Breaking News: Supreme Court Has Chosen Not To Hear Any Of The 7 Marriage Equality Cases.

How is having the EXACT rights but calling one a Civil Union and the other a marriage treating you differently.... You also bothered by being call a queer, when that is the dictionary definition of what you are?

Because civil marriage for straights, civil unions for gays isn't exactly the same. Did the same water come out of both of these fountains?


Why yes it did and yet separate water fountains are unconstitutional just as setting up Civil Unions for gays and Civil Marriage for straights would be. What would not be unconstitutional is Civil Unions for all non familial consenting adult couples or Civil Marriage for all non familial consenting adult couples.

I have a legal, civil marriage license issued by my state. There is no valid reason to treat my legal civil marriage license any differently than yours is treated...except for discrimination based on animus.

And since black and whites have EXACTLY the same rights, we should call blacks, white, and vice versa..... are they different? :ahole-1:
You do get that your whole argument hinges on your own incorrect definition of marriage, right? I even showed you that "man and woman" is not, and never has been a requirement for the contract, or the definition. That addition is a purely religious one, while the institution of marriage is a secular, civil one.

How many jet pilot licenses were issue prior to the invention of jet aircraft?

Hmmmm, guess there was no need as no one would have ever
The question becomes of course, "who invented marriage". Now, since the social practice of taking a spouse existed long before formal theology, I would submit that it was always a civil, secular invention. Which means that any qualifications for "legitimacy" that any religion added to the contract is only valid for the followers of that religion. Guess what? No one is demanding that any religious organization "recognize" the marriages of these couples; only that government, an d businesses do.
Was she known as big mouth in high school? That birth musta been a sight to see

Any other fairy tales?

You really should make sure that you are aware of what is going on in the real world, before making snarky comments that just make you sound like an unfinformed dickwad:

Oral Sex Leads To Child Support

That crazy sperm plus egg thing again

Gosh, only possible with a male and a female.

Completely missing the point that your "masturbation" resulted in a pregnancy, but okay. My, you do keep changing the goalposts in order to keep your ignorance alive, don't you?

I pity you, I really do

A man can masturbate and spread that goo al over his boyfriend all freaking day and end up with a goo stained boyfriend. He can do that 24/7/365 and end up the same every day

A man can apply the same to a women and the risk of what??


but children that must get their own way discount that as not changing the dynamics of the different demographic groups.

So sad for you.

And there you go, returning to the same, stupid, "If you can't produce offspring, your marriage is less valid" argument. Why? Why do you hate sterile, and infertile people. You can insist that your argument doesn't include them all you want, but the fact is, it does. That's why it's a stupid argument.

You really should find a different argument, because every time you use this one, it just makes you sound stupid, and hateful.

Link to where I said sterile male/female couples can't marry.

I find it distasteful to discriminate based on disability or age.

Are you making the argument that gay couplings never produce children because of a disability?
Only same sex couplings require a turkey baster though.

Your silly response seems to suggest that you keep missing the first, most important part of Jake's argument. So, I thought I would help you out, and make it stand out for you...

Says nutjobs that can't create children within their unions.

Too bad, so sad

Again showing the incredibly different dynamics between the two demographic groups

I would never ignore Jake, would be like ignoring a cute lil puppy. Nope, can't do it.

Jake, here's a biscuit

Good boy
Actually so says 7 different Federal Circuit courts. Sorry, they trump you.

No. Actually, I don't recall a single court, ever, that supported the argument that procreation was the reason for marriage. Some Religions have; but I don't know of a court that has.

We already know that you favor incest, but tell me sumthin cowboy?

If procreation is not part of legal marriage, then why deny the right for a father/daughter marriage.

Waiting your response that no doubt will require increased and colorful bolded fonts.
Yes. which still involves self-gratification. You just happen to be gratifying yourself, with someone else there. It is still you diddling yourself, and has nothing to do with sexual caontact with another person.

Since you seem to be a bit slow, look up masturbation, coitus, and sodomy, and you will see the differences between the three.

