't whipping some right out of thin air.

Yes, it is.

The constitution isn't thin air.

You can say it is all day long but just saying it doesn't make it true or reality.

You're just showing me that you're another conservative who hates our constitution and what America stands for.
All you had to say was "no" you have no study and can produce only anal in those pulled out of your ass.

See, because there ARE studies that show that our children are at no disadvantage to yours and that children need parents, not parents of the opposite gender.
I just gave you the elements of study. Empirical data. You act like the Black Knight after he had his limbs severed.

Sorry but your anecdotal story is not evidence. The actual facts are that our children are at no disadvantage to yours. All studies show that children do best with two parents, period. The gender of the two parents has to effect on outcomes.
Those studies are full of shit, common sense tells you that kids having a balance of both a male and female role model will obviously give the child a better perspective.

You can't pick and choose which scientific studies are valid just because you don't agree with their results. You have to pick and choose which scientific studies are valid based on their methods and the fitness of the data. If these studies are done properly, are rigorous, and the methodology is sound you can't just invalidate or ignore them in one big sweep without analyzing them simply because the results don't fit with your beliefs. That is simply bias. Recognize bias and minimize it.
Yes I can, studies that show two people of the same sex as parents is just as good as two of the opposite sex, goes against common sense.
As children age, they benefit from gaining the perspective of both sexes. Out in the real world they will be learning, playing, working with both sexes. It only makes sense that being raised by both gives them that balance that is needed in life.

Common sense does not definitively equal accurate and truthful information. We all have biases. That you idisregard science when it doesn't agree with your beliefs is bias. We would all do well to minimize bias.
which is why they aren't anything but one huge temper tantrum.
yep the queens screamed and yelled until a god damn judge let them have their cookie and cream

A judge? There were like a score of rulings for equality. How many against?

Anyone? Anyone? Bheuler?
there is no god damn constitution right that allows queens to lock up and suck dick as husband and bitch
That why you hate gays so much? You were forced to suck it in the pen?
Freak I would take up your sick habits nor have I been in the pen maybe you have.
Fucking freak.
Awwww...poor's getting ready for NC gay marriage working for you? :D
Don't discuss empirical data, far righties, because you look silly dressed in confirmation bias.
Moron...we get the tax breaks for the kids regardless of whether we are married or not.
Dumbass, homos can't have kids together.

You mean they have to adopt kids, use IVF or artificial insemination just like millions of straight couples? No shit. Does that change the FACT that gays do have children that are legally and emotionally "theirs"? No, it does not, but keep talking and looking more moronic, please.
The heteros provide children the mother and father that is necessary for ideal child raising. That makes the difference as far as contrived conception of family creation. Homos intentionally deprive a kid not only of its true parents but of the opportunity to be raised by a mom and dad. That is probably too progressive and current for you to understand as you are a rigidly conservative lefty stuck in the 1960's.
That's crap. There has been only one study that came to this finding, and if that study is to be your guide, then you also need to lobby to abolish all divorce, as well as to require all unwed mothers to have their children removed, and placed in "traditional" homes, as this study made no distinction between homosexual couples, single mothers, and single fathers. Are you prepared to lobby for those changes as well?

No study that made direct comparison between homosexual couples, and heterosexual couples have found any major deficiencies among children raised by homosexual couples.
You are an out of touch, neocon lefty. Move forward with us true progressives and see what the prevalence of unstructured families has done to this society in the past forty years. This is a recent phenomenon. You need to progress and move forward to be truly aware. Don't rely on backwards, stodgy left wing propaganda.
Kids are best suited with their two actual parents or a facsimile thereof. Not one of either or two of either. One of each.
Moron...we get the tax breaks for the kids regardless of whether we are married or not.
Dumbass, homos can't have kids together.

You mean they have to adopt kids, use IVF or artificial insemination just like millions of straight couples? No shit. Does that change the FACT that gays do have children that are legally and emotionally "theirs"? No, it does not, but keep talking and looking more moronic, please.
The heteros provide children the mother and father that is necessary for ideal child raising. That makes the difference as far as contrived conception of family creation. Homos intentionally deprive a kid not only of its true parents but of the opportunity to be raised by a mom and dad. That is probably too progressive and current for you to understand as you are a rigidly conservative lefty stuck in the 1960's.
That's crap. There has been only one study that came to this finding, and if that study is to be your guide, then you also need to lobby to abolish all divorce, as well as to require all unwed mothers to have their children removed, and placed in "traditional" homes, as this study made no distinction between homosexual couples, single mothers, and single fathers. Are you prepared to lobby for those changes as well?

No study that made direct comparison between homosexual couples, and heterosexual couples have found any major deficiencies among children raised by homosexual couples.
You are an out of touch, neocon lefty. Move forward with us true progressives and see what the prevalence of unstructured families has done to this society in the past forty years. This is a recent phenomenon. You need to progress and move forward to be truly aware. Don't rely on backwards, stodgy left wing propaganda.
Kids are best suited with their two actual parents or a facsimile thereof. Not one of either or two of either. One of each.
Why? Because you say so? Sorry. Declarations without actual evidence is simply rheteoric, and it takes more than rhetoric to sway people of reason.
Some of these deniers of marriage equality of illusions of logical sufficiency when posting here.

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