Breaking news, the electoral college has just chosen Trump as the next President

And all these lies about how electors weren't going to elect trump. You are idiots to believe he wouldn't be prez. Sheatr dummies you are.

They can't even throw an election except for Bernie's. They lose even with Martin Sheen and Michael Moore. The Democratic Party should go back to trying to win local elections in rural areas of the country.
Whoop de doo, like we didn't know that wasn't going to happen..
Your depends were already well soiled from November...:lol:
Is that why you have been chewing on them this whole time??
I voted for Trump, so fuck off...
Yes...everyone did now...:rofl:
Hardly so, since he received the minority popular vote..

Swish, you didn't grasp what he said.

Were you at Woodstock too?
I'll bet by 2020, going to be real hard to find someone on this board who will brag about voting for the orange clown and his cabinet of incompetents.
It seems that only SHE lost electors. Who knew!

Trump is at 268 and Texas's ovah
Trump wins bigly! :)
Yes, he certainly does. He has the electoral college and the Russians vote. In the meantime, there was a plurality of over 2.8 million American Citizens that voted for Clinton.

Relevance? You think the candidates campaigned for the PV? Trump sure didn't, are you saying the ho actually did?
Whoop de doo, like we didn't know that wasn't going to happen..
Your depends were already well soiled from November...:lol:
Is that why you have been chewing on them this whole time??
I voted for Trump, so fuck off...
Yes...everyone did now...:rofl:
Hardly so, since he received the minority popular vote..

Swish, you didn't grasp what he said.

Were you at Woodstock too?
No, I was with Snoopy before Woodstock...
Lost the vote. Lost the recount. Lost the electoral vote.

Will dimwits finally get it? No.

Vote your heart. Vote your conscience.

Hey dimwit the electors DID.
Your depends were already well soiled from November...:lol:
Is that why you have been chewing on them this whole time??
I voted for Trump, so fuck off...
Yes...everyone did now...:rofl:
Hardly so, since he received the minority popular vote..

Swish, you didn't grasp what he said.

Were you at Woodstock too?
No, I was with Snoopy before Woodstock...

That sounded good to you?


Dixie Chicks Take Aim At Donald Trump With Defaced Poster At Concert

The Dixie Chicks Mock Donald Trump in Concert - People

I'm with the Dixie Chicks!
And the only electors so far that have went rogue, were ones tgat were supposed to cast votes for Hillary!!


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