Do you really think I give a rats butt how you, them or anyone gets off?

Life, get one

Only one type, between opposing sexes, makes babies.

And as a point of reference, that form, performed by that certain demographic is all that is required for our species to exist.

How freaking awesome is that!
it's not just is ...

Hmmm, interesting. Dopey, but interesting
dopey meaning it's beyond you pay grade.

Dopey, like.......

Short and slow witted I suppose
you admit that in public?
Link to where I said sterile male/female couples can't marry.

I find it distasteful to discriminate based on disability or age.

Are you making the argument that gay couplings never produce children because of a disability?
The fact that you insist that procreation is a requirement for a "legitimate" marriage says that for you, whether you intended for it to, or not. This is why one should always be careful, when making an argument, that that argument doesn't have consequences that were unintended.

Now, if you want to keep making the "marriage requires procreation" argument, you go right ahead. But, every time you do, I'm gonna be right there to remind you that you just dismissed thousands of sterile heterosexuals right along with your hateful argument against homosexuals.
The center elects presidents, not the far right, and the center thinks the far right is full of crap.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Your problem is that you actually believe the shit that you post. YOUR KIND is why I keep referring to the 2 digit IQ's! You, son, are simply brainwashed by the propaganda you read and hear! Too much television! Perhaps when you grow up, but I honestly doubt it!

You have described your confirmation bias in projecting on me, a common failing of the far right and far left true believers.

More bullshit from the deranged! You would have made Jim Jones proud!
He met "influential" members of the community and was befriended by Walter Heady, the head of the local chapter of the John Birch Society.<101> He used the members of his "church" to organize local voting drives for Richard Nixon's election, and worked closely with the republican party.<102> He was even appointed chairman of the county grand jury.<103>
Jim Jones was a Republican - Democratic Underground
Yes. which still involves self-gratification. You just happen to be gratifying yourself, with someone else there. It is still you diddling yourself, and has nothing to do with sexual caontact with another person.

Since you seem to be a bit slow, look up masturbation, coitus, and sodomy, and you will see the differences between the three.

Do you really think I give a rats butt how you, them or anyone gets off?

Life, get one

Only one type, between opposing sexes, makes babies.

And as a point of reference, that form, performed by that certain demographic is all that is required for our species to exist.

How freaking awesome is that!
As your friend Vigilante pointed out, WORDS HAVE MEANING. So, if you insist on perverting the meanings of words in order to add emotional impact to your silly arguments, you can expect to have your idiocy pointed out to you.

As far as your stupid procreation argument goes, in case you missed it, your guys already tried that in court, several times, and got laughed out of the court rooms by the judges! It was, and remains, a stupid argument that holds no validity whatsoever.

So you can keep screaming, "BUT GAYS CAN'T MAKE BABIES!!!!" as many times as you like. It still won't make you sound any less stupid.

Gays can have babies

You slow or what ?
Why?....You don't recognize that there IS a difference between these? Let's call an apple an orange!:crybaby::cuckoo:
Except, in the eyes of the law, there isn't. A marriage is a marriage is a marriage. It doesn't matter if it was achieved through A religious ceremony, a Justice of the Peace, or the Fake Elvis down at Billy Bob's Marriage Emporium in Vegas. They are all marriages, and they are all recognised by the government as valid.

(Note for clarity: I just made up Billy Bob's Marriage Emporium as an example. I don't really know if that particular venue exists, only that it represents a typical type of venue that does exist in Vegas.)

Wrong, and the court is wrong for NOT following the definition of marriage! A man and a woman, anything else is NOT a marriage, if anything it LEGAL and affords all the same benefits BUT it is a civil union!

The marriage of a man to a woman has a far different dynamic than man to a man or a woman to a woman.
no not really...the day to day STUFF is exactly the same.....

Oh brother......

Funny you can't even admit the difference
because in the day to day stuff there is none..
do gays collect the mail differently? or cook differently ?
Do you really think I give a rats butt how you, them or anyone gets off?

Life, get one

Only one type, between opposing sexes, makes babies.

And as a point of reference, that form, performed by that certain demographic is all that is required for our species to exist.

How freaking awesome is that!
it's not just is ...

Hmmm, interesting. Dopey, but interesting
dopey meaning it's beyond you pay grade.

Dopey, like.......

Short and slow witted I suppose
you admit that in public?

I hate to, but yes, I admit you are short and slow witted.

Damn, that hurt
Your silly response seems to suggest that you keep missing the first, most important part of Jake's argument. So, I thought I would help you out, and make it stand out for you...

Says nutjobs that can't create children within their unions.

Too bad, so sad

Again showing the incredibly different dynamics between the two demographic groups

I would never ignore Jake, would be like ignoring a cute lil puppy. Nope, can't do it.

Jake, here's a biscuit

Good boy
Actually so says 7 different Federal Circuit courts. Sorry, they trump you.

No. Actually, I don't recall a single court, ever, that supported the argument that procreation was the reason for marriage. Some Religions have; but I don't know of a court that has.

We already know that you favor incest, but tell me sumthin cowboy?

If procreation is not part of legal marriage, then why deny the right for a father/daughter marriage.

Waiting your response that no doubt will require increased and colorful bolded fonts.

You're asking the wrong guy that, Sparky. I already said that I think doing so is wrong, and discriminatory.

Moving on...
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Your problem is that you actually believe the shit that you post. YOUR KIND is why I keep referring to the 2 digit IQ's! You, son, are simply brainwashed by the propaganda you read and hear! Too much television! Perhaps when you grow up, but I honestly doubt it!

You have described your confirmation bias in projecting on me, a common failing of the far right and far left true believers.

More bullshit from the deranged! You would have made Jim Jones proud!
He met "influential" members of the community and was befriended by Walter Heady, the head of the local chapter of the John Birch Society.<101> He used the members of his "church" to organize local voting drives for Richard Nixon's election, and worked closely with the republican party.<102> He was even appointed chairman of the county grand jury.<103>
Jim Jones was a Republican - Democratic Underground
Do you really think I give a rats butt how you, them or anyone gets off?

Life, get one

Only one type, between opposing sexes, makes babies.

And as a point of reference, that form, performed by that certain demographic is all that is required for our species to exist.

How freaking awesome is that!
As your friend Vigilante pointed out, WORDS HAVE MEANING. So, if you insist on perverting the meanings of words in order to add emotional impact to your silly arguments, you can expect to have your idiocy pointed out to you.

As far as your stupid procreation argument goes, in case you missed it, your guys already tried that in court, several times, and got laughed out of the court rooms by the judges! It was, and remains, a stupid argument that holds no validity whatsoever.

So you can keep screaming, "BUT GAYS CAN'T MAKE BABIES!!!!" as many times as you like. It still won't make you sound any less stupid.

Gays can have babies

You slow or what ?
Except, in the eyes of the law, there isn't. A marriage is a marriage is a marriage. It doesn't matter if it was achieved through A religious ceremony, a Justice of the Peace, or the Fake Elvis down at Billy Bob's Marriage Emporium in Vegas. They are all marriages, and they are all recognised by the government as valid.

(Note for clarity: I just made up Billy Bob's Marriage Emporium as an example. I don't really know if that particular venue exists, only that it represents a typical type of venue that does exist in Vegas.)

Wrong, and the court is wrong for NOT following the definition of marriage! A man and a woman, anything else is NOT a marriage, if anything it LEGAL and affords all the same benefits BUT it is a civil union!

The marriage of a man to a woman has a far different dynamic than man to a man or a woman to a woman.
no not really...the day to day STUFF is exactly the same.....

Oh brother......

Funny you can't even admit the difference
because in the day to day stuff there is none..
do gays collect the mail differently? or cook differently ?

So, I ask again

A gay man takes birth control pills for?????
Says nutjobs that can't create children within their unions.

Too bad, so sad

Again showing the incredibly different dynamics between the two demographic groups

I would never ignore Jake, would be like ignoring a cute lil puppy. Nope, can't do it.

Jake, here's a biscuit

Good boy
Actually so says 7 different Federal Circuit courts. Sorry, they trump you.

No. Actually, I don't recall a single court, ever, that supported the argument that procreation was the reason for marriage. Some Religions have; but I don't know of a court that has.

We already know that you favor incest, but tell me sumthin cowboy?

If procreation is not part of legal marriage, then why deny the right for a father/daughter marriage.

Waiting your response that no doubt will require increased and colorful bolded fonts.

You're asking the wrong guy that, Sparky. I already said that I think doing so is wrong, and discriminatory.

Moving on...

^^fails to answer cuz it doesn't support his argument?^^

Movin on
Yes. which still involves self-gratification. You just happen to be gratifying yourself, with someone else there. It is still you diddling yourself, and has nothing to do with sexual caontact with another person.

Since you seem to be a bit slow, look up masturbation, coitus, and sodomy, and you will see the differences between the three.

Do you really think I give a rats butt how you, them or anyone gets off?

Life, get one

Only one type, between opposing sexes, makes babies.

And as a point of reference, that form, performed by that certain demographic is all that is required for our species to exist.

How freaking awesome is that!
As your friend Vigilante pointed out, WORDS HAVE MEANING. So, if you insist on perverting the meanings of words in order to add emotional impact to your silly arguments, you can expect to have your idiocy pointed out to you.

As far as your stupid procreation argument goes, in case you missed it, your guys already tried that in court, several times, and got laughed out of the court rooms by the judges! It was, and remains, a stupid argument that holds no validity whatsoever.

So you can keep screaming, "BUT GAYS CAN'T MAKE BABIES!!!!" as many times as you like. It still won't make you sound any less stupid.

Gays can have babies

You slow or what ?

Same sex's masturbating together never will

Gosh, what a huge difference
The guy who keeps proving that he doesn't know the definition of masturbation calling me slow is the height of irony. Sodomy is not masturbation. You can keep calling it that all you like, it doesn't make you sound any less stupid. Masturbation is the practice of self-gratification. Sodomy is the practice of anal sex. They are two different things, no matter how badly you would like to make them synonymous.

Masturbating in an anus is no different then masturbating on a pillow.

But hey, I don't do either, so what do I know aye ?
why would you need a pillow or an anus to spank the sausage?
when an imagination and a hand do just fine
Since you seemed to have missed it in your rants, Vigilante I'll ask again:

Why does it offend your sensibilities so to call the union of two gay people marriage? Does your marriage somehow become less sacred? Is your marriage somehow less important? Is your marriage affected in any way whatsoever? No? Then why does it offend you so?

Because it is not marriage, but I know what you're really digging for, you want me to state that you're immoral and perverse, and all sorts of other things so you can bash the Bible! But, I don't care if you bash the Bible, and I don't care if you are immoral, and perverse, you fucking another guy and having it a legal civil union, is DIFFERENT than me fucking a woman and having a legal marriage! Simple biology is the difference!

Sorry, but "biology" isn't a valid reason to treat me differently under the fact, it's blatantly discriminatory.

How is having the EXACT rights but calling one a Civil Union and the other a marriage treating you differently.... You also bothered by being call a queer, when that is the dictionary definition of what you are?

Because civil marriage for straights, civil unions for gays isn't exactly the same. Did the same water come out of both of these fountains?


Why yes it did and yet separate water fountains are unconstitutional just as setting up Civil Unions for gays and Civil Marriage for straights would be. What would not be unconstitutional is Civil Unions for all non familial consenting adult couples or Civil Marriage for all non familial consenting adult couples.

I have a legal, civil marriage license issued by my state. There is no valid reason to treat my legal civil marriage license any differently than yours is treated...except for discrimination based on animus.

And since black and whites have EXACTLY the same rights, we should call blacks, white, and vice versa..... are they different? :ahole-1:

Ah, you have no valid response to my question I see.
Do you really think I give a rats butt how you, them or anyone gets off?

Life, get one

Only one type, between opposing sexes, makes babies.

And as a point of reference, that form, performed by that certain demographic is all that is required for our species to exist.

How freaking awesome is that!
As your friend Vigilante pointed out, WORDS HAVE MEANING. So, if you insist on perverting the meanings of words in order to add emotional impact to your silly arguments, you can expect to have your idiocy pointed out to you.

As far as your stupid procreation argument goes, in case you missed it, your guys already tried that in court, several times, and got laughed out of the court rooms by the judges! It was, and remains, a stupid argument that holds no validity whatsoever.

So you can keep screaming, "BUT GAYS CAN'T MAKE BABIES!!!!" as many times as you like. It still won't make you sound any less stupid.

Gays can have babies

You slow or what ?

Same sex's masturbating together never will

Gosh, what a huge difference
The guy who keeps proving that he doesn't know the definition of masturbation calling me slow is the height of irony. Sodomy is not masturbation. You can keep calling it that all you like, it doesn't make you sound any less stupid. Masturbation is the practice of self-gratification. Sodomy is the practice of anal sex. They are two different things, no matter how badly you would like to make them synonymous.

Masturbating in an anus is no different then masturbating on a pillow.

But hey, I don't do either, so what do I know aye ?
why would you need a pillow or an anus to spank the sausage?
when an imagination and a hand do just fine

You have described your confirmation bias in projecting on me, a common failing of the far right and far left true believers.

More bullshit from the deranged! You would have made Jim Jones proud!
He met "influential" members of the community and was befriended by Walter Heady, the head of the local chapter of the John Birch Society.<101> He used the members of his "church" to organize local voting drives for Richard Nixon's election, and worked closely with the republican party.<102> He was even appointed chairman of the county grand jury.<103>
Jim Jones was a Republican - Democratic Underground
As your friend Vigilante pointed out, WORDS HAVE MEANING. So, if you insist on perverting the meanings of words in order to add emotional impact to your silly arguments, you can expect to have your idiocy pointed out to you.

As far as your stupid procreation argument goes, in case you missed it, your guys already tried that in court, several times, and got laughed out of the court rooms by the judges! It was, and remains, a stupid argument that holds no validity whatsoever.

So you can keep screaming, "BUT GAYS CAN'T MAKE BABIES!!!!" as many times as you like. It still won't make you sound any less stupid.

Gays can have babies

You slow or what ?
Wrong, and the court is wrong for NOT following the definition of marriage! A man and a woman, anything else is NOT a marriage, if anything it LEGAL and affords all the same benefits BUT it is a civil union!

The marriage of a man to a woman has a far different dynamic than man to a man or a woman to a woman.
no not really...the day to day STUFF is exactly the same.....

Oh brother......

Funny you can't even admit the difference
because in the day to day stuff there is none..
do gays collect the mail differently? or cook differently ?

So, I ask again

A gay man takes birth control pills for?????

Gay men use condoms. Is this breaking news to you? Get out more.
You have described your confirmation bias in projecting on me, a common failing of the far right and far left true believers.

More bullshit from the deranged! You would have made Jim Jones proud!
He met "influential" members of the community and was befriended by Walter Heady, the head of the local chapter of the John Birch Society.<101> He used the members of his "church" to organize local voting drives for Richard Nixon's election, and worked closely with the republican party.<102> He was even appointed chairman of the county grand jury.<103>
Jim Jones was a Republican - Democratic Underground
As your friend Vigilante pointed out, WORDS HAVE MEANING. So, if you insist on perverting the meanings of words in order to add emotional impact to your silly arguments, you can expect to have your idiocy pointed out to you.

As far as your stupid procreation argument goes, in case you missed it, your guys already tried that in court, several times, and got laughed out of the court rooms by the judges! It was, and remains, a stupid argument that holds no validity whatsoever.

So you can keep screaming, "BUT GAYS CAN'T MAKE BABIES!!!!" as many times as you like. It still won't make you sound any less stupid.

Gays can have babies

You slow or what ?
Wrong, and the court is wrong for NOT following the definition of marriage! A man and a woman, anything else is NOT a marriage, if anything it LEGAL and affords all the same benefits BUT it is a civil union!

The marriage of a man to a woman has a far different dynamic than man to a man or a woman to a woman.
no not really...the day to day STUFF is exactly the same.....

Oh brother......

Funny you can't even admit the difference
because in the day to day stuff there is none..
do gays collect the mail differently? or cook differently ?

So, I ask again

A gay man takes birth control pills for?????
got evidence for gay men taking birth control ? or are you just making shit up?:meow:
As your friend Vigilante pointed out, WORDS HAVE MEANING. So, if you insist on perverting the meanings of words in order to add emotional impact to your silly arguments, you can expect to have your idiocy pointed out to you.

As far as your stupid procreation argument goes, in case you missed it, your guys already tried that in court, several times, and got laughed out of the court rooms by the judges! It was, and remains, a stupid argument that holds no validity whatsoever.

So you can keep screaming, "BUT GAYS CAN'T MAKE BABIES!!!!" as many times as you like. It still won't make you sound any less stupid.

Gays can have babies

You slow or what ?

Same sex's masturbating together never will

Gosh, what a huge difference
The guy who keeps proving that he doesn't know the definition of masturbation calling me slow is the height of irony. Sodomy is not masturbation. You can keep calling it that all you like, it doesn't make you sound any less stupid. Masturbation is the practice of self-gratification. Sodomy is the practice of anal sex. They are two different things, no matter how badly you would like to make them synonymous.

Masturbating in an anus is no different then masturbating on a pillow.

But hey, I don't do either, so what do I know aye ?
why would you need a pillow or an anus to spank the sausage?
when an imagination and a hand do just fine

masturbation :there are those who do and those who lie about it ....
Actually so says 7 different Federal Circuit courts. Sorry, they trump you.

No. Actually, I don't recall a single court, ever, that supported the argument that procreation was the reason for marriage. Some Religions have; but I don't know of a court that has.

We already know that you favor incest, but tell me sumthin cowboy?

If procreation is not part of legal marriage, then why deny the right for a father/daughter marriage.

Waiting your response that no doubt will require increased and colorful bolded fonts.

You're asking the wrong guy that, Sparky. I already said that I think doing so is wrong, and discriminatory.

Moving on...

^^fails to answer cuz it doesn't support his argument?^^

Movin on
Actually fails to answer because it isn't my position. I don't think we should deny father/daughter marriages, if both are consenting adults. So why would you ask me why I think they should?
Because civil marriage for straights, civil unions for gays isn't exactly the same. Did the same water come out of both of these fountains?


Why yes it did and yet separate water fountains are unconstitutional just as setting up Civil Unions for gays and Civil Marriage for straights would be. What would not be unconstitutional is Civil Unions for all non familial consenting adult couples or Civil Marriage for all non familial consenting adult couples.

I have a legal, civil marriage license issued by my state. There is no valid reason to treat my legal civil marriage license any differently than yours is treated...except for discrimination based on animus.

And since black and whites have EXACTLY the same rights, we should call blacks, white, and vice versa..... are they different? :ahole-1:
You do get that your whole argument hinges on your own incorrect definition of marriage, right? I even showed you that "man and woman" is not, and never has been a requirement for the contract, or the definition. That addition is a purely religious one, while the institution of marriage is a secular, civil one.

How many jet pilot licenses were issue prior to the invention of jet aircraft?

Hmmmm, guess there was no need as no one would have ever
The question becomes of course, "who invented marriage". Now, since the social practice of taking a spouse existed long before formal theology, I would submit that it was always a civil, secular invention. Which means that any qualifications for "legitimacy" that any religion added to the contract is only valid for the followers of that religion. Guess what? No one is demanding that any religious organization "recognize" the marriages of these couples; only that government, an d businesses do.
You really should make sure that you are aware of what is going on in the real world, before making snarky comments that just make you sound like an unfinformed dickwad:

Oral Sex Leads To Child Support

That crazy sperm plus egg thing again

Gosh, only possible with a male and a female.

Completely missing the point that your "masturbation" resulted in a pregnancy, but okay. My, you do keep changing the goalposts in order to keep your ignorance alive, don't you?

I pity you, I really do

A man can masturbate and spread that goo al over his boyfriend all freaking day and end up with a goo stained boyfriend. He can do that 24/7/365 and end up the same every day

A man can apply the same to a women and the risk of what??


but children that must get their own way discount that as not changing the dynamics of the different demographic groups.

So sad for you.

And there you go, returning to the same, stupid, "If you can't produce offspring, your marriage is less valid" argument. Why? Why do you hate sterile, and infertile people. You can insist that your argument doesn't include them all you want, but the fact is, it does. That's why it's a stupid argument.

You really should find a different argument, because every time you use this one, it just makes you sound stupid, and hateful.

Link to where I said sterile male/female couples can't marry.

I find it distasteful to discriminate based on disability or age.

Are you making the argument that gay couplings never produce children because of a disability?

You don't wish to prohibit any "non procreating" adults with the exception of gay couples. That makes you, hands down, a bigot. Wear it proudly.
No. Actually, I don't recall a single court, ever, that supported the argument that procreation was the reason for marriage. Some Religions have; but I don't know of a court that has.

We already know that you favor incest, but tell me sumthin cowboy?

If procreation is not part of legal marriage, then why deny the right for a father/daughter marriage.

Waiting your response that no doubt will require increased and colorful bolded fonts.

You're asking the wrong guy that, Sparky. I already said that I think doing so is wrong, and discriminatory.

Moving on...

^^fails to answer cuz it doesn't support his argument?^^

Movin on
Actually fails to answer because it isn't my position. I don't think we should deny father/daughter marriages, if both are consenting adults. So why would you ask me why I think they should?
there is the little problem of genetic defects.
but hey adam and eve did it and so did noah .
if it's in the bible it's gotta be ok .right?
It's not marriage, it's a UNION!
Why do you think I give a shit what you want to call marriage? You can call marriage a union, a grouping, a coupling, or partnership, or any other thing for all I care.

Then if you don't give a shit, get out of this fucking discussion :ahole-1:
So you want heterosexual unions and homosexual unions and ban the use of the word marriage? Why do you want to be the "word" police, what emotional relationship do you have with the sequence of letters m a r r i a g e?

No, marriage is for different sex joining Civil Union is for same sex! Is this above your pay level?
Why can't a man and a woman enter a civil union? Are you discriminating against heterosexuals?
they can....
Since you seemed to have missed it in your rants, Vigilante I'll ask again:

Why does it offend your sensibilities so to call the union of two gay people marriage? Does your marriage somehow become less sacred? Is your marriage somehow less important? Is your marriage affected in any way whatsoever? No? Then why does it offend you so?

Because it is not marriage, but I know what you're really digging for, you want me to state that you're immoral and perverse, and all sorts of other things so you can bash the Bible! But, I don't care if you bash the Bible, and I don't care if you are immoral, and perverse, you fucking another guy and having it a legal civil union, is DIFFERENT than me fucking a woman and having a legal marriage! Simple biology is the difference!
"Simple biology" is the difference? Would you care to explain that?

Do you call a woman, a man, and vice versa?..... There is a difference, but I don't suck cock, so I DO know the difference!
Are men and women to be treated differently under the law? I thought we were past those days.

Goodby separate showers and bathrooms.

Gays want it that way, so be it
you know this how?
theres an extremely high probability everybody here has shared a shower and a toilet seat with a gay person...

